It was another set it and forget it crock pot meal!
PrintCrock Pot Sauerkraut Pork Chops
- Cook Time: 4-8 hours
- Total Time: 0 hours
- Category: dinner, recipes
- Cuisine: dinner
Incredibly tender Pork Chops with fermented sauerkraut simply made in the Crock Pot!
- 4 Pork Chops
- 1 1/2 cups chicken, vegetable or beef broth
- 1 can sauerkraut (14 ounces)
- 1 onion, sliced
- Place all ingredients into crock pot and allow to cook for 4 hours on high or 6 – 8 hours on low.
- Remove pork from crock pot and top with strained sauerkraut.
It was so incredibly easy to make and the pork was tender enough that I could slice through it with my fork.
After dinner, Ryan and I watched Cupcake Wars and snacked on G.H. Cretors Chicago Mix popcorn. (Oh how I long to be a judge on Cupcake Wars!)
Whenever I visit my family in St. Pete, I stock up on the caramel and cheddar cheese popcorn at their local Fresh Market (I cannot find it anywhere in Ocala even though it’s supposedly sold at two local Publix stores), so when the company offered to send me some, I was all too excited. Though I enjoy all of their flavors, the Chicago Mix reigns supreme for me because I cannot get enough of the sweet and salty flavor combination.
Even though I grew up in Palatine, Illinois, I didn’t discover the majesty that is Chicago’s tradition of combining cheddar cheese and caramel popcorn until I moved to Florida and returned to the city to visit friends.
I remember eating handful after handful of the popcorn when we arrived home after my friend Leah’s bachelorette party last year. Can’t stop, won’t stop!
Though the popcorn is delicious for a sober girl, it’s a drunk girl’s dream food!
Question of the Morning
- What is your favorite “drunk food?”
As a serious sweets lover, I shock myself by craving salty food when I’m tipsy. Bring on the chips, dip and popcorn! And if there are any leftovers from an Italian dinner (pasta, pizza, etc.) in the fridge, you better watch out!
Favourite drunk food has to be pizza!Though so damn hard to find a vegan pizza…let alone make one when you’ve had a few drinks! I’ve given up alcohol though so it’s sober pizza eating from here on in!
Pizza, yes!
Oh man. My drunk go-to food is pizza! I love chips and salsa or pretzels though too! Or cupcakes…. Hell, I’ll eat anything when I’m drunk.
Chips + salsa is definitely one of my favorites too. There is also a pizza place by my school that makes wraps with french fries IN THE MIDDLE. They are a drunk girls dream to say the least!
I try sooo hard not to eat before bed after drinking, but if I’m really drunk, someone better drive me through Taco Bell for a chili cheese burrito!! 🙂
ah yes, taco bell. ryan says one of his favorite memories from college was when we went through the drive through at taco bell w/ his cousin after a long night out and i tried to order a personal pan pizza. in my defense, there are a LOT of taco bell/pizza hut combo drive throughs in orlando… 🙂
1. I totally forgot about sauerkraut. My mom used to make it when I was a kid as side for beer soaked brats made on the grill.
2. I recently had some speciality poporn on a trip to Traverse City, MI. So many good flavors. I brought home a big bag of “Buffalo Chicken Wings” (half were flavored with Buffalo and half were flavored with bleu cheese) along with a big bag of “Beer” flavored. Ha!
3. Favorite drunk food? A big greasy plate of bacon, eggs and hashbrowns hands down.
I am of Ukrainian decent so saurkraut is ok by me. I never thought to braise chops in it though…sounds delicious!
pop tarts fo sho. i’m also a sweets lover, and since i never want to buy them to have in my possession because they would last less than 24 hours, i’m also on the look out for pop tarts. it’s a convenient craving because i’m in college so someone near by is always bound to have some! 😉
In n Out Burger for sure!
I was wondering if you would be willing to share the total body circuit that you have been doing.
~Thank you!
Pizza. I’ve actually burned myself trying to make pizza while intoxicated!
I love sauerkraut!!! I haven’t had it in a while–this totally got me craving it.
Favorite drunk food: popcorn!!! For sure.
Haha definitely salty food! And I looooove sauerkraut!
My Polish husband would kill for this type of dinner! I love sweet/savory popcorn together.
A burger and fries, for sure!
nearly every time it’s pizza! however, my friends say i yell for a mcflurry as the cab passes mcdonalds majority of the nights we go out 🙂 haha
Drunk food was pizza or chex mix. I usually am a sweets girl but after a few drinks my salt lick comes into full force
My Polish family hates the fact that I won’t even consider trying sauerkraut! It just won’t make it past my nose! K&K (kielbasa & ‘kraut) is never missing from a family gathering—BLECH!!!
Going to the beach this weekend–cannot wait to get my hands on my fave popcorn while there! :::mouth starts watering:::
I agree with everyone on the pizza. And some form of nachos too! The salt craving continues the next morning for me, also. It is almost always eggs for breakfast.
There’s a food vendor in my college town that sells “Superdogs” — hot dogs topped with ketchup, cheese, pineapple juice and potato chips. Sounds like the worst combo ever until you’re walking out of the bar. Healthy, no. Delicious, YES.
I’m actually not appalled by this. Pork + Pineapple = delicious. I’m thinking of maybe boiling hot dogs in pineapple juice? I’m so intrigued by this! LOL
I think they might inject it—just a thought! Super scientific… 🙂
LOVE me some sauerkraut!!! The pork chop recipe looks beyond delicious!!
As for “drunk food” I would have to go with Taco Bell or Whataburger. Those were definitely my go to places back in the day!!
Sour cream and onion ruffles chips! Theee best drunk food ever. I always end up eating it with my friend on the way home back to my apartment. Us walking down the street with a big bag of chips is quite the sight.
taco bell potato tacos!!
