Guess who slept in until 8:30 this morning?
This girl!
That may be completely unamazing to you, but for me, sleeping past 7:15 a.m. on weekends is basically unheard of. My natural alarm clock, coupled with Crazy Sadie’s morning energy typically dictates a 7 a.m. wake up time, even on days I don’t have to wake up early.
Ryan and I were both psyched to have slept for so long.
Once we were finally out of bed, we wandered into the kitchen to enjoy a quick breakfast of Kashi Heart to Heart cereal before leashing up Sadie and heading to the Downtown Orlando Farmer’s Market. Sadie was ready to GO!
For those of you who have nut-job dogs like Sadie, Ryan and I absolutely love the Gentle Leader Easy Walk harness Sadie is wearing in the above picture. It prevents pulling without closing around Sadie’s neck. My mom found it for us more than a year ago and it made our walks with Sadie 10 times more pleasant. Highly recommended if your dog is a puller!
Please note the red hoodie Ryan is wearing. It was pulled out of storage a week or so ago and will likely be worn 1.5 million times this winter, as it is every winter. (*Proof*) Apparently it is the perfect hoodie. 😀
Oops, back to the Farmer’s Market…
We took the long way to the market, making a lap around the large lake before scoping out the goodies offered by local vendors. It was a rather dreary morning that turned into a beautiful day.
I think the rainy weather scared off some patrons, because Ryan, Sadie and I were among only a few people browsing around.
Well, there was one rather special guy there that I can’t forget to mention…
Santa! I know him! 😀
At the Farmer’s Market we purchased a bunch of produce to enjoy through the week before heading home. Unfortunately there were no carrots the size of my arm to buy this morning!
Shop ‘Til You Drop
After arriving home from the market, I changed and headed out for round one of Christmas shopping.
I hit up my favorite stores and found some quality winter clothes for myself while also picking up some presents for a couple of people on my list!
How is it that I always get blinded by the beautiful clothes while shopping for others and inevitably snag something for myself? The good thing is I am a huge bargain hunter and bought nearly everything on sale. Score!
While shopping, I meandered into le gourmet chef to scope out some yummy dips and holiday treats. I love that this store always has loads of free samples.
My favorite from today was the Robert Rothschild chocolate macaroon dip. Chocolate + coconut = Heavenly
I tried every single sample… multiple times. I think I was hungry for lunch, so I was hit by a snack attack in the middle of the store. Dips, salsas, queso, tortilla chips, animal crackers and chocolate cookie pretzels make a pretty darn good substitute lunch if ya ask me!
I spent some more time shopping before heading to Home Depot to have keys to our apartment made. Here’s the thing… I really don’t like going to Home Depot. It’s so boring and there is nothing fun to look at. At least it was a short trip!
I just arrived home and am about to head out to the grocery store with Ryan. We also need to nab some wrapping paper so I can wrap up some of these gifts so Ryan can’t see ‘em!
Aaaand we’re off!
Chocolate Macaroon Dip? Just when I think I’ve seen them all!
I may have to get that harness for our dog. She is such a puller! That can make walking her unpleasant at times.
it makes a HUGE difference. definitely worth a try!
Chocolate Macaroon dip sounds divine! 🙂 Yummy!
I don’t like Home Depot either. My father always drags me in there when I come home for breaks, just because he knows how much it bores me! Oh well, gotta love him. 😉
isn’t it the worst? whenever ryan makes me go with him he always buys me a treat… like a kit kat to share. 🙂 it makes it a little more bareable!
Yes! It is the WORST! Every time Mark goes to the Depot, I walk over to Target which is RIGHT next door, thank goodness. 😉
Oooh a chocolate macaroon dip?! Sounds like heaven! 🙂
I walk my dog with a harness too! I now can’t remember how I managed beforehand! 😛
Chocolate + coconut is the best! I bet that dip is amazing.
Home Depot is the worst! Not to mention it always smells like sawdust. Blah!
I went to le gourmet chef yesterday and did the exact same thing ate sample after sample, but then I did eat lunch as well!
We have that harness for our dog and it cuts back A LOT on pulling! I hate Home Depot for the same reasons as you. In fact, I usually stay in the car if my hubby needs to go there. 🙂
bahhaaha i LOVE the movie ELF!! 🙂 soo funnyy
Sounds like a fun day!
I LOVE le gourmet chef!! My dad actually just got us some stuff there for Christmas 😀
Sounds like you had a productive day!!!! I never sleep past 7 either! =D
Sadie always looks so cute! I swear she is the most photogenic dog ever.
I love that they put the tree up on Lake Eola- we saw them doing it from my office & I wanted to join in- haha 😀
I attempted shopping last night and ended up only buying for myself..hmm…whoops!
i love getting samples! yum!
i only find stuff for myself when i’m actually not looking for it…what’s up with that?! it’s great that you’re a huge bargain hunter though, speaking to my heart 🙂
I always automatically wake up before 8:00 too! I always get jealous of my friends who can manage to sleep until noon :P.
That dip looked reaaalllly tasty….. 🙂
I can’t sleep past 7 either on the weekends!
Sounds like you had an awesome day, and that macaroon dip? Amazing.
Robert Rothschild rocks my socks. You have got to try the Hot Pepper Raspberry Jam…on a cracker & topped with a slice of swiss cheese. This is my kryptonite. Heaven on a cracker. PS. I think they sell the jam at Heavenly Ham stores….I have to buy mine online – totally worth it though!
Chocolate macaroon dip sounds so yummy! Looks like you had a fun day! 🙂
That chocolate dip looks and sounds delcious! 🙂
My husband learned a long time ago that he goes to places like Home Depot and Lowe’s by himself!! Otherwise he has to hear me whine about when we are leaving… 😉
I am guilty!
I always end up shopping for myself when I Christmas shop!
This weekend I bought new booties. Sigh……
We were just at the Le Gourmet Chef the other day! I tried their pumpkin pie JUST like the real thing!
I think that you should give Home Depot a second chance! I have been working in a Scene Shop for my college theatre for three years, and every time I go into Home Depot I become completely enthralled with the possibilities for my dream home, my favorite wall colors, and all of the life size craft projects that I could do. I could spend hours in that store.