Who else out there is watching The Bachelorette? It’s the only show I’ve been keeping up with lately and I finally realized something last night. The best part of the show is the preview of the following week’s episode. It gives you hope that the show may turn around be be totally awesome, but then when the next week’s episode airs, you’re left with another way-too-long episode.
One thing that makes it better? Group texting with my girlfriends. Here’s the consensus from last night’s Bachelorette group text:
- Kissing noises are repulsive. Watching 5,000 back-alley make out sessions is hard enough, but the sloppy kissing noises are killer.
- Nick may or may not be a serial killer. He looks murdery.
- Marcus is hot. But his chances of winning are 2 percent.
What do you guys think? Who are you pulling for? I’m Team Marcus, but I’ve always been intrigued by soft spoken guys at first. I think Josh is a stud, but I’d have five billion questions for him before I would deem him “husband material.”
This morning, after my alarm went off, I kissed Ryan goodbye and headed off to an early morning Pure Barre class. Ever since I bought the new member package last week it’s the only workout I’ve wanted to do! I love the way it burns but doesn’t kill my body. I’ve been pairing Pure Barre with lots of walks with Sadie and loving it.
I also don’t feel as ravenously hungry and am wondering if there’s a correlation. I feel like my appetite is definitely influenced by my workouts, so I’m thinking that these less intense (but still super challenging!) workouts have tapered off my hunger levels a little bit. Running, for example, always makes me hungrier throughout the day (and even the next day). Whenever I train for a half marathon and increase my weekly mileage, I am definitely hungrier.
Do you guys notice a difference in your hunger levels when do you different workouts?
After Pure Barre, I walked to the Starbucks that is located in the same shopping plaza as the barre studio.
It was bumpin’ and after waiting in a long(ish) line, I sat down to enjoy my cinnamon dolce cappuccino (my latest drink obsession – you must try it if you’re a cappuccino fan!) and spent about 30 minutes chipping away at my inbox before heading home for breakfast.
Breakfast this morning began with a green smoothie that I made with coconut water, kale, a green apple, lemon and ginger.
Plus a cup of Greek yogurt topped with granola and sliced almonds for some protein and healthy fats.
Questions of the Morning
- Do you think your workouts influence your hunger?
- Bachelorette fans: Who do you want Andi to choose?
1. Yes, I definitely think my workouts influence my hunger. Cardio-heavy workouts make me much hungrier than workouts that don’t include as much cardio.
2. I like Marcus the best, but I don’t think he’s the best fit for Andi. I think she seems happier and more giddy with Josh or Nick.
Yes, I do think so. However, once I got into the routine of running on a regular basis (5 days a week for my half marathon), my hunger started to level out. But, overall I do think the higher intensity workouts and runs make me more hungry than toning, yoga or pilates workouts.
I love Pure Barre! I’m so jealous you have a studio by you. It really looks like you’re enjoying your new home!
I think there is definitely a correlation! This summer I’ve started power walking 4.5 miles every morning rather than running (taking a break because of my knees), and my hunger is way down. I think I’ve figured out why I usually gain a little weight training for a half marathon… I am always hungry, and my blood sugar is always super low after I’m done running.
I gain weight when I train for halfs, too! When I attended that seminar led by the dietitian at the Runner’s World race weekend, she asked how many people gained weight when they train for half marathons or a full marathon and it seemed like it 75% of the hands went up!
That’s crazy! It’s always a little discouraging when you are working so hard but gaining weight. Good to know it’s not just me! I’ve really learned to like walking and actually am starting to prefer it to running. And it’s so much healthier for my knees!
Your sneaks are so cute!
To answer one of your questions; my workouts definitely fluctuate with work outs amongst other “womanly” things. When I run several times a week and strength train, I feel absolutely ravenous. I still have not found a good way to keep my hunger levels down to where I’m not consuming too many calories!
Any tips, readers?!
Thanks! I just got them last week! 🙂
This season of the Bachelorette is slightly a dud for me, I think. I’m usually emotionally attached to at one one person on the show, but I’m having a hard time feeling like any of the guys are really THAT into Andi, and vice versa. Nick needs to go home, but I’m sure the producers are keeping him for drama 😉 even though Chris Harrison will always say that doesn’t happen! Hahaha
I agree! There seems to be a lack of a genuine connection this season.
