Oh, boot camp. I look forward to you all week!
Today’s morning boot camp class was a good one, but not quite as good as past classes. I enjoy circuits, but like to have a bunch of stations set up that we go through two times. A smaller amount of circuits that we do three times through isn’t ideal for me because I start to get bored and feel like the circuits are redundant. Gosh, I sound so hard to please!
Today’s class included three sets of a smaller amount of circuits. I did two rounds before calling it quits and hittin’ up the elliptical while waiting for Ryan to finish his workout because my mind just wasn’t in it.
Today’s breakfast was wolfed down in no time flat!
(This is the 3,085 picture of me eating food on this blog. 5,893,402 to go!)
I had very little work to do in terms of making my breakfast this morning because I prepped a bowl of chocolaty overnight oats last night and simply added some banana puffs cereal to the mix this morning.
It was fantastic and I felt bad that I couldn’t share with Sadie because she looked up at me with pleading eyes as I ate every last bite.
Sorry, kid. Chocolate + dogs = No go!
A banana dunked in peanut butter was also enjoyed on the side.
Last night I had a great time just hanging out on the couch with Ryan and Sadie. Ryan and I discussed our short-term and long-term goals for the future and throughout the night, I grew more and more excited for the possibilities that await us in the coming months and years.
The longer we talked, the more and more excited and involved in our dreams I became. At one point, I told Ryan that we had to stop because I felt like I was getting too wrapped up in what might happen in the future and I found myself feeling dissatisfied with the present, when, in fact, the present is pretty darn good.
Once an idea gets into my head, I can become obsessed with it.
I want it to happen now… or yesterday.
This is a good thing in that I feel like I am a driven and ambitious person, but it can be a bad thing because I am also impatient and immediate.
A lot of the dreams Ryan and I share are based on things that might happen. I skip two or three steps ahead and get lost in la-la land. But you know what? I’m not sure that la-la land is a bad place to be!
Envisioning a goal coming to fruition in the best possible way is great motivation to work toward accomplishing that goal. Sure I get scared that I may set myself up for disappointment by jumping ahead and assuming everything will work out perfectly, but picturing the best possible scenario also lights a fire within me to make my dreams and the dreams of my husband a reality.
I’m really not sure what is in store for us in the upcoming months because our current dreams are dependent on a lot of factors, but I am excited to keep on truckin’ and find out. Don’t worry, I definitely plan to let you guys in on our plans and ambitions as well. Changes, they are a-brewin’!
Question of the Morning
- What is one goal you hope to achieve by the end of the year?
This post really made me think…I’m not much of a goal setter. But, I’m in the last 1 or 2 years of my PhD program and I really need to figure out what I want to do with my life! Maybe I’ll make that my first real goal for the year :)–Find a career path that will challenge me and work towards making that career a reality! Thanks for the motivation Julie!
I am the same way.. I’ve always been a go-go-go kind of person and sometimes I forget that I need to enjoy all that I’ve achieved so far too!
I am so excited for getting my 200hr yoga certification next summer and getting an apartment, but I know I need to enjoy the easy dorm life and THIS summer first! (;
I am also excited to go to grad school, I look up programs all the time… but I’m just finishing up my freshman year of college! Life is crazy. I am trying to learn mindfulness and live in the present as much as possible.
I once read a quote, “Don’t live by the future because the future never comes.” There truly is only the present! (;
I look forward to hearing your plans.
Short tern goals are to continue to challenge myself. I made a list of 13 things I’d do by the time I turned 30– completely cheesy, I know- but I always like a good theme! So, I am working through those and hope by mid June that they’ll be accomplished! I’m trying new things and accomplishing some to-do items along with gaining self-confidence. Long-term (although hopefully not much longer HINT HINT!!!!!!) I want to be married and have a healthy and happy family!
I concur and I have to say I know the feeling… a lot of the dreams Michelle and I have depend on certain things to happen… one of them being we win the it seems lol.
Sadie is too cute. 🙂
My husband and I love talking about our future. Mainly about when we can build our dream home (net zero and all green!) Once he gets home from deployment, we can really start to talk about it and start looking at land. I get excited just thinking about it!
I love that you are so driven and ambitious (and that you eat puffs cereal because I do too :-)). Before I moved to NYC, I had a lot of goals and aspirations. Moving here was what I always wanted but MAN was it harder than I thought. For a while, I kind of lost sight of my goals and lost confidence in my ability to achieve my dreams. But now I finally feel like I’ve gotten my footing here in this big ol’ place. I’m ready to shoot for the moon again! Your blog is an inspiration to me and if I can achieve some of what you have with your blog, I’ll be one happy girl!
