Oh, boot camp. I look forward to you all week!
Today’s morning boot camp class was a good one, but not quite as good as past classes. I enjoy circuits, but like to have a bunch of stations set up that we go through two times. A smaller amount of circuits that we do three times through isn’t ideal for me because I start to get bored and feel like the circuits are redundant. Gosh, I sound so hard to please!
Today’s class included three sets of a smaller amount of circuits. I did two rounds before calling it quits and hittin’ up the elliptical while waiting for Ryan to finish his workout because my mind just wasn’t in it.
Today’s breakfast was wolfed down in no time flat!
(This is the 3,085 picture of me eating food on this blog. 5,893,402 to go!)
I had very little work to do in terms of making my breakfast this morning because I prepped a bowl of chocolaty overnight oats last night and simply added some banana puffs cereal to the mix this morning.
It was fantastic and I felt bad that I couldn’t share with Sadie because she looked up at me with pleading eyes as I ate every last bite.
Sorry, kid. Chocolate + dogs = No go!
A banana dunked in peanut butter was also enjoyed on the side.
Last night I had a great time just hanging out on the couch with Ryan and Sadie. Ryan and I discussed our short-term and long-term goals for the future and throughout the night, I grew more and more excited for the possibilities that await us in the coming months and years.
The longer we talked, the more and more excited and involved in our dreams I became. At one point, I told Ryan that we had to stop because I felt like I was getting too wrapped up in what might happen in the future and I found myself feeling dissatisfied with the present, when, in fact, the present is pretty darn good.
Once an idea gets into my head, I can become obsessed with it.
I want it to happen now… or yesterday.
This is a good thing in that I feel like I am a driven and ambitious person, but it can be a bad thing because I am also impatient and immediate.
A lot of the dreams Ryan and I share are based on things that might happen. I skip two or three steps ahead and get lost in la-la land. But you know what? I’m not sure that la-la land is a bad place to be!
Envisioning a goal coming to fruition in the best possible way is great motivation to work toward accomplishing that goal. Sure I get scared that I may set myself up for disappointment by jumping ahead and assuming everything will work out perfectly, but picturing the best possible scenario also lights a fire within me to make my dreams and the dreams of my husband a reality.
I’m really not sure what is in store for us in the upcoming months because our current dreams are dependent on a lot of factors, but I am excited to keep on truckin’ and find out. Don’t worry, I definitely plan to let you guys in on our plans and ambitions as well. Changes, they are a-brewin’!
Question of the Morning
- What is one goal you hope to achieve by the end of the year?
So true. Planning for the future and working towards a goal are good things, but not when they hamper your ability to live in the present. This is a good reminder for me, especially as I graduate from college in a few weeks!
One goal I want to achieve by the end of the year is to figure out a career path that makes me happy. I know my general field of interest, but I’d really like to do some research and trials into putting that interest into a job!
I had overnight oats for breakfast too but mine were with honey and a banana. By the end of the year I hope to have a job in the law field because I’m in law school and be saving up money to move to my own apartment. Good luck with all your goals! Lala land isn’t a bad place to be – me and my boyfriend do the same thing.
I have that problem! i get wayyy to excited about the future that I kind of get lost in that lala land too and dont focus on the present.. because ineed to work in the present in order for me to achieve my goals in the future (college+ job!).. by the end of 2011???…. i guess apply to colleges and run my first 1/2 marathon!
I am such a planner, and I’m often guilty of “counting my eggs before they hatch.” but it feels so great to realize specific goals i want to achieve, so I keep them because it’s definitely something to look forward to!
By the end of the year, I want to own a house!!!! (i’m hoping this happens within the next month or two, actually…been working on it since january!) I also want to run a half marathon and participate in the Tough Mudder happening in Tampa in December.
I’m going a boot camp class too!
Yay for the future!
By the end of the year, I definetely want to have some direction in my career path/what to aim towards! I am enjoying the job I’m in but it’s not something I see myself doing in the long-term.
