Today’s LiveFit workout focused on legs!
Legs are my least favorite body part to work out, but changing up my typical routine by following the leg workout from the LiveFit program made working out legs a little less awful.
I did three sets of 12 repetitions of six different leg exercises. Two of the exercises focused on calves, which I haven’t targeted in who knows how long. Since I used heavier weight than I normally do in the weight room, I’m pretty sure I’ll be sore tomorrow. Feeling sore seems to be a theme with the LiveFit workouts!
For breakfast today, I took my time in the kitchen and cooked up a batch of steel cut oatmeal.
Before the oats soaked up all the water, I stirred in a few egg whites for added protein and ended up with a voluminous bowl of hot egg white oatmeal.
I topped it with cinnamon and enjoyed my oats with a cup of crème brulee tiramisu coffee.
I mixed Fresh Market crème brulee and tiramisu coffee grounds to make this blend and it got two thumbs up!
Dog Phone Calls
Late this morning my mom will be arriving in Ocala! We’re heading up to Jacksonville through Thursday for some personal appointments and I’m looking forward to some mother/daughter time.
I think Sadie is awfully excited to see her for a bit today too because she called her last night.
As I was sitting on the couch, Sadie crawled onto my lap as usual. On her way over, she must’ve stepped on my phone and somehow managed to unlock it and call my mom.
I heard, “Hello! Hello? Hello?” coming from my phone and grabbed it to find my mother on the other line.
I told her that her granddog called her and is obviously excited to see her today!
This made my mom awfully happy since she’s basically Sadie’s number one fan. (Remember the awesome emails she sent us about Sadie when she spent a couple weeks living at my parents’ house when we first moved to Ocala and lived in a hotel?)
I tried to let Sadie say hello, but she did what all animals seem to do when they’re supposed to “talk on the phone,” and recoiled her head, looking away from the phone and bobbing and weaving her way out of any further attempts to get her to communicate.
Now I’m off to shower and pack a small bag for the next two days.
See ya from Jacksonville!
Aw! How cute of Sadie to call your mom! 🙂 Good luck with your appointments. I hope you are okay!
Sounds like a delicious coffee combination! Have a great trip!
Admit it…you LOVE Jacksonville! Haha, it loves you back 😉
it’s true. 🙂 if we have any free time when we’re there, i’ll call ya! i’d love to see you again!! miss you!
Sounds great! XOXO
Dogs are so smart 😉 Have you seen this dog riding the bike?
Teach Sadie!
oooo back to Jacksonville it is…hope it’s okay! sadie is so cute
I love that Sadie called your mom! Too cute! Have a great time with your mom!
My dog Oliver is always on the phone. My mom will call me and want to talk to him! She’ll say his name and her perks right up. lol
I almost always add egg whites into my oats! I love the extra volume and protein!
Have a fantastic time with your mom Julie! Legs used to be my favourite part to work, but now that I’ve developed more strength in my upper body, I’m not so sure any more. I’m glad you had a good workout!
I much prefer working my lower body although I’m with you about the seems to stick around a lot longer than upper body soreness!
Have a wonderful time on your mini trip!
Haha Teddy’s favorite thing to do is walk over my keyboard and draft emails to asnjbsdfbskj 🙂
My mom puts her dog on the phone for me all the time. And then I talk in a really loud, high pitched voice and Sophie will start turning her head in multiple directions, trying to find me haha! I love that dog! 🙂
Have a nice time with your Mom. 🙂 I can’t wait to spend time with mine in a few weeks. Not living close by is hard sometimes.
Steel cut oats for me this morning too. Have so much fun with your mom! I’m sure it is hard to not live close by, but glad that y’all get to see each other so often
Haha! I think Sadie is a human, not a dog!
I LOVE THIS because I have dog phone calls too. Except I’m the one calling my dog. My family lives in Oviedo and I’m in Boston, so I’ll call them to FaceTime every now and then. About 10 minutes into our conversation I always ask about Cole, our dog. My mom will run and grab him and put him up to the camera and I’ll FaceTime with my little buddy! Usually he just looks around because he can hear my voice but one time he started whining when I was talking to him. I actually started crying because I missed him so much! It was legit puppy love 😉
omg that is SO funny! My dad would love it if my dog called him. He’s also obsessed with his ‘granddog’.
I love this! Too funny!
I’m the opposite! LOVE LOVE leg days! And lunges. Sucker for self-punishment I guess.
I know it was an accident but that’s still super cute that Sadie “called” your mom!
Sadie calling your Mom is too cute. When I was in Egypt for three weeks a few years ago, I’d call home to talk with my husband and then he’d have the dogs “talk” to me. Both of them got a turn. To this day I have no idea how much those silent conversations were and I really do not want to know 🙂
I hope all is ok with you and/or your Mom with the personal appointments.
Love this story, so cute! Dogs are seriously the best 🙂
Thats so cute!
Don’t laugh at me for this but when I first got Kona I lived in a nice little one bedroom apartment and sometimes when I’d be running late home I’d feel bad for her there all alone so I’d call on the answering machine and be like “Kona mom will be home soon!” I figure that way I could at least interrupt her for a second if she was doing anything bad (i.e. chewing up my pillows haha)
Since you worked on legs today, how will you feel for cardio tomorrow morning? I’ve recently amped up my running (well, 4 mile runs, which is huge for me!) but I’m finding that when I work my legs the day before, I wake up so sore and my run isn’t as good as it should be!
Any advice?
