If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve already seen this picture.
If there’s food around, you better believe Sadie is around, too. She’s a greedy little monster.
Last night, after making a simple dinner of pasta and my two ingredient creamy pasta sauce, I placed my bowl on our table and went back into the kitchen to get myself a glass of water. When I walked back over to my bowl, I burst out laughing at Sadie’s stoic little stance. She had her eyes locked on that pasta!
Our next door neighbors brought a beagle puppy home a couple of weeks ago and last night Ryan and I spent some time talking to them about training their new dog. When they asked us about potty training, we told them about our favorite trick that involves hanging a bell on the door and assured them that it worked like a charm. When they asked about how we trained Sadie not to beg at the table for food, we just laughed.
Sure, that was our intention, but somewhere along the way, we became lenient so Sadie simply froths at the mouth as we eat our meals.
Our conversation last night reminded me of this image I saw on Pinterest that made me laugh:
(I believe the list is originally from The Dog Rules (Damn Near Everything) but the link to the original source of the image on Pinterest was broken.)
I know expert dog trainers probably roll their eyes at this list, but in our house it’s a little too true.
The Workout That Wasn’t
After singing Ryan’s praises for motivating me to workout yesterday morning, guess who mumbled, “Wanna sleep in?” at 5 a.m. today?
I barely remember saying yes, but I think my body needed the extra rest last night. I feel foggy today! Is delayed jetlag common? I feel like it’s finally hitting me.
A cup of coffee is slowly bringing me back to life.
I feel better already!
Breakfast this morning was groggily prepared over the stovetop as I combined everything I needed to make a batch of Joelle’s Paleo oatmeal.
I added an extra egg white, a whole banana and a spoonful of raw cashew butter to my bowl and enjoyed every last bite.
It’s a funky breakfast, but I like it!
I’m hoping to work through the morning before taking an exercise break at lunchtime. Today is the last formal day of Tina’s Best Body Boot Camp (Saturday workouts on the plan call for a “workout of your choice”) and since I’ve stayed pretty darn committed to the boot camp for eight weeks, I want to go out with a bang!
Question of the Morning
- Is there a trick or rule you intended to enforce with your pet that somehow fell to the wayside?
Of Possible Interest
- If you’re planning on running the Runner’s World Half Marathon, 5K or 10K in Bethlehem, PA on October 20 – 21, Tina has a coupon code you can use to save some moolah. Just use the code BLOGGER36 and you will receive 10 percent off race registration.
- Bodyweight Exercises for a Dorm Room Workout (Greatist.com)
- 20 Surprisingly Healthy Chocolate Recipes (FitSugar.com)
I love that picture of Sadie with the pasta bowl – so freaking hilarious!!
I love Sadie’s sweet face! I have a Vizsla too, she’s a year and a half and her name is Colby. Its so funny to read your posts and see how much Vizslas have in common. Love your blog and wanted to finally comment.
isn’t it crazy how similar they all seem to be? i have yet to meet a vizsla owner who says their dog is CALM. 🙂
We got our dog in July and have tried to follow rules, we took him to puppy school at Petco. The number one thing we failed at, letting him sleep in the bed, from day 1 we allowed him to sleep with us when we wanted. He is just too cute i cant say no to him!
we did a puppy training class at petsmart! 🙂
I love that list, and it’s so true! We are currently at #7, although she left something smelly on the bed the other day, which has my husband back at #5.
All rules have been banned lol! Especially ” The dog will not sleep in the bed”…HAHA
I had to laugh at all this! At least Sadie doesn’t jump and grab the food when you leave the room!
The number one rule we broke was allowing Harold to sleep in our bed. Now I wouldn’t have it any other way though.
We also used to feed him from the table whenever we begged. He developed awful allergies though so we can’t give him really anything anymore. It was a long process, but he’s pretty good about begging now.
ha! that’s true. she never, ever takes food off of our plate, the table or counter without us giving it to her.
toilet training…city kitty just didnt work for the old girl.
hahaha. i love that you bought that. tash just can’t be tamed. 🙂
Bahahaha those dog rules describe my life with my dog to a T. The rest of my family is much stricter about what the dog can and cannot do (i.e.: the dog doesn’t sleep in any of their beds), but man, I’m so concerned about hurting my dog’s feelings that I can’t say no to him! I’m hopeless.
We were REALLY good about not giving our pup “people food” – and now she NEVER begs, which is great. She does sleep in our bed sometimes, though. 🙂
hahahahaha wait that’s the funniest list I’ve ever heard. My dog is the king of the house and we love it. We act like we have no choice and he makes us his peasants. I love him to pieces. Sadies faces are the best!
We don’t have a dog yet, but I have always said that when we get one, he won’t be allowed to sleep in bed with us. If anyone would slid and break that rule though it would be me because I’m just such a sucker for their cute faces.
