Hellooo October!
I know a bunch of you out there are just as pumped as I am for this festive fall month. Bring on the cooler weather (if you don’t live in Florida), the changing leaves (if you don’t live in Florida) and the pumpkins (hallelujah, we have those)!
A quick glance at my calendar reveals that there is a lot to look forward to this month!
In chronological order:
- Ryan’s 30th birthday (This Saturday!!!)
- Terry & Janelle’s wedding in New Jersey
- Gettysburg with my family to visit my grandmothers
- Race for the Cure 5K
- Merri & Pete’s wedding in Sarasota
- Three year wedding anniversary
- Halloween
Though most of the upcoming events have been on my calendar for quite some time, the trip to Gettysburg popped up last minute and we just booked our flights last night. My grandma Mimi (the grandmother who makes the best sugar cookies in the world) is having some health concerns and my mom, dad, sister and I are planning a short visit to see her and my other grandma during this gorgeous time of year in Pennsylvania.
I was able to sneak a trip to Gettysburg in last year on the tail end of my trip to Baltimore for FitBloggin’ and am excited to return again this year. It’s a beautiful town and I’m more than ready for some quality time with my grandmothers.
But this weekend it’s off to New Jersey for a wedding! Ryan is the best man in Terry and Janelle’s wedding (on his 30th birthday!) and we’re arriving in New Brunswick early on Friday. I love traveling and I love weddings, so I am really looking forward to our time in New Jersey.
My first October workout took me to the gym at 5 a.m. for a leg workout that focused on heavier weights and drop sets. It was challenging and I have a feeling I am going to be quite sore tomorrow.
Breakfast this morning was similar to yesterday’s morning meal but incorporated more color!
Scrambled eggs + Chicken sausage + Sweet peppers + Broccoli
Served with an apple on the side.
Now it’s off to work! Tomorrow is the launch of the Livestrong program at our gym so there’s lots to do today!
Question of the Morning
- What is one thing you’re looking forward to in October?
I am looking forward to Halloween with my little boy. He is going to be Tigger! And I am hoping that he will be able to say Trick or Treat!! I am also looking forward to the Des Moines half marathon that Scott and I are running. 🙂 PS: I love those boots you have on in the 1st pic – can I ask where they are from??
Oh yes – I’m SO excited for October. This is definitely my favourite month of the year!
My birthday and my Mom’s birthday today, all the decorations, fashion, hot chocolate, Halloween, baking…I could go on why I love the month and it just so happens there are a few fun changes happening, so that’s also exciting!
It sounds like you’re going to have an awesome month too! Lots of fun things on the agenda!
I am running my first marathon on Oct. 12th and I will be heading your way at the end of the month for a week in Disney! Yippee! Hope you have a great day 😉
Prayers for your grandma!! Enjoy your time in PA!! I love it here. When I lived in Georgia (Valdosta) for a year about 10 years ago– I couldn’t WAIT to get home to Central PA!
Happy 30th to Ryan as well!! That was a rough one for me! lol
I live in New Brunswick!! I hope you have a great time at the wedding im SUCH a fan!
That’s so sweet your going to go see your grandma, I’m sure it will make her feel great seeing you! I’m looking forward to my grandma’s 80th birthday party this Sunday, a 10k next weekend and a Fall fest my cousin is planning at her house on the 26th!
I have to ask, do you put anything on your eggs? I am a ketchup & siracha lover so I was wondering whenever I see the picture bare of my crazy topping choices haha
October in Boise is the best. My favorite part is getting to run at anytime of the day and not have to work around the heat.
I am so jealous of how much you get to travel!
I am looking forward to a pumpkin painting party and scarf exchange party with friends!
what an exciting month!
congrats on your upcoming 3 year. My husband and i are celebrating our 3 year on October 9th…time flies, right?