I am routing for Marcus and Chris (the farmer, not the host 😉 )
Nick and Josh both seem a little too mysterious for my liking.
My hunger levels go WAY up when I am lifting a lot and I’m already a pretty hungry person so it’s not pretty!
I am currently taking a little break from barre so that I can afford to like…eat and pay rent, etc. but I love it! You should try Barre 3 if there’s one near you. For whatever reason, I prefer it to Pure Barre.
the Bachelorette is the only show i watch as well, and i can’t say that any of her dudes are my type exactly. definitely NOT into Nick or Marcus at alllll, think Chris is a cutie but couldn’t do the middle-of-nowhere life, and so i’m totally Team Josh. i actually like how he’s not all mushy and gushy about his feelings and takes time to open up and he just seems real, and like a bro who gets along with other dudes too, which is totally important. Josh for the win. 🙂
Bachelorette is totally my guilty pleasure (although not nearly as trashy as the Bachelor) but I didn’t get to watch last night!
workouts definitely influence hunger (not to mention what you think you “can” eat). I actually loose weight when I am not working out as much!
I can’t even watch bachelor/bachelorette anymore, I feel like I have seen the exact same episode a million times.
I am always so hungry the day after a long training run so I stay prepared with lots of healthy snacks to try and avoid the weight gain that seems to happen so often with race training.
Thanks for the info. on Pure Barre. I’ve wanted to get back into a dance class for some time (my former studio no longer has my adult class) and I’ve located a Pure Barre near my home. Just wondering what type of clothing you feel most comfortable in for the class ie dance pants, leggings, sports bra a must? And what about your hair ie messy bun, headband? Any advice would be great before I see what class would work into my schedule. Glad you’re loving your new state!
I would definitely recommend capris or pants for the class! And people always wear socks (no shoes). I wear my hair up in a ponytail or bun with a headband but you probably don’t need a headband since you aren’t jumping around or anything. I just like my hair out of my face! Definitely let me know if you have any other questions!
Yes, I definitely feel super hungry post intense workout. When I take my long runs (10+ miles), I will not have an appetite right away but I will experience the hunger pangs later on. Waking up at a ridiculous hour to work out will also affect my appetite – I think as a result of how tired and in need of energy I am by the end of the day!
We workout in the evening so there are times where we’ll be hungry before going down and think “how are we going to get through this?” but by 5 minutes in, we’ve forgotten about the hunger and can even go a few hours without eating if we had to. So exercise is a big suppressant for us.
Yep definitely, anything were I really sweat, like spinning but I think it’s also just dehydration!
I agree, Marcus is HOT! I really like Chris and his nice guy, down home personality. I have heard rumors that the final two are Josh and Nick, however. Both sketchy in my opinion. I have also heard who she is currently living with, but I won’t spoil it and who knows if its even true.
That smoothie looks and sounds amazing!!
What do you wear to Barre? Do you go barefoot? and wear regular workout stuff?
this is DEFINITELY true- I also notice delays in hunger. If I’m hiking/ backpacking, i am starving and can eat all the things, all the time. If I’m spinning or running at a high intensity, i cannot eat beforehand but am ravenous around an hour afterwards. now that I’m doing more yoga and walking, I feel like I’m less hungry at each meal, but i feel like i am burning through those calories quickly if that makes sense? In any case, i like that I am feeling less hungry and can eat a relatively short amount of time before class!
Also have you heard OctaHate by Ryn Weaver? It’s amazing!
I wear spandex capris or leggings and socks! (I don’t think you’d want to wear shorts because of some of the stretches (could be awkward – haha)! They sell grippy socks that a lot of the women love and I think I may need to buy a pair today too because I found myself slipping in forearm plank.
Sigh. I wanted Josh to win, but I’m having a hard time believing anything he says.
I don’t watch the Bachelorette regularly but tune in every now and then. I did watch last night and definitely think Josh is going to be the one she picks. Nick is creepy and Chris and Marcus don’t seem to have any chemistry with her. Time will tell… 🙂
I was thinking the same thing about Nick! So glad I am not the only one.
I’ve noticed that I feel much hungrier on days that I lift of swim. Run days seem to keep my appetite in check as I am never as hungry on those days.
Chris the farmer is my personal favorite. Maybe not the strongest connection with andi but He seems like a genuine guy but I’m a little partial towards the farmer boys.
