I still have yet to shower and even attended a meeting about PBF t-shirts in my sweaty gym clothes. Sure the meeting was with a good friend of mine who owns Real Thread, the company that will be making the shirts, but I gotta get it together.
On the plus side, I’ve been quite productive this morning and my lack of a shower means Sadie will likely get a long walk this evening since I won’t care about sweating in the Florida heat again.
At least she’s a happy camper!
Don’t worry, I am vowing to shower at some point today.
PBF Shirts Update
Progress on the PBF t-shirts is really picking up! We officially have colors selected and a graphics guy is working to make my homemade design (basically just colored text) into a legit graphic for on the shirt.
Some big decisions regarding the shirts:
- I will be ordering t-shirts, not tanks
- I will order shirts in both heather gray and tahiti blue
- The phrase chosen for on the shirts was “My Heart’s Aflutter for Peanut Butter”
If the design, ordering and shipping of these shirts goes smoothly, I would love to offer tanks and shirts with other sayings in the future.
As you may remember I will be holding inventory of the shirts myself because I wanted to have a lot more freedom in the selection of the shirts and the design, so this means I’ll be placing an order for shirts before I have actual orders from you guys. To minimize the chance of me paying a ton of money and selling no shirts or buying a bunch of shirts in the wrong sizes, I would be SO grateful if you could honestly answer the following survey questions to give me a better idea of how many shirts and what sizes I should order.
Obviously I know your orders are contingent upon you actually liking the design. I’m just looking for a rough estimate. Pricing of the shirts will depend on the amount ordered (the more I order, the cheaper the shirts), but I expect them to be around $20.
Okay enough of the shirt talk, here are the surveys:
Let’s talk sizing….
Please use the overall fit of this shirt to gauge your sizing:
[polldaddy poll=5231102]
Please only answer the following question if you plan to order a shirt…
[polldaddy poll=5231104]
Thank you so much for taking the time to vote!
I was so stoked for today’s lunch!!!
After my t-shirt meeting with Dru, I popped into Chamberlin’s, a local natural foods store to browse around a bit.
Though I typically get excited about trying new sweets, baked good mixes, granolas, etc., I’m trying to expand my palate a bit and get a little more creative in the kitchen, so I tore myself away from the cake mix aisle and spent some time looking over new sauces and marinades.
When I spotted this Spicy Nothings coconut curry simmer sauce, I was immediately sold!
Now that I’m a curry convert, the combination of coconut and curry spoke to my taste buds!
I nabbed the sauce, figuring I would use it in a noodle bowl for lunch this afternoon.
To make today’s lunch, I first steamed about two cups of Brussels spouts before chopping them up in my food processor.
I them topped a big bowl of Carba Nada pasta with the shredded Brussels spouts and my new sauce and went to town.
Oh baby it was good!
The sauce had a little kick to it which I didn’t expect. (Upon further examination of the label, the sauce is labeled with the word “medium,” so I guess I should’ve had a head’s up.)
I actually liked the little bit of spiciness and wolfed this bowl of pasta down like it was cool. Which it totally was.
Not sure dinner will be able to top this lunch!
Wishing I could skip showers! Work may not let me through the doors…but you better believe on weekends I hold off as long as possible post-workouts (if at all) !!
As someone who is tall and prefers a bit of a looser fitting t-shirt will additional sizes be offered? In fitted women’s t-shirts I typically require an XL, even though in regular day to day shirts I am a M/L. 🙂
i would love to have all different kinds of shirts available! this is the current fit, but if everything goes smoothly, i’ll definitely expand on different styles. 🙂
Fantastic! Thanks, Julie – you’re a rockstar!!! Err, blogstar 🙂
I was thinking the same thing! I have big tatas and usually prefer an XL. If you get XLs at some point I will definitely order. 🙂
I agree. XL needed and wanted!
Why type of shirt are u ordering? (like brand?)
american apparel? Hanes? Jerzees?
Cant wait to see the design !
the brand is called next level. they’re SUPER soft!
Can’t wait to see the design! What’s next? Dog shirts with Sadie’s face? If so, Koda will be ordering one! 🙂
maybe the ass grass picture? 😉
can. you. please. PLEASE.
i’m thinking pic of ass grass on the front, followed by “IT’S REAL” on the back.
bahaha! Oh, that’s GREAT!!
