Who else out there is watching The Bachelorette? It’s the only show I’ve been keeping up with lately and I finally realized something last night. The best part of the show is the preview of the following week’s episode. It gives you hope that the show may turn around be be totally awesome, but then when the next week’s episode airs, you’re left with another way-too-long episode.
One thing that makes it better? Group texting with my girlfriends. Here’s the consensus from last night’s Bachelorette group text:
- Kissing noises are repulsive. Watching 5,000 back-alley make out sessions is hard enough, but the sloppy kissing noises are killer.
- Nick may or may not be a serial killer. He looks murdery.
- Marcus is hot. But his chances of winning are 2 percent.
What do you guys think? Who are you pulling for? I’m Team Marcus, but I’ve always been intrigued by soft spoken guys at first. I think Josh is a stud, but I’d have five billion questions for him before I would deem him “husband material.”
This morning, after my alarm went off, I kissed Ryan goodbye and headed off to an early morning Pure Barre class. Ever since I bought the new member package last week it’s the only workout I’ve wanted to do! I love the way it burns but doesn’t kill my body. I’ve been pairing Pure Barre with lots of walks with Sadie and loving it.
I also don’t feel as ravenously hungry and am wondering if there’s a correlation. I feel like my appetite is definitely influenced by my workouts, so I’m thinking that these less intense (but still super challenging!) workouts have tapered off my hunger levels a little bit. Running, for example, always makes me hungrier throughout the day (and even the next day). Whenever I train for a half marathon and increase my weekly mileage, I am definitely hungrier.
Do you guys notice a difference in your hunger levels when do you different workouts?
After Pure Barre, I walked to the Starbucks that is located in the same shopping plaza as the barre studio.
It was bumpin’ and after waiting in a long(ish) line, I sat down to enjoy my cinnamon dolce cappuccino (my latest drink obsession – you must try it if you’re a cappuccino fan!) and spent about 30 minutes chipping away at my inbox before heading home for breakfast.
Breakfast this morning began with a green smoothie that I made with coconut water, kale, a green apple, lemon and ginger.
Plus a cup of Greek yogurt topped with granola and sliced almonds for some protein and healthy fats.
Questions of the Morning
- Do you think your workouts influence your hunger?
- Bachelorette fans: Who do you want Andi to choose?
1. Yes, I definitely think my workouts influence my hunger. Cardio-heavy workouts make me much hungrier than workouts that don’t include as much cardio.
2. I like Marcus the best, but I don’t think he’s the best fit for Andi. I think she seems happier and more giddy with Josh or Nick.
My workout has an iron grip on my appetite! I’ve noticed when I run, my body is like food now. This instant. If I do a more strength based workout with less cardio, I’m not super hungry that day, but if I really do a solid workout, the next day I’ll be SOOo hungry, even if I take it easier or do yoga.
YES! @ Ang! Those lips also come out during the rose ceremony! Drives me crazy!!!
Chris is definitely the best husband material – knows what he wants, respects her and the other men and knows when to keep his trap shut. But, alas, if the passion isn’t there…
Josh will win. I just know it. Its the only guy she has really pushed to tell her how he feels – she needs his reassurance as much as he needs hers. I actually think he is a good guy – a little bullheaded for my tastes, but seems like a solid person.
The lip thing drives me insane, too!
I picked Josh as Andi’s match from the start. I think Marcus is the most attractive in my own taste, but he doesn’t have great chemistry with her, even if she says they do. Farmer Chris would be my second choice for her! The kissy noises haven’t been bothering me so much as Andi’s “listening” face…. how she pouts her lips and her eyes get squinty when someone “opens up” to her.
I totally notice a difference in hunger levels when I work out differently. Weights and running always make my hunger spike. Yoga, surprisingly, doesn’t make me hungry for at least a few hours.
I could not agree more about Andi’s listening face! Guys are opening up to her and she has this huge frown!! She always has a very “skeptical” look on her face.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. The pouty lips!!!!!!!!!!! I’m so glad you said this because it KILLS me.
