It was another set it and forget it crock pot meal!
PrintCrock Pot Sauerkraut Pork Chops
- Cook Time: 4-8 hours
- Total Time: 0 hours
- Category: dinner, recipes
- Cuisine: dinner
Incredibly tender Pork Chops with fermented sauerkraut simply made in the Crock Pot!
- 4 Pork Chops
- 1 1/2 cups chicken, vegetable or beef broth
- 1 can sauerkraut (14 ounces)
- 1 onion, sliced
- Place all ingredients into crock pot and allow to cook for 4 hours on high or 6 – 8 hours on low.
- Remove pork from crock pot and top with strained sauerkraut.
It was so incredibly easy to make and the pork was tender enough that I could slice through it with my fork.
After dinner, Ryan and I watched Cupcake Wars and snacked on G.H. Cretors Chicago Mix popcorn. (Oh how I long to be a judge on Cupcake Wars!)
Whenever I visit my family in St. Pete, I stock up on the caramel and cheddar cheese popcorn at their local Fresh Market (I cannot find it anywhere in Ocala even though it’s supposedly sold at two local Publix stores), so when the company offered to send me some, I was all too excited. Though I enjoy all of their flavors, the Chicago Mix reigns supreme for me because I cannot get enough of the sweet and salty flavor combination.
Even though I grew up in Palatine, Illinois, I didn’t discover the majesty that is Chicago’s tradition of combining cheddar cheese and caramel popcorn until I moved to Florida and returned to the city to visit friends.
I remember eating handful after handful of the popcorn when we arrived home after my friend Leah’s bachelorette party last year. Can’t stop, won’t stop!
Though the popcorn is delicious for a sober girl, it’s a drunk girl’s dream food!
Question of the Morning
- What is your favorite “drunk food?”
As a serious sweets lover, I shock myself by craving salty food when I’m tipsy. Bring on the chips, dip and popcorn! And if there are any leftovers from an Italian dinner (pasta, pizza, etc.) in the fridge, you better watch out!
I recently discovered that popcorn. It’s SO delicious.
We had that popcorn mix at church a couple of weeks ago, and I kid you not: it turned into my Sunday lunch. I could not stop eating it, and by the time I left church I was SO full I didn’t want to eat anything else! So I had a handful of carrots when I got home to balance things out haha. But yeah, that legit was my meal. It is just so good.
Pretzels!! I can down an entire bag with no shame when I’m drunk hahaha
They have that popcorn in Costco in the U. S. My sister bought it in Montanna’s Costco and brought it home to Canada. We ate it while we were boating and ate the whole bag. Do you have a Costco in Ocala?
Growing up in Central PA, I have eaten my fair share of pork and sauerkraut – especially on New Years (it is supposed to bring you good luck). I make mine in the crockpot as well, but I add one bottle of beer to cook them in (darker is better), and I also add some hotdogs at the very end (they do not take very long so add them about one hour before finished). It is very yummy over mashed potatoes.
Drunk foods – well, anything that is salty or fried is what I gravitate towards!
Back in Boston it was DEFINITELY pizza. Heaven. Now that I’m in LA I tend to crave Jack in the Box curly fries when I’ve been out drinking. It is the only time I eat fast food and on some level I think I truly believe it doesn’t count. Haha. It hits the spot though so no regrets!
I am making this! I am obsessed with sauerkraut!
My favorite drunk food: hot dogs, in particular, New Orleans Lucky dogs. YUM … but only when drinking! haha.
I need Eggos, straight out of the toaster with now syrup, when I am in a fuzzy state of mind. They are just easy to eat 🙂
Favorite drunk food= either burgers or quesadillas from this all night diner right by my apartment.
Oh and I live in Chicago (have my entire life) and I just discovered this popcorn last week! What is this madness?!
Taco Bell always seems to be calling after a few drinks. I blame college for this.
I went to college in San Diego, so 24 hour taco shops were abundant. One in particular had carne asada fries, the only surefire way to prevent a hangover! A huge mound of crinkle cut fries, cheese, carne asada, sour cream, guacamole, and as much Tapatio sauce as we could handle!
Do you have Walgreens in Ocala? The other day I was in a WG and on a whim picked up a bag of their D’lish brand carmel/cheddar/butter flavor popcorn mix in the snack section. The goodness of carmel/cheddar with the added bonus of movie theater flavor butter popcorn! It was amazing.
My favorite drunk food is definitely Chicken Nachos from almost any Mexican restaurant around. You know the kind, 12 inches wide and 10 inches high 🙂 with extra jalapenos and guacamole!
That’s crazy that you grew up in Palatine! I grew up in Bartlett and Chicago and I just recently moved to West Palm Beach! I haven’t seen all of the “seasons” here yet but I am thinking I’m going to miss the cool hoodie weather of Chicago’s falls…
We used to be Whataburger feinds when drunk… but now it’s just the occasional Totinos pizza or Cup o’ Noodles… YUM!
Haha, I thought I was one of the only ones who loved sauerkraut! In my defense, I am part Austrian, so the food there is very close to German and therefore full of recipes involving pork chops and sauerkraut. I’ll be making this one next week I think. Thanks!
