Tonight I had a hot date on the agenda.
After work, I hopped in my car and headed to Crave, a relatively new restaurant located just outside of downtown Orlando, to meet up with a bunch of Orlando bloggers.
Our blogger dinner was organized by fashion guru J who reached out to bloggers of many different genres to get an awesome group of dynamic women together.
I sat in between Katy and Katy who I’ve had the pleasure of meeting a few times before. I really enjoyed catching up with them and getting to know the other women. I always have the best time chatting with other bloggers because everyone is so ambitious and passionate about their blog and we all have so much in common.
After talking for quite some time, we eventually hunkered down, checked out the menu and placed our orders.
Quite a few things were calling my name, but in the end I settled on the fish tacos because of the promise of seared tuna!
The tacos were delicious! The tuna was cooked perfectly and I really enjoyed whatever green sauce they put on top. I added the black beans to the tortilla before digging in and loved the combination of flavors.
After eating my dinner, I felt perfectly satisfied and not overly stuffed. I love it when portion sizes in restaurants are reasonable and not crazy-huge because if they’re massive, I will just keep eating and eating until I feel like I’m about to pop. I’ve always been a clean-your-plate kind of girl, so I appreciate a normal-size portion!
I enjoyed my tacos while talking with Katy Widrick. If you’re a blogger and haven’t checked out her blog already, you should hop on over there ASAP. She always posts extremely helpful tips about blogging and social media that make me think and reevaluate my blog in a good way.
Katy and I chatted about our future and goals and I must say she is one heck of a motivational lil’ lady! Katy was so right when she said that you have to make your dreams happen. Don’t be afraid to put the wheels in motion, work hard and do everything you can to help yourself achieve your goals. Put yourself out there and reach for the stars! But enjoy life and have some fun, too. Amen.
Since Katy got me thinking all about my future and my personal goals, I would love to hear your goals!
Where would you like to be in 10 years (professionally or personally or both)?
ohhh tuna tacos!
never tried it but it sounds delish!
I would like to have a family and still be working in health promotion! 🙂
In ten years, I’d like to have kids (married first, obviously), or be nearly ready to have kids, and doing something I love in a food or health related field. I really have no idea exactly what I’d like to do professionally yet, but I’ve wanted to be a mom my whole life 🙂
I admire Katy and Katy – they are very inspirational. What a fun blogger meet-up!
totally agree! they’re both little gems. 🙂
in 10 years I’ll be 30-wow that sounds weird….
Professionally I would like to have a “comfortable” job that I love (something in the education field-hopefully a middle school math or language arts teacher)…
Personally I would like to have all of my student loans paid off, be married to by now boyfriend and have at least one baby (!), and really just be doing fun and enjoyable things with my little family! It’s also my goal to continue the exercise and healthy eating habits I’ve been able to establish in the past couple of years (this is actually one of my major life goals!)
In ten years I want to have my own private practice (I’ll have my PhD by then!) and be helping athletes improve and revive their love of sport! Also hopefully married with one kid? I also want to run a marathon in that time period!
Tuna tacos yummmm! My fave cafe/restaurant in NYC has the best tuna tacos!
What a fun blogger meetup! I definitely want to have children within the next 10 years and I’d also love to be working in an industry I’m more passionate about – food, health, wellness, fitness, etc. Hopefully that will happen sooner rather than later. 🙂
I’m always so jealous of everyone’s blogging meetups! In ten years I’d like to be married, have kids, and be working in nutrition. In 10 years I see myself wanting to take a break from the fast paced life of media production, focus on family, and my health counseling career.
I’m currently going through my quarter life crisis (well, 2 years late!) and I’ve been thinking about the future a lot. I definitely want to have a child ten years from now, but I also really want to move! I have this huge desire to move to another part of the country and just experience a new community, new city, and new way of life. I am country girl at heart and I hope ten years from now, I’ll be living on my 10 acres, sitting on my porch swing with my husband and being able to see the stars with the city lights getting in my way.
