Good morning!
I was up dark and early again this morning for another early shift at the gym. The gym was pretty much dead today. Apparently it was Sleep In Day in Ocala! I’m jealous!
My shift passed by quickly and I had fun chatting with a few members about a challenge our gym is implementing to encourage members to try new programs and take advantage of some of the fun summer activities that are available to everyone for free. Though I have a quick 45 minute break right now that allowed me to run home really fast, I will be back at the gym personal training and teaching water aerobics very soon.
As for my own workout, I’m also hoping to make it to a yoga class for my own workout this evening. At the very least, I’d like to do a yoga DVD at home (I really enjoy Bethenny’s Skinnygirl Workout), but that’s a little challenging with the At Home Workout Destroyer lingering. I’m craving a good stretch!
Breakfast this morning was a bowl of overnight oats that I prepared last night and ate about an hour into my shift. I am now digging into breakfast number two, a chocolate peanut butter protein smoothie.
Since I am teaching water fitness in two hours, I didn’t want to eat a heavy lunch before class, so I figured a smoothie would hold me over until I can dig into lunch when my class is over at 2 p.m.
Time to get rollin’!
Question of the Morning
- For those of you who pack meals or snacks to bring to work, when do you pack everything up?
If I need to be at work before 5 a.m., I always pack the food I will need the night before. I am not about to take the time to put together breakfast or lunch at 4:30 a.m.! If I am working after 8 a.m., I’ll usually eat breakfast at home and pack my lunch that morning.
Totally feel you on those workout distracters. My dog is the queen of butting in on my workouts.
I definitely am craving a stretch today too, I think I’ve been neglecting it for far too long so now my body really wants some foam rolling and yoga, even though I don’t necessarily want to do it. The foam roller kills me everytime.
Usually in the morning. I don’t work till 8:30am so gives me time to do it then. I pack snacks for myself daily and my husband’s lunch, I usually come home for lunch so don’t need to pack that.
I always pack my boyfriends lunch for work and I like to pack it at night but sometimes I scramble in the morning. I work evenings so I usually pack my snacks and dinner right before I leave.
I work from home, so no need to pack snacks/ lunches, for which I am super grateful! I hate packing stuff up. But I do pack it all up for my husband.
have fun teaching today!
Because I work out before work and then have to be out the door by 7:45, I prep both my lunch and my breakfast smoothie the night before. That way, I can maximize sleep/gym time and just focus on getting my dogs and myself ready in the morning! A little extra prep pays off!
I’m the same exact way! Tons of separate containers so stuff doesn’t get soggy too!
I keep reading about your overnight oats recipe and I’m definitely going to have to make it! I love oatmeal for breakfast and it sounds so easy! Except I cannot eat Greek Yogurt… maybe I’ll use some almond milk instead? And that peanut butter protein smoothie sounds divine too!
Another good yoga session (obviously more intense) is the P90X one. I realllly like his workout for Yoga. I walk away feeling refreshed, but also sore from the tough workout too. I”m sure you’ve tried it, but if you haven’t, definitely give it a whirl! 🙂
I pack my food at night for the most part. I find I rush around like a crazy person if I have too much stuff to get ready in the morning.
I usually am pretty lazy and prep things in the morning since I get up earlier than I need to! If I’m having leftovers from the night before, though, I pack em the night before and am all set to go 🙂
I’m with you. I try my hardest to pack the night before. But after a few weeks of doing it, I always revert back to doing it in the morning.
BUT, if I had to wake up at that hour, I’d definitely pack at night!!
I am craving some stretching too! I had my calf cramp up a few days ago and am still dealing with some lingering pain and tightness – really focusing on foam rolling!
Packing the night before is definitely key to getting out of the door as quickly as possible. But lately I’ve had no desire to do so, and feel I have more energy, just no time. :/ Womp womp. 😉
When I did student teaching, I always laid out my lunches the night before because I left really early the next day. Plus, I found I would have a really hard time falling asleep because I would worry about not having enough time to get everything together before heading off to school! It really does help to have everything laid out the night before so you can just put your mind at ease!
I usually pack everything the night before. The more minutes I can sleep the better.