I love goals. I am huge goal setter. My biggest goal right now is to grow business by the end of the year! I get caught up in what “might be” too. My excitement causes anxiety and them I am out of control sometimes I scream!
sista, that was the most ambigious post ever. go on and tell us your quitting your job and becoming a full time blogger! you should!
ill support you, ill, uh, send you… some GU gels?
i know, i suck. and i would love to come right out and say what we’re working toward, but i have people who read the blog that can’t know some of our goals yet. i hate being ambiguous b/c it makes me want to smack people in the face when i read ambiguous blog posts! 🙂 and i’ll probably pass on the gu gels, but if you could send me your legs, that would be great… not b/c they can run bazillions of marathons, but b/c they just look rockin’. gosh, i’m so creepy.
Julie, I’m right there with you! I become obsessed with goal-making, and my hubby is constantly reminding me that life right now is pretty dang awesome.
Current short term goals: sell our house and rent for a while (sounds backwards, doesn’t it?), recover from a current injury, pass the bar exam, to have a new marathon PR, and have our “babymoon” booked…since we really, really hope to have a little one on the way by this winter!
Wow! I loved this post and the last paragraphs were so beautifully written; as an English teacher, I am so moved by great writing! Speaking of teaching, my life has some pretty may-jah changes coming up: 1. I quit my teaching job due to the budget cuts and assuming since it was my first year I was going to get cut anyways (I was right) 2. I applied for and got accepted to a Master’s program in Kinesiology which is in no way related to teaching English and I start in June 3. I get MARRIED in June!! 4. I move in with said future husband…to his parent’s house! Yes I am crazy but that’s ok…I can’t exactly turn down the ridiculous amount of money we will be saving since we’ll now BOTH be in school! Those are just the beginning 🙂 Change is good and I’m excited to hear about what goals and aspirations you and Ryan share for the future!!
this comment means a lot to me, victoria. thank you!
and CONGRATS on your upcoming wedding!!! 🙂
Sounds like me exactly! I’m currently all caught up in the future what ifs with my boyfriend and our future together (doesn’t help that it’s wedding season huh?). I’ve never been “that girl” but it’s so fun to imagine right now!
My finace and I talk about the future all the time. We are currently in the international world teaching at schools but we see it as a short term plan. We are both eager to get back to the states to get married and start a family but there again things need to happen before we can do that. I have to say stop lets live in this incredible life right now and the future will sort its self out in time. Patience is a funny thing, and its hard!
Hubby and I are in a big transition stage right now. He just got out of the military and our son is 2-months old. We are now deciding on where to move and he is deciding on a new career. I love goals and the change that comes with them even if it can be scary.
I love your blog! So many things to talk about!
I try not to predict too much the future, all I hope is that nothing bad happens and that I’ll continue to enjoy life and the people I love, just like right know. But I can’t help myself from thinking and asking myself lots (well, loads!) of questions, and I’m like you, planning!
I am 7 months from graduation so by the end of the year I would like to figure out where I want to plant myself and get my first “big girl” job! 🙂
My goals are to run my first half-marathon by this upcoming fall! I’m also moving to LA this summer for my third internship in college. So my goal there is to just have a blast and to start a college-budget food blog =)
Loved this post!!!
One of my main goals for this year is to get back to a healthy weight and have a better relationship with myself and with food!!!
I actually just started my blog about my goals! One of my goals is to find a job in southern California, to leave everything behind and start over! If only the finding a job part was easy!!
My goals for this year are to run my first 5K and to reach my goal weight. I have lost 32 pounds so far and have 8 more to go. I would also love to move to a new city if possible 🙂
that’s amazing! congrats on your accomplishments so far!
Fantastic question. Usually around my birthday every year I look back on the previous year and think, “wow, I never thought I’d be where I am now, a year ago.” Its exciting.
In a year and a half I will be 30. I made a goal for myself that I will be able to work on my company full-time by the time that day comes. It’s my passion and I would truly love working on my business full time. We’ll see!
Have a great weekend!
I was expecting you to have a green monster smoothie bowl in honor of Earth Day! Maybe dinner time? I kept it green with a salad with avocado and salsa for dressing…holy yum! As far as goals go…to get my internship of my dreams by the end o’ the year! Then I will graduate with my Master’s and be SET!
I have a few goals.
Find a job that will fit me for a little bit. (I have had a long unemployment period and am willing for it to not be my dream job- that will come later!!)
To run a 5k!!
To be back in school to finish my MBA. It needs to be done by May 2012 or I lose all the work I did.
I do the exact same thing. I worked hard to get to a good college and now all I can think about it what awesome and wonderful grad. school I can attend. Pretty nerdy.. but true! I need to be more present, though the goals keep me motivated as well!
I want to be pregnant by the end of this year! Only been trying for four years, it has to happen eventually, right?
I love your blog, Julie!
I’ve been dreaming of running a marathon for a few years now, and I registered for my first today! 🙂 Hopefully I’ll be a marathoner by the end of 2011.
