Pitiful little cone dog is doing quite well!
Doesn’t she look like the most depressed dog in the universe?
I picked Sadie up at the vet at 3:30 p.m. yesterday and she was clearly still feeling the drugs. Her eyes were incredibly droopy and she was walking around the exam room in a daze.
When Sadie and I are reunited after even five minutes apart, I am usually greeted with a body slam and excessive love. Yesterday she simply walked up to me, wagged her tail when I spoke to her and then paced around, obviously quite out of it.
For a few hours her walk was more of a grapevine than an actual walk which was very amusing. It was odd to see such a hyperactive dog act so calm.
Now, about the cone.
Sadie is supposed to wear it for 10 days. Yes, 10 days.
The vet said that we could take it off of her if we’re there to monitor her, which is great news. Sadie is also surprisingly good about leaving stiches alone (she didn’t mess with her stitches at all when she was spayed), so we’re hoping to give her some cone relief when we can closely watch her. (I am also looking into the inflatable collars that a few of you recommended.)
One thing that drives Sadie crazy about the cone? It reflects light. Sadie is an expert shadow and light hunter and I had to laugh when we arrived home and the cone reflected the light coming in our living room window. Sadie immediately assumed her hunting position to stalk the light in her highly medicated state.
Sadie spent the rest of the night pacing around the house in a daze. I couldn’t get her to sit down and relax and every time I got up to go somewhere, she’d follow slowly behind, knocking into things with her cone. She is still getting used to the width of the cone and I’ll randomly hear a “bang” from another room as she runs into walls, chairs and other obstacles.
Last night, she kept banging into the couch and coffee table when she’d try to squeeze in between the two like she typically does without any issues.
It was so pathetic, sweet and funny at the same time. She got lots of love last night even if she didn’t realize it at the time.
Breakfast this morning included scrambled eggs with chicken sausage and spinach.
Simple and delicious.
Time to get this Friday goin’!
Awww she does look so pathetic but in a cute way. Love how you captured her actually banging into the table. It takes us humans a while to get used to something new such as a cast or bandage as well so she’s not alone 😉
Poor Sadie! Never seen her so sad 🙁 At least the worst is over, the surgery went well and she’ll be a happy, healthy, coneless pup again soon!
Awww poor sadie! My brother and sister in law got one of the inflatable cushion type cones for their golden retriever, Molly, when she was spayed. It made her slightly less pathetic… The worst is when they run into things with the cone! It makes me cringe! Poor Sadie!
awww por baby girl!! <3
she looks adorable though, and yeah, I'm sure you couldn't help but laugh at the thuds from the other room
the funny thing was that she didn’t even seem to notice! she’d run into something and then readjust and go a different way as if nothing happened. no whimpers or anything!
Aww, poor Sadie! At least you can take the cone off sooner than 10-day time frame–that’s good news. Our family dog Zelda cut her front paw pretty badly a few months ago; she wore a cone so she wouldn’t pick at it while it healed. Of course, she wouldn’t put any weight on the injured paw, so not only was she hobbling around, but her cone would also bounce when she took a step. Poor thing!
awwww! poor zelda!!
Aw! She looks so sad. I just keep thinking of the dog from Up “I do not like the cone of shame.”
oh gosh, she does look sad!! 🙁 hope she feels better , and soon!
She looks so pitiful! Feel better soon, Sadie!
poor sadie!! don’t know where her stitches are, but when my dog had a similar surgery (her “fatty tumor” was on her side near her rib cage), the vet suggested just putting an only tshirt on her and then tying it (90’s style!) so that it would be snug to her body, but not too tight. not quite so sad looking as the cone, and she was able to get around like normal! (and she didn’t bite/scratch at the stitches at all)…just an idea!!
i love that idea! so smart. thanks for sharing, elizabeth!
Aw, poor thing!! I hope she starts getting back to her normal self soon so you can have your running partner back!!
Aww she looks so helpless but so cute! I hope the biopsies come back negative! Have a great Friday! 🙂
She looks so depressed, poor Sadie! When my dog had surgery she was hilarious in that drugged state and never wanted to be left alone even though laying down was a lot easier than running into everything! They have (droopy) puppy eyes x100 when they are drugged and it’s so hard to resist the love!
Awww, poor Sadie! She is so cute. This post made my morning today.
Watch your knees! When Susan our GSP had to have a cone (stitches from a bite at the dog park) she would follow us around for love and run into our knees with her cone. Man did that hurt. And she had a cone for two weeks because she chewed off her original stitches and had to get staples.
Poor Sadie! She does look pitiful!
Poor pup! Hope she’s back to herself soon. Our dog had a fatty tumor removed from her side several months ago. They said it was probably harmless but could grow to the point that it bothered her walking since it was just in front of her hip. She wasn’t a fan of the cone either!
Poor little Sadie!! Our dogs are expert light and shadow chasers too… It’s hilarious. I’m sure it makes it quite interesting for Sadie with the cone on though!
I’ll say it again…your Sadie stories are so much more entertaining now that I have my own dog. He will be a cone head in a few months when he gets neutered. I can’t imagine how I am going to feel about that. Last night he vomited up his dinner, which he had never done before. I was so worried about him, that I stayed up late to watch him. Then I got up twice during the night to check on him in his crate. He seems to be fine this morning. I don’t know what caused it…still a little worried. Being a doggy mamma is hard work! 😉
Ahhhh poor little cone head, she looks so cute. I hope she recovers quickly. Have a great weekend!
AHHH! I don’t know how something could be so amusing yet sad at the same time! Picturing Sadie weaving around from the drugs is so funny, but her sad face KILLS me, even though I know it’s just a drugged up face. Poor Sadie. I’m glad she has such loving parents!