We thought the bell idea was great for potty training too, but somehow it just doesn’t click with our dog. We got him when he was four months and he is now 11 months and STILL does not know how to tell us he needs to go outside. We started with touching his nose to the bell every time we went out. It then finally got to the point that we would ask “do you need to
go potty?” and point at the bell and then he would go ring it, but not
unless we point at it! This is a dog who now knows a multitude of tricks and stares at you and groans when he wants to be allowed up on the couch, yet can’t figure out how to tell you he needs to go pee. Funny, yet frustrating.
I have totally botched the house training thing. My dog was doing really well for several months, but he decided it was easier to use the rug. And apparently he prefers it, so now I need a new rug, AND new puppy training skills.
Julie, are we not doing book club this month? Im still reading Gone Girl, so i haven’t read your review post, but I love seeing your selections and looking forward to the next one!
we’ll definitely do a book club for october. september slipped away from me while i was on vacation and i feel like 2 weeks isn’t enough time to give everyone to read a book for the book club. stay tuned for october!!
It is common! I studied abroad in Spain for part of this summer and it took me like two weeks to recover from the jet lag!
Ohhhh Sadie. Love that dog 🙂
I slept in this morning too. Jetlag for you… I think its just something about Fridays for me. Afternoon workout it is!
I love those dog rules because they show how when someone enters our life, we quickly try to make rules and limitations. But as time goes on, and love/companionship work their magic, we drop our guard and let these now-silly limitations fall away. And that’s where the magic happens.
My brother and sister in law were the same with their dog – their initial rule was she couldn’t get on any furniture, now she sleeps on their bed. My brother will tell her “off” if she’s on furniture, but she’ll just move to the edge and lay down, hoping he won’t notice she’s still there!
I love the dog rules – too funny! It looks like you’re leaning toward the paleo thing lately? Just an observation!
I literally have been giggling in my cubicle at work reading those dog rules. It’s TOO true. With my dog at home we tried having him sleep in a crate, but the minute he started whining he was allowed in the bed with his head on his pillow and his body snuggling under the covers. What can we say, we’re pushovers 😉
Being on the bed. The dogs are now allowed on the bed, but not while we are sleeping. We actually stick to the not while we are sleeping part.
The Kidless Kronicles
I got back from a European vacation Sunday night and I’m convinced I’m experiencing delayed jetlag! I think I was too absorbed with “catch up” to truly notice until yesterday.
Good news, the weekend is upon us! Good luck powering through today! 🙂
Definitely WAYYY too true for me and my dog. But she only acts that way with me, not with my Dad, which I take to mean that she loves me more! 🙂
Even if it’s not proven (not sure if it is), I totally believe in delayed jet lag. Originally you feel fine, but the fatigue eventually catches up with you. Totally deal with it switching back from overnights all the time.
haha aww Sadieeee .. with our cats we tell them to stay off the kitchen table… never happens haha
Good for you for sticking to the bootcamp–sounds like you really enjoyed it.
I’ll have to check out that oatmeal recipe!
We’ve used the bell trick with our dogs, it’s really so great! There’s a new puppy in the family right now so she’s learning the bell trick too.
My boyfriend has a rule about his dog not being allowed on the furniture, but he lives at home and his Mom isn’t so strict about the rules so his dog just checks who is around before climbing up on the couch.
I thought really hard, but when I think about it, we’re really consistent. My cat knows that she isn’t allowed to be on the couch or in the chair at the table when there is food on our plates and gets down immediately if she sees us sit with food there (the couch eating is more along the lines of rules for ourselves that we’ve slacked on lol).
She also knows she isn’t allowed outside, so when we come home with groceries and leave the door open while we bring them in, she sits next to the door and calmly watches things outside, but our other cat starts to get curious and tries to go out a couple times a year. We take advantage of bad weather (rain, storms, snow) and carry him outside so he immediately hates the outdoors again and doesn’t get curious for several months more. We repeat this exercise when he starts getting curious again 😉
Oh my god…those dog rules are SO true! You start with the best of intentions and then you see their sad little puppy faces and there’s no way you’re not letting them snuggle with you on the couch.
This pin says it all I think:
I <B beagle puppies 🙂 One rule we did not falter on was letting our dog sleep in our bed. He peed in it once when he was a pup. The hassle of cleaning the comforter was enough to put the kibosh on that!
Omg Sadie is so cute! Love her :). How much does she weigh? In some pics she looks tiny and some a lot bigger!
My dog is too smart for the bells…he would ring it just to go outside and play..or when we are eating dinner and not paying attention to him. Fail.
