First things first, let’s cover lunch.
I enjoyed a smoked salmon and goat cheese bagelwich (just like Monday!) with a side of leftover green bean fries and a big Tervis Tumbler full of water.
Looks good, no?
Honestly, no.
Sure it tasted fantastic as I ate it, but 1.5 hours later I felt like a mess. My stomach felt extremely hard and bloated and nausea hit me like a ton of bricks.
As my wonderful Twitter friends know, I actually ended up curled up in a ball underneath my desk at work for a solid 25 minutes, waiting for the nausea to pass.
(Picture is a reenactment. Clearly I should be in Lifetime original movies.)
What a wonderful manager I am, huh? Two of my coworkers laughed with me and made me feel a little better as I scooted out of vision of the rest of the office and tried to feel better.
I would’ve just taken half of a sick day and left, but since I am taking a vacation day tomorrow, I figured it would look shady if I left early. Plus, my office requires employees to have a doctor’s note if they take a sick day before a holiday or planned vacation day and I didn’t want to visit a physician.
I swear the last two hours of the work day passed by so, so slowly. Once 5 p.m. hit, I was outta there and couldn’t wait to get to our apartment where I could plant myself on the couch.
By the time I left, my nausea dissipated, but I was left feeling really, really achy. I feel like my body has been through a war. I don’t know what is up with me this afternoon!
Fortunately I had a little ray of sunshine awaiting me as I arrived home.
A package from RueLaLa (hidden behind our recycling bin and topped with a dog treat for Sadie because our UPS guy is the jam)!
I immediately tore it open and slipped into the cocktail dress inside. I love it and immediately texted my friend Merri a picture because she’s my go-to fashion guru.
See why I’m going to miss her so much when she moves away!?!? She humors me so well.
I think I may be wearing the new dress to our friends’ wedding this weekend, so the unveiling may occur pretty soon! It’s between this new little number and a purple jewel-tone dress that I currently have being altered. I am actually supposed to pick it up tonight, but that’s not going to happen because I don’t plan on moving my butt from the couch until bedtime.
I missed my afternoon snack since I felt so icky, and I feel like I really need to eat something. The problem is the only thing that sounds appealing to me right now is frozen yogurt (which is a no-go since I gave up sweets for Lent) and my favorite cheese popcorn. I may beg Ryan to go out on a popcorn run to Kernel Encore to grab me a bag if nothing else starts to sound appetizing soon.
Off to veg out on the couch and watch trashy television with Sadie. Hope you’re all feeling better than I am this afternoon… especially you, Aggie, my sick buddy for the day!
P.S. The Fashion page was updated today!
ahhh hope it passes fully and you get your popcorn fix!!! i HATE that feeling.. i actually experienced some pain tonight- too much squash= fiber overload! enjoy your day off tmrw!
I’m so sorry you felt yucky today! It’s so good to see your pretty face. I swear I don’t get over here NEARLY often enough! Always good to see ya lady!
And, yes, you would clearly be great in lifetime movies, but that’s because you’re gorgeous. 😉
I saw your tweets today, that stinks 🙁 I randomly got super nauseous and threw up (sorry if that’s tmi haha) last night after eating some chips/guacamole from Chipotle—so weird because I usually never get sick. All was well today though. I hope you are feeling better 🙂
that happens to me sometimes, too! so, so odd.
Poor thing! Hope the couch and Sadie kisses cure you quickly!
I hope you feel better girl! I am sure both dresses are beautiful! Cant wait to see !!
How cute your UPS guy leaves a treat for Sadie, that is awesome!
I hope you feel better soon!
I love that your UPS guy leaves treats for Sadie! How hilarious!
Sorry you’re feeling crappy 🙁 Hopefully it was just a bug and will pass quickly!
That package would cheer me up… can’t wait to see your new dress! You’ve got me hooked on Rue La La, unfortunately for my bank account 😉
isn’t it amazing? i am a lil’ obsessed. glad you share my love for that site!
Poo! I hate getting stomach sick at work. Once I got such a bad case of nausea I got all numb in the face (I learned that’s from hyperventilating). I hope you feel better! Watching trashy tv always helps! 😉
Feel better soon. When I have stomach aches and not just feelin goog in general, planting myself on the couch and drinking hot tea and watching TV helps me feel better.
I might have to start shopping at your fave online store now, I hear so much about it. But maybe I’ll check it out after the wedding, once budget allows it.
the same sick feeling happened to me a while ago. the culprit: smoked salmon. something about those fishies! 🙁
hope you start to feel better soon!!
Down with smoked salmon!!!
oh nooo! feel better!! And if you are Rue La La’s number one customer…then I am number 2. I am definitely Ideeli’s number one customer. You should check that site out if you haven’t….I think its better even than ruelala!!! but only by a little 😉
Hope you feel better!! No fun! I am sure Sadie will not complain about hanging out on the couch. And where can I get a UPS guy like yours?!
Sorry to hear that you felt sick today. That happens to me for no reason sometimes too! I hate it. 😕
Yuck! Feel better soon! You’ve got a wedding to party at 🙂 Also, I laughed out loud to your “clearly I should be in a Lifetime original movie” 😀
Awe, I’m so sorry!
I react like that all too often to foods that I can’t even trace mos times!
Just a small suggestion, since you aren’t doing “sweets”, you might want to try peeling pretty ripe bananas and freezing them, then giving them a whirl to puree in your blender.
