Oh my gosh, wasn’t the big game last night amazing? I was on the edge of my seat!
Or, you know, the edge of my bed since I was definitely curled up under my sheets before the game was over. I’m clearly a hardcore football fan.
I did eat lots of good food and paid attention to the commercials though! I’m pretty sure that’s a big part of the fun the Super Bowl so that must count for something, right?
One good thing about being in bed before the game was over was that waking up at 5 a.m. wasn’t too painful. I felt rested and ready for a workout!
Okay, I never exactly wake up feeling ready to workout at 5 a.m., but once I get to the gym and get going, it isn’t too bad.
My workout kicked off with 20 minutes on the elliptical before I completed a leg workout that I think is going to leave me feeling quite sore tomorrow.
I know squats and lunges are great for your booty, but for some reason tacking on donkey kicks at the end of this workout is what really made my booty burn!
I think doing the donkey kicks right after hamstring ball curls made the burn extra intense. They’re legit!
This morning breakfast included a big bowl of chocolaty oats.
Check out that steam!
I microwaved oats, milk, chocolate protein powder, cocoa powder and canned pumpkin in a bowl, stirring regularly to prevent overflow.
The end result was a thick and creamy bowl of protein-packed chocolate oatmeal!
Giveaway Winner
Thanks so much to those of you who entered Saturday’s snack smart giveaway! It was officially the most popular giveaway that has ever popped up on Peanut Butter Fingers!
Congratulations to…
Please email me at pbfingers@gmail.com with your mailing address and we’ll get your prize pack out to you ASAP!
Time to get to work. See ya after lunch!
I love donkey kicks – do you ever do pilates? You really feel the burn in your booty doing moves like that. As a huge GIANTS fan I was definitely on the edge of my seat all night and ecstatic with the end result!
Big EEEEEE from one Giants fan to the next for them pulling it out at the last second!!!
they always have to keep us on the edge of out seats!!!
Yeeeeeeeah Giants!!!!!!
Oh those oats look super delicious!
Yes, donkey kicks are the best! They are such a good move for the butt/hamstrings, but also for the abs and the core if you really focus on keeping them engaged. Some of the Pilates classes I teach I use that exercise. Also, to make it harder (if you wanna), you can add a resistance band–just hold it in one hand and put the hook part around your foot. Talk about OUCH!
The game was good although I was more focused on the commercials and the half-time show. 🙂
haha I watched mainly for commercials and the half-time show too!!! I think my favorite commercial was M&M’s Ms. Brown debut! Very funny 🙂
I actually didn’t watch it! Haha I love the workout though 🙂
You need to try Bob’s Red Mill 5 grain rolled hob cereal. I bought my last two bags at BIG LOTS! You will love it! e
haha love your enthusiasm about the game… i was the same way. i would’ve liked the patriots to win mostly just because my husband and his best friend had a bet going, and some extra $$ would’ve been nice. 😉 other than that though, i could’ve cared less.
and i agree – donkey kicks are a doozy!
I love doing donkey kicks! I have been making them a little harder by balancing one of those squishy medicine balls (not sure what they’re called) between my thigh and back of my knee. It burns!!
There’s a butt workout video on Sparkpeople that I used to do all the time that has donkey kicks right in the middle of the workout. In-tense!
I was in bed by the end of the game as well and loved every moment of it. The best part was eating the Superbowl icecream cake we had.
I was Über excited about my oats this morning, but they were overnight and cold and yours just made my mouth water! I was up at 5 as well for a swim — not that bad, surprisingly, post super bowl. Must have been the blissful carb-induced sleep last night 🙂
Last night’s game was AMAZING!!! I am a huge Giants fan. Of course, that comes with your family living in NYC for 30+ years 🙂 My dad worked in Manhattan so we got to see the parade from their last SB victory.
Try putting a 5 or 8 pound dumbell behind your knee! Talk about burning 😛
Love donkey kicks! Sometimes I’ll stick a 10lb dumb bell in the bend of my knee for an added burn. I also like to follow donkey kicks up with some “peeing dog”! Mainly because I like to say I did “donkey kicks followed up by peeing dogs” but also because the two together really light a fire in my cheeks!
