Hello!!! How are you guys doing? Things are shaping up pretty well around here today.
Yesterday I spent most of the day with my father-in-law. We drove around town sightseeing, took Sadie on a nice walk and then I made dinner at home. I made whole wheat linguine topped with steamed spinach and marinara sauce and served it with a side of roasted broccoli so Ryan, Greg and I could enjoy a cozy night indoors.
Our cozy night at home didn’t last long because we started to chat about the returns we wanted to make at Lowe’s and the shelving units we wanted to pick up to better organize the closet in our home office. Since we were already planning to get out of the house, we took a short detour to a local park and took Sadie on a 1.5 mile walk before making our way to the home improvement store.
It was drizzling outside and a little chilly (Ryan apparently laughs in the face of cold and wore shorts…), but thankfully the trees at the park shaded us from most of the rain. I layered my clothes and kept my hood up for most of the walk… I think I am in for a rude awakening when my first “real winter” since 2003 hits!
After our walk, we drove to Lowe’s and brought Sadie along with us! The last time we were there, I saw a woman walking around with her golden retriever on a leash and when I asked her whether or not dogs were allowed at Lowe’s she said they are as long as they’re leashed and friendly. So awesome!! Sadie was pumped to be included on our Lowe’s adventure and I walked her around the store while Ryan and his dad picked up the shelving we needed.
My morning began with yet another Pure Barre class followed by a delicious breakfast!
Today’s morning meal included two wheat waffles topped with tomato slices, salt and pepper and a dippy egg.
Plus a plum on the side!
And of course a fabulous cup of peppermint crème coffee with almond milk followed because apparently I’m skipping over Halloween and Thanksgiving and moving right along to Christmas coffee.
Today’s adventures will include more time exploring with my father-in-law and a Girls on Track meeting later this afternoon. Hope you have a great Thursday!
I love that you can take Sadie places with you. I can’t take my dog anywhere! Also, I tried a cinnamon dolce latte this morning after seeing it on your blog so much. I’m happy to report that I loved it!
Woohoooo! Welcome to the club!! 🙂
I love that you can bring dogs into Lowes!
I am in denial that winter is coming. I grew up in Pennsylvania and now living in Omaha it’s more of the same – wind, snow, ice, and freeeezing temperatures. I think I was supposed to live somewhere tropical! haha
Yay for dog friendly stores. I love that so many places in Europe are dog friend, nothing better than seeing adorable dogs everywhere you go!
Your breakfasts always look so amaze!
I’m all about staying in these days. Fall and rainy weather = movies, red wine, chocolate, and my couch.
I did that the other night, I started thinking if all the things I needed to so and ran out. But I got ice cream instead of the dog park- ha!
That is so cool you could take Sadie with you! She must have been thrilled for the adventure. Have a great day!
Your dinner looked awesome!! Send some this way 🙂 And I’m sure I’ve commented on this before, but can I just say I love that you call them dippy eggs!! Soooo fantastic!
Glad you are having so much fun with your guest! 🙂 🙂
Can I make a post request? I have debated trying a barre studio in my area, so I would love to know what results you have seen from it. Haas your strength increased? Do you feel more toned? That kind of thing….
Hi Angela!! I briefly touched on my “results” in this post: https://www.pbfingers.com/2014/07/24/pure-barre-one-month-results/ I don’t weight myself and haven’t taken any measurements or anything, but I can honestly say I do not think my core has EVER been stronger. An improvement in core strength is definitely the biggest change I’ve noticed!
Your dinner looks awesome – the breakfast, I’m not so sure about! Maybe with toast…but waffles? Was it weirdly sweet?
One of my favorite dinners growing up was waffles with chicken and gravy, so I think I’ve always liked savory stuff with waffles, too! Definitely not for everyone, but I like it! 🙂
Kind of a random question, but do you ever notice that adding almond milk to your coffee makes it taste weird? Idk, whenever I add it I feel like it gives it an almost cardboard-like taste? Not that I’ve ever tasted cardboard… but you know what I mean lol
The weather here in CO has been crazy…upper 80’s for the past 2 weeks! An extended Indian summer I guess…I just hope it means maybe our winter will be mild?? (crosses fingers!)
I love when places are dog friendly! There aren’t too many where I live… actually none. Where I used to work, they allowed your dog to come to work once in a while, though, and that was so much fun! I loved having my pooch with me.
That is awesome! I tried to convince my previous bosses in Orlando to let us get an “office dog” 🙂
That is really cool that Lowe’s allows you to take dogs inside of the store; a much better option than leaving them in the car, especially in extreme weather conditions.
That dippy egg and peppermint coffee look divine! Sipping my coffee in the morning is one of my favorite times of the day. Do you tend to drink coffee on the weekends too or just the weekdays??
I will never get used to cold winters! I live in Canada close to the mountains and our winters are freezing and LONG! I grew up here and I still can’t get over how cold it gets. Beautiful, but cold!
haha- too funny that you can take Sadie into Lowes!
I don’t think I’ve ever seen dogs at my Lowe’s. I need to start this trend here!
I love that you take Sadie with you! I wish there were more dog friendly places in London for my pup! I’ve never been to Lowe’s actually, haha!
Lowe’s comes in handy during the cold and rainy days! I take my dog there to walk when the weather is bad – she loves it and it gets a little energy out of her!
I have a feeling we are going to have a colder than normal winter in Charlotte this year – especially since the summer was definitely mild!
