I think I felt the nutrients soaking into my body. “See ya, croissants,” they said.
Diet Soda: A Do or a Don’t?
About 30-minutes after lunch, I got a craving some something carbonated and sweet so I headed down to the café on the second floor of my office building to pick up a Diet Dr. Pepper and an apple.
Truth be told, I kind of love Diet Dr. Pepper.
When I was growing up, my parents didn’t let me or my sister drink soda except for on very special occasions. I remember thinking that a Shirley Temple (7-Up mixed with grenadine) was so, so fancy.
As a child, I wished I could have soda a few times, but it wasn’t that big of a deal, especially since my parents didn’t keep it around the house. Today I am grateful that they restricted my soda intake as a kid because I never think to order it at restaurants and still drink it very rarely.
I try to avoid diet sodas because of the inclusion of aspartame in the ingredient list, but I don’t worry about drinking a can every now and then and enjoy it when I do.
Questions of the Day
- What are your thoughts on soda and diet soda consumption?
- Do you drink diet soda? If so, how often? If not, why not?
I used to be addicted to diet soda but I weaned myself off of it. I drink maybe 1-2 sodas a week now. I tend to drink diet but sometimes I enjoy a regular soda.
This may sound a bit extreme, but I consider soda, in all forms, poison. Growing up, it was basically the same- soda on special occasions only and we never had it in the house. Maybe that’s part of the reason why I don’t ever crave it now, but I think it’s mainly because I know what I’d be putting into my body and that worries me the most. With all of the knowledge we have available nowadays on the ingredients (or chemicals for that matter) that go into food and beverages, I think it’s important to just be aware and keep them in my mind.
By the way, I’m not a “perfect” eater by any means, but I’d just rather eat my calories (in forms of nut butters and chocolate, of course haha), than drink them 🙂
As a kid, I was allowed as much coke as I wanted. And I overindulged, naturally. As an adult, I gave up pop, and still don’t drink it. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.
I love Diet Dr. Pepper and truth be told, I’m a total Diet Coke girl. I’m trying to work and cut it out of my diet, but I seriously crave the taste. I know it’s bad for me to have every day (the aspartame and the caramel color) but it is really something I battle with. I’ve recently started drinking more sparkling water as a substitution but am having a hard time nixing my caffeine fix. Anyone have suggestions??
I was actually having this conversation with a coworker today!
I use it as a treat once in a while. I like foutain pop so once in a while out at a restaurant I’ll get a diet coke. I keep cans in the house but I probably go through a 12 pack in about 8 months or so (and about half of those go to guests). I just prefer water.
Same with crystal light type drinks. I had some last week because it was sunny and made me want Iced tea. Now I’m over it and back to plain old water 🙂
The purported health/cancer development risks associated with aspartame are grossly overblown because of the way the studies were conducted.
I used to drink sprite…and a lot of it! Once I kicked the sprite to the curb though I can’t even stand drinking it. I’ll take a sip from friends from time to time, but if you see me with a cup of something it’s more than likely water ha.
I’m similar to you in that I only drink soda once in awhile, don’t keep it in the house (don’t really want it regularly anyway), and only have it when I’m craving it. On the other hand, my parents drink SO much soda, and I think it’s super unhealthy. I’m always trying to convince my dad to drink more water, but I just can’t convince him. Oh well, I can make sure that my house is a water-friendly one! 🙂
Welcome back! I know what you mean about being excited about regular eats after vacation meals, lovely as they are! 🙂
I am not a soda drinker – and I never really was. When we were little, the only time we could drink it was if we were out to dinner. We never kept it in the house. I don’t want to give it to my kids, so I’ll probably follopw the same rules as my parents did!
I’m a big believer in “If it’s too good to be true it probably is”. I didn’t grow up with drinking soda in my house … and I SWEAR it’s just better for you in the long run. There is no need to give kids sugary drinks … when there are such better alternatives. Aspartame may or may not CAUSE cancer … but I don’t think anyone can say “Aspartame is SUPER good for you”. In my book … that’s enough said! There is enough crap in this world working against us … why help matter by putting unhealthy things into our system? I applaud you Julie … way to not give into the whole “well if you can’t PROVE it will kill me then I’m just gonna do it til you do”. I hate when people do that. It’s all about prevention … you go girl! 🙂
I have the same thoughts as you – I didn’t grow up being able to have any pop regularily so don’t typically drink it now either. But when I do crave a pop – usually Pepsi Zero – I just go for it!
