Ryan’s mom came in town this weekend! We were so, so happy to have her here in North Carolina for her very first visit to our new house!
Truthfully, I ended up completely neglecting my camera for most of the weekend in favor of simply soaking up time with Ryan and my mother-in-law, but I did manage to snap a few pictures (mostly on my phone) to share that can serve as a little glimpse into our weekend.
- Brunch (x2)
Our love for going out to brunch surfaced again when we moved to the Charlotte area and we have a fun time taking friends and family to some of our favorite breakfast spots whenever we have a visitor in town. This weekend we took Diane to Toast and Sun Up Café and had a great time enjoying a laid back morning meal over lots of conversation and hot coffee. (For locals, we also absolutely love Terrace Café, Tupelo Honey Café and Millstone Bake House for brunch among others.)
Yesterday morning, our brunch at Sun Up Café began with an order of the doughnuts you see above that came out with a delicious vanilla custard sauce and sweet blueberry spread for dipping. I think it’s safe to say our Sunday kicked off on the right foot!
- Lots of Lake Time
With spring weather in full swing, we had to spend as much time as possible outdoors. Thankfully Diane is all about outdoor activities, so she was game for two afternoons on the lake. This worked out perfectly because something rather exciting happened last week – Ryan and I bought a boat! We got a great deal on a used boat that will be so much fun to take out this summer and since we bought it on Wednesday night, we’ve already been out four times!
I’ve talked to a handful of women who have entered their final months of pregnancy during the hot summer months and many have said they basically lived in the lake or at the pool, so this fits into my plan perfectly. I’m hoping to spend all of June and July floating in the lake!
During our first trip out on the water, one thing became quite clear: Sadie is in heaven!
She’s definitely a water dog through and through.
- Casual Pizza Night
Since we spent hours and hours on the lake in the warm sunshine on Saturday, by the time we arrived back at our house in the early evening, we were all pretty darn tired and wanted something super simple for dinner. Pizza fit the bill and we headed out to our favorite local spot to share a vegetable and cheese pizza with a side of pepperoni garlic knots. Yum!
- Sunday Night Documentaries
After we dropped Ryan’s mom off at the airport on Sunday night, Ryan and I curled up on the couch to watch a new-to-us documentary, Stop At Nothing: The Lance Armstrong Story. We’ve been really into watching Netflix documentaries on Sunday nights lately and I’m surprisingly finding myself very intrigued by sports-related documentaries. (Based on a friend’s recommendation we watched Slaying The Badger last weekend and thought it was really interesting. If you’re at all interested in the Tour de France, I highly recommend it. It’s also what inspired us to watch the documentary on Lance Armstrong last night.) If you’ve watched a great documentary lately, I’d love to hear about it and add it to our Sunday night must-watch list! And if you’re also into documentaries, you may be interested in this post I shared last year with a list of Top Netflix Documentaries.
- More Nursery Progress
I texted the above pic to my mom and sister on Friday night to show them some of our nursery progress! It’s coming together pretty quickly and I can’t wait to show everything to you guys soon! Ryan and I have spent hours putting together furniture over the past week or two and just need to hang stuff on the walls and make some final touches before it’s good to go. (Any tips for securing paintings/prints to the wall in a nursery in a safe way would be very much appreciated!) Everything you see above is either from Wayfair or HomeGoods (well, the toys were gifts from family) and I ended up incorporating more light blue/gray into our initial plans for a neutral nursery than I expected, but I think it really needed some color since the white and beige kind of took over… We’re also still in the market for a crib skirt, so that will be added soon, too!
I hope you guys had a great weekend and that you’re feeling well-rested going into a new week! Happy Monday!
We used the adhesive wall mount stickers that you get from the hardware section in our nursery. We hung letters and wall prints. We used in our last house as well in other rooms!
thank you for the tip!!
LOVE Sadie’s face in this picture!!!!! And can I say, I just had breakfast, but that pizza looks fabuloso!!!!!!!!! Have a terrific week girly!
OO my husband would love slaying the honey badger, thanks for the suggestion!
it was REALLY good. my dad is really into biking and we recommended it to my mom and dad right after we finished and they loved it as well. i knew basically nothing about the tour de france going into it (aside from the fact that it’s a crazy-difficult bike race), but thought the whole thing was incredibly interesting!
Sadie is loving that boat ride!! I can’t wait for summers on the lake. Glad you had a fun weekend!