As far as hunger and workouts… I definitely am much hungrier when I’m doing lots of strength training and running. When I strength train I feel like I need a big steak or burger at least once a week. Mmm….
I definitely get hungrier when I do more of an intense workout – I find I can’t seem to get full!! I want Chris to win just because I think he seems like a sweet Midwestern boy 🙂 my boyfriend is from Iowa too so that’s probably why I’m rooting for him as well.
Your new area looks so pretty! I want to try a barre class, but I don’t think there are any around me. Def. long + hard runs make me “rungry” as I like to call it 🙂
RUNGRY! Love that.
Definitely been a little disappointed with this season. I expected this to be a really great one with how Andi was portrayed with JP on the Bachelor… And yes, I feel like the more miles I run for my marathon training the hungrier I am. I’ve tried to up my protein intake and also add some extra salt back into my diet and that seems to help keep the hunger at bay a little bit.
YES! The harder/more intense workouts I do the more food I want! I am training for a sprint triathlon right now and the last couple days of workouts have been 2-parters (swim/bike or bike/run) and I’ve wanted to eat everything in sight and then some. A couple of weeks ago my knee was a little sore, and my body was just overall a little tired so I decided to give it a break, I didn’t work out for 6 days, just did yoga a couple times and I noticed a huge drop in my appetite as well as in the scale (I lost 2 lbs). I have also noticed that when I train for half marathons I tend to gain about 5 lbs overall while I’m training, because I seem to be hungry all the time.
I have been wanting to try pure barre and after this tri is over I think I might try it!
Oh, Andi. Well, we all know she has quit her job as ADA in Atlanta so…. maybe not staying in Atlanta? Josh is in Atlanta. Josh seems most her type but I like Marcus. I really like Chris but loved Brian!
I can see her dating any of these five but not marrying. Nick is a creeper but that could also be editing. “Men Tell All” will be interesting.
My favorite part every single week is the outtakes part at the end. That pickle thing last night was hilarious! I love to see them just being normal. I mean, they are stuck in a nice hotel room. What else is there to do? What group of guys sits around on a group of sofas and “talks” without a game on or snacks on the table?!?!? That’s just Bach world weirdness.
I loved brian too! 🙁
The pickle thing was hilarious!
Definitely! I don’t workout that much anymore except for long walks but when I use to run a lot my hunger was through the roof the next day! especially after an increased distance run! Not so much with strength training.
1. This is the first full season I’ve watched (so far) of the Bachelor/Bachelorette and I think it’s because I like andi so much. Every other season I’ve gotten bored halfway through. But, this being said, I don’t like any of the guy left. Marcus is cute but he seems booooring. I was Team Brian all the way so I’m not as excited about the rest of the season. I think she will pick josh and he seems a little creepy to me. He is so touchy-feely on their dates!
2. I feel like I am always hungry! But, I definitely feel hungrier after an intense HIIT or a longer run as compared to toning workouts.
Love your blog! 🙂
I just found my local barre studio (cardiobarre) and it’s now my new favorite workout as well! I used to be a daily yoga studio kinda girl, and now I’ve all but completely switched to barre. It’s high energy, and incorporates both strengthening and cardio in 1 hour. I don’t run anymore very much, my workouts usually center around barre/yoga (at home now) and spin studio once a week.
I definitely think that I’m hungrier when I do straight cardio (I was ravenous when I was doing C25k!). When I lift, I don’t get hungry right away, but I do feel like my metabolism gets fired up for longer. I also notice that I eat better when I lift, as opposed to when I do straight cardio. Cardio makes me want to eat all the carbs, whereas lifting, I want foods that will sustain me, if that makes any sense. I’ve recently started HIIT training, and I think I’ve found a nice middle ground on the hunger front. 🙂
I do really like Marcus…I think he’s more my type lately and super cute!!! Think if Andi doesn’t pick him, I’ve got a shot?! 😉
I definitely notice a difference with my workouts and hunger levels! Running definitely revs my metabolism but I’ve also noticed that with CrossFit too!
I find that workouts DEFINITELY influence my appetite! I am in week #20 of my training for my first Ironman. Some days, my hunger is through the roof! I try to make good decisions on how to fuel my body and not the idea that “I just biked X hours, so I can eat anything and everything I want”! Sure I splurge now and again, but overall I try to maintain a good balance.