Sometimes I think I get hungrier ANTICIPATING a certain workout. Last week, I took a kickboxing class, and I was so hungry prior. This doesn’t happen prior to yoga though.
I totally agree with the preview being the best part of the show! That editing really gets you hyped up for the following week. I’m pulling for Josh; for really no other reason than just what you said, he’s a stud. I do like Marcus but I’m not sure they’re a match (maybe he’ll be the next bachelor?). The only remaining guy I’m not really a fan of is Nick. Maybe the show has brainwashed me but I do think there’s a subtle arrogance to him and it annoys me.
If I’m constantly running, aka 3 – 4 runs a week, then I’m starving, all the time. I had a large breakfast sandwich that I couldn’t finish this morning and I’m already starving again.
I don’t watch the Bachelorette, but I saw so many rants on Twitter about they guy named Nick. It was cracking me up! I think my hunger definitely is influenced by my workouts. When I was doing weight training this spring I would eat oatmeal an hour or so before I went, then after I finished I always had to have a snack or it felt like my stomach was going to eat itself! Starting Crossfit has definitely made me hungrier too.
“He looks murdery”. This was the first time reading blogs where I actually laughed so hard, I had water spit out because I couldn’t contain myself. This is definitely something I would say and it just made me LOL. Thanks for making my morning :oP
ha! 🙂 glad it made you smile! (but really, he totally looks murdery.)
oh goodness I definitely think workout influences your hunger levels. I always know when I had a great workout because I’m usually famished afterwards! During a high cardio or strenuous strenth training week I definitely eat more than usual!
My workouts definitely influence my hunger level! I’m a CrossFitter, but I had to take a weird semi-break for the past 6 weeks. I was eating so much less! I just started back up over the weekend and I’m already ravenous all the time again. It’s ridiculous! And totally worth it.
You’re making me really want to try Barre! I’ve heard so many great things about it.
My workouts definitely affect my hunger levels! I belong to a group personal training gym called Orange Theory (if they have one in Charlotte, you should totally try it out!) and there’s a 90-minute class on Saturdays that’s super intense HIIT training. I am beyond starving for about 24 hours afterward!
dying to try orange theory! i think i’d love it!
One is opening up in Charlotte this fall! I’m so excited! I just signed up for their e-mail updates to get more information about opening dates and pre-opening rates just yesterday. Just thought you might want to know, Julie 🙂
I am more the opposite. I run a lot but find when I do strength workouts that I am just so hungry! I have only run half marathons so far but am training for my first full this fall so we will see how the increased milage effects my hunger.
I think my immediate hunger is negatively impacted when I do an intense workout but about two hours later I get really ravenous. After a moderate workout I’m usually more immediately hungry. And I pretty much always only want smoothies during/after my workouts.
I’ve done Pure Barre before and I definitely wasn’t as hungry after compared to doing a Boot Camp class or something more draining! I think it has to do with burning less calories even though it is still a hard workout!
I noticed with more cardio, my appetite is through the roof! I feel constantly hungry and nothing substances it!
I feel like I’m always hungry when I increase my exercise.
I’ve been watching this season only because Dylan who got eliminated last night is one of my husband’s college friends.
While watching The Bachelorette last night, my friend and I were also thinking that Nick seemed like a smooth serial killer! Glad we aren’t the only ones! He;s just kind of freaky. I’m Team Marcus all the way, but sadly I think he isn’t “the one” for Andi. We will see what happens in the next few weeks.
My hunger levels are totally affected by workout style. I used to be a competitive swimmer and was an eating machine. Now that I’ve graduated college and no longer swim hard-core, I don’t eat like a 500-pound man! Running definitely makes me hungrier than Body Pump or other workouts, though.
I am always STARVING after Body Pump, like I cannot get the food in my mouth fast enough. Running though, I am never hungry when I’m done.