Congrats on your boat! Everyone in the lake area has one and spends so much time on the water in the summer! It’s the only way a lot of people can tolerate the heat. I hope you guys enjoy it! I love reading all about your Charlotte adventures, makes me miss home!
I love Netflix documentaries, there are some really good ones on there! My favorites include Man on Wire (<– my favorite documentary EVER), Elephant in the Living Room, First Position, Jig, and The Waiting Room.
So excited and love seeing the nursery progress!
I love documentaries and always looking for a new one—thanks for the suggestion!
I echo Somer above on First Position and Jig…I have watched both of those countless times!! Jig especially is awesome because the world of Irish dancing is something I was really not familiar with and the kids they follow are SO cute. I think Ryan would like that one more than First Position LOL
My husband and I are really into watching documentaries too…”Desert Runners” (the one Janae mentioned on her blog last week) is SO good and incredibly interesting…definitely fun to watch people run a desert like the Sahara since I NEVER WILL. “Mile, Mile and a Half” is also excellent and I think you and Ryan would LOVE it since you both like hiking so much!! A group of artists hike 150 miles on the John Muir trail out west and the video/pictures they take are breathtaking. 🙂
Congrats on the boat!! I just watched “Blackfish” last night and found it both really interesting/sad.
My favorite documentaries are definitely “Mile, Mile and a Half” and “Somm”. So good!
I love Tupelo Honey Cafe! There’s one in Greenville, SC (where I am) too!!
Congrats on the boat!!!! So exciting!!!! Sadie looks so happy 🙂
Love the blue in the nursery, in addition to the neutrals. Good call!
You can’t live on a beautiful lake and not have a boat to enjoy the summer months! Hoping we live near a lake again soon because I miss boating so much! Ps. that nursery is looking adorable! 🙂
Can’t wait to see more pics of the nursery!
I’m obsessed with documentaries. My fave one lately is Desert Runners – these people are amazing and blow my mind!
We use Gorilla Hooks to hang things in our house. They are so easy and work really well!
A boat! How exciting! It’s funny: I grew up going to the Delta (in California; I’m from the San Francisco area), and my family has always boated and water skied and spent every summer on the water, but I’ve never wanted a boat! Weird. Still, I’m thankful my family has one, and I look forward to bringing our baby out on the water this year! (BTW, Infant life vests are SO expensive–be on the lookout for sales if you can find them!)
Your nursery is going to be SO cute, I’m sure. You have such talent for decorating! We live in California so with earthquakes we needed to be extra safe about hanging stuff. We bolted all our furniture to the wall (except the crib), and we didn’t hang anything over the crib. I might do a decal or something for the next baby, but it’s nice peace of mind that nothing can fall on Marshall in the middle of the night!
I loved going out on the boat where I grew up. I always liked that it was someone else’s boat though and I didn’t have to worry about it haha. You’re going to have such a good summer!
Ahhhh how exciting you bought a boat! That sounds like it’s going to be an amazing summer for sure! And yes, I’ve been pregnant before in the summer (and am again) and anything in/near the water is muchhhh appreciated. I too will be outside in water all summer long 😉
Love the nursery progress! You totally have a talent for decorating & incorporating lots of neutrals. Can I ask what you use as inspiration (any specific websites or boards on pinterest?) b/c we’re buying a home soon and I know nothing about decorating, haha.
Pinterest and Houzz.com are my best bets for decoration inspiration!
So jealous of your boat! That’s a dream of mine, to live near a lake and have a boat. Guess I’d better start looking at SC/NC houses 😉 It looks perfect there!
I was pregnant in 2009 and due at the end of August. At the time I lived in Austin, TX and was taking summer classes at UT until the end of my pregnancy. The heat was unbearable! Especially for walking around a huge campus with a big belly. Everyday after class I pretty much just stayed in the pool for hours. So yes living in the water while being pregnant in the summer is definitely a must! It also continues to be a must for babies with August birthdays. I either have to plan a party indoors or a pool must be available if it’s going to be outdoors. That’s terrific you guys bought a boat, you’re definitely going to enjoy your summers so much more being relaxed outdoors. And what a cute nursery, can’t wait to see the rest!
Congrats on the boat!!! We live in Charlotte too! But we’re in the S Charlotte / Weddington area. I grew up boating and I hope that’s something we get to do with our kids!! Any tips on buying one?! Did you purchase from a boat store or buy used from a private seller? Has Ryan driven one before or was it pretty simple for him to figure out? (Maybe this would make a post haha!).
