Who else out there is watching The Bachelorette? It’s the only show I’ve been keeping up with lately and I finally realized something last night. The best part of the show is the preview of the following week’s episode. It gives you hope that the show may turn around be be totally awesome, but then when the next week’s episode airs, you’re left with another way-too-long episode.
One thing that makes it better? Group texting with my girlfriends. Here’s the consensus from last night’s Bachelorette group text:
- Kissing noises are repulsive. Watching 5,000 back-alley make out sessions is hard enough, but the sloppy kissing noises are killer.
- Nick may or may not be a serial killer. He looks murdery.
- Marcus is hot. But his chances of winning are 2 percent.
What do you guys think? Who are you pulling for? I’m Team Marcus, but I’ve always been intrigued by soft spoken guys at first. I think Josh is a stud, but I’d have five billion questions for him before I would deem him “husband material.”
This morning, after my alarm went off, I kissed Ryan goodbye and headed off to an early morning Pure Barre class. Ever since I bought the new member package last week it’s the only workout I’ve wanted to do! I love the way it burns but doesn’t kill my body. I’ve been pairing Pure Barre with lots of walks with Sadie and loving it.
I also don’t feel as ravenously hungry and am wondering if there’s a correlation. I feel like my appetite is definitely influenced by my workouts, so I’m thinking that these less intense (but still super challenging!) workouts have tapered off my hunger levels a little bit. Running, for example, always makes me hungrier throughout the day (and even the next day). Whenever I train for a half marathon and increase my weekly mileage, I am definitely hungrier.
Do you guys notice a difference in your hunger levels when do you different workouts?
After Pure Barre, I walked to the Starbucks that is located in the same shopping plaza as the barre studio.
It was bumpin’ and after waiting in a long(ish) line, I sat down to enjoy my cinnamon dolce cappuccino (my latest drink obsession – you must try it if you’re a cappuccino fan!) and spent about 30 minutes chipping away at my inbox before heading home for breakfast.
Breakfast this morning began with a green smoothie that I made with coconut water, kale, a green apple, lemon and ginger.
Plus a cup of Greek yogurt topped with granola and sliced almonds for some protein and healthy fats.
Questions of the Morning
- Do you think your workouts influence your hunger?
- Bachelorette fans: Who do you want Andi to choose?
1. Yes, I definitely think my workouts influence my hunger. Cardio-heavy workouts make me much hungrier than workouts that don’t include as much cardio.
2. I like Marcus the best, but I don’t think he’s the best fit for Andi. I think she seems happier and more giddy with Josh or Nick.
I think she’ll pick Nick or Josh. I haven’t watched the past 2 episodes. I can’t get into her as much… she bothers me for some reason. I actually really liked Eric Hill and am sad that he 1) left and 2) had a tragic accident following the show.
I totally agree with you… the best part of watching Bachelor/Bachelorette is chatting and texting with my friends about it! Nick is super creepy to me. Josh is growing on me, but I am definitely Team Marcus too!! I also loved Brian, sad he went home!
Yes they do! I think working out first thing in the morning makes me hungrier than when I wait to workout later in the day. HIIT absolutely revs up my metabolism too. I’m not a Bachelor fan though!
I seem to be really hungry the day after a hard workout but not so much the day of, and definitely more hungry if it is more of a cardio workout as opposed to yoga, Ballet Beautiful, or Pilates.
I am so not into Andi this season! I was hoping she would grow on me throughout the season but she really just hasn’t…she doesn’t seem all that nice or genuine to me, and something about her mouth is just weird. Ha ha. I think Josh is by far the hottest and probably the one I would pick, but he also seems like trouble and like she may have a hard time holding onto him in the long run! I agree that Nick is totally murdery – major creeper!
I love your word ‘murdery’… 🙂
I definitely think exercise influences my workout. I think it’s physical AND mental, though. Whenever I workout I give myself the excuse to eat more and worse even though I am not hungry.
But I guess that is the difference between appetite and hunger 🙂
I don’t watch the Bachelorette because I don’t have cable, but I hope Andi chooses someone who isn’t there just for the fame…
I hope she chooses Marcus. LOVE. LOVE. LOVE Marcus. He seems to be the most ready for marriage. Maybe he’ll be the next Bachelor if she doesn’t pick him? I could get behind that. Nick just creeps me out. Chris is great, but Iowa is going to be an issue. I’m just not feeling Josh.
I would say my workouts fuel my hunger! Yesterday I had a less intense 3 mile and upper body workout and today was 30 minutes of sprints and some abs and I am telling you those sprints were intense! I have been starving all day long!
I haven’t seen last nights episode of the Bachelorette but I have to say the Nick comment, could not agree more!
Is that in Birkdale? We live in Huntersville and love Birkdale Village! I’ve been reading all your Charlotte adventures & I think your next stop should be the US National White Water Center!
I’m from Iowa..so I’m totally on Team Chris!
My workouts always influence my hunger! I’ve been doing a lot of power yoga lately and less hiit workouts – both very challenging but I can tell my appetite is through the roof when I do more cardio intense workouts.
This couldn’t have been more perfectly timed!! I had a really hard (for me) run last night and allll day today I’ve been a garbage disposal! I can’t get full! I haven’t been keeping up too much with this season of Bachelorette BUT fun fact – – my friend dated Chris in college! 🙂
The only work out that ever truly makes me ravenous is swimming. After doing an hour in the pool I want to simultaneously eat an enormous sandwich and take a nap. All other forms of exercise leave me pretty equally hungry after.
