This whole “try to find a house in less than two weeks” thing is really stressful. I think Ryan and I both figured finding a place to rent in Ocala would be like it is in Orlando… a bazillions houses available!
Whenever we’ve looked for places in Orlando we’ve always had a handful of places to choose from and many options.
Well, in Ocala, the pickings are slim.
Our “dream house” was falsely advertised and isn’t available soon. I found another home for rent on craigslist this morning that got our hopes up, until we found out that the couple wants to sell the house and will be showing it all the time and would kick us out if it sold. Bummer.
We keep refreshing, Zillow and craigslist hoping that something new will pop up. One of the things we were so excited about when we thought about moving to Ocala was having a nice home since our current living situation is… mousey.
We’ve discussed moving into temporary housing if we can’t find anything in time, but that would mean moving twice, which we’d really like to avoid. At least it’s an option.
I’m really hoping something pops up SOON. I’m not a fan of living in limbo!
Dinner was yummy! Since Ryan and I were a little bummed about our stressful moving situation, we were both in the mood for comfort food.
Another noodle bowl!
This afternoon’s lunch sparked a craving for another noodle bowl, so I made us bowls of Carba Nada pasta with mussels, shredded Brussels sprouts and marinara sauce.
It’s amazing how food can provide real comfort. This warm and cozy pasta dinner definitely made me feel better.
Hoping to get into bed early tonight with a good book. I need some distraction!
See ya in the morning, friends!
I hope everything works out for you, Julie. Moving is such a stressful process on its own – and not knowing exactly where you’re moving only adds to that pressure. Sending good vibes your way!
You’ll find something Julie!! Keep your chin up!
So sorry about the moving situation. I live in a tiny town, so I can definitely relate to “slim pickens”.Keep a positive attitude, and I’m sure something awesome will turn up!
I know you’ll find something! Are there any areas surrounding Ocala that you haven’t looked at?
Quick question – carba nada pasta? Am I the only one who’s outta the loop?
it’s delicious! made by al dente pasta. i honeslty like the taste better than regular pasta! the egg fettuccine is great and has 12 grams of protein in one serving!
Sounds great…Protein packed pasta = dreamy! As long as its not that shirataki noodle nonsense…. Call me old fashioned but I like my food to have calories thank you very much. 😉
Oh definitely not. This is legit pasta. 🙂
I’m sorry that things are so frustrating. I grew up in Gainesville so I know the Ocala area. I hope something works out soon!!!!
Also, have you looked into possibly Gainesville? I don’t the situation and how much of a commute you guys want, but it could be a possibility?. Yes it is a major college town, but if you get away from the UF area, there are nice houses all throughout the city. 🙂
I think we may look into that if nothing pops up soon!
Don’t get too disappointed!! 🙂
I can imagine looking for a house is stressful! Could you maybe move everything into a POD and then live with the bare essentials in an apartment while you continue to look?
I hope you find something soon! Where do you find carb-nada noodles? I’ve looked at the grocery store, but can never find them!
they have them at chamberlin’s, a local health food store near me, and i also order them online at
Sorry to hear about the living situation fiasco. I went through something kind of similar here in London not too long ago…super frustrating. I hate being in limbo, too.
I’m sure something will eventually turn up. These things seem to have a way of working themselves out. And you’re right — worse comes to worst you can always move into an apartment or something like that temporarily while you wait for the perfect home to come to you!
Sorry to hear that you guys are in limbo. We were the same way and looking in a really small town with limited rentals. We found an awesome place and are going to sign the lease tomorrow so just keep at it and I think something will show up soon! 🙂
Moving sucks. It is so stressful!
Another question about the carba nada pasta-does it upset your stomach? Anything that is artificially lowered in carbs (like atkins products/bars) hurt my stomach b/c of the fake sugars they use. But I would love to find a pasta with more protein!
No! I’ve never had any issues. I seriously love it.
Is there any possibility that Ryan’s new employer might offer some assistance? Do they have temporary housing for situations like this? Or ……
At my last job, there was an internal “Want Ads” that included real estate postings. Many times these were ads that weren’t publicly available — people posted them first at work.
Good luck!
So frustrating! 🙁
You will find something. We had to move twice and stay in temporary housing before we moved into our home, and it was a pain, but so worth it!
Good luck with the house hunt, hopefully you’ll get lucky! Just remember that this job is a great opportunity for Ryan and your future!
Would his new company set you up in like an extended stay type place? You could put your stuff temporarily in storage if it comes down to it…?
Yeah and we may do that. I’m really, really glad we have that option. I’m just getting antsy. 🙂
That would be a good idea, that way you could still get the house you really wanted! It might stink for a month but may be worth it in the end! Keep your head up girlie, things will work out!
Bah. I know this has got to be super frustrating. But i’m glad y’all have those two options. Personally, I think i’d choose the long commute (and maybe work 4 10 hour days and the take Fridays off until y’all move) and wait until that first awesome house opens up… I know, not ideal, but at least you wouldn’t have to move twice! Moving is so stressful!
Oh I know how frusterating that can be! I am getting married in 2 1/2 weeks and last weekend my venue burned down! I have been under pressure to find a new place to get married and it is soo hard to find a place that you like (to live or get married in!) in that time frame. No worries though something will come up!
Oh my goshhhh!! I’m so sorry! That’s awful. 🙁
Good luck! I hope everything works out in time!
Everything will work out! Don’t forget to check They have a ton of things listed from a bunch of different realtors. Hope that helps.
Thanks! We’ve been going crazy on that site too!
Moving is awful, would Ryans new company be willing to cover the expenses associated with hiring movers/putting you up in a hotel for awhile?