Today is my daughter’s birthday and I’m super excited to celebrate that with her! I also love the weather change, the leaves turning beautiful colors, fall clothes and the smells of my Autumn candles. LOVE FALL!
Going to the corn maze at night is my favorite October tradition 🙂
I’m sorry to hear your grandmother is having health concerns but I’m so glad you have the opportunity to go visit her! It’s absolutely gorgeous up here in PA during October, so Gettysburg will be beautiful! I always look forward to pumpkin patches and Halloween!
Yay for October!!! Best time of the year by far 🙂 My favorite thing about October is how happy it makes everyone..everyone’s spirits seem to be extra lifted this month 🙂
Well, you certainly have a busy month planned! The one thing I’m looking forward to is my wedding anniversary coming up at the end of the month. Six years…woohoo!!!
Yay October!!! I’ve been getting the baking itch, definitely. Only problem is that I’m in a dorm and I have to buy all the ingredients AND THEN STORE THEM which is the biggest issue. Darn it
I am intrigued by your workout with using drop sets, do you mind posting your workout for me? Thanks Tam
If you have time, you should go to the apple harvest festival. Prayers to your grandma. Hope everything is ok.
Definitely the cooler, crisp air and the changing colors! Fall is my favorite season, but I wish it didn’t get dark so early =(
Ha your list reminds me of how I feel about fall in San Diego too! I just moved here and miss the east coast leaves!
ps. I’m doing a HEALTHtober challenge this month – check out my blog today for more info if you’re interested. 🙂
You have some fun trips coming up! Wahoo!
I am most looking forward to….the birth of my baby girl!! She is due next week, so we’re just stoked she’ll be here somewhat soon (hopefully) 😉
My anniversary is in October but I also love the fire place and boots! Polar Fleece sheets, sweaters, changing of the leaves, apple crisp…. I just love the month of october.
Fall is my favorite season so I’m excited October is here. I’m definitely looking forward to cooler temperatures. Sadly since I’m in California I don’t get to experience the changing of the leaves.
haha i feel you – i live in southern california, so we don’t really get to experience cooler weather (the news said that we’re expecting a “cool down” tomorrow, aka it’s going to be in the high 70s ;)). regardless, i still love october and, of course, all things pumpkin!!
have fun in new jersey this weekend AND happy early birthday to ryan! 🙂
I can’t wait to have my BABY this month. I’m due oct 24 with my second little boy and I’m so ready for him to get here!
I love Fall. It’s my favorite time of year. Like Florida, we don’t really get a huge change in weather here in SoCal but there are subtle differences that only a local would notice. Love it.
As for October, I’m looking forward to running a 10k this weekend, two weddings of close friends from college, and hanging out with my husband and enjoying our 15 week old golden retriever puppy.
Happy anniversary to you and good luck on the Live Strong program launch at your gym!
I have something exciting happening every weekend in October!! It’s going to be a great month. I get to see a friend from my internship and run a race with her, homecoming at my school is this month, I’m going to Nola and it’s my school’s annual Halloween block party. Can’t wait! It looks like October has some great things ahead for you, too. Hope your grandma is well.
Happy Early Anniversary!!! 🙂
I’m looking forward to cooler weather!
95 degrees in L.A. on the first of october is not cool 🙁
I’m running the Gettysburg Half this month! I’m from Harrisburg and I’ll be home for the weekend for a bridal shower, so I decided to tack it on to my race schedule. Can’t wait to try it, even though it’s hilly! Let me know if you end up running it.
As a resident of Ottawa, Canada, I am loving the cooler temperatures and the changing leaves 🙂
I’m looking forward to making some hearty dishes with the veggies in season this time of year! And, yes, that does include pumpkin haha
I’m really excited for my fourth road half marathon in Healdsburg in Sonoma’s wine country. It’s going to be beautiful!
I’m looking forward to my baby’s 1st halloween!!