I would buy a doggie teeshirt in a HEARTBEAT!
Can’t wait to see the t-shirts!
I love coconut curry! It is actually on the supper menu for tonight 🙂
Heather gray is by far my favorite t-shirt color. And I LOVE the saying you’re going with 🙂
Congrats on making some big decisions….can’t wait to see how they turn out!
No worries on not taking a shower – I would do it more often but my boyfriend doesn’t like me very much when I don’t 🙂
That lunch looks amazing! Such a good idea to steam brussel sprouts and shred, I’m definitely going to try that!! And I’m I need a trip to Fresh Market for Carba Nada and new sauces!
I love curry sauces! That noodle bowl looks awesome!
I can’t wait to get a t-shirt. I bet they’ll be adorable!
It’s ok, Julie. You’re not the only one! I stay at home right now, and most days I don’t shower until 2 or 3 in the afternoon. As long as I am fresh ( and so clean, clean) before the hubby gets home, right. Ok, and sometimes not even before he gets home! 🙂
Such a great idea! My sis just gave me some carba nada noodles and I’m the biggest curry + brussels sprouts fan…. definitely trying this out!
That curry looks delicious!!! And don’t worry, I definitely haven’t showered yet today either haha.. but I plan to very soon, before I go out to dinner. 😉
Congrats on the t-shirts! I’m sure they’ll be super cute!
If you are working out you are definitely not “letting yourself go”!!!
good point! i feel better now. 🙂
I love those 2 color choices! I agree with Megan T though that an XL option would be great. I understand you want to get this off the ground tho- but I would personally love a tank top or V neck. The ta-tas dont look so great in crew neck 😉 haha!
i want a tank top too! and v-necks are so feminine and pretty. i hope to have a lot of options. let’s hope this first round doesn’t kill me logistically!
I think you’re only problem will be having to order more than you expect! 😀
i hope so! if not, i’ll be wearing PBF tshirts every day of the week. 🙂
My husband’s family is Chinese and the hotter it is outside, the hotter the food they make. It seems counter intuitive, but it really cools you down!
Oooo yummy lunch! And I voted, can’t wait to see (and buy!) the final product!
No worries about letting yourself go…I’m 29 and I think I started doing that at least 5 years ago?! IMO, showers are overrated and anyway, isn’t that what cute workout wear is for?! 😉
BTW, I just told my husband the other day that I am letting myself go. (joking of course!) But doesn’t it seem overwhelming all of the work we women have to put in everyday to just maintain?! And guys just have to shower and shave… no fair.
YESSS. I think about this constantly.
I love the shirts!!!!!!
this looks amazing!! definitely going to try something like this tomorrow!!!
Yumm that sauce looks awesome…I’ll have to look for it! Side note: what food processor do you use/do you love it? I’m in the market for one but I’m not sure which ones are good!! Thanks 🙂
we got a cuisinart one for our wedding and i really like it so far!
I just showered at its almost 4pm so don’t feel bad! Can’t wait to order a t-shirt, I’m excited for them!
Yum!!! I never would have thought to top brussels sprouts with curry. Interesting! Curry + coconut milk is so darn good. You should use the curry sauce to simmer with chicken and coconut milk in the slow cooker!!!! Just serve on top of brown rice.
I can’t wait to have shirt that shows the world how much I truly love peanut butter 🙂
You arent letting yourself go! Plenty of people run errands in their sweats!
Now, if you were walking around in mom jeans then I might be worried!
That’s a pretty creative blend! I’ve never thought to put brussel sprouts in the food processor!
Can’t wait to see your T-Shirts! Count me in for that. And that pasta looks A-MAZING!!
Yum that noodle bowl sounds delicious :). I can’t wait for you t-shirts!!!
I would love one but having big boobs makes me need the XL or else i will look like I am rocking the mini shirt. Def a V-neck
what? you don’t want to wear a PBF crop top?
I have sported the crop top look before and would do it again only for PBF…it just may only be in house versus the playground 🙂
wooo. Fun.
I showered at like 2 pm today. No big thang. 😉
I’m not sold on curry but your lunch looks delish!