Drunk food? In college it was definitely cheesy bread from Pizza Hut (gross, I know) or Easy Mac. Now it depends, but I’m with you on the salty/chips/cheese!
PIZZA, all the way. Made living in NYC for grad school pretty dangerous… you can’t go more than 2 feet without running into a pizza place, and they even have a place where you get a slice if you have a shot. Um yeah – dangerous, as I said.
Oh man, I could not agree with more on all of your food choices in this post: pork? yes. saurkraut? double yes. popcorn? duh! yum!! and itialian drunk food? my jam! I also love taco bell when I’m drunk. So good! OR in Seattle they sell these huge hotdogs on the street (we call them street meat) and they put cream cheese on them (sounds really weird, I know) and it’s the best thing ever! NOM! If you are ever in Seattle, find a street vendor hotdog man and get a hotdog with cream cheese. Just do it!
i ADORE sauerkraut!
They sell that popcorn at our CostCo, I would eat a while bag, so I haven’t gotten it yet… haha.
My sister does a similar recipe with the saurkraut but puts braats in the slowcooker instead. Amazing!
Mmm popcorn! I love sweet & salty mixed too 🙂
I’m the same way – normally I’m 100% a sweets girl but when I’ve been drinking, bring on the salty, high fat foods.
The last time I was out drinking – there was poutine (fries covered in gravy and cheese). Now THATS drunk food. (and my stomach was not too happy with me the next day)
Hands down, 100% Jimmy John’s–the Turkey Tom to be specific. It’s just so… wholesome!
Drunk food…I ate a lot of pizza late-night in college, but mostly just becuase it was the only place that would deliver! Dipped in lots of ranch, of course 🙂 At home, we would make pasta with shredded cheddar or “nachos” (tortilla chips with shredded cheese in the microwave with salsa). I’m also not ashamed to admit that 7-11 taquitos or chili cheese dogs were consumed far too many times. I don’t really miss those days, haha 😉
A Crunchwrap supreme from Taco Bell and tortilla chips (with their creepy-yet-delicious out-of-a-bag cheese sauce) was my GO TO at UCF. Always from the Taco Bell behind Devaney’s, of course. 😉
Mmm ice cream is my number 1
Ohmigosh so good. I got a package of it in a foodie pen pal box from chicago!
I am the SAME way when it comes to drunk cravings! Give me pizza almost every time!
Chips and Salsa all the way!
Of course it’s not easy to balance the salsa all the way to your mouth when drunk….but who cares, right?!?!
Favorite drunk food= Easy Mac! We used to make it every weekend in college and when I (very very rarely) eat it now it always bring back memories of drunken college nights.
My favorite drunk food is chips and guac or anything else Mexican. I also love pizza, but I’m lactose intolerant, so I always opted for the garlic knots at the pizza place open late near the bars at college =)
My favourite drunk food is either burritos, pizza or chicken nuggets from McDonald’s…. or chips… ahh so many options!
I absolutely love salty and greasy food when I’m drinking, so I have to be careful not to keep too much of it around for those nights. (Although I might just end up at waffle house instead)
I love salty foods when I’m tipsy, too!! Leftover pizza is like gold. Any type of cheesy carb is right up my alley!!! Beware of the pizza places along Bourbon Street in Nola…there are multiple ones along each block :).
When I am tipsy I love mexican food. Tacos, NACHOS!!!, chips and salsa anything like that. But I love mexican food even when I am not tipsy. But that is the first thing I always go looking for.
I moved to Chicago a couple of years ago and I discovered Garretts Popcorn VERY quickly. The Chicago mix is to die for and I can not walk past one of their shops without getting a bag. I even take it back home with me to CA when I go and visit family. I have them all hooked on it too!
I LOVE Chicago mix. My mom’s whole side of the fam is from Chicago. Whenever I am at O’Hare I always stop at Garrett’s popcorn stand and grab a bag of it to take wherever I am going. I usually end up eating half of it on the plane…soooo bad, but soooooo good!
Garrett’s is soooo good! I didn’t mind waiting in a line for nearly an hour last time I was in Chicago! 🙂
OMG. They sell that popcorn at Costco. My husband bought 4 bags of it the last time he was there. We love it. He just got his braces off so he’s so happy to be able to eat popcorn now.
I don’t drink anymore but when I did I never wanted to eat when I was drinking! … I have never thrown up from drinking … Maybe there is a connection 🙂
Pizza, nachos, bean burritos or grilled cheese sandwiches were my go-to foods when I had been drinking. Now that I’m vegan I have to make sure I have some of the same types of foods on hand to cure my cravings. I also love hummus when I’m drunk, like 10x more than usual. Weird.
pizza. the end.
Oh my gosh I can’t control myself around chips and dip as well as popcorn. I usually have the sense to stop after enough fistfuls whilst sober but sometimes it is so hard! I have serious self control issues around popcorn.
We make these pork chops all the time… but use beer for the liquid. (there’s a drunk food for ya! haha) I also add either apple juice or some sugar to cut the acid.
Was at Aldi last night and they sell their own brand of this Chicago Mix popcorn for around $1.99. So yummy!
I FINALLY found the GH Cretors Chicago mix this morning! We’re getting a blizzard and I wanted something snacky – It was meant to be! 🙂