First things first: Blog updates!
New workouts were added to the Treadmill Workouts and Circuit Workouts pages.
Hopefully you can find some workout inspiration ‘round here somewhere!
Dried Fruit as Long Run Fuel
I didn’t get a chance to work on the freelance assignment I was planning to wrap up this morning because of some technical issues with the blog. I chatted online with babes all day my blog host and now everything is gravy, but I wasn’t able to accomplish anything on my to do list before my afternoon meeting at the College of Central Florida.
Since I was working on backend blog issues up until the time I had to leave the house, I didn’t get around to fixing myself a snack this morning and grabbed a bag of Mariani dried mango for the road.
The company sent me a few bags of dried fruit as a thank you for working with them last month. I don’t usually buy dried fruit because it’s high in sugar and I personally prefer fresh fruit, but my gosh this dried mango was great!
I’m not sure how they figure that one bag is equivalent to four servings because surely no one can stop at one serving.
As I was eating the mango, I thought about using dried fruit as fuel during a long run. I’ve read that raisins are fantastic long-run fuel and I bet dried mango would provide my body with easy-to-digest carbs and sugar. Anyone tried it?
I’ve previously used fruit leather as fuel during long runs and loved it, so maybe dried mango is worth a go? We shall see. I still have a couple of months until I need to get my butt in gear and start training for the ZOOMA Amelia Island half marathon.
After my afternoon meeting, I popped into Starbucks where I am currently sitting and chatting with you fine people.
I ordered an egg white and spinach wrap for lunch along with a caffé mocha to keep me warm since this Starbucks is negative three degrees.
I am planning to keep my butt parked in this chair until I finish the freelance assignment I was planning to wrap up this morning. I also plan to get through another chapter in the NASM textbook before the work day is over.
Buckle up, brain, it’s time to get busy!
Question of the Afternoon
- What is your favorite way to fuel your body during exercise?
During a typical workout, I only fuel my body with water, but during long runs when I’m training for a race, I love strawberry GU Chomps and Stretch Island Fruit Leather.
I like the idea of dried fruit – but I worry the fiber would make my belly hurt!
i thought of that, too, but there is only one gram of fiber in one serving (6 slices) of dried mango!
i have Crohn’s Disease and run long distance (i do Team Challenge) and i use dried mango (see my comment below). When i was at the race this spring, i talked to several of the coaches and other Crohn’s kids, and they and i all agreed that the fruit is actually EASiER on your stomach than the gu’s etc. JUST DON”T DOWN ALL OF iT AT ONCE lol. The dried fruits like mango are great because you CAN’t hoover them down, and it’s much harder to choke on them (another worry). But what works for some doesn’t work for others–though you won’t know until you try! Go for the cheapo (not WF) one’s to get used to the consistency and then if you want go for the tougher ones. But the dried fruit has a lot less bad/fake stuff than the gu’s!
I have Crohn’s Disease as well, and the GUs kill my stomach. I will definitely have to try the dried fruit instead. I hate mangos though, so I wonder if dried pineapples would be any better?
if you like them, i would give them a try! Dried papaya might also be a good alternative, or kiwi too!
During long runs I like to eat Clif Shot Bloks, with lotsa water.
I love using dried fruit as fuel! When I ran my first marathon, I trained and ran the actual race with dried apricots, and they worked SO SO well. A lot more tidy and less sticky than gels too! (And natural!!)
do you mind sharing how you stored them? just in a baggie in your shorts, i’m assuming, right?
Since it was a marathon I was running, I knew I’d probably want to have a water belt on, and this one that I bought had some mesh pouches in it. So I just stuffed the mesh pouches with dried apricots, and because the race was in September (which isn’t super hot here – it was probably around 58F), they didn’t melt or get gooey or anything. It worked really well!
A warning to everyone about dried apricots: they can make things a bit…interesting….gastrointestinally speaking..start small! Haha.
see my comment be low but UNsealable plastic bags (like the bottom of small produce bags but you can buy them in bulk from any store). just twist (but don’t tie!) stuff in your shorts and go!