“A dream without a plan is just a wish” – I think it’s helpful to have dreams, and then plan to achieve them. If you plan, perform, and persevere, you can reach any dream.
One of my goals for the year is to get my BAP – Big *** Promotion. And hire somebody to clean my condo because I can’t deal anymore.
It’s funny b/c I’m a dreamer but a SERIOUS planner… I’m almost a planner to a fault, but I like to be cautious. 🙂
I love thinking about my life goals! I find it really motivating to keep me on track of what i need to do to reach them. I say keep dreaming big! One of goals is to run a marathon – hopefully NYC (find out next week if I get in!) by the end of the year!
I love talks about the future and goals and things that you want to work towards. I always talk about these things with my fiance. By the end of this year, I would like to have my wedding completely planned and have a new career 🙂
Woohoooooo for weddings! 🙂
Those overnight oats always look so good, I really need to try it! I too am a motivated individual and am looking forward to many of my future plans. One thing I want to do by the end of the year is be accepted and start graduate school.
With the banana/chocolate combo in your oats, I was thinking WHERE’S THE PB?
Then I saw you had some on the side. Phew.
Dreaming is fun, isn’t it???? You’re gorgeous!
Aw, thank you!!
Julie I am with you 100% — I love talking about goals and dreams but then I get dissatisfied with the present and all I seem to dwell on is how long it is going to take to get there!
I need to just enjoy the ride!
Goal by end of the year – I want to be in a career that makes me feel challenged and accomplished.
I’m the absolute same as you! I have all these goals for my future that I just need to happen NOW. I’m involved in so many things at the moment in order to eventually reach my goals, that I feel like sometimes I forget to enjoy the point of time I’m in now. It’s so nice to have someone else to share all your dreams and goals with, tough. And I can’t wait to hear more about your dreams cause I’m nosey!
By the end of the year, I will be graduated college, launching my health counseling business part time, hopefully working full time in the television production field, perhaps planning a move to New York, and maybe launching another business project as well…see? I’m nuts.
Haha I LOVE all of your dreams. I hope they ALL come true. 🙂
I do the exact same thing and once I have an idea in my head, I obsess. Good thing is that I generally make it happen, but the bad thing is that (like you said), I don’t always live in the here and now.
G’luck with whatever it is your dreaming and planning 🙂
My goal by the end of the year is to figure out what I want to do with my career. Not happy with my current situation and I need a switch!
I’m similar because I can get really caught up on what might be, and sometimes I forget how great right now is. That’s why I love my hubby. He keeps me grounded and helps me to appreciate our life now while still planning and looking forward to our future.
I am the same way! I get so caught up in what could happen that when the time comes I am slightly disappointed. It is so much fun to talk about Dreams, but you are right you have to be careful.
Dreaming about the future is so fun!
I’ve been having a hard time figuring out what I want for my future lately. I’ve pretty much achieved all of the goals I set when I was in my 20s and I really do need to dream up my wants/needs and start planning for them.
As for goals – my biggest goal this year is running my first full marathon in Savannah in November!
The Savannah RNR??? I’m doing the half!
Yep! Yay! How fun!
I noitce that some blogs write their goals down, or keep notebooks for monthly goals & stuff like that. Do you write down your goals or what you hope to accomplish?
I think I would like to start making small short term goals to help motivate myself to achieve something.
I don’t write my BIG goals down… only mini to-do lists. I have some short term goals written down, but long term ones are in my head… and something I think about daily! 🙂 I like the idea of putting them all out there though!
I am right there with you! I am the queen of getting ahead of myself and not staying in the moment. I am trying to work on it every single day, because if you don’t, you will spend your ENTIRE life waiting for the next exciting event and you will miss out on SO many wonderful things happening TODAY!
Ohhh you too the words right out of my mouth…
To get pregnant! The fertility gods don’t like me and Keith right now….lots of tests and not so much fun but hopefully it will all be worth it in the end.
Your kids will be freakin’ adorable.