Even though it’s hard right now – understandably so – I always try to remind myself in discouraging situations that there will soon come a time when you can sit and smile and wonder how you ever worried things wouldn’t work out perfectly. In your particular scenario, just imagine yourself sitting in the cozy living room of your beautiful new home with no creatures allowed – it will all work out!
You cas subscribe the the RSS feed of any craigslist search. You might look at those other sites too. Leaving Google Reader open might feel be less stressful than constantly refreshing three different pages.
Ugh I hope you guys don’t have to move twice. Fingers crossed for you!
I’m a firm believer that things work out the way they’re supposed to. I know it’s frustrating right now, but that “dream” house obviously wasn’t the right one for you guys. When I was looking to buy a house, there were about 5 “dream houses” that fell through until we find the ‘perfect’ one that was the right area, right price, right time. You’ll find an even better house that will be perfect for you guys!
I live in Leesburg, about 30 min from Ocala. Have you tried looking at
Here’s the link for home rentals
Also try looking in the villages, silver springs and other surrounding areas like fruitland park.. etc. Much luck *hugs*
Worst case you can put your things in a POD and stay in a hotel, like those that rent at weekly rates and have a kitchen or even rent an RV… You’ll fall on your feet!
Everything will work out. Believe in the power of positive thinking! 🙂
I hope a dream place pops up for you guys soon! Or at least a decent, comfortable one!! I ended up finding my place at the very last minute… On the 31st… I viewed it, took it, and was moving in the very next day. Sooooo glad it worked out though, ’cause I absolutely adore it! So you never know. 🙂
Ugh, i just went through the gamut of apartment hunting these last few weeks, so I understand how frustrating looking for a new place is.. Keep your head up hon- something will pop up soon when it’s meant to be! 🙂
You should search straight through! Properties listed for rent are updated much sooner & provide exact information better than those other sites.
I’m in a similar situation, complete with back outs and offer wars.. that we’ve been losing. Unfortunately, I still live in Tampa and my boyfriend and is stuck searching and sending me videos and photos from 200 miles away! I hope both of our dream homes (and landlords) are out there.
Have you considered using a realtor to find a house to rent? They usually have their finger on the pulse. Just a thought
Love the looks of that noodle bowl! I love mixing lettuce and salad mix in with it too.
good luck with the hunt!
hope you find the house of your dreams! 🙂
Good luck!! I just moved and it took us FOREVER to find somewhere decent.. here’s hoping you have better luck!!
Fingers crossed that you’ll find something soon. My only suggestions would be widening your search idea, that’s how we found our current apartment, and perhaps trying to find a realtor that also does house rentals.
Does John Travolta live there?
I think he has some crazy house there with all his planes. Maybe you can stay with him!
we are in the exact same situation. we have to find a new place for august 1st and still have not found anything decent. it’s really bumming me out. as the month slips by i know our chances of finding something nice are decreasing fast.
i really don’t want to end up having to sign a long lease for a mediocre place, ya know?
U got this girl! It will all workout!
Shredded Brussels sprouts– Why didnt I think of that!?
yikes, I am so sorry! I hate HATE feeling in limbo too! But, something will happen soon 🙂
I’m so sorry Julie! Is there any possibility that you could keep your stuff in a storage unit, rent that second place that is looking for a owner for a month, and then move into your dream house that messed up the date they would move out? Boy that sounds like a lot just typing it! But it is just an idea!
Something will work out, I just know it 🙂
Sorry this has been so stressful! I’m sure you guys will fine something soon!
good luck with your search! i will be in the same situation in september – we are going away for a month and will have to find somewhere to live when we get back, hopefully it won’t take too long (aka stay with the in-laws until we do….)
have you thought about consulting a real estate agent? they would know exactly what inventory is available and could greatly reduce the stress you are going through (and maybe help you find a permanent home!).
I don’t know what your financial situation is, but have you thought about renting for a few months and then look into buying a house once you figure out where you want to live?
moving is a beast, and i actually am on the tail end of it. for the longest time i too was stuck in limbo and not being able to find something, i was SO discouraged and was afraid that i’d never find a place. i’d searched all the outlets i could think of but no luck. i started asking friends and family to just put the word out and see if they knew of any leads. coincidentally, during this time u wrote that post on feeling like u were trapped in ur own limbo, where u announced ur decision to actually move. not too soon after that i finally found a place, and it was because of a lead from a guy my mom had known…crazy random story!
it’s so tough to hold onto hope sometimes after a long day of ‘no luck’ but stay positive. in my experience, if we keep on doing what we can, things have a way of working themselves out. i know u’ll be living rodent free soon and happy in a sweet new place! 🙂
Don’t worry yourself too much, something will pop up soon. In the meantime, maybe you could find one of those extended-stay places to stay. At least that would get you in the area and you’d be able to continue searching. I stay in them quite often while traveling for work and they’re pretty nice and, even better, very reasonable. Looking forward to hearing that you and Ryan have found “home”. I’m praying for ya! 😉
Try Also look into a realtor. Seller/leaser pays the dues (not you), they also have access to things that you can’t find online. That is how my husband and I found the house we did in Atlanta. They get paid (not much) for the lease, but if you are going to look into buying in a year or so, then it’s DEFINITELY worth their time. My mom is a realtor and said that is the BEST way to find a good rental!
i definitely think going through a realtor is a great way to go. thanks for the suggestion!
everything happens for a reason! i know it sounds corny, but it truly does. the other house was not meant to be– you will find something that is!
Sorry about your moving troubles, it can be frustrating not finding something! Keep your spirits up, I hope you can find something soon!