Can’t wait to hear more!! Congrats again!!
Hi Sarah!! We bought the boat from a private seller (definitely check out boattrader.com and craigslist.com and don’t be afraid to negotiate). Ryan was already comfortable driving a boat (he grew up around boats in Florida), but we’re both still planning to take a boater’s safety course!
I always use those 3M adhesive strips to hang everything from picture frames to decor. I literally have a drawer full of all kinds. I love them and they work great! And no holes in the walls..for the win!
So jealous of the boat! Looks like a great weekend.
I’m jealous of your weekend lake time! It’s pouring rain in Texas and is supposed to for the rest of the week, so I’m craving some sunshine majorly this Monday!
I recently watched the Price of Gold on netflix and would definitely recommend! I also love sports related documentaries (:
It’s so cool you bought a boat! My grandparents used to have one and I loved going out on the lake with it! Have fun with that 😀
What a fin weekend 🙂 Cannot wait to get out on that boat and see that nursery!! Annnddddd….. your netflix is up and running again! Woo 😉 Miss you!!
I recently watch an HBO documentary called The Jinx. If you are into mystery shows this one was great! There are 6 episodes and I finished it in two days! Very interesting.
Ahh so exciting about the boat!! I love being by water!
pepperoni garlic knots! YUM. and so cool about the boat– that’s so fun!!
I live for boating on Lakes!! 🙂 I love Wakeboarding and just being near the water! Enjoy 🙂
AH! I can’t believe you bought a boat!! That’s like adam and I’s ultimate adulthood dream 🙂 So happy for your new “addition” haha! Glad you guys were able to enjoy it with family this weekend, so fun!!!
I love Netflix documentaries! The best one I’ve ever seen is Blackfish!
I go through documentary BINGING phases where that’s basically all I watch. Here are some that I’ve watched recently and loved:
Finding Vivian Maier (was one of the Oscar nominees this year–so interesting!)
Dinosaur 13 (about finding Sue the T-Rex. I cried. Over dinosaur bones. LOL)
Casting By
Fed Up
Pressure Cooker
there’s a Tupelo Honey in Asheville that I LOVE! And ps. we should meet up soon now that we live closer!! I’m only 3 hrs away.
william’s room is light blue, white, and gray – i love how neutral it is! i got his bedding from pottery barn – crib looks gorgeous!
180 Degrees South is a must watch! The music and footage are both spectacular.
What a fun weekend! Owning a boat must be so much fun!
http://trendkeeper.me .. PROFESSIONAL.. and be featured!
Yay for a boat! How fun!
So glad you guys had a nice weekend with Ryan’s mom! Sounds like it was productive and relaxing – perfect! Looking forward to seeing more of your nursery progress!! Looks like it’s coming along nicely. Would love to know where you got your crib…I love it!
LOVE that pic of Sadie!
Congrats on the boat!! It’s my dream to own a boat… and to live near water where I can use it – haha! I’m sure you’ll have lots of fun summer adventures on the lake!
Donuts + vanilla custard sauce sounds splendid! I need to try something along these lines. It sounds like a beautiful weekend. Hope you have a lovely Monday Julie!
Welcome to boat life and lake life! We bought one 2 years ago and it was the best money ever spent. You’ll really enjoy it as will Sadie and the little Mr! 🙂
Oh my gosh a BOAT! Congratulations! That looks like so, so much fun. You guys have such fun summers ahead of you!
Also, I just went on Wayfair for the first time a few days ago and they have some really great stuff! I was impressed. Your nursery looks adorable so far. 🙂
Always, Anita
I used these Command brand Velcro sticky adhesives to hang wooden name letters in my son’s room. Stick one piece to the wall and one piece to the letter and then Velcro the pieces together. They’ve held up really well and were super easy.
Congrats on the boat purchase.
That pizza looks amazingly delicious!
We just watched a good documentary called “Somm” (I think is how it is spelled!) about these 4 guys trying to pass the Master Sommlier test, it’s all about wine and it was SO interesting! And kind of funny, ya’ll should check it out!
I HIGHLY recommend the documentary, “Forks Over Knives”. I’m a BIG fan of nutrition/wellness documentaries and definitely need to get on Netflix and watch some others. 🙂