I love what I call “bubble water,” basically any carbonated flavored water with just a hint of sweet. I don’t drink much pop, as we call it in Michigan, but I do love a good Diet Coke with lemon every now and then. I’m also a sucker for a diet rootbeer or diet dr. pepper on occasion. I know aspartame is bad for you, but I figure if I only have it once in a while, it’s probably ok. 🙂
I gave up diet coke for lent and haven’t looked back. I used to drink it…a LOT! I don’t drink coffee, so it was my caffeine. I have seriously never felt better. The first three weeks were hard, but now I feel like I have more energy and love drinking water (sometimes with some crystal light) instead. I don’t feel bloated and I even lost some weight (didn’t know that was going to happen– but it was an added bonus!) I am not saying I’ll never drink pop again, but I defintitely won’t go back to my two (or six) a day habit. Great post— glad you had an amazing trip!! I love the guest blogs, but I’m happy to have you back 😉
Honestly I don’t worry too much about aspartame because I personally think there were some flaws with the research about it — that’s as far as I’m going with that though because I don’t want to create drama or discord; anyone who’s interested should look at the studies themselves, including the methodology and results, etc.
That said though I don’t drink diet soda very often because it becomes a habit for me and I’ll drink too much and get bloated/uncomfortable — plus it’s expensive!
I used to drink diet soda occasionally, especially diet Dr. Pepper! Love that taste. 🙂
I do not drink it anymore however because of the artificial sweeteners/ingredients I cannot even recognize on the can. It’s very acidic to the body. I could go on for hours about how against artificial sweeteners I am but I don’t want to be annoying and preachy, everyone should just research it themselves and decide on their own what they think.
I do know though that ever since being diagnosed with cancer and having it become a reality, I refuse to eat anything fake/processed anymore. I used to think it wasn’t a big deal to consume stuff like that until it happened to me. I’m not saying that’s what caused it but fake stuff is a proven contributor to many diseases.
I used to drink diet soda all the time. My mom used to drink a Diet Coke every day. But this past Lent, I gave up soda and now I don’t crave it anymore. It’s actually too sweet for me. If I want something carbonated, I’ll have sparkling water with fresh lime. I may still enjoy a Malibu and diet, but when I go to a restaurant, my go-to drink now is iced tea.
My parents never drink soda and because of it, it was never in the house. None of us can stand super sweet stuff….all juices and lemonade all gets cut with water because I thinks it is too syrupy-sweet and anything with artificial sweetners is a no go. I love love love carbonated-flavored water…but not like the ones with sugar or anything in them…my favorite is the raspberry lime Canada Dry. I will drink club soda straight as opposed to soda. The really only soda I drink and keep around is the Jamaican Ginger Ale to sooth upset stomachs.
I literally never drink soda. I guess I never had it growing up, so now I don’t really care for it. Then again, I don’t really care for anything besides water and green tea, on occasion!
Yayyy welcome back, welcome back! I’m not really into sodas or diet sodas. I think I normally would rather choose a regular one over a diet one, just because I don’t feel super comfortable with artificial sweeteners.
I really loved two of your guest posters and have been visiting their blogs – good work!
I’ll admit it…I like to drink diet soda pops. I do not do it very often, but I like to have it when I eat out at a restaurant. I know that the artificial sweeteners are bad, and I’m on a journey to become healthier…but you can’t give up all your habits at once!
Growing up, my mom had a SERIOUS Diet Pepsi addiction — we’re talking a 2-liter per day. My brothers and sister and I grew up with those giant, 3-liter Sam’s Club bottles of orange soda and that rando red fruit punch soda just taking up space in our fridge. I started giving soda up for Lent in college, but I didn’t drink coffee back then, and relied on TAB Energy drinks to get me through finals, papers, etc. I’m so glad I started drinking coffee when I started work (tiny bit of skim or half-and-half; no sugar is how I take it)!