I only drink water for workouts less than an hour. For anything 2 hours or more, I use Hammer Nutrition Heed in my water bottle or Hammer Gels if I really need quick energy. Sometimes I use GU gels too if I don’t have Hammer. I’ve also experimented with some homemade energy bars, but gels seems to work more quickly and are easier to eat – especially since I’m usually biking or xc skiing when I exercise more than 2 hours.
That wrap at starbucks looks amazing. Our starbucks here only serves drinks, muffins, and a few pre-made sandwiches already ready to go.
Costco sells a bag of the Marini No Sugar Added dried fruit- its a mix of apricots, pears, plums, mango and apples. SO addicting!
I love dried mango but try not to buy it because I can go to town on that stuff and then feel sick later! I tried eating shot blocks while running a half marathon once and I couldn’t even chew or shallow them. It is apparently difficult for me to run and chew at the same time so I just have to wait until the race is over to eat.
I typically have fueled for races with Gu or Gu Chomps, and always have a slightly upset stomach following long runs. I always figured it was just my body responding to running for over two hours.
However, during my last marathon, they were handing out various fresh fruits along the course, which I used to replace some of my Gus. I ended the race without even a hint of stomach upset. I will definitely be trying dried fruit (since carrying fresh might be a little too messy) during my next long race!
I have used dried fruit too!! I think it’s tasty and natural and easier to stomach than som of those gel things!
I like to use pitted dates! Mango is amazing but I try not to buy it because it is always gone in a day. I find the fiber doesn’t bother me, I think because I usually have half my run or less left when I consume dates.
I tried all the regular running foods (gels, blocs, shots, etc) but my stomach got to where it couldn’t handle them. I think it’s really up to each person, mostly what they can tolerate during a long run & what sounds appealing to them. I just generally encourage people to eat anything they can keep down & make themselves eat. I *have* to eat during long runs or I throw up, so I need to be continually taking in food & I do best with candy (gummy, skittles, etc) and some mini-cookies, and Ritz crackers.
How funny, I actually went to school with the Mariani kids. We had a field trip to their house one day to learn more about the company and the entire dried fruit process.
I ate raisins during my half on Saturday! It was great…I’d definitely use them for fuel again!
I used to be a Gu girl but I’ve found that with this summer’s oppressive heat and humidity that my stomach can’t handle the gels. I’ve taken in Cheese Nips, Pretzel M&Ms and Swedish Fish. I think it’s important to get in simple carbs with little to no fat. With me, the bonus was the Swedish Fish acted as a reward. Two fish for every 2 miles. It makes each landmark fun, and it makes sure that you are regularly taking in calories thus preventing bonking.
I’m like you… I usually just drink water during my workout. My tummy is so sensitive, I’ve never been able to handle food right before or during exercise.
And yum! I love Starbuck’s spinach feta wrap. Have you tried their chicken sausage wrap yet? It’s my newest obsession… hmmm, maybe I’ll hit it after my workout. POST workout fuel! 😉
How’s Miss Sadie doing with her meds? Hope she’s feeling better.
aw, thanks for checking on her. she’s doing completely fine. still acting like her crazy self. 🙂
Yay! Happy to hear that. 🙂
Behind-the-scenes HABITUAL follower…until I came acorss this funny article today that I thought you may enjoy about the Olympics and diving…
oh my gosh this is SO fantastic!!! i’m forwarding it to some of my old diving buddies right now!! 🙂
I do my workouts first thing in the morning and they’re usually an hour – an hour and a half long, so I usually pop some trail mix or half an energy/protein bar into my mouth. Then a smaller sized breakfast when I get home.
I’ve never tried dried mango but it sounds good! I still have my eye on the Zooma half in Texas 🙂
Jelly beans! The best ones are the starburst ones that are everywhere around Easter time!
I laughed out loud at your Napoleon Dynamite reference haha I always enjoy reading your blog! I actually am doing my first half marathon in a few months and was curious about what to use as fuel. I am not used to eating anything on a run and I am worried it will make my stomach hurt, but I know it’s necessary during long runs. Thanks for the recommendations!
i was hoping someone would catch that one! 🙂
I caught it too!! hahah too funny!!!!