Phew, I tend to get carried away on my comments sometimes 🙂
you and me both! i have the itch to move as well. and i love the thought of country living!
Blogger meet-ups!!! I’ve never been to one, but I live in Austin so if there is anyone out there blogging from the ATX, let me know!!
In 10 years, I’ll be 35. WOW. Personally, I want to be married with some kiddos running around. Professionally, I want to be a stay at home mom with a few things on the side, like the blog if it works out that way, or a job that allows me to work from home. I would also like to pay off my student loans!!
What about you, Julie?
you should check out – there is a whole section on that site where you can search for healthy living blogs in your area!
Awesome!! Thanks for the info!!
Fun meet up! I love that you met up with other types of bloggers – so cool.
In 10 years I hope to have had my children and hopefully I’ll be taking time off from work to raise them!
I looove Katy Widrick’s blog!! Oh, and I aspire to be some sort of wellness director or health educator…perhaps a professor, even! I love informing people 🙂 Oh, and I also I want to be a momma to a wonderful little family of my own 🙂
Julie, where would you like to be in 10 years?
see my morning post!
I am TOTALLY with you on the ‘eat until i pop’ thing. I clean my plate no matter what!
And hmmmm…in 10 years, I would like to be married, perhaps a mother of one or two children, a yoga teacher, a published author, and a part-time actor still in community plays.
In 10 years, I will be 32. I would like to be married and have a couple of dogs for my children. I hope to have completed the Nurse Practitioner program by that time. Right now I am 6 months from graduating with my Bachelor’s degree in Nursing.
In ten years, I’ll be 31- which seems so far away! I’d like to be married, maybe with a kid or two- and hopefully working in some possible way! I’m flexible at this point:)
i’d love to be a professional blogger, freelance writer, photographer and mom! better get started, right? 🙂
AH! I was just crying on the phone with my fiance because I DONT have the answer to this question and it’s killing me. I feel like I want to do a million things, but it’s so difficult to pick what’s most important and focus in on it. I’m glad you had an inspirational night! I need one asap! 🙂
We have a Crave around here and I’ve only had drinks there, but they were very delicious!
In 10 years I hope to be at home with our 2 children (or 1 if we decide) and doing some sort of work that I can be at home with them. No idea what that is though!
Oh how fun! I’m a big J fan, I love her and her blog. Yours too. 🙂
I will be 31 in ten years. I just want to be happy, more wise, and debt free. and still madly in love with my husband- and be the best mom I can be to my children.
I’d like to hear also where you want to be in 10 years 🙂
Ten years from now I will be OLD. Well, 30. But that sure seems old to me haha. I honestly have no idea where I’ll be or what my life will look like, but I want to be writing and editing. Where, how, for what…I don’t know. But that’s what I’m good at, and I can’t see myself ever doing anything else.
Major bonus would be to be happily married with healthy kids. Actually, I’d sacrifice the writing/editing career for that.
In ten years I’d like to have kids, still be teaching fitness classes, and owning my own health/wellness business!
I’ve been wanting to go to Crave — glad it got a good review!
In 10 years I’ll be OLD. OK, I’ll be almost 43 and I’ll have high schoolers. EEK. To be honest, I’ve been struggling for a few months now on the whole “what’s next” part of my life. I feel like I’ve been concentrating on this part of my life since I was teenager – it’s unbelievable to me that I will be passing it soon. I think one more baby is in the cards for us in the next 2 years – but after that I’m not sure. I do know that I want to focus on raising a healthy and happy family, go on awesome and inspiring trips, and still keep my own identity. The rest — is completely unsettled and unknown (for the first time — it’s actually a little scary!). All I can say is – dream big Julie!
I would love to grow my personal business I have a goal of becoming a team leader and making a bit bigger of salary. I already work on it full time, but I would really like to double our house hold income. I would also like to travel all over the world and see the northern lights in Alaska. I also want to have kids and buy a home. I have always wanted to conquer the world!