I love Fall! Sounds like you have a great and busy October!! Happy early birthday to your hubby (in January my husband is the Best Man in his best friend’s wedding and it’s on his 31st birthday!) Hope your grandma feels well! I can’t wait for Halloween – even before kids I LOVED the holiday!!!
-Sammy @ peaceandloveandicecream.blogspot.com
Enjoy Gettysburg with your grandma! That’s awesome that you are going up to see her. Hopefully she starts feeling better :). And, I will most definitely be trying out her recipe. No promises that I will be able to do it justice though 🙂
I’m really looking forward to my anniversary with my fiancé. He’s planning activities for the day, and I’m planning dinner. Since he usually works weekends and I work Monday-Friday we rarely have days off together and he requested our anniversary off. I’m looking forward to some quality time together! I’m also looking forward to buying new boots! hah.
October is my favorite month! I’m actually going to be in Gettysburg twice this month (I live fairly close.) I’m not sure when you are going to be there, but the National Apple Harvest Festival is SO much fun! (http://www.appleharvest.com/) Have a great October!
Sounds like you have an awesome month coming up! I’m looking forward to my boyfriend’s birthday next week (with a surprise trip to brooklyn brewery here in nyc), pumpkin picking, and halloween house parties!
Happy almost b-day to Ryan. 30 is a big one! I love October because it really kicks off the holiday season – Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years! I love them all.
I love the fall! I have been singing it’s praises for a couple of weeks already. I love the leaves. I cannot wait until they are all red and orange and beautiful!
What a fun month planned! I’m looking forward to my in-laws visiting this weekend and going to a college football game in a few weeks!
Best wishes for your grandmother and a happy 30th to Ryan! I just had mine recently and it’s a big one 🙂
October is my favorite month of the year! I am looking forward to my brother and his wife coming up to the Hudson Valley to see where I live. We have a lot of fun things planned to soak in the fall in such a beautiful place!
Your breakfast looks delish! 🙂
I’m looking forward to my birthday on the 19th! (And my dad’s on the 21st! ….and a bunch of friends throughout the month!) So many October birthdays……
Good luck with the LiveSTRONG kickoff!
I’m racing this Saturday, best friend is getting married NEXT saturday, and then the saturday after that, I’m going to see my favorite singer in concert! busy busy!
I’m looking forward to Birthdays!! One of my nephews turns 5, my younger sister turns 30, and my Dad is turning 60!! Very much looking forward to celebrating some pretty special people:)
And Halloween of course;)
Hoping you and Ryan have a great time in Jersey. I actually live not too far from New Brunswick. You’ll be right in the heart of Rutgers U. New Brunswick has some amazing restaurants (not to mention the Rutgers grease trucks) so if you and Ryan can take advantage of a meal out, go for it, even if it’s at a diner (we got a lot of ’em here). Hope you have a great time. The leaves are starting to change color too. Although today it felt more like summer. 83 degrees, seriously? Crazy weather we have here. It can be really cold in the moring and evening so be sure to pack something warm (52 degrees has been the average).
I am SO looking forward to pumpkin treats, fall festivals, and most importantly- fall break in Florida!
Ahh what a great month you have planned! I’m most looking forward to the fall weather and to taking my first business trip to Chicago!
Clearly a side trip to State College is in order. Central PA is so beautiful and totally under-rated.
I was just in Gettysburg visiting both my Grandmother’s and reliving some childhood memories with my sisters. It truly is a special place and the best time of year!
You will be up in my neck of the woods!! Definitely pack some layers for your trip here! Maybe you’ll bring some fall weather with you! Hope your Grandmother is feeling well! 🙂
hey! i live in new jersey, less than an hour away from new brunswick! it is GORGEOUS up here!!!! fall is in full swing; the nights and mornings are chilly but the days are sunny and warm!
FALL in PA gorgeous!!! I literally go to valley forge park every other day, whether for a walk, a hike or most recent a bike ride! it’s my favorite time of year! 🙂