I’ve been watching the Bachelorette, too, but not sure who my favorite is yet.
Interesting, I think strength workouts make me hungrier 🙂
100% agree that my workout affects my hunger! I’m training for a half plus have been doing T25 and I’ve been STARVING! I’m backing off starting this week and doing low impact toning workouts on my non-running days. Hopefully that will help me lose the 4 lbs I gained while I was injured earlier this year…
Josh’s dimples. Dear god. I really hope nick doesn’t win. There’s something super shady there
this comment made me LOL! 🙂
I think when I’m working out, like training for a marathon, I crave healthier things. Like the thought of like nachos or pizza gives me the willies because I know how awful those things will make me feel during the next day’s workout so I stick to soups and salads ant things that are generally a little easier on my tummy!
I’m team Josh! But I’d have a 1000 questions to ask him as well. He’s from Georgia and I’m from Georgia so I have to pull for the state fave. Nick needs to go! Murdery is a good term for him.
I am a fan of Chris! Maybe it’s because I am from the Midwest myself (though I agree that Marcus is also quite good looking!). I don’t know if Andi will be able to handle the country lifestyle though ( I think we find that out next week ha).
I would say that working out definitely affects my appetite. Though, I do more strength workouts in general and find that I am usually hungry all day!!
Personally, I’d probably choose Marcus out of the 4 guys but I don’t think they will end up together. She seems like she has the most natural chemistry with Nick. Josh and Andi look like a really cute couple but I’d also have a million questions for him! So right now I think she”ll choose Nick. I agree that heavy cardio workouts spike my hunger!
My biking workouts definitely make me hungrier! Some weekends I ride 30 miles on my road bike and I am so ravenous the following day!
After a hard workout it takes a little bit before my body realizes it’s super hungry, then it’s like a waterfall. I get starving all at one time. It’s kind of funny. When I have a rest day after a day of hard exercise or exertion, sometimes I feel hungrier than normal — like my body is trying to catch up or something. I’m not normal, haha. 🙂
Nick definitely gives off that “murdery” vibe, like he’s stalking his prey. A lot of what he does *seems* romantic, but then you listen to him analyzing the situation…and it all goes back to being creepy.
100% Marcus fan, but for myself – not really Andi. Josh seems her type, but I think that he’s too suave for his own good; it would take a lot of time and proof for me to feel like I could trust him in a marriage.
Running = ravenous hunger for days
Strength training = desperate thirst and a need for a nice back massage
Oh gosh, yes my workouts absolutely influence my hunger! Most of the time during the end of my workouts, I am thinking about what I’m going to eat next, ha!
I honestly would be happy with anyone but Nick. HE NEEDS TO GO!
YOU READ MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY!!! Last night as I was watching with my hubby (who usually doesn’t watch), I was crazy uncomfortable will all the amplified kissing noises. And when I was trying to explain each guy to him, that was the EXACT description I gave Nick–serial killer for sure.
In other news, I tried Orange Theory fir the first time this weekend and it left me STAAAAARVING. Like, I couldn’t even wait until I got home…I had to stop by a store a satisfy myself. Normally workouts leave my tummy unasy for at least an hour afterwards. It was an interesting change that made me curious, and I’m glad you brought it up in today’s post.
We clearly need to watch The Bachelorette together. 🙂
My workouts definitely have an influence on my appetite! Whenever I have a HIIT session, I’m craving for a feast afterwards! lol
I definitely get more hungry the more cardio I do! And sometimes it’s not just hunger, but just not being able to “get full”, which is really weird and can actually get annoying! And if I take 2+ days off working out, my appetite goes from like 1000000 to 0 (also annoying!) haha.
I definitely think that different types of workouts affect my hunger! After swimming, I am RAVENOUS. Running does the same thing on a less extreme scale.
Running and HIIT intervals make me SOOO hungry! throughout the day and especially after breakfast!