I’m in literally the exact same place! I did a four mile run yesterday after a rest day, and it was about 10000x better than the four mile run I did the day after a leg workout (lunges/eagle poses/leg presses etc). The rest day really seems to do wonders in running on fresh legs when you have a longer distance scheduled!
congrats on the running progress! for me, after legs days (if i’m really sore) running is too much, so i’ll keep my cardio low-impact and stick to the elliptical or something like that!
That is too cute! My mom loves to talk to April on the phone asks if her ears perk up.
Legs are my least favorite, too. I figure between the dance (that I’ve done since I was 5) and running, I don’t really need any more muscles there. But I do them anyway just to mix it up sometimes.
Aww! That is so cute! 🙂 Sadie looks like such a sweetheart! That coffee sounds delicious! Where do you purchase it? My dog spencer barks at the phone whenever I try to “talk” to him. Have a great day and safe travels!
haha I love how they keep ‘talking’ until you actually indicate that you want them to make noise into the phone. I’ve definitely made friends sit awkwardly on the other end for way too long, insisting that our dog would ‘talk’ soon!
This is completely random, but I am planning my wedding in Minneapolis right now and you were featured on a blog of the wedding planner I am meeting tonight!!
Such a small world!
My dogs will actually talk on the phone … If you ask them where’s Grandma they starting doing this little howling talking thing that Huskies/Malamutes do, it’s SO freaking cute. And then if my mom is on speaker or her dog hears mine howling, he will start howling (she has a Malamute too) and then it’s pretty well impossible to talk hahah!
Ii’ve never added egg whites to anything other than baking and omelettes (used some this morning in fact!)…. does it not have a salmonella issue like raw whole eggs?
the egg whites actually cooked thoroughly since i added them to the oats on the stovetop, so i don’t think there’s a salmonella concern w/ ’em!
TOO funny!! Sadie needs her own blog I think.
Have so much fun with you mom!!! I love mother/daughter time :). My mom always tries to get me to talk to the pets on the phone haha…love it.
Haha. That is hilarious that Sadie called her!!
Have fun with your mom 🙂 p.s. I looooovvveee working legs–what do you not like about ’em?! 😉
Sadie is such a smart girl. 🙂 Enjoy your mother-daughter time!
Oh jeez, I just love Sadie. Have fun with your mom!
That’s super cute that sadie called your mom!
When my husband and I go away and my parents watch our dog, my mom writes little ‘Harold diaries’. They’re so funny to read when we get home!
Have fun with your mom!
Are you doing the whole LiveFit program or just picking a few workouts? I really liked the program but you definitely have to watch your joints because I had to take a break after phase 2 because my ankles were bothering me. But I definitely got some GREAT workouts in.
i’m not really sure yet. right now i’d like to follow all of the workouts, but i’m probably not going to follow them 100 percent.
Thinking of Sadie…have you read the book Amazing Gracie: A Dog’s Tale? I think you would love it! And it’s a really fast read.
That’s so cute! When my parents go to florida and take my dog with them we use Skype and video chat back and forth. So a lot of times they put the computer on the floor so I can “talk to the dog”, she just gets very confused!
Thank you so much for sharing the link to LiveFit! I love Jamie Eason and I’m so excited she’s doing this! I work out at home with just free weights and a barbell, so I’m trying to adapt some of the gym-specific parts of the workout to fit. If you or my fellow readers have any ideas on that, please share! As always, love your blog and especially love the Sadie updates! Love her!
I talk to my parent’s Vizsla, Rusty, on the phone all the time. He eve talks back to me 😉
That is too funny! My dog Laney has texted my fiance a few times. One time it was completely out of the blue and at like 11pm on a Saturday night, and my fiance texted back to ask if I was drunk. Nope, it was the dog. Who apparently sounds like an intoxicated me via text message?
This post made me laugh out loud! My cat meows loudly and constantly. Everytime I’m on the phone with my mom, he cries and I always ask her, “can you hear Baxter?” So I put the phone down for him to *talk* to her and then he goes silent haha.
So cute! My mom & my two dogs (she calls them her Grandoggers lol) have a mutual infatuation with one another- We can’t even say the word “Granny” or they fa-reak out! Have fun in Jacksonville- We’re headed there this weekend for some mommy/daughter/grandogger time =)
Ahhahahaha!!! I’m sure someone mentioned it before, but have you seen that texts from your dog website?? Hilarious!! This reminded me of that. Have fun with your mom!! Mother/daughter time is the best 🙂
That’s too cute! Our daughter randomly calls people, sends texts, posts on Facebook whenever we let her play with our phone…it’s actually reconnected us with people that we wouldn’t otherwise contact, haha! 🙂
This post literally made me laugh out . My brother and I have an ongoing joke that stems from the picture linkedbelow. Whenever, he answers the phone he always says, “Hello, yes this is dog.”,%2Bthis%2Bis%2Bdog%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=yes,+this+is+dog&usg=__nrT2atL05k6n2KiLP3Bay3Ogjpc=&docid=8uYuTM9-WtVIAM&sa=X&ei=75m9T5zuBZC_gAfzydyjDw&ved=0CF0Q9QEwAg&dur=785
I used to have a dog that answered the phone! This was back in the day of receivers and dials – no buttons anywhere. If the phone was ringing she would put her front paws on the phone table (yes, we had special tables and chairs just for the phone, no such thing as cordless then either), anyway, Taffy (the dog) would push the receiver off the phone and then walk away so the person calling would be answered with no one to speak to 🙂
P.S. sorry for the late reply, but I’m playing catch up today.