Great workout! I think I’ll try that out this week!
My husband and Dad bet cookies on the game. Lol. My hubby lost and now had to bake cookies. That should be fun – he’s never baked in his life!
You oats look yummy!
Living in England, I had no idea what was going on with the superbowl, until I saw something on the BBC about it at the gym today…crazy stuff! That oatmeal looks incredible, I’m going to have to try that combination soon!
ahh why such an early workout, lady?
Lol I’m the same way as you with the football excitement! I actually wasn’t watching any of the game but plan to find the commercials on youtube tonight!
I was going to make something besides oatmeal until I saw that picture. Something about warm gooey oatmeal in the morning is so comforting 🙂
I love donkey glutes…my butt, however, isn’t a fan during 😉
One of my instructors told me that donkey kicks are one of the best moves you can do for your butt. Made even harder with bands!
I LOVe donkey kicks- always gets my glutes sore 🙂
Love donkey kicks! We used to do them in high school cheer leading conditioning, but I forgot all about them. Good reminder! 🙂
You can really amp up the burn in those donkey kicks if you wrap a resistance band around your shoe and hold the handles with your hands. That way every time you kick, you are pushing through resistance!
It will leave your buns burnin’!
I love tacking on an isolation move at the end of a big workout! Donkey kicks are a good one…I always pulse at the top for an extra burn.
Did you see the Bud Light dog commercial, Wego? OMG so cute, and it supported adopting shelter dogs!
I made pumpkin oats this morning too, although mine didn’t look so steamy!
I do donkey kicks about once a week! I DEFINITELY always feel the burn!
we do donkey kicks in body pump with a weight behind our knee, and I hate them.
I did donkey kicks and leg raises today in a class and they are definitely KILLER!!! I love the burn though. The game was intense!
I definitely prefer the commercials to the game!! Congrats to Kim winning the giveaway- how exciting! I’ve never done donkey kicks before- they look legit. I will have to try them out this week! Thanks for always sharing your workouts. The different exercises you incorporate are always interesting. I like how much you change it up.
I definitely prefer the commercials since I have basically no idea what is happening in football games most of the time, but I was rooting for the Giants since I’m from NY. I’m a fair weather fan. 😉
I love donkey kicks–although I have to admit I had no idea that’s what they’re called. Such a good booty workout!
Donkey Kicks always gets a burn going. I want to work my way up to incorporating resistance bands or weights with it.
I had blueberry oatmeal from Better Oats this morning that was especially yummy.
Oh man donkey kicks always make me sore, you should try them with ankle weights! Really gets the buns burning 😉
Yay for oatmeal this morning, mine had raisins and cinnamon.
Hey Julie! A random question for you- how did you make the special dates poster for Ryan that you found on pinterest? I love that idea and was wondering the process- thanks!
Here’s the site where I got all the info: http://www.andreasteed.com/node/1169
oh yes!! donkey kicks ARE legit! haha, I’m not a football fan either and didn’t even know who was playing…oopsies 😛
Love the addition of donkey kicks. It is amazing how something that seems so low key can give such a great burn! 🙂
Thanks JUlie! Sorry but one more question- how did you get your poster that deep green color? The only choices they seem to have are purple or black and white or kind of girly looking…did you just make your own based on the instructions instead of buying it?
This is totally off topic, but I just bought a blender today and a cute pink leopard print tumbler! Now I can finally make all of your recipes 🙂
Love donkey kicks! I always feel the burn more on the leg that’s not doing the kicks. And then feel it even more later!
In the past when I have microwaved oats with protein in them it turned out into burnt protein powder or it turning into a weird texture. Is there a secret to how long you cook them for or is there something else missing in the equation?
have you tried adding more liquid or pumpkin than you might think?
A little tip i got from the Insanity DVDs is that when doing donkey kicks also keep lifted your knee of the leg that is down so that you are working that quad and glute a little simultaneously
Forgot to mention. Romney, Santorum & Gringrich’s plans only increase the national debt, just like Obama. And with any of htose 4 candidates, we’re all but guaranteed to go to war with Iran.