Good morning! Today I’m sending a very happy birthday wish to my beautiful and incredibly thoughtful friend Leah!
My morning workout actually came from Leah who texted me the WOD (workout of the day) that she did at her CrossFit box, CrossFit Rebels, on Monday. She had a feeling I would like it and assured me that it would kick my butt. And she was right!
After a 10 minute warm up, I completed the following workout:
Links to video demos of some of the exercises:
I used a 40 pound bar for everything and finished in just under 30 minutes. Thank you to Leah for kicking my butt from miles and miles away!
Once Ryan and I made it home from the gym, I fixed myself a quick breakfast.
Another egg white and oatmeal protein pancake (with a handful of slivered almonds added to the mix)!
Plus two small tangerines! The citrus in Florida is at its peak right now and I’m loving it.
I also made myself a hot mug of coffee with a splash of eggnog.
Time to head back to the gym to teach. I’ll see ya after lunch! Have a great Thursday!
Everywhere I turn I see crossfit something. I never like strength type classes but I am going to be adventurous and try your exercise tomorrow. 🙂
Ps. Protein pancakes are the best!!!!
Love this workout!!! Totally pinning it…and thanks for the vids and weight mention!
The weight mention was just for you! 😀
Ha! Do I ask that much? I just like to make sure I’m challenging myself enough! 🙂
I’m always wondering, too, Michelle! 🙂 I’m not certified in physical training, so I always appreciate the guidance and advice of someone who is! I realize that everyone is different and these numbers should only be used as a guideline – but, even so, they provide a good benchmark for me. Thanks so much, Julie! And the videos are also super helpful!
I love workouts that kick my butt in a short amount of time. This one sounds great :).
OMG! I made myself Eggnog (is that one word?) overnight oats and splashed a sprinkle of cinnamon on top and mixed it in…they were SOOOOO GOOD! Thanks for the ideas 🙂
Woop!! So glad you were a fan. 🙂
Awesome workout – thanks for sharing! And we’ve never met a pancake we didn’t like 🙂
Ahhh, the workout makes me so eager to get back in the gym! Can’t wait to start picking up heavy things again. ha
That workout looks awesome!!
Ooh thanks for sharing! Looks hard!
This makes me so eager to get back in the gym. Can’t wait to start picking up heavy things! ha
Thats a great workout! I just started crossfit about 3 weeks ago, and i love it so much!
Woah! This looks like a great workout! I needed something else for today! This may be PERFECT! 🙂
Oh nice workout! I just used a bar for the first time in a new class and really liked the extra kick it gave. My muscles weren’t used to actually being used ha.
Looks like a great workout! What’s the difference between a deadlift and a Romanian Deadlift?
I have yet to try crossfit. This seems like a great introduction to it though. Thanks for sharing!
I have never tried a Crossfit style workout, but this looks like a good one! I am going to pin it and give it a try! 🙂
What a great workout! CrossFit workouts are awesome!
Love this workout!! I am definitely pinning this!!
I am terrified of CrossFit, but love this workout as an intro that I can do on my own time. Thanks for the workout!
That workout looks awesome! I’ll definitely have to give it a shot.
I have a Crossfit question though, and really in no way do I mean to sound condescending… but what exactly makes a workout a “Crossfit” style workout? I always thought it was circuits of “Crossfit style” exercises done hard and fast with no rest, but it looks like I’m wrong if this workout gives you 45 secs of rest between each one? Now I’m just plain curious!
The 45 seconds come at the end of each round… not between each exercise. So you’re doing all of the exercises fast (but taking care not to sacrifice form!), but then you have a rest at the end before you go through all of them again. I’m sorry if that wasn’t clear! I just said it was a CrossFit style workout because it was the exact workout the CrossFit instructors had everyone do at my friend Leah’s box on Monday. 🙂
Ahhh that makes perfect sense! I totally read it wrong. Well now I feel much better about my Crossfit knowledge 😉 Can’t wait to try this one!
Looks like a great workout! Bookmarking it for later use 🙂
All of this talk about eggnog puts me in the mood for a holiday drink! I might have to make some hot chocolate with butterscotch schnopps this weekend!
I love doing countdown and pyramid type workouts! This one looks good.
Geeeez 40lbs!! You a beast! I think I could do 10lbs…maybe! Cant believe I get to see you in one week!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! BIG HUGS!!!
I am sooooooo pumped!! Woohoo!!!!!!!
Think I’m giving this a try today!
Hope you like it!
I’ve always wanted to go to a Crossfit class, but too scared to go by myself! The workouts always sound like good ones!
I’ve never tried crossfit but this seems great 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Looks like a great workout!! I haven’t done really any strength training since I got to college in August because the meatheads are super intimidating. But when I go home for break I’m sure I’ll do a few!
Looks like a fun workout!
You inspired me to pick up some eggnog at the store last night to add to my morning coffee. So good! I think I might add something a little stronger to it tonight when I have friends over to decorate the Christmas tree 😉
Have fun decorating your tree tonight!
I don’t CF, but this WOD looks fun. After my marathon on Sunday, I want to try this out next week! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Crossfit workouts with words like “power clean” and “romanian deadlift” freak me out but eventually Im going to try this one.
You really are a beast, in the BEST POSSIBLE WAY 🙂 I tend to keep to body weight exercises for strength training — but this is motivation for me to push myself!
That looks like a great workout! I’ve been slacking this week so I need to think of some good workouts soon!
Love this workout!
oh wow, looks like a great workout!! you must have powered through it FAST!
I did this with a 30 lb bar and just about wanted to die until I hit the round with 4 reps… now I feel awesome! Thanks for sharing 🙂
So glad you liked it!
looks like a great workout!!
Agreed on the Florida citrus! My sister and I were just in Florida visiting our parents for Thanksgiving and brought some back to North Carolina 🙂