That’s awesome you can take her into Lowe’s!
i love the idea of “savory” waffles. i’m not a big fan of sweet breakfasts (i’m probably totally in the minority!), but the idea of waffles, eggs, and tomatoes sounds perfect. i’ve also made waffle sandwiches before and i love them! =)
I take our dog to Lowe’s all the time and she loves it! REI used to allow dogs but in the past couple years they stopped allowing them and now have signs posted saying you can’t bring dogs. Seems weird to me they aren’t allowed since it’s an outdoor store and they sell dog stuff!
That breakfast actually looks really good!!
What brand of coffee is that? Peppermint sounds delicious!
I want to know this too, sing me up for that peppermint coffee! Mmm
It’s from The Fresh Market! I still have some leftover from the holiday season last year. 🙂
I had a friend I was chatting with recently about taking dogs to home improvement stores! I don’t have one, so I never even thought about it, but apparently it’s a thing, which is really fun.
PS I’m all for skipping the pumpkin and heading right into mint EVERYTHING 🙂
I know you have been really into your PureBarre lately! I’ve always been curious about the classes but have never tried one. Have you thought about doing a post about how PureBarre has changed your body (ie. toning, strength) since you have started going to classes regularly? I would be interested in knowing!
Hi Julie! Adding on from Angela’s earlier question about Pure Barre, I was just curious to know whether you did other cardio workouts along with your Pure Barre workouts? I just wanted to know because I was reading what Kathryn from Chicks Dig Running said in her guest post about how Pure Barre isn’t very cardio-heavy so I was curious as to whether doing solely Pure Barre workouts would be enough to keep fit! (It’s always something I’ve always wondered about yoga and Pilates too!) Thanks in advance! 🙂
I love that you can take your dog to Lowe’s. I am never sure if I can take mine into places, but recently took her to Home Goods after seeing some small dogs in there. She was remarkably well behaved, but I worried about her breaking something so I ended up carrying her. Lowe’s is way safer!
Ha love that you’re skipping right over fall and going to winter. You might even get snow for Christmas in your new neighborhood!
Yummy breakfast! Can’t wait to see pics of the new place!
Don’t ever take your great relationship with your father for granted! 🙂 I only wish I could have a relationship with mine like you do with yours.
Wow your breakfast looks amazing! Heck all of the food you ate looks amazing! I need some plums 🙂
I love the waffles + egg combo- some sweet & savory :)!
Dogs allowed at Lowes?! Who knew???
Ok, so I have a totally random fruit observation– shouldn’t plum and peaches be gone by now?! I still see them in the stores, and I’m kind of confused… guessing they’re not local, but are we still in stone fruit season?
Mmmm, peppermint creme coffee sounds so warm and cozy right now. I’ve been adding sugar free pumpkin spice creamer to my morning cup of joe, and it’s so, so good.
Side note, if you watch Modern Family, your plum reminds me of last night’s episode with Phil biting into several “perfectly sweet plums” haha. If you didn’t watch it, just disregard this comment 😉
We bring our dog with us whenever we can. She loves going for rides and we love having her. I just have to show her my keys and she runs for the car.
Awww– Sadie is just so cute. People take their dogs EVERYWHERE here in LA, which I love. It’s so fun to see puppies out and about, especially since I can’t have one yet (#apartmentliving). 😉
Always, Anita
My husband and I were just talking yesterday about if dogs are allowed in our local Home Depot. I’ll have to ask!
I love peppermint flavor more than pumpkin, so I have no problem starting fall off with peppermint flavor and taking it straight thru January!
how is the weather transition from florida to NC?! I’m LOVING this chilly fall weather!
I am jealous of your morning Barre classes. Morning workouts don’t fit in my schedule and I always wish I could hit up a morning class!
Am I out of the loop or what?!?!!??? What’s a dippy egg???? We have a Menard’s behind our house, it’s comparable to a Lowe’s, and we always walk our dog there. Too bad one of us has to stay outside, since dogs are not allowed inside; needless to say, he still enjoys being a part of our adventure, just like Sadie.
A dippy egg is just like an overeasy egg— I picked up the term from my parents as a kid and it just stuck! I think it’s common in Pennsylvania!
I am also skipping Fall and keeping an eye out for Abita Christmas Ale. It’s slightly different every year, and it’s just so good! Is September too early???
OOh yeah that first winter is tough! When I moved from Florida to Atlanta, I remember thinking winter was the worst thing that ever happened to the Earth. I actually still think that most of the time. But I do feel better when I look at the weather even further North, so if you’re having a really tough cold day- just check what’s going on in Boston or NY real quickly and I promise it will make you a lot more grateful for what you have in Charlotte!
Dogs are allowed in Home Depot, too! When my pup was in doggie obedience classes my trainer gave us a list of public places they were allowed to practice their manners and social skills. 🙂 My dog loves going there, and most the staff and customers get smiles when they see him.
Yay for peppermint coffee! I adore Fresh Market’s coffee bean flavors. Haven’t tried the peppermint yet, but I did put a little peppermint extract in my cinnamon coffee after being inspired by yours on here, and it was a goooooood decision–thanks for that 🙂
I realize I’m in a definite minority in this crew but I’m not a fan of dogs so when i hear that people can (& do) bring their dogs to stores, i’m not as enthusiastic. “getting some energy out” while at Lowe’s with the dog . no thanks Lowes.
How did you cook your broccoli? It looks like such a yummy dinner :).
I tossed it in olive oil and garlic salt and roasted it at 375 for about 20 minutes, flipping halfway through. 🙂