I’m a Pure Barre addict and find that on the few days I don’t do Pure Barre, I’m hungrier than the days I do! I’m not sure what that’s about but I find it a lot easier to eat bigger meals on those days!
Some days my workout influences my hunger and other days it really doesn’t. I’m not sure why that is, but I think it has something to do with the fact that my stomach is super sensitive.
I’m rooting for Josh and Marcus. I don’t think Marcus will make it either. I really am creeped out by Nick and a little concerned for Andi if she ends up with him that he might go Phsyco on her. He deff. is the type of guy that knows how to “say the right thing at the right time” and is totally fooling Andi. As for this season I actually really liked the selection if guys. Hope she makes the right choice!
I am RAVENOUS after a long run. I work out every morning, but nothing gets my appetite going all day long like a good run.
PS. I read your blog every day but have never commented before – you’re the best!
Thank you so much for reading!!! And for taking the time to comment! 🙂
When I started training for my first half, I was INSANELY hungry after the long runs. But for some reason with my second and third, my body got used to the work and I didn’t have nearly the appetite!
The amount of Cardio I do has a very direct correlation with my appetite. I actually feel like I can eat cleaner when I limit my cardio to a reasonable 30 minutes. Any time I teach several classes, or go buck wild in the cardio section of the gym I can’t seem to get full. When I used to run and trained for marathons, I would eat non stop! A lot of my clients complain to me that they gain weight when they start running long distances and that is usually the first question I ask them. As far as Bachelorette, it is totally way better to watch with someone or during group texting. Nick makes me feel like he is simply ‘in it to win it’, Josh is my favorite but that is only because I like to look at him…lol! Marcus would probably be her best bet and all around the total package!
Haha love your bach analysis! Totally agree with you. Josh is the most fake to me and Nick is just weird but I think she will end up with Nick.
I LOVE the bachelorette! It’s my guilty pleasure, and I know it’s cheesy, but I’m addicted.
I like Nick a lot, for some reason I find him really attractive, but I don’t think he’s a great fit for Andi. I thought Brian was adorable too, but again, not perfect for Andi. Of the remaining guys, Josh is definitely the “best match” for her, but I, like you, can’t tell if he is husband material! We’ll see! 🙂
Sports definitely influences my hunger if I don’t eat a smart post-workout meal – then I am ravenous the next day and just want CARBS!
I love the Bachelor/Bachelorette! Totally my guilty pleasure. Marcus is definitely my pick out of the final four (I really liked Brian and wish she had kept him). I think Chris is very sweet, but too small town for Andi. I think Josh is a player and not smart enough for her. I also think Nick has a serial killer vibe going, so I wouldn’t pick him either. If she ends up with Murdery Nick, I hope Marcus becomes the next Bachelor contestant.
Side note: have you heard about this show “Married at First Sight”? Sounds totally insane, but I really want to see how it turns out. There is a panel of 4 “experts” who match up 3 couples and the couples don’t see or know anything about each other until the wedding day. Then, they follow them around for 5 weeks to see if it works out. One of the girls from Ben F’s season of the Bachelor is one of the contestants – she’s super cute, but comes off really desperate.
YES, running means I want to eat anything and everything! During half marathon training for NYC I was eating more than my husband most days!!!
I want her to pick Josh. I agree, I would have to ask him lots of questions but he’s so sexy!!
I’ve never watched The Bachelorette before but after watching the end of Juan Pablo’s season I thought it would be fun to watch Andi’s season. I think Nick is terrible, I would be sad to see her end up with him. I think Chris is adorable but I think Iowa will be a problem. Josh and Marcus are tied for me, I’d be happy with either one! Can’t wait to see hometown dates next week!
I can’t stand Nick. He actively makes me want to punch something. But of course the other idiots think that their opinion of him matters to Andi, and that’s also irritating. So while I am thoroughly enjoying this season I think she’s going to pick Nick in the end and then I will hate her.
I’ve discovered that if I follow running with a smoothie for breakfast the day goes better. Other workouts take oatmeal to really kick things off right. So yes, workouts certainly influence hunger and if you can refine the type of recovery meal you take in, it will change your whole attitude for the day.
Nick is “murdery”. Hilarious! But I totally agree, there’s definitely something about him that creeps me out. I’m definitely on team Marcus! Although Josh is pretty nice to look at!
I call in “rungry”. 🙂 And definitely not as hungry after strength training or yoga.
As much as I love having my little baby at home with me all day, this post made me so jealous of your ability to go to workout, sit at a Starbucks and enjoy a latte while reading your emails!! Live it up 🙂
I also had to google who Nick was because out of those 4, no one looked super murdery, but he definitely has the creepiest undertones 😛
I agree with you about Andy, I’m not a huge fan, and I find myself wondering if I should throw in the towel with this season. But I keep watching because I want to see the next Bachelor develop. I want to “know” him before that season starts.
Brace yourselves: I think Nick is a good match for Andy, but only because I don’t think Andy is very likable, and I think the nicer guys deserve a nicer girl. She seems like a very black-and-white picture kind of girl, too, and that’s a major turn off, but it makes her perfect for Nick. These two getting together would keep them out of the hands of more loving, more compassionate people who deserve someone similar, not Andy.
And weirdly, I was in dance for 9 years, and it actually made me LESS hungry when I was done (and supposed to be ready for dinner). Ditto swim classes. For some reason, working out hard actually curbs my appetite a bit. And then when I don’t work out, I’m way more hungry. No idea why.