Hang in there, Kelly. Hubby and I went through the same thing and it was a long road. We now have a 2-month old baby boy! I’ll pray that the preggo fairy visits you soon!
Thank you Samantha…it’s hard but I’m trying to stay positive!
Just remember that stress doesn’t help. We did fertility and all that jazz and ended up getting preggo the one time we didn’t mark the calendar and take temperature and all that. BIG HUGS coming your way!
With that I’ll stop taking over Julie’s comment section.
Feel free to take over any time! It’s this kind of support that makes me LOVE blogging! 😀
I’d like to have the last few hundred dollars of my loan paid off, a $1,000 safety net set up, and applications filled out for grad school (EEEEEK to that last one!)
I hope to be preggers!!!! =)
Love thinking about the future–love working at it to happen.
Studying for my GRE’s now and I hope to get a pretty good score so I can confidently apply to the top schools I want to get into.
Find a new job and move back to NYC because DC blowssss!!!
LOL 🙂 Good luck to you!!!
The hubby and I are hoping to give our sweet son a sibling! It took years to get pregnant the first time, so I’m hoping my new healthy lifestyle helps me.
I just stalked your blog and saw you are doing Ironman Lake Placid! My boyfriend did it last year and it was awesome 🙂 Good luck!
i loveee goal setting and planning and dreaming about how I’m going to make it all happen!
My biggest goal for the year is to finish my first Ironman. A fun goal I have is to go on a real vacation with my bf. We travel lots for weddings and my races but I want to go somewhere that’s just us with no agenda for a week!
Emily, the comment above was supposed to be for you! I clicked on the wrong post 🙂
Thanks Holly! I love that your bf liked Lake Placid. I’m getting excited for it!
wow what a great post!
I so agree that looking ahead can easily make you impatient for the future!
I would love to make my blog successful enough to do as my only job! 🙂
No smoothie for breakfast? Shocked. My goal for this year is to make more time for my friends! They are too important to see so little!
I totally know what you mean about staying grounded in the present, I am just graduating college in a month, and sometimes I just let my mind wander to next year and forget about right now.
Great post!
I’m hoping to be completely out of debt by year end…totally doable!
I have a lot of goals to accomplish before the end of the year. Biggest one, have a very healthy little girl in July. But also I’d like to have at least one half marathon under my belt by December. I can’t wait to get my running legs back!
I have to tell myself the same thing…. enjoy the present because I tend to get all wrapped up in the future too!
I want to get engaged within the next year and sometimes I think about it but then I just get wayyy to excited and I have to simmer myself back down, because thats not my reality right now. Hopefully it will be one day, but I need to stay happy where I am now.
I can’t wait to see your plans and goals come to fruition! Thats why I love blogs!
Do a post on what those goals of your’s are! I’d love to hear them.
My favorite convos with Hubbs are discussing possibilities for the future- so exciting to be on this life adventure together 🙂
i would really love to and hope to soon… but there are some people who read my blog that cannot know about some of our goals for professional reasons. 🙂
Mine is to get pregnant too!!! I love thinking and planning for the future, it makes me so excited 🙂
I ended up doing a lululemon Dream Goal Planning Spreadsheet and it really solidified what I want in my life. It was awesome!
I’m the same way with jumping ahead and wishing everything would happen NOW. Last night, Ryne told me about a possible job in London and I’ve already planned out our life together over there. I need to stop!
Presley, I FEEL YA! 🙂
GREAT post today! But, they’re always great 🙂 I don’t know what was really in the talks w/you and Ryan about your future, but I’m hoping it perhaps contained some babytalk! You guys are seriously the cuuuutest couple & would have dream babies! PS – does anyone tell u that u look like Amy Smart, but obviously prettier? I see a resemblance!