Your blogger dinner looks so fun!
Wow, where do I see myself in 10 years…that’s a tough one. This past week has been quite a challenging one for me and my career, and I now have quite a few obstacles ahead of me. I’ve been trying really hard to stay positive throughout it all, but it hasn’t been easy. I just keep telling myself that everything happens for a reason, and perhaps this is my chance to get out there, take a risk, and do something I’ve always wanted to do! 🙂
You’ll get there and it will all work out, Courtney. You’re too awesome for it not to.
I’m going to be married (October…woot woot!) with a few children. I want to still be a reporter with the news network I’m with now..but hopefully also anchoring more often. Most importantly, I’d like to be living closer to my family (and preferably near the ocean!) 🙂
Come to Florida! 🙂
In 10 years I will be done with my doctorate (I’m half way there now!!) and will be probably in a residency program somewhere (did I mention I have plans to go to med school after grad school? This sounds crazy writing it out!) and I hope to own a home and have a wonderful man in my life (I hope still the one I have now!). In 10 years I just hope for happiness, health, and love.
Looooving your ambition!
In 10 years I’ll be almost 35. Yikes! I really hope by then to have a career in politics and to be be a mom. I’d like to be married too of course, but I’ll do it on my own if I have too. I’ve wanted kids for as long as I can remember, and I know women are putting it off later and later these days, but being 50 with a kid in kindergarten is just not my cup of tea. I guess being a mom and my career are my ultimate goals.
In 10 years, I hope to be in a career that brings me satisfaction but I also hope to have personal success as well. Sure, I’ve always dreamed of being Kate Hudson in How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (you know, the magazine columnist!), but I know myself well enough to know that if I’m not personally fulfilled, I won’t be happy. I hope there is a compromise in there. I live in New York now, but I think a lot about moving back home to Omaha (like I always wanted). So hopefully, in 10 years, I’ll be blogging full-time about health and fitness to a wealth of eager readers 🙂 and living in that house behind the white picket fence with my beautiful husband AND a dog like Sadie! (maybe some kids too…)
In ten years I will be already in US and I’ll be paying for our house . My job will be as a journalist or maybe something behind the scenes.
My soon to be born nephew/niece will come to visit us and I will still write my blog to document the rest of my journey.
I’m not a runner, I hate running because I can’t. For now. But inside me, I know one day I’ll run a marathon.
I think that’s an awesome goal.
In ten years, my husband (or he will be by then lol) and I will be living in Southern Florida remembering our cold winters here in Boston!
What a fun blogger meet up btw!
In 10 years, I hope to actually know what I want to do as far as a career… I’ve moved across the country once, and across the world twice in the last 5 years, so I haven’t been able to settle down enough to really get into something. Personally, I hope to have a family, and be happy with the life that I have created for myself.
It looks like you had a fun blogger meet up! xoxo
Your life sounds so interesting!
agreed! i love reasonable portion sizes!!!!!’
in 10 years I would like to be getting married with a super hot husband (he must be kind too) and il be working as a sports nutritionist/ start up a business!
I want to be happy in 10 years! I’m happy to take life as it comes. That being said, i would love it if i were happily married with 2-3 kids and working in health & nutrition.
Those tacos look delicious!!!!!!!!!
Julie what are your goals?
Mine would be to have obtained my bachelors & masters (or PhD).
Also, to be married and have 2 kids! 😀 (I’ll be 30 then)
check out my morning post!
You’re so lucky to have such a great group of bloggers nearby. In 10 years I hope to have a baby or two with my fabulous fiance’, be working full time (maybe from home if that works out), and just be financially secure.
Wow, in 10 years I’ll be almost 35. That’s pretty crazy to think about — I hope I’m happy!! I’d love to be a wife, a mom, and a successful RD. Oh and have my student loans finally paid off!
