I am getting way too into the Olympic Trials.
It’s so fun to see where all the athletes are from all around the United States and watch them perform. Plus, seeing how pumped they are when they make the Olympic team gives me goosebumps!
As I was cooking dinner today, I tuned into reruns of yesterday’s diving trials and loved watching former Orlando resident Brittany Viola kill it on the 10-meter platform. (She went to Lake Highland Prep before heading onto the University of Miami.)
Watching diving on TV is really fun for me because it brings me back to my high school diving days. The sad thing with diving is that it’s so, so hard to keep up with the sport if you’re not on a team because there aren’t that many pools with diving boards around anymore (even in Florida). Plus, I’d feel like a total tool practicing dives at a local pool. Even though I wasn’t a fantastic diver, I miss the sport a lot!
Back to dinner!
I frequently plan my meals around one ingredient. Today that ingredient was chickpeas!
I ended up making a delicious curry dish featuring the following:
- Chicken breasts
- Chickpeas
- Broccoli
- Onion
- Curry powder
- Dried ginger
- Garlic Gold oil
- Salt
- Pepper
I started by sautéing the onion in the Garlic Gold oil before adding the rest of the ingredients and letting everything cook on a medium-low heat for a while.
The combination of flavors was fantastic! I wish I had a red pepper to throw in there, but it was still quite satisfying.
Bachelorette tonight!
Question of the Evening
- Did you play a sport in high school? Do you keep up with it today?
Yum! That looks so so good. I think I’ll make something like that tonight, maybe add some mushrooms.
What exactly is dried ginger? Is it just cut-up ginger or is it something pre-cut?
i played volleyball and basketball in high school, and i miss it SO much! i play both sports any opportunity i have, but it’s not as much as i’d like. my husband and i like to enter into volleyball tournaments sometimes which is a lot of fun!
I played volleyball and soccer. I also danced. Not a day goes by that I don’t wish I would have stuck to it, especially the dancing.
I’ve been glued to the Olympic trials, too! My sport in high school was tennis. I don’t really play anymore, but I definitely try to keep up with what’s going in in the pro tennis world.
I was on dive team at my country club for 3 days. you were required to do a back dive and I was too scared!!! Diving is one of my favorite olympic sports though!
Yum, your dinner looks delicious! I’m going to have to try a version of it, since those are ingredients we always have on hand.
Nope, no sports in high school, but I’ve since discovered running, and wish I had run XC back in the day.
I love watching the olympic trials! I swam in high school and college and by the end of college I never wanted to be near a pool ever again and I have hardly stepped back in one to swim laps! Every time I watch swimming on tv is makes me want to get back in the pool. Your dinner sounds delicious!
I played field hockey, lacrosse, and danced ballet. I was BUSY but I loved it! I wish I had done diving though too…such a fun sport. very cool that you did!
I was a diver too! I love being able to watch the trials…I’ve missed it!
I had no idea you were a diver?! How did I miss that after all this time??
I was a diver too, Julie! So much fun and I agree, love watching the trials! What was the coolest/most advanced dive you could do? I wasn’t a super star either but I did have a mean 1 1/2 front flip in pike!
My best dive was probably an inward 1 1/2. Inward dives were always my favorite!
nice! I just dove on a country club team so the board wasn’t great but I could never do more than a full inward flip.. impressive! always fun to hear about fellow divers 🙂
I was a swimmer and I played lacrosse. That looks like a yummy recipe.
I love curry dishes! I saw this on Twitter and had to check it out. :o) So glad Emily booted Ryan last week! He sucked! Have a great night Julie!
Our dinners were strangely similar except I didn’t have chicken and I put rice in mine. I covered it in bbq sauce-delish!
I was a cheerleader … but I wasn’t a very good cheerleader haha. 😉 So no, I didn’t keep up with it after high school. No college would have wanted me!
I did gymnastics until I was a junior in college and I’m SUPER excited to watch Olympic trials at the end of the week. 🙂
Volleyball! I tried out freshman year of high school just to be a part of something and it turned out it was definitely my sport! Now, 5 years later, my husband and I play at local beaches near us (Tampa) recreationally but want to join a league some time soon!
Volleyball! I tried out freshman year just to be a part of something and it turned out to be my sport! Now, 5 years later, my husband and I play at local beaches near us (Tampa) recreationally but are hopping to join a league sometime soon!
I love the Olympics so much! Can not wait. I was a cheerleader in high school. In college, I missed the tumbling part and went to a cheer gym for classes. But since then I haven’t kept up with it much. I’d love to go back though!
I played tennis in high school but don’t keep up with it a whole lot. But I always stop and watch if I happen to see it on TV! I also ran track for a year and it’s definitely my favorite olympic sport to watch.
I played soccer and lacrosse in high school but decided not to play in college! That dinner sounds really good… I’m not a huge chickpea person but in this combo it really looks like something I might enjoy 🙂
North shore pool near the Vinoy in St Pete has a decent diving board… You should try next time you are in town. Usually I find the pool has a lot more swimmers, triathletes, etc. So people are less likely to think you’re crazy for doing dives like that!
No way! Awesome! Do you need to pay or have a membership?