Anyways, my goal for the year is one I battle through each day. I have some eating issues I’m trying to overcome … I am SO blessed and have so much to look forward to within the year — so this is my motivation to see on track 🙂
Happy Friday!!!
haha i’ve been told the amy smart thing ever since she was in road trip! 🙂 i think it’s our squinty-eyed smile. 🙂 and babies are in the future… but not for a few years. ryan says 2 years, i say 5. 🙂
At this point I’m super hesitant to put down big goals because it seems like there are things that I want but the pessimistic/realistic side of me says that’s not going to happen. 😀
One thing I know for sure that I want to accomplish this year is becoming a marathoner! I’m already registered and I start training on June 28th!
Whoops … I hate errors! I mean STAY on track, not “see on track” haha 🙂
FIND A JOB! …….I am the type of person that fixates on a goal and obsesses over it as well. I also like plans and get discouraged if mine fall through….so I hope to have a job by the next year, or really within the next 2 months. I hate getting down on myself but I feel like I am an extremely sociable person, have great grades, and work experience… but I am getting no job bites! its frustrating…but I just gotta stay positive and know everything will work out in time.
I love dreaming and having goals for the future. It’s interesting though because mine have changed so much even in the last few months. It’s something to constantly reevaluate and I think its so great you and Ryan discuss it often it seems. 🙂
And goal for the end of this year. First half marathon…DUH! If only I had someone cool to hang out with there too. 😉
puh-lease! i’m totally there! 😉
my goals change ALL the time. i think that can be a good thing b/c we’re always learning and always growing. but my latest goal is one i feel most passionate about… and i’ve never felt this kind of drive and commitment to it. i’m excited to watch your dreams and goals unfold, too! 🙂
– Run more than one 5K. I’ve never run a 5K before but I’ve been interning for a running magazine and have been bit by the running bug HARDCORE. I know for sure of one 5K that I’m doing in August, but I’d like to do at least one more (if I can find the time/money!)
– At the risk of sounding totally hokey and fangirly: I really want to have a thriving food blog like this one. It’s a bit of a stretch because I won’t even be in a logical place to start one anytime soon (moving back in with my parents for the summer in a week, which means I won’t be doing much [if any] cooking for awhile), but I’ve really found this and other food blogs to be SUPER inspiring, and I’d love to start one of my own and see what I can accomplish in the kitchen!
– Make boy friend my boyfriend. Probably unrealistic, but I can dream, right? Haha.
I am huge on planning out the future. I get an idea of something I and try to do everything possible to make sure it happens. Sometimes it is beneficial and other times it can be bad
I’m SUCH a planner as well– and I get really excited whenever my fiance and I talk about the future. We would like to be “on our way” to starting a family by the end of the year. Next year, I want to move closer to my family and the ocean. I love thinking about what the future may hold!! I can’t wait to hear more from your family 🙂
It’s so fun to talk about/plan for the future! My biggest issue is that I make these big plans and I want them to happen NOW! I need to learn patience! 😉
My goal for the year is to finish my grad classes and land a full-time teaching job. I can’t wait to have a career that I’m passionate about, and finally start my life as an adult!
Happy Friday!!
Julie-remember “thoughts are things” and you should NOT feel guilty about thinking great things and dreams into existence! to answer your question i just recently moved thousands of miles away from my family, quit my job of 8 years to pursue my dream of owning my own massage therapy/yoga studio. i am currently enrolled in massage therapy school and loving it! good luck with all of your goals!
I love all the dreamers’ comments! I’m looking forward to getting married this July. Beyond that, I have no idea with the future holds. I have one more year of school, while he has three. After that, we want some kind of adventure. Maybe Colorado for a few years?
I have a combined goal to achieve by the end of this year and that is to get my first REAL job out of college (i’ve just been doing temp worK) and move into my own apartment =] Even the thought of this makes me smile.
I hope to be on track for closing the achievement gap with my students, whoever they may be 🙂 i’m starting teach for america in june and am nervous but excited about the wonderful possibilities!
My boyfriend and I are the same way when it comes to day dreaming about the future. A lot of things actually come true when you envision them. I am a firm believer that you create your own reality.
For this year I’d like to decide on an occupation seeing as I don’t have one. I’m such a scatter brain and I’d like to become more focused on one goal… not sure what it is yet.