Good luck to you with your training! That’s amazing!
Chris is SO my type, but I don’t see him and Andi together. I think she’s a little too intense for him. She LOOKS the best with Josh, but she’s dated his type before (so have I) and don’t see that lasting long. I agree with everyone else that Nick is a total creeper (haha to your serial killer comment)…so that leaves Marcus for my pick for Andi! His eyessssssssss
I like the Iowa boy 🙂 But I think we see, she ain’t too happy to be in the middle of corn-country 🙂
I remember when she was on Jimmy Kimmel & he was guessing who she ends up & he said, You don’t pick that guy – aint no way you’re living in the middle of nowhere!
Although I find Josh to be the most attractive, I DO NOT think he is husband material. Truthfully, none of them really stand out to me.
I almost always feel hungrier for a day or two after doing an intense workout. I haven’t quite figured out if that’s because my body is actually hungrier and needs more fuel or if it’s in my head because I know I’ve burned a ton of calories and immediately justify eating more food because of it. Probably a combo of both!
So glad you’re loving PB! 🙂 I took the 6am this morning too, hope you like the new workout, it’s a shoulder killer! I definitely notice a difference in my appetite as well. I also just feel so good after PB… I seem to always reach for healthy options after class instead of the carbs and sugar I crave after a long run.
I haven’t been watching the Bachelor this season because I’m addicated to the World Cup. I played in college and watching always takes me back to my college memories with my teammates 🙂
GO USA!!!!!!!!!
I definitely notice a difference in my hunger level depending on the kind of workouts I do. I have been having knee issues lately, so I haven’t been able to run like I used to. I notice my appetite is much less when I am not running or doing a lot of cardio. That’s where intuitive eating comes in for me because I am able to listen to my body and if I am hungry I eat and if not, I don’t. Trying to eat the same amount without taking into account my activity level is a recipe for disaster or disappointment. It is much easier to just work out and then eat when I am hungry!
My friends and I said the same thing about Nick! We feel like he’ll turn out to be a super jealous type and there’s just something so strange about him! Personally, I really like Chris–such a sweetheart–but, I feel like Andi won’t pick him because he lives in the middle of no where and she would want her own career, most likely.
Intense workouts always make me hungrier!
Ah I am sucked into this season!! Nick reminds me of the guy from Law and Order criminal intent..the creepy detective…also I love Marcus and Chris. Josh is a heart breaker
I always get hungrier when I change up my workouts! I can always tell when I am gaining muscle because I will wake up in the middle of the night starving and can’t back to sleep until I eat something….anything! Usually a spoon of peanut butter does the trick!
So funny…this is exactly what’s on my mind today….hunger & the Bachelorette! I’m hungrier than usual & it must be from my work out last night. I’m team Josh! Your thoughts were spot on from last night. I texted the same thing about evil Nick to my friend during the episode. And the kissing noises…ewwwww.
I haven’t been watching Bachelorette this season, but I totally know what you’re saying! It explains exactly how I’ve felt with previous seasons. Ha!
Yes, I totally agree – my workouts definitely affect my hunger levels. Running and spin make my hunger levels through the roof. BODYPUMP does quite a bit too actually, which makes sense since it’s a combo of strength + endurance. Whereas more low impact stuff like yoga or pilates cause my appetite to feel a little more normalized. So glad to hear you’re loving Pure Barre!!
I want the guy from Iowa to win. He seems so sweet.
I definitely feel more hungry after a long run. I want to eat ALL the food. 🙂
Oh yes I agree. If I have a higher training week I am much hungrier then when I don’t. It just goes along with it, but that is a sign my body needs more!
Chris the Farmer!
Are the sneaks you’re wearing the Reebok Skyskapes??? I just got them, LOVE THEM!
Yes!!!! I LOVE them so much, too! So comfy.
Totally agree with the workout/hunger correlation. I’m RAVENOUS when I’m running or marathon training. I’ve never done Pure Barre, but I did do yoga pretty consistently for a bit and I was way less hungry than when running!
When I teach really early in the morning (like 5 am hour), my hunger is CRAZY all day long. If I teach in the 9 am hour, it’s normal hunger. But if I run I am not that hungry right after, but am later on! If I lift, I am hungry RIGHT away. My body knows!! 😉