I’m not sure about non-residents, but for me (because I live in St Pete), all I need is a rec card… I would suggest your parents get one and you sneak in. They have to allow guests right? 😉
Also, the area along the bay, from Coffee Pot Park down to the Pier makes for a good six mile run. Beautiful view and often have dolphins as your running partner!
Hi Julie! I came across your blog via Pinterest last week and I’m hooked. Love it! I just finished grad school and although I’ve always been very active and healthy, I actually have TIME to dedicate to really maintaining a healthy lifestyle and schedule. I am getting so much inspiration from your blog! You’re adorable and have such awesome recipe and workout ideas. I’m telling everyone I know about pbfingers. Keep up the fantastic work and thank you for sharing your life with us 🙂
I dove and did gymnastics which means I am pumped for the Olympics! I certainly don’t keep up with either sport in terms of participating in them myself anymore but I sure watch them every chance I get.
That looks delicious! I had trouble turning the Olympic trials off to watch the Bachelorette and that is unheard of for me! I played around with gymnastics as a kid and it is my favorite olympic sport by far!
In high school I was a cheerleader and a show choir girl, but I did the dive team in middle school…until a hit the board a couple of times!! OUCH! but I must say that my favorite Olympics things to watch are the gymnastics and the diving because they are so pretty!!
I didn’t play a sport in high school but I danced all through school. I’ve been trying to keep up with it, I’m minoring in it now in college, but I’ve already finished the classes I need for it =(. I’m taking summer dance classes at a studio back home but I’m 5+ years older than everyone in the class.
Dance is also one of those things that’s hard to keep up post high school, if you don’t join a company, there aren’t a lot of opportunities for experience young adult dancers. But I love it so I’ll keep finding a way to do it!
I took dance all through high school, and I just got back from my weekly tap class!! So lucky to have found a great adult tap group in Boston.
We both ran xc and track and field, and are now in University, and still are! We run for our school, Western University in London, ON, Canad. Woohoo go mustangs! 😀
The Olympic trails are a pretty hot topic where I live right now as well, because one of the gymnists is from a town about 15 minutes from where I live. Safe to say all of Mid-Michigan has drank the Olympic Trial koolaide! 🙂 WEIBER FEVER!
I danced for 14 years, and I miss it so, so much. It’s hard to find adult tap classes that aren’t for beginners!
I was a cheerleader and diver.
I actually taught cheer and gymnastics until a year ago, so I guess I continued to practice it a bit. I can still do some jumps. lol.
I played tennis and I try to keep up with it as much as I can !
I played softball all through school. I keep up with it now by helping my daughters play. Does that count?!
I played competitive soccer and I miss it all the time! I’d really like to join a recreational league and get back into it.
I played lots of tennis in high school (was on the team!) & did competitive dance. I still do play a bit of tennis, but I don’t dance much, unfortunately! It’s never quite the same as an adult as it is as a kid (think dance moms but taken down several notches ;))
I played lots of tennis in high school (was on the team!) & did competitive dance. I still do play a bit of tennis, but I don’t dance much, unfortunately! It’s never quite the same as an adult as it is as a kid (think dance moms but taken down several notches )
I’m SO excited for the olympics! They’re always so much fun to watch!
that looks delicious! i love watching diving too! i played soccer, basketball and lacrosse in high school. today i just run:)
I played soccer and now I coach which is a really fun way to relive my good ole soccer playin days!
I played competitive soccer my whole life. I passed up a college scholarship to get married, but I don’t regret it for a second and I still play on two indoor teams just for fun right now!
I love your blog! This is the first time I’ve commented. I found it through hungryrunnergirl. I love seeing the yummy things you eat and seeing what you do to workout. I love how you switch it up! I played soccer, basketball, and ran in high school. I still run and wish I could do the other two more. I played basketball in college and miss it tons!
I was just pretending to be an olmypic diver the other day at the pool. I don’t think I looked quite like her though!
thanks so much for taking the time to comment!! 🙂
I love Olympic season! Gymnastics is definitely my favorite, but diving is a close second! My neighbor and best friend from elementary school actually made it to the Olympic trials for swimming and it was AMAZING! Unfortunately she didn’t make it but I still think it’s such an honor to make it to that point.
That looks great! And I ran in high school and still love it! Though-hs wasn’t too long ago 🙂
Check out my latest recipe @ bakingblissful.blogspot.com
Yep. I was a swimmer, and one of the swimmers I used to swim with is in the olympics this year, he actually won bronze last olympics, so we’re hoping he’ll come home with gold this year!
One of my KD sistas (I guess one of our KD sistas since you’re a KD too) boyfriend was in the Olympic trials for mens diving! Unfortunately he didn’t make it, but his older brother did! (the 3 brothers were all at the Olympic trials… he was the youngest of the 3)
how cool!!!
I played varsity tennis in high school- SO wish I kept up with it!
i never know what to do with chickpeas so thanks!
So impressed you were a diver! It looks so difficult but so graceful all at the same time. I used to run long distance (I hated it and preferred sprints) and I also did the high jump. Loved doing that but it was really sore if you ever landed on the bar!!
Love chickpeas roasted and tossed in a salad for crunch.
is that you in the picture!?
noooo! i wish! that is brittany viola (i linked to her below the pic). she’s amazing!