Her list included:
- Canned beans
- Nuts
- Blueberries
- Whole grain cereal
- Broccoli
- Carrots
- Red wine
- Tea
- Oranges
- Tomatoes
Which “survivor food” is your favorite?
Mine is definitely nuts (and nut butter… peanut butter… mmm).
My lunch today actually included two of the survivor food stand outs!
Broccoli and tomatoes (in the form of marinara sauce) were included in my pasta bowl, along with mushrooms and Parmesan cheese.
It was delicious and fit for a meal on a private island. If only… 😉
Red wine! I could live off that. 🙂
Here would be my question…stranded on a desert island how would you open the cans without a can opener?!? haha…I know I am a dork! 🙂
hahaha good point! i love it.
I’m with Jessica– just give me the red wine and I’ll be fine 🙂
Cereal, duh! Perfection would be the cereal with blueberries and nuts mixed in. Red wine is good too. 😀
CEREAL! of course!
Oh I’m with you cereal all the way. But wine is at a close second. Cereal and wine…breakfast of champions!!! hahahaha right
strangely..broccoli, i love it?! haha