Luckily in at rule #2 with my dog still…only allowed in 2 rooms and sleeps in his crate. He is only 6 months old though so only time will tell. My bf desperately wants nathan to sleep with us but there isn’t enough room in our full size bed!
Love the pics of Sadie! I have a Weimaraner and they’re so similar. I always said my dog, Gunner, would not be one to sleep in the bed and he’s my favorite snuggle buddy!
That Dog Rules pin really made me giggle. It’s hard not be be a big ol’ softy sometimes. My dog, Maestro, slept in the crate when I first got him, but then he started putting himself to bed (in my bed!) at 9:30 or 10:00 every night. He tucks himself in under the covers and sleeps so snug all night. I don’t have the heart to make him move. Well played, Maestro…well played. hehe
haha, that made me LOL!
My dad had so many good intentions when he brought Frisket home ten years ago. There would be no table scraps, none of this, none of that.
He’s not even shy about begging anymore. Anytime someone is in the kitchen, so is he. So are the cats, actually. I blame my mom. She gives them all lunch meat when she’s making a sandwich. Bad habits don’t die. Hard or otherwise.
YES! No getting on the couch and no sleeping in my bed.
I think it may have lasted the first night I got Sydney! Haha.
Love that pinterest picture!
Our cat is not supposed to sit or lounge on the dining table but he is up there all the time.
We have actually been pretty good at following the dog rules but mostly because I am allergic to my dogs hair. He has to stay off the furniture(so that I am not itching and scratching all day BUT he does get to sleep with my daughter at night. I felt that was a good compromise and they love being bed buddies :-)!!
Haha I love Sadie.
We were going to try to train my dog to only jump on the furniture when he was called…. yeah that lasted about 2 seconds. He loves to sit on this one pillow and we call him “the prince” and we call the pillow “his throne”. Ah well. At least he’s not a big dog who messes up the furniture. I guess there’s worse things to let fall to the wayside.
Love the doggie rules. I started smiling as I read the list – we have had our 6-year-old Golden Retriever since February, and he has made it comfortably to #5 on the list. (A very big deal for me since this is my first dog!) He got on the bed once, but a few days later I decided not to let that happen again…after he did a dive into a pile of poop on one of our walks. Dog poopie matted into his shoulder, neck, and collar. It took three baths to get the smell out!
I recently found your blog and love it-thank you Pinterest. We lived in Germany for 3 years thanks to the Air Force and I experienced jet lag each time we would go home to the States to visit and back to Germany. But the worst jet lag I ever had was when we went to Hawaii for an anniversary trip and flew back to Michigan where our girls were staying with my in-laws. It was so much harder than any other jet lag I ever had. Something about going that direction and it being a lot further? I don’t know, but I feel your pain. I’m sure your healthy lifestyle will help you get over it soon. You were smart to sleep in today and let your body get the rest it needs.
Also, we have a 2 year old golden retriever and he gets to do a lot more than our first golden did. He still doesn’t know how to “stay” very well. Thankfully he doesn’t pee on visitors feet as bad as he used to. I teach piano out of my house and it’s not a great way to meet new families! Thanks again for your blog and inspiration to eat healthy-without eating the same thing all the time!
No sleeping in the bed is a really tough one…most nights we crate my dog, Storm, but every once in a while she gets to sleep on her dog bed outside the crate. She always ends up in the bed with us!
haha! Our vizsla puppy Sydney pulls that same look while we eat! I think every rule we’ve tried to enforce so far has gone to the wayside! We were determined to have her ‘go’ in a certain part of the yard… yeah right! And the rules you posted are dead on- she started in the crate and night and now we’re battling for space under the covers. 😉 We are planning to try the bell at the door trick soon, though.
It’s so much fun to read your blog and see how vizsla’s personalities really do mimic each other!
my dog’s one and only rule is that she gets to greet the kids first. she’s kinda obsessed with licking their heads.
My dog, India, totally does this too…it’s somewhat creepy like she’s seeing a ghost or something. Then I remember there is a plate of food. How silly of me.
I’d like to try Tina’s bootcamp I think…did you enjoy it? Could you see results?
Thanks Julie!
We are the exact same way with Milo. Our main problem is jumping on people. When we got him, we were determined to not let him jump, but there’s something about a dog jumping up to give you kisses and “hugs” after a long day at work that made that rule go our the window!
Hahaha I want to print that list out and frame it! So funny
Those dog rules are hilarious!
That picture of Sadie is too funny!
Question- when you put egg in your oatmeal, when do you add it in? After the oats are cooked or during? I want to try it!
2-ingredient pasta sauce—I LIKE IT! Always looking for a reason to eat goat cheese. 🙂
Dude, I am SO glad you’re loving the paleo oatmeal!
I’ve definitely experienced delayed jet lag.. i used to fly a LOT, and it would always get me a few days after i got home.