Benefit to spring breaking in Jamaica senior year: I used to be a Captain and Diet kinda girl, but after the all-inclusive buckets of it, I went back to school, ordered “the usual” at the bar for happy hour and promptly turned green. The bartender laughed, said, “Caribbean Spring Break, huh?” and handed me a vodka-soda water (which is a “skinny bitch” here), and I’ve been drinking that ever since! 🙂
I like Zevia on occasion and La Croix on occasion as well. A lot of time I am just craving something different than plain water and mineral water will usually do the trick.
I think sodas are bad because they are usually used instead of something better, like water or some tea. Plus, have you read the ingredient list? It’s scary!
I do drink them from time to time. Mainly, with alcohol 😉 But the rest of the time, I chug water, tea, coffee, or the crystal light lemonade packets!
I was never allowed to drink soda as a child either, and I never developed a taste for it. Now, I cant stand the carbonation, so I don’t drink it at all.
I quit drinking soda when I was 17 and I’d never go back. Soda just bloats me 🙁
I stay away from it because of the aspartame too!
I know it’s not good for me, but love diet soda!
I try to keep it under control though and only have it a few times a week.
Diet Dr. Pepper is also my soda of choice 🙂 It’s a great treat when you want something sweet but aren’t actually hungry.
I LOVE Diet Coke… I don’t drink it often but it’s almost like a dessert for me when I do! I usually feel better in general without drinking it (less bloated etc) but sometimes I have to give in:)
I drink Diet DP like the world is ending May 21st.
I’m afraid that I am hooked on diet sodas… I drank them before I understood the whole aspartame thing and I’ve developed a baaaad habit. All these comments have inspired me to kick it to the curb tho! Your lunch looks yummy btw. Oh, and so glad you made it back safely from Europe!
Does tonic in gin & tonics count? Lol…that’s the only time I ever have something remotely soda-like, and even then those aren’t often.
I’m also one of those folks who quit drinking soda – my parents allowed me to drink it whenever I wanted, but when I found out the negative side effects of drinking it too much (plus it made me embarassingly hyper), I just quit cold turkey when I was 14. If only I had that much discipline with baked goods…
I restricted myself from diet sodas for about a year but now freely enjoy them whenever I want. I guess I don’t really care about the fake sugar… I don’t know! If I like something I will indulge in it. Life is full of choices and if I want a soda why not grab that diet sprite or diet dr. pepper.
I used to drink coke ALL the time even though it gave me the worst cramps afterwards. I finally decided to pretty much just cut soda out of my diet after I finished high school and surprisingly, once I stopped drinking it, I just didn’t miss it at all. I don’t think a diet or regular soda every once in a while will do much harm. It’s just surprising to me how many people drink a couple sodas a day!
My father-in-law had a brain tumor and when they did his surgery they told him that the shape was indicative of it being from aspartame. I’ve never liked diet soda, or anything else “sugar free” (gives me a headache) but now that I’ve seen the giant hole in his skull – from where the cut out the tumor – I just figure diet anything isn’t worth it. If I want a soda, I have a regular one. Worrying about the extra calories or sugar content isn’t worth risking any form of cancer. We’re allowed to have treats from time to time!
I never use the word “hate” but when it comes to soda, I can say I hate it! except for martinelli 😛 After I stopped drinking it about 6 years ago, I totally didn’t want it anymore. It dehydrates me, makes me sluggish, and it’s too sugary taste-wise. I don’t judge others when they drink it, but for myself, I love h2o anyday 😀
Julie, so do you think that for most children, it’s good for parents to keep them from drinking soda or eating a lot of junk food? I know that for some people that backfires and they consume that stuff all the time when they’re older. But it’s nice to see that it’s not the case for you! I’m just curious b/c I’m already thinking about how I should help my “future” children have healthy eating habits. have a blessed day!
I stopped all diet soda drinking after college (burbon and diet coke girl from the south, yikes!) I just don’t feel good at all when I eat processed or synthetic sweeteners. I just don’t see the point of eating healthy then mixing that stuff in and expecting your body to be able to digest everything properly. If I have a craving for carbonation I grab flavored seltzer, or one of the newer stevia or agave sweetened options…they def do the trick 😉
I fall victim to Crystal Light energy. I love the fact that it is zero calories and it gives me a little pick up in the afternoon so that I have the energy to hit the gym after work. But it has aspartame, I need to find a better option because it seems to be working into my everyday routine.