Good luck with all of the shirt stuff! I like the saying, it is really cute and more creative than the “will run for ___” shirts that I see on plenty of other blogs.
i’ll be sure to make a “will run for peanut butter” shirt just for you. 😉
I’m fully converted to curry after making a bomb.gov curried chicken salad. And I think the name of that sauce, spicy nothings, is too too clever.
I was feeling in the same boat of “letting myself go” so I rushed home at lunchtime for a shower…. best decision of the day!
I live in Phoenix and even though it sounds gross, sometimes lack motivation to shower early in the day in the summer. It just means sweating an hour later and taking a zillion more showers that day. And I like the excuse to hunker down inside 🙂
YESSS. this is my problem. i sweat like a beast in the summer in florida. if i shower early on, i want to remain a hermit inside the rest of the day.
I totally hold off showering as long as possible, and if my boyfriend wasn’t a germaphobe and showered 3 times a day, I would shower wayyyy less! Can’t wait to see the t-shirts when they’re done!
I work from home and have been known to not shower until *after* the work day is over (like 6 p.m.). But now I’m making an effort to shower *before* starting work… for some reason it makes me feel more productive. Plus, my husband comes home for lunch and always calls me out for not showering if I haven’t yet 🙂
Wow, that is such an ingenius idea about processing the brussell sprouts! 😀 Seriously, would never have thought of that, but having seen it here, I realise how fabulous that must be! I love how you eat pasta – a single serving atop lots and lots of green vegetables for volume…you’ve really encouraged me to branch out and eat pasta again, PBFingers style! 🙂 xyx
Love the use of Brussel Sprouts! They r my favorite!
PS: I work from home and frequently shower at about 3 in the afternoon…oops! It’s my little not-so-secret 🙂 xyx
LOVE the shirts!! Any idea when they will be available? I’d like to order one for my daughter for her b-day August 23rd if possible.
Can’t wait to see how the t-shirts look… they sound cute!
Carba nada noodles!? Hmm those sound like something I would love
Can’t wait for the shirts 🙂
ahhhh i can’t wait to order my pbf tee. my hearts a flutter in excitement already.
To echo some of the comments made earlier, I could only purchase a shirt if it was a true XL (not something that’s actually a large).
Unfortunately, most of the blogs I read also limit themselves to S-L which automatically excludes me (someone who is at the beginning of their journey). In fact, I’d be comfortable presuming that some of your readers might even appreciate a XXL.
On a happier note: I’d love love a shirt about peanut butter and your doggie =)
i really, really hope to offer a wider variety of sizes. i just emailed the company about the possible availability of XS, XL and XXL shirts. my fingers are crossed!
Thank you so much for looking into this for next time =)
Yes, thank you, from me, too 🙂
Thank you so so much for looking into this. I voted for small, but every small I wear is too big for me (especially in a certain area….let’s just say I’m a member of the IBTC 😉 ). Extra small would be great!!!
Bahaha I love that opening sentence! I totally think that to myself every weekend, and am secretely afraid that if I worked from home, I’d never leave my running shorts and spandex.
ps. Off topic, but do you have any advice for writers/communications specialists who are looking to get into the type of career field you’re in, i.e. editor of a website, news, etc.?
Can’t wait for the PBF shirts to come out!
Maybe you mentioned it and I missed it BUT what color will the lettering be printed in? Will it be the same on both shirts!?!?! 🙂 Excited for a t-shirt!
Awww .. hoping this goes well and lots of people buy so that you will consider v-necks. Like others I’m pretty well endowed at the top. Mediums fit for me usually but with crew probably Large or Xlarge.
I might still buy one to support! (:
Such a different spin on lunch – will definitely try!
Um, I still haven’t showered today either! I work from home too, but I don’t go to the gym until, well, in 5 minutes, so I hold off until I get back from there. My lunch today also involved Brussels sprouts 😉
I love curry! Could you please share the nutrition label. I could not find it online.
I can’t wait for the shirts!
Lunch looks yummy – what a neat idea!
I am SOOO glad that I’m not the only one who puts off taking showers, even after working out! I love staying in my workout clothes after a workout, I feel like I get more done, like I’m still in ‘work hard” mode or something! And my sweet Buddy boy (my fur baby) loves it too because it means we can go outside more often. Alabama heat is killa!
On a cleaner note, I’m so excited about peanut butter shirts! I LOVE peanut butter and can’t wait to express my feelings to the world with an awesome tshirt! YAY!!