Beautiful post Julie. You write so well and I can relate to everything you said. I dream big and my big goal for this year is to get pregnant! We’re going to start this summer and I’m assuming that it’ll happen immediately, but I can’t get too excited and think that will happen. I don’t want to disappoint myself if in fact it does take us awhile….but I can’t help but get so excited, read baby blogs, and assume I’ll have baby bump by Christmas. We’ll see though 🙂
Looking forward is never a bad thing! By the end of this year, I hope to make a career transition that will provide me with more long term opportunities and help me to be more financially secure. I have a few things brewing and it’s so exciting! I am the same way, though–I have to be careful not to get ahead of myself! But I love that there are so many possibilities there!!!
I completely relate to this! My husband and I have plans to move to Colorado next summer (we can’t move sooner because of housing stuff) and I find myself dreaming about life there so much. I try to stop myself and enjoy the now because I know I will miss DC a ton when we do move.
by the end of the year I want a new half marathon PR!
We are right at the beginning of a big change and I have been interviewing for Nursing jobs all over Canada. We have been dreaming about life and I smile to think where I might be in a year from now. It’s exciting (scary!)
You did it to me again with the smoothy picture! Yum!
I would really love to be more clear on the next 5 to 10 by the end of this year…what I’m really trying to say is…I would really love to be engaged by the end of this year haha. We just have a lot of things on hold – I told the man that I won’t buy a house until we’re married. It’s just this little thing I have in my head I guess. But there’s a lot that we would like to do but we sort of need to figure out where, when, and how things are going to move. Yet at the same time I can’t really say “ok when are you proposing (insert long intense eye popping stare here) hmmm?!?” haha so I am just hoping by NYE of 2012 things will be slightly unmuddled…is that a word? It is now. On a better and even more unmuddled note – I officially have you to blame for my constant use of the phrase “….is the JAM!” You’ve created a monster.
By the end of this year, I would love to have almost ALL of my wedding planned so I can relax the first three months in 2012 and be calm on my wedding day!
So excited for you and Ryan! Also wanted to tell you how much I LOVE your blog 🙂 You make fitness and eating right so much easier for those of us who aren’t exactly…ummm….good at it? PS if you ever move, I want your cute apartment…kitchen cabinets and all!!
How exciting! I am the same way with goals… once I set my mind on something I can’t stop thinking about it, and immediately set to work on achieving it! Good luck to you two with whatever the next one may be 🙂
I’m like this too, for example my husband and I talked about possible having kids soon. And I get so excited about that but I know it probably won’t happen for another year because there are a few things he and I want to do. Like he wants another motorcycle (which cost so much : / ) and we want to go to California, we also would love to go to europe to a couple countries but I don’t think that’s going to happen right now. Super jealous of you by the way! : )
I am a planner to a fault but consistently remind myself of how many things we have to be grateful for and happy about in the day we are in. We get to think about all the good things to come while living an awesome life today – how lucky!
I wasn’t feeling my workout this morning either and came thisclose to cutting it short, but I’m glad I stuck it out! I’d already turned around to go home but felt bad. I’m proud 🙂
I made a “13 in 130,” like the “101 in 1001” things to do by my birthday. I’ve already knocked on off the list, but one of the ones I’m super nervous and excited for is to run a 5K! My first ever 🙂
I’m such a planner that I get so excited when I plan out my future! I love thinking of goals/dreams, but I try to live in the present because things change so often in college!
i just want to be done with my research by the end of this year and start writing my dissertation. oh, i need a job after the graduation too! i will write another comment when i achieve my goal! 🙂
What a great post! I loved reading all of the comments and seeing all of the goals everyone has.
I actually set a goal for myself back in 2007 to get into UNC’s school of public health for their MPH program, and I finally reached it last week! I can’t believe that I did it, and it’s still sinking it (aaaand I still feel on top of the world and on cloud nine!).
It’s interesting, up until last week, I had always been thinking of what it would be like to finally have an answer and just know where I was going to graduate school, regardless of where it was. And now that I got the acceptance letter, I feel such a sense of relief. Even if it was a denial I’d still be relieved to know I *wasn’t* going to be going there. I don’t do well with the whole *limbo* thing. Like you, I dream big, and plan meticulously (as much as I can!) to get me there! Still can’t believed it worked out how it did, what a ride it was!
main goal: loss 30lbs!
I am literally the exact same way. I am a great worker but I can sometimes be bad at acting on my immediate excitement. I love dreaming about what’s to come, but still have a lot of fun in the present. I sometimes wish I wouldn’t dream so much into the future because I am afraid I’ll miss out on the now, but you’re right when you say sometimes lala land is the place to be, especially because I do think that I have a somewhat good balance between the two!
I can’t wait to hear about what’s to come with you, Ryan and Sadie!
in case it wasn’t obvious, that was the pup. 🙂