I don’t drink soda very often. If I do, which is usually when I’m having an alcoholic drink, I usually drink diet. For lent I gave up soda and started drinking club soda with fruit… great alternative and I was able to easily go without soda over lent with my new go-to drink. http://wealthshealth.blogspot.com/2011/04/another-reason-to-love-target.html
I’ve just started drinking 1-2 frescas a week at work….AHHH!
I drink Mountain Dew. I’ve tried Diet Mountain Dew but after drinking the regular stuff for pretty much my entire life it tastes so gross.
I’m working on cutting back on my Mountain Dew consumption. I have too much on a weekly basis and it’s nothing but empty calories so what’s the point? That being said it’s sooo hard to break the habit. I’m trying to keep it out of the house to avoid tempting me.
I stick with Diet Rite! They have a Tangerine flavor soda that I love. Don’t care too much for the Cola flavor but they are caffeine free and sweetened with Splenda!
My thoughts on diet soda are this: If the worst thing I’m doing is drinking diet soda, I’m not doin’ half bad! I know that there are lots of chemicals in diet soda and no nutritional value, etc. But at the end of the day, it freakin tastes gooood! That being said, when I’m training for a big race I try to cut it out.
Most times I just drink diet sprite but every now and then I get a craving for Diet Root Beer, Diet Mountain Dew or Diet Cherry Pepsi. Yummy!
Yay to getting back to a healthy routine. I’m sure that feels great for ya!
Shirley Temples were always really special occasion drinks for my sister and I, too! When we drank pop, we were only allowed to have sprite or root beer.
I’m definitely not a fan, however, once in awhile, usually on a hot summer day, I enjoy a diet coke with lime. Otherwise I’m a coffee, water, juice, and gatorade sipper!
When I was in 8th grade I was a competitive dancer, and developed earlier than my peers. I thought that made me overweight, so I stopped drinking soda and started drinking more water and eating more salad and fruit.
I now have a healthier body image, but I’m really glad I gave up soda back then! I never miss it, and only really drink it when I occasionally have a mixed drink at the bar.
My mother, however, can’t get enough of McDonald’s Diet Coke for some reason.
Drinking soda in general makes me feel sick, and I generally don’t drink it. But once a year or so I crave the taste of a coke, so I’ll take a sip if I’m with someone or buy myself one and then I’m all set for another year.
Realizing that drinking soda gave me a tummyache really helped me quit! I used to drink soda for the caffeine fix in college because I didn’t drink coffee.
Omg. Shirley Temples. Those.. were the jam when I was little. I don’t think I could handle the sweetness of the grenadine now though.
I was never really a soda drinker.. only on occasion would I drink it as a kid. Now.. once in a blue moon I will get a craving for some diet soda. Even then.. a few sips.. and my craving is done. The rest of the bottle ends up going flat in the fridge.
omg shirley temples! i’d order that all the time when i was little. i’ve been craving them recently as an adult, kind of like a nostalgia thing, but i’ve been too embarrassed to order it ;p
oh, i LOVED getting shirley temples when i was a kid. it was such a treat and i felt sooo important when i got one! ha!
i am an occasional soda drinker. i really only like dr. pepper and sprite/7up. and, honestly, i only get it at certain restaurants. i rarely buy sodas to have at home.
i used to do diet dr. pepper…couldn’t stand any other diet sodas. within the past few years, i’ve become VERY sensitive to aspartame. it leaves a horrid taste in my mouth. i can’t do any of the sugar-free gums or yogurts that have aspartame b/c of the taste.
I loved shirley temples as a kid!! that was the best thing about going to restaurants! I used to drink diet soda all of the time but then I realized I hate how bloated it made me feel so I stopped drinking it.
i’ve never been a soda drinker and i’ve convinced myself that it gives me good skin…seriously, it’s worked like a charm for my whole life(or obviously the convincing myself part has, LOL). whatever works, right?