I definitely have more time at night so almost always pack the night before. Sometimes I find myself spending a bit more time then I would like in the kitchen after work (dinner, breakfast, lunch) but you gotta do what you gotta do! 🙂
I go back and forth between prepping my lunch in the morning or the night before, but I definitely agree the night before is the way to go. Makes mornings that much less stressful and actually cuts a good portion of time out of my mornings which is always good.
My intent is to always pack lunches the night before, but sometimes that just doesn’t happen. However, this fall will be a rude awakening. I don’t want to be prepping lunches, bottles, and trying to get the girls off to my sister’s house for the day all in the morning. Gaaah!
I like to pack all my refrigerated items in a bag and non fridge items in another bag, then it’s easy to just grab both bags and go!
I always pack everything the night before, I am not a morning person lol. Thursdays/Fridays I work two jobs so I have to have everything ready to go Wednesday night that way when I ‘m crawling out of bed Friday morning with only 5 hours sleep I don’t have to think it’s all autopilot.
I always pack up my husbands lunch and snacks the night before, he leaves the house at 4:30am every morning so I try to make it easy on him 🙂 I usually pack mine up too, but sometimes I do in the morning.
I try to pack my lunch the night before and typically toss in snacks in the morning before I leave. Somtimes I don’t do it until the morning and the lunch ends up being a modgpodge (sp?) of stuff!
Somehow, I’m lazier at night than I am in the morning, so I usually cook and pack my at-work meals in the morning. It’s been ridiculously hot in my apartment lately, so I prefer to heat up the kitchen in the morning before the temperature is blazing.
It always depends on the shift I am working. If I’m working day work and have to be in at 0630 then I will pack my lunch the night before. If I’m on evening shift and have to be in at 2:30 I will pack my dinner in the morning.
I always pack my lunch the night before. If I don’t, I know I will be way too rushed in the morning and will just throw something in my lunch bag that will be a super disappointment when I get to work (like a boring banana and a granola bar).
Always the night before, I can’t think that hard to plan in the mornings! HA!
I have to really try to motivate myself to do yoga, but I must say, Bethany’s yoga DVD is awesome! She has me cracking up the whole time!
I workout in the morning, so I always, always, always, pack my lunch the night before. I try to do as much as I can on the weekend to get ready as well.
I like to prep the night before! I am a big meal/snack planner and it saves time in the morning!
“Dark and early.” HAHA. I am stealing this for when I drag myself out of bed for morning workouts 🙂
I usually think about what I will pack for lunch and snacks the night before but then wait tell the morning to put everything together.
I’ve been wanting to get back into Yoga more. I feel like I really need to stretch my muscles for often. I’ve heard about Bethanny’s yoga DVD, but I haven’t gotten it yet. I was skeptical about buying it because I didn’t know if it was good or not, so I’m glad to hear that you’re liking it. Now I def have to check it out!
Always prep breakfast, mid morning snacks, and lunch the night before. Try to get every second of extra sleep before my morning workout prior to going to work. I find my best time saver is to cook my steel cut oats in my rice cooker Sunday night for the week. I scoop out my serving the night before and pour almond milk on it so I can heat it up in the morning and top with some walnuts and fresh blueberries. The only thing I prep in the morning are my eggs and my husband’s breakfast and lunch which easy, a protein shake and some AB&J sandwiches… easy!
Doing some yoga sounds like a really good and refreshing idea….I’m the one rushing around in the morning trying to get together snacks and my lunch. But I feel like when I’m out of college and in the real world I’ll be a little more organized and probably pack the night before.
I always pack my food the night before for two reasons; 1. I don’t function well in the morning whether it’s 3am or 8am, and 2. I have to get a 2 1/2 year old up and dressed as well, so that’s where all my energy and thinking is focused 🙂
I SHOULD pack food the night before, but usually I do it morning of… For some reason , much like packing my suitcase for trips and end up scrambling last minute, I hate prepping/packing lunches.
I usually pack the night before because I have to pack my lunch and dinner and that always ends up taking longer than I anticipate :/ But sometimes I’m lazy and wait till morning. 😉
I went hiking with my boyfriend yesterday and my hips are SO sore and tight now. Yoga and light cardio, here I come! 😉
Gosh, if I could just do yoga everyday I’d be one happy camper! I’m fortunate that I get an hour lunch break and my house is 5 minutes from my job, so I rarely pack lunch. I do keep snacks in a tupperware in my desk, usually some g.f. granola bars so I have something to snack on when the rest of my coworkers celebrate a birthday. I also keep yogurt in the work fridge in case I don’t have time for breakfast and get hungry!