Aw, poor puppy 🙁 I hope she feels better soon! I remember when my dog had one and she kept trying to take it off… no fun!
Sorry if someone’s already mentioned this, but I highly recommend the comfy cone:
It’s not inflatable, just padded, and it’s been a Godsend for my 70 pound mix who has had 2 lipoma surgeries and a hot spot or two he wouldn’t leave alone. He once had a traditional cone and we ran into the same issues with it running into things-I was half afraid he’d hurt himself somehow (he’s not smart, just sweet). This cone has lessened the impact of the run-ins, both on him & the items he runs into. Plus it’s foldable and washable and so much easier to store than those hard plastic cones. Comes in different sizes and just velcros on.
Those are def the best. My dog Maggie has had two ear surgeries within 2 yrs & that cone has helped so much. Its easy to put on &she can sleep comfortably in it!
Aww, poor Sadie! She does not look amused at all! 🙁
oh man, picking up my cats from the vet when they went under for teeth cleaning or any other surgery and they are so pitiful always breaks my heart for the poor little creatures. I just want to scoop them up and cuddle them, but all they want to do is hide and sleep it off.
hope, Sadie is alright and the biopsy comes back negative!
Poor Sadie! I love the chicken apple sausage by the way! It’s so tasty!. Have a good weekend!
I have a 1.5 year old jack russell mix, and he is off the charts with energy. Never sits. We had to get two baby teeth removed that just wouldn’t fall out to avoid infecting the adult teeth. He was so out of it when we picked him up at the vet, but he would not lay down, he just would wobble around or sit there staring at us with his droopy little eyes. It was funny and sad at the same time. I felt so bad for the little guy. He looked so sleepy but fought it.
Aw, she really does look so sad 🙁 It is kind of hilarious in a way though too. When my dog was neutered, seeing him try to pick up a big toy with the cone on was so funny since it was in the way. He kept dropping things because of it. You’re lucky she does well without it off. My dog ate his neuter stitches when we took the cone off for two minutes! Not a cheap fix! Hoping she recovers well 🙂
Poor baby! Here’s to a fast recovery!!!
She definitely looks like she’s one sad puppy, but I’m sure once those drugs wear completely off she’ll be back to her usual self.
Ohhhhh the cone of shame! Poor Sadie looks so pathetic 🙁 I hope she starts to feel more like herself soon!
Poor Sadie!! Definitely keep an eye on here when she doesn’t have the cone on. Our old dog was smart enough to realize that if she left stiches alone, she didn’t have to wear the cone of shame. Our current dog is not that smart! lol
I was trying so hard not to laugh at this blog post. Poor Sadie! Hopefully she’ll be so much better in a week and a half.
Awww poor Sadie 🙁 I hope she heals quickly and gets some cone free time!
Happy Friday! Glad to hear Sadie is recovering!
I’m happy to hear Sadie is doing well! Hopefully she will get used to the cone soon. 🙂 If not, I’m sure you’ll get some good laughs watching her navigate with it on!
Awww the poor thing! She looks so sad!! Hopefully these 10 days will go by in a flash!!
It almost broke my heart to see her so stony and “winged!” Such attachment to a dog I have never even met in person. 🙂
Awwww…she looks so pathetic…ha! Hope she’s feeling more like Sadie today 🙂
Awww, April had her first cone experience this fall, too. So pitiful!! Also, she actually trapped herself in the bathroom one day. We couldn’t find her when we came home. We did end up taking it off her, since she was keeping her boo-boo alone. Although after a few days, she started messing with it again, and back on it went.
The best part was that she was incredibly snuggly right after she got her cone. She is not usually like that at all, so we enjoyed it.
I swear that dogs know that they’re wearing the cone and know that you feel bad for them… My leading theory is that they run into things on purpose! My dog will hit every wall, knock into every table, and scrape every leg he can when he wears a cone. And he wears a cone A LOT. Two knee surgeries, a persistent case of dermatitis, and some cracked elbows makes for a lot of broken trinkets and dented walls. Good luck to Sadie and your house during these next 10 days!!
Oh poor Sadie!! No dog likes the cone of shame. I’m glad to hear she is doing good! She will be back to her normal crazy self in no time!!
Poor Sadie! That’s so pitiful and funny… I love picturing her trying to squeeze through spaces and not even aware she’s not really fitting…
Aw, sweet Sadie! I just want to snuggle her. I wish you luck on 10 days of calmness…. 😉
Wishing a speedy recovery to Sadie!! My mom has two black labs at home so I know how sad/hilarious watching the cone on a dog can be. Hopefully the 10 days will zoom by 🙂
I feel so bad for Sadie, but this whole post had me laughing at my desk haha I could just picture her trying to fit her cone head through too-small spaces! Poor girl!
I just got an email from a dog supplies website … I clicked through to see what xmas deals they are offering and came across this:
http://www.inthecompanyofdogs.com/itemdy00.aspx?T1=D12436 XS&site=DG
I’m cracking up because I cannot imagine how this is “calming,” but it reminded me of Sadie’s calming thunder vest thing and I thought maybe its an alternative to the cone?! haha I cant even imagine how much my dog would freak out if I tried to cover her face with this.
Aww the poor thing. I hope she adjusts to her cone soon and starts getting back to her normal Sadie self!
Bentley had to wear a cone and HATED it, like he wouldn’t move at all and panicked when he had it on. We ended up getting him this soft cone, that was moveable and he could lay down in comfortably. I would recommend it to anyone who’s pup has a fear of the cone. (it’s also black so it wouldn’t reflect any shadows)
AWW!! Poor thing. She looks pitifull. I hope she heals quickly.
awww poor Sadie! I hope she feels better soon! Rest up lovie 🙂