In 10 years I would love to be married to my bf, and a mom! I would love to take my racing career to further lengths but unfortunately it’s just so expensive that it would be very financially taxing.
As for a job, I want to stay in marketing and work within the motorsports field 🙂
I so loved talking with you over tacos…and the feeling is mutual, friend — your blog makes me think, inspires me AND makes me laugh!
I’ve loved reading through the comments here.
Ah goals, I love ’em! In ten years…I’d like to have my own business whether it be my blog or a clothing boutique or just something I’m really passionate about. I also want to have a happy family with my now boyfriend. Maybe two or three kids!
Wow in 10 years I would like to have a healthy, blossoming family with Ben. We would love to have 4 kids, so maybe by then we’ll have 3. I would like to live somewhere we absolutely love and could not imagine not coming home to everyday. Professionally, I hope to have joined Ben in Real Estate and be working together as entrepreneuers. I can’t wait for 10 years!!!!
Eek, in ten years I’ll be 42. Well this fall I’ll be going from busy stay at home mom to lonely stay at home mom because my last two will be going to kindergarten, so I think it’s time I went to school too. I just started my own blog (I have all of two posts) and I’ve always enjoyed writing, but now that I’ve discovered exercise and eating well (thank you sparkpeople) I feel like I want to do something with that too. So in ten years I think I want to be a nutritionist/ personal trainer with a rocking blog. And personally I want my kids who will be 24, 19, and 15 (twins) in ten years to be healthy and happy and for my marriage to be just as happy as it is now.
First off, it’s amazing how today as a 25-year-old, 10 years seems right around the corner, whereas when I was a teenager 10 years seemed like an eternity!
In 10 years, my husband and I will (God-willing) have 3 or 4 beautiful children and will have made a home that is nurturing and comfortable for our kids and inviting to family and friends. We’ll love to host holiday gatherings and will frequently have friends over for bbq’s and dinner parties. We’ll have added a couple of dogs–probably chocolate labs–to befriend our two kitties. Every year, we’ll take at least one family vacation and one “just mom and dad” vacation. Fitnesswise, I will have run at least 25 marathons by that time and will be well on my way to reaching 50 marathons by age 50! Daily activity will be a part of life for our family.
Professionally, I will have made the move from law firm partner to work as in-house corporate counsel. My husband will will have started his own consulting firm and I’ll help tend to the legal aspects of his business. We will both work hard but will always put each other and our children first.
They say that after 30, everything is just so much better; you know who you are, the little things that used to bother you to pieces just don’t anymore, etc. I really feel this is true. Of course, I still have insecurities and always strive to improve aspects of myself and my life, however I can finally say I am living my dreams and I love my life, exactly as it is now. In ten years, I just want to continue what I have with my husband and twins and just want to a great wife, wonderful mom, and live life to the fullest. Hmm, and perhaps use my diploma/writing skills to write a children’s book with my husband, who is an amazing illustrator/artist. 😉
All I can think about is what I have wanted for almost five years now, to be a mom! One day, one day.
In 10 years, I’ll be 36! 🙂 I hope to be a wife/mother/ professional blogger (even though I’m just starting out), most of all I would like to work in Public Health in disaster preparedness making policies and hold positions on a lot of boards, and eventually retire to be a Graduate level professor.
Not tooo many goals, right? 🙂
Yum, those tacos look fab. I’ve been meaning to check out Crave!
Let’s see, in 10 years…I’ll be 33. Ahhh. Professionally, I hope to be done with my Master’s in Nursing, working as a Nurse Practitioner for a plastic surgeon’s office or medical spa, and I hope to have published a cookbook by then! Personally, I hope to be celebrating 8 years of marriage, and be the mom of a happy and healthy 3-year-old…or two 3-year-olds…I’m a fan of the two-for-one deal on children.
(I’m sure you can tell I haven’t thought about this much…)