I know every Costco is different but they actually sell that exact popcorn at Costco through out Illinois. A ridiculous sized bag sells for only $5.50!
I just saw this mix at Costco the other day and thought “Yuck!” – but now you have me second guessing that thought!
I am usually not a big fan of sauerkraut but I do like a little mixed with pork. Especially, if it is pork from a pig roast!
I couldn’t be a judge on cupcake wars because rather than small bites I’d eat an entire cupcake then be too full to keep judging! In college we would order delivery on our walk home from the bars. Being a small college
Town l
My favorite drunk food? Ben and Jerry’s Cherry Garcia and tortilla chips!
OMG that popcorn is crack! Well, the real Garrett’s version is and that stuff is close to it so I consider it that too!! As for sauerkraut, if it didn’t smell as bad as it does, I may actually like it but I got this thing of not liking things that smell (aka macaroni and cheese). Guess I’m weird!!
My favorite drunk food would be anything greasy & salty – burgers, fries, etc. And there is a hot dog vendor outside of the piano bar in Milwaukee – every time we leave there, we stop! Nothing like drunkenly walking back to our hotel trying to eat a hot dog.
If I am in town, you better believe we are stopping by Jimmy John’s or Taco Bell. I always surprise myself because I order things I would NEVER order when I’m sober haha.
If I’m at someone’s house, I’m with you… pizza, pasta… anything.
I am the same way! I had a few too many slices of Domino’s pizza back in college haha whoops:)
I actually really like sauerkraut, so these look great! I loved (and still do) pizza after drinking. Def the best!
If you were watching the girl scout episode…that was MY best friend who won!!! Her cupcakes are delicious and she somehow gets me working for her everyone I visit–but she sends me home with cupcakes so im ok with that payment method!
First of all, the crock pot sauerkraut pork chops sound amazing!! I’m thinking that’s on the list of meals I make in the near future 🙂
Also, what type/brand of pedometer do you use? I’ve been looking for one that will tell me my time, distance and calories burned and from the picture you posted previously, it looks like that has all the things I want. It’s not too early to start making a Christmas list is it?!!!!!
Favorite drunk food: pizza or shawarma…throw in some fries too :)!
Pizza’s always great drunk food. My favorite, though, was this little dumpling place that was open until 3am downtown. They had AMAZING potato dumplings that were wonderful and starchy after a fun night out. I think about half the city of Madison cried when they went out of business.
That Chicago mix popcorn is crazy-good! As a previous poster commented, they sell the G. H. Cretors brand in a ginormous bag at Costco stores in Chicago. I’ve made the adult decision that I can’t handle having a bag that big in the house!
I did find it in a Publix store in Atlanta, so maybe if you ask your local Publix they can order some for you.
I am not sure if you ever visited friends who went to UW-Madison, but our fave drunk foods here in Wisco is Ian’s Pizza or Qdoba. 🙂 Yummmm!
I love sauerkraut! My mom always added a sliced onion and molasses to the pot when she cooked it to add extra flavor. Yum!
I’m the same way with salty foods – I won’t lie though, Waffle House is and always will be my favorite drunk food! Eggs and hashbrowns totally prevent the next morning hangover!
I LOVE Saurkaut. I make it the way my grandmother did. Onions, an apple, and a bit of brown sugar. Fabulous!
My favorite drunk food? Scrambled eggs, rice/fried rice, and corned beef hash (I have a lot of Filipino friends lol). Nothing better to sop up that alcohol!
Greys Papaya! Although I don’t normally eat hot dogs, I always insist on Greys Papaya when I am drunk. If it is not available, then definitely a soft pretzel!
Now that Fall is starting to come (in New England) I can’t wait to break out my crockpot for recipes like this!
I am SUCH a sweets person but when drinking I immediately go for salt. Chips, pizza, mozzarella sticks, bagel bites…actually I just revert back to high school snack & freezer choices!
I’m always looking for an excuse to cook with sauerkraut so your recipe definitely caught my eye. Thanks for sharing…I’m definitely giving it a try!
My fav drunk food….pretty much any greasy food, but especially pizza or coney dogs. While in college though it was ramen noodles (I blame being broke on that one).
Omg I love sauerkraut thanks for such an easy and yum looking recipe! My favorite drunk food ever was in college (shocker): hot turkey sub with blue cheese dressing that came with tortilla chips, which I SMOTHERED in BBQ sauce from Little John’s Deli in Charlottesville, VA! So aggressive haha.
Next time you’re in Chi you’ll have to check out Garrett’s. It’s the original and amaaaaazing. The line is always all the way down the street and around the corner.
Caramel and cheddar cheese popcorn – yum! At Christmas time, we always buy one of those HUGE popcorn tins with cheddar cheese, caramel and plan popcorn. It may start divided for awhile but we eventually mix them and it’s just oh so good!
The pork chops and sauerkraut recipe looks very easy to make. I’ll def give it a try. I’m always looking for new recipes to try in my slow cooker – so thank you!
My favorite drunk food is anything fast food; but, I’m partial to the Big Mac and fries (which is not on my current wedding diet ;-( ).
I can’t wait to try the pork chop recipe….looks delicious!!! My absolute favorite drunk food is mozzarella sticks! I don’t know why but I always crave them after a night of drinking! Yum!!!
I have the biggest sweet tooth known to man, but when I’m drunk (or hungover!) I can’t get enough of the salty foods. Lately I’ve been pretty into gyros, but pizza (with ranch dressing), fries, wings, pirates booty…they’re all fair game! I’m in South Florida and I just tried Garrett’s for the first time. I’m addicted!! I asked my friend in Chicago to send me a giant tub!