The result is like an all-natural soft serve! You can even add a dash of vanilla or cocoa powder (close your eyes and imagine you just pulled down a little white handle to fill your bowl) 😉
I hope you feel better soon!
Oh, and completely aside from dessert, very strong ginger juice (root blended with hot water and put through a strainer) is my COMPLETE go to when I feel like that- it really works wonders!
Sick day rule only applies for holidays 😉 [pretty sure]. And you didn’t call in so you should have taken a half day! Oh well at least you saved some sick time 🙂
Awww I wish I would’ve known! Thanks for the head’s up my little HR guru!
Ugh…that sucks! I had food poisoning for the first time a few weeks ago and felt the same way! Except I spent the night praying to the porcelain god! 🙁
Hope you feel better! I really don’t think there is anything that popcorn won’t fix. 😉
Sorry you feel bad. Hope tomorrow is a better day!
Yikes, I am sorry you feel so sick 🙁 That is THE worst! Hope Ryan can help ya out in someway….or tv or sadie? Have a better night- can’t wait to see the dress!!
Hope you feel better, Julie! Could it be the smoked salmon had gone bad? Maybe it wasn’t smoked enough…hm!
Glad you came home to a wonderful present (and one for Sadie, too!)
Enjoy your evening and maybe make some banana soft serve to quell your froyo craving?!
You poor thing! Hope you feel better!
Oh boy, you better be careful…Lifetime is sure to be calling any day now. 😉
Hope you feel better! Gotta rest up for that wedding this weekend!!
feel better! you might be dehydrated and it could have nothing to do with the food.
but i agree with the banana soft serve idea^
You’re stinkin’ adorable. I seriously feel like we would be good friends in real life!
TV and popcorn will make ya feel better fo sho 🙂
no buns in the oven right? 😉
peppermint tea works wonders
Have a good one,
Hahaha noooo
can’t wait to see what you bought at ruelala! hope you feel better
feel better julie!!! can’t wait to see the dress! love your fashion stylee
Oh no! That sounds awful. Hope this passes and its nothing. I hear the bug is going around but it seems to be short lived. Take care sweetie!
Oh man, getting sick at work is the worst. I think offices need nap rooms just for this purpose. Curling up under your desk just shouldn’t have to happen.
Totally agree.
My office actually has a “nap” room for this purpose…Actually I think it’s for lactating mothers that have come back to work but it’s never used for that.
feel better soon! my husband actually felt sick to his stomach today too 🙁
hope you feel better soon!
can’t wait to see your new outfit! 🙂
I saw your tweets today and felt so bad for you. Tummy troubles are the absolute worst!
I hope it’s not becoming a trend that your belly gets upset before weddings! Maybe some ginger ale will help…accompanying a lovely bag of popcorn 😀
Haha I said the same thing to Ryan!
Aww I hope you’re feeling better!! Chelsey from Clean Eating Chelsey actually just did a post on how her refillable plastic water bottle was giving her stomachaches because she wasn’t cleaning it often enough and apparently stomach-bloating bacteria form in them. Not sure how often you wash your Tervis, (if you’re anything like me, not that often) but maybe that could be the culprit?
I’m not sure if anyone has already said this, but whenever I’m not feeling well w/ tummy problems, mama always told me to switch to the BRAT diet for a day – Bananas, Rice, Apples, and Toast. – I’m not exactly sure the logic behind this or what special powers these food have to not make you vomit lol, but I always did what she said anyways =P
Hope you feel better!
you look SO TAN!!! Im jealous! haha i have such pale, white skin 🙁
at first when you said you were excited for the package and I saw the pic of the recycling bin I thought you were being sarcastic…like HEY thanks for leaving the recycling bin for ME to take out! haha but then I saw the package behind it .
I wish my UPS guy left Casper doggie treats 🙂
Boo…it sounds like Gas. The hard bloated feeling. The thing is people think having gas means you pass wind alot…OH, but no. It just gets trapped in your tummy and hurts!
You may want to try beano and gasx if that happens again.
sorry you’ve been feeling so crummy-feel better soon!
There is nothing worse than nausea at the office.
Yuck! Sorry you’re feeling sick today. I hate when sickness comes on all of a sudden. I hope you feel better soon!
Awww…thank you sweetie.
What a day!! I followed Kiran’s advice and had hubby pick me up some coconut water on the way home from work…saved the day. that and a PB&Banana sandwich. I’m hoping the worst is over.
I don’t know what was up with today but I’m over it! Hope you are feeling better tonight! Hugs…
What an awful way to spend your afternoon! Glad Rue La La could help turn the day around. Hope you are feeling better!
Offices should definitely have rooms for when you’re feeling sick and/or sleepy! At my high school, the nurse had a suite with a couple of beds. We could take a nap there until we felt better!
Glad I entertain you JB but sad you weren’t feeling well 🙁 such a good lil’ worker bee you are!
OH NO! I hope you’re feeling better by now!! That is not fun 🙁 at least you’re off tomorrow!
I hope you feel better! Thank goodness for shopping always brightening a day!
Aw, hope you feel better! I fed my addiction to Rue La La the other night. It’s so addicting!
I’m kind of in love with that adorable yellow table behind you in that last photo… where is that from?
Thank you! I bought it at Ross 3 years ago.