The hype surrounding our upcoming cruise is growing among our group of friends at an exponential rate.
Last night Ryan’s cousin Daniel sent out a lengthy email that almost made me pee my pants from laughing so hard this morning.
Sadie literally walked into our home office as I was cracking up and gave me a blank stare as if to say, “What in the world is going on in here and why am I not a part of the fun?”
Daniel’s email included cruise predictions and MVP forecasts among other random anecdotes.
Let me break it down…
Cruise Predictions
The cruise predictions detailed Daniel’s forecast for the ridiculous behavior and crazy shenanigans that will occur on the cruise.
There was one particular prediction that I think you guys may get a kick out of since it applies to the blog…
Should be a good time.
And in case you’re unfamiliar with what exactly a “yard” is, here’s a little glimpse…
Cruise MVP
The MVP forecast in Daniel’s email dates back to cruises from years past.
Daniel actually had a Cruise MVP trophy professionally made for previous cruises. Based upon a group vote, the person who “brings the most heat” aboard the cruise is awarded the Cruise MVP.
On our previous cruise in September 2009, the Cruise MVP went to the whole group (it was an awesome cruise!), but this year we’re hoping to actually have one winner.
Daniel (and my) money is on my friend Laurel…
Laurel is the one who got the ball rolling on the whole cruise idea in the first place and is always a good time!
Okay, I think I got all the cruise talk out of my system and I promise not to talk about the cruise again today. Thanks for baring with me. I’m just getting way too excited and the growing enthusiasm from my friends is pumping me up even more!
Today’s lunch came together in a flash.
I added some avocado and bunch of shredded chicken from last night’s dinner to a Tupperware container filled with some of the fresh salsa I made on Sunday.
I found myself gravitating toward any bite with avocado in it. So good!
I also ate a cup of strawberry Greek yogurt for some sweetness.
Off to be productive…
Question of the Afternoon
- What is one of your favorite memories with your group of friends?
We have this week called “Dead Week” in college that is the week after school ends and before graduation. It’s typically for seniors but others may attend. It’s similar to high school “beach week” except the craziness is ramped up a notch with college-age people.
Well now that we’ve all graduated we now have “Adult Dead Week” where every year our friends from college get together and rage as if we were in college again up in Dewey Beach, Deleware. Very fun stuff 🙂