I always pack up my lunches to go to work/school, usually the night before… unless of course I forget! Love me some peanut butter & banana sandwiches to take along for the day with yogurt! (greek of course!)
Kris @
I LOVE Bethenny’s yoga DVD! Her sense of humor is so refreshing!
I always pack the night before!! It makes the mornings way easier 🙂 I usually pack 2 snacks and my lunch! Sometimes I bring an extra piece of fruit or some nuts in case I get stuck with another afternoon hunger pain. I’ve been looking for some good workout DVDs when I can’t make it to my group exercise classes.. I’ll have to try that one!
I always do the bulk of my prep work on Sunday. I make a ton of wraps, batches of overnight oats, snack baggies, etc. That way all I have to do the night before a workday is set what I plan on taking in a single spot in the fridge. Without this I stay up way too late prepping and then don’t make it to the gym in time…which always makes me sad :(. So yeah, PREP PREP PREP 🙂
If I have leftovers from dinner, I’ll pack them that night for the next day’s lunch. If I’m planning on bringing a salad, I usually throw it together that morning.
That shake looks bomb!! I always prep food the night before, at least my oats, then I microwave it at work. I get up at 5 for the gym and come home and make egg whites that I eat before heading to work, then eat the oats at 9:30 ish. I usually go home on my lunch bc I work 8 minutes from my apartment, so sometimes I’ll put the meal together the night before, otherwise I just scoop it out of the tupperwares the foods are in for my lunch. So much easier having things prepped!
I almost always pack/ make breakfast and lunch the night before if I have to leave before 8am. That way my morning is as stress free as possible! I know ill have something to eat wihout having to make time to make something else. My fiancé does everything in the morning and is totally stress free …..I have no idea how he does it!
If it’s super early the night before for sure…I’d only forget something in my early morning daze!
I try to pack the night before so everything is ready and I can just grab and go. Plus, it helps me to ready while half asleep. No brain power needed.
the night before, for sure! if i’m trying to grab stuff in the morning, i’m sure to forget something!
If I am feeling extra prepared, I will pack my lunch the night before. Often it is leftover which I just pack up before cleaning the dishes from dinner. However, there are times where in the morning I just throw something together before work. The other day I was in such a rush I didn’t realize we had no clean tupperware until it was too late! I ended up bring my salad to work in a ziploc bag. Hahaha. Oh well!
I was craving a stretch today too! I tried Bikram yoga for the very first time ever (the only yoga I’ve ever done consisted of the required Kinesiology class I took at A&M). At 6am, 105 degree heat and 40 % humidity was just what my muscles needed to loosen up and recover from a rough lifting week. I figured I should go big or go home, so I researched and found a specialty yoga studio (fancy shmancy) yesterday. I loved it and will totally be going back! I’m currently in a new city all by myself for a summer internship, so I’ve been trying to get out and try new things. This weekend, it’s Crossfit! I was given a Jack LaLane juicer last week from a fellow employee, and I have no idea what I’m doing with it. I feel like there are “juicing rules” I should follow (what’s poisonous and just plain stupid to send through a juicer?). I’m looking forward to embarking on this Juice Adventure with you (haha). I always make my meals for the entire seven-day week on Sunday and freeze them. I leave my house at 4am as well, so it alleviates having to think in the morning. Good luck finding a juicer! Loved this post 🙂
I always take my lunches to work so I pack them up the night before. Sometimes if I was on a roll on the weekend, I fix the whole week and then stuff in my tiny fridge in my office. I always keep a bag of almonds and a piece of fruit or two in my office as well. Morning are a rush because I try to cram in a run before work so I only allow myself 15 to prepare and eat breakfast! It’s got to be quick or pre-made! Lately I’ve just been cooking eggs because I can be stuffing my other food and drinks in my bag while they’re cooking but they’re super fast. (multi-tasking and all that jazz)
Now I am craving a smoothie! YUM! When I waitressed all day I would pack everything up the night before! Basically because I would wake up really early to work out and I didn’t want to wake up any earlier to pack up lunch/snacks!