My workouts definitely influence my hunger! I just signed up for my third half (and first in a few years), so I’m trying to figure out ways to make sure I satisfy my increase in hunger with healthier options.
Nick hit on me at a bar in Chicago last summer and I accidentally sorta blew him off. He was dressed really hipstery and his line was that he was “a big fan.” HA. Then he gave me his instagram account and when I saw all his model pics I realized he was out of my league. I still have his number and our text convo though and love watching him on the show.
this is so fantastic!!!! how crazy!
I ALWAYS get the RUNGER!! I could eat an entire box of cereal on days that I run. Not healthy cereal either. Cinnamon Toast Crunch. The.whole.box. On days that I walk or do yoga, I am considerably less hungry and eat like a normal human being.
Lifting makes me hungry, but not in a got-to-eat-right-now way. Swimming, though, definitely makes me want to eat all the food ASAP!
Love seeing you enjoy Pure Barre!! Don’t you just love how those 55 minutes just fly by!!
I definitely think workouts influence your hunger! I’m always starving or craving food after a good workout.
Pure Barre goes by SO fast. It’s amazing.
I definitely think my workouts influence my hunger. I feel like I get hungry more when I run. I’ve been hooked on this season of Bachelorette and I’m a fan of Josh. He’s dreamy, however, I do love Chris as well. He’s from my home state and I think he’s so sweet!! I really wish she would have chosen Brian. I loved him. I think Nick is super creepy and I hate him!!
I am on Team Marcus too! I think Andi is going to end up with creeptastic Nick though… he might be very nice in real life, but the crazy eye looks he gives on the show look like he could star as the psycho husband in a Lifetime movie.
I really like Chris, but I might be slightly biased since I am an Iowan and so is he! I honestly hope Andi does not pick him so that he will be the next Bachelor… and also because in all honesty, I think a lot of the guys could do better… ouch?
Yes! Leg day = eat my house
That smoothie sounds amazing!
I like Josh for her 🙂
Sometimes I find on days I do not work out I am hungriest. So bizarre!
I have been watching the Bachelorette (I hate to admit it). I have actually enjoyed it, I just wish they showed more time of real conversations between them. I like Chris and Marcus best, but I agree, I think Nick or Josh will win. Probably Josh since she seems most scared about him hurting her…
I agree about showing more “real” conversations. All they ever show is them talking about whether or not they like each other — I think watching a more normal conversation would actually let us see MORE than just the “I think I love you” stuff over and over again.
Cardio will always make me more hungry through the day. But the fact that most of my runs are training runs, I understand my hunger goes up. I finally got a heart rate monitor last year to calculate what my HR is during the runs to see how hard i was working. Love using it for my workouts too.
But if I only do toning and light weights, I’m not even hungry after.
AH more pictures of Charlotte! Looks like such a beautiful city!
I watch The Bachelor/Bachelorette, but I think I only watch it to make fun of it with my girlfriends haha but there are definitely some people I genuinely end up liking from the show. As for the eating thing, I ran CC and track in college, whenever We had a week off in between seasons, I was always less hungry than when I was working out. I also craved junk food a lot more during those breaks!
I really am not a fan of Andi or this season in general. I feel like she loves getting caught up in the drama of the house and likes conflict/drama situations….I don’t know why but I feel like she’s not really getting to know the guys.
I find when I run alot I’m always hungry and I feel like my diet goes out the door. But if I don’t run, I have a better way of controlling my diet.
YES!! it’s so crazy, but I swear lifting weights always makes me really hungry
Now that you mention it, I’m totally noticing the same thing! I have been doing a lot more power yoga these days then running. I am hungry right after, but not as much in the hours/day that follow. I’m usually the opposite!
Hate to say it, but this season I don’t really love any of the guys for Andi. Nick’s problems have been stated before, Josh seems a little hard to trust (but also maybe really great??), and I don’t think she has a spark with Marcus or Chris. If I were her, I’d keep looking… Not that these aren’t for the most part great guys. Just not right for her it seems!