I just eat after my runs lol usually breakfast
I can do dried fruit on my bike, but it’s too dry/chewy to handle while running, since my breathing rate is faster. Also, mind the fiber lest you need to make some unscheduled stops mid-race.
Glad to hear I’m not the only one that can’t run and chew at the same time! 🙂
Well, I would think any excuse to eat more dried mango is acceptable. That stuff is amazing! If you’re into a bit of spice, candied ginger is fantastic as well.
When I used to run longer distances, I only used dried fruit (raisins and dried apricots) as fuel and it worked amazingly. I’d carry a ziplock of the stuff during my runs!
I love your bracelet in that pic. I’ve eaten dried apples, raisins and apricots before long runs. I love that it’s easy on my stomach. I also love the powerbar gummy chews.
When I was a swimmer and we had designated 2-3 hour practices, we’d use dried fruit for fuel and then after practice we always had to drink chocolate milk. I’m not a runner, but I know it worked really well for swimming. Assuming running would be the same!
Love dried fruit! I mostly use it in my oatmeal, and since it does have added sugar, I just leave out an extra sweeteners.
Ahaha Napoleon Dynamite! That made my whole morning.
Have you ever had chili-spiced mango? That stuff is the BOMB! Seriously. Try it if you haven’t!
I LOVE dried mango. I just heard on the radio yesterday that raisins are considered equal to fancy schmancy bars in fueling workouts. Score 1 for mother nature!
I usually use water at the gym. I hope to get into races soon and would probably use raisins because they are delicious. The boy uses gu chomps and gatorade chews during his (much tougher than mine) sessions.
I’ve had apple chips as fuel before and they’re pretty good! It’s nice to mix it up.
During looong training days (long rides or bricks) I try to eat a mixture of real food and ‘energy/fuel’, like home made muffins or rice krispie squares with Honey Stingers or Chomps.
I’ve only ever used products like GU gels, other gels, shot blocks, cliff blocks, and Jelly Belly Sport Beans. I’ve heard dates are great, I might have to look into it! Haha although I’m nervous because what I’ve used has never upset my stomach and I tend to get an upset stomach very easily! Good luck with all that work this afternoon!
I love love love dried fruits of any kind! My favorites are figs, apricots & dates. I eat dates in oatmeal and the others as snacks. They are pretty high in sugar but are also a great energy booster. When I was a teenager I always used to joke that dried figs were like a bag of sweets to me, open it & they’d be all gone lol
I use BCAAs before working out but if I’m working out early in the morning I always nibble on some dried fruit if I can’t get a meal in….dates, dried apricots, dried mango and dried chewy banana are my favs!!!
Haha, IT ‘babes’….. he probably looked at your web site picture and popped up a hot guy picture while he is a 42 year old with a belly and a beard…
I actually hate eating or drinking anything on long runs (it always gives me that “water belly” feeling, you know?), but when I trained for my half marathon I had a couple GU chomps because I knew my body needed something. I love the idea of eating dried fruit though–since it’s real food!–I’ll have to try organic raisins this fall when I train…If you try the dried fruit for fuel you should let us know what you think of it!
I just tried dried fruit for the first time the other day. It is impossible to stop at just one serving!
Hi Julie, I know I read awhile back you were planning on doing a post on Ryan’s eats or have him write one himself. I’d love to hear how Mr. PBF structures his meals and diet and hopefully help my own boyfriend eat healthier!
hi tammy! thanks for the reminder! i need to have him do this!
I’ve never tried fruit leather for a run–that could be a good idea!
I have to be VERY careful about what I eat while running/working out, that is for sure. So maybe I will try dried fruit? I’ve tried skittles & fruit snacks though–pretty good!
last marathon i found that a peanut butter/chia seed sandwich was perfect for the halfway point during my 18 mile training runs. in the actual marathon my mom was waiting at the halfway point with my sandwich! i use powerbar lemon/lime chews other than that. but the pb/chia combo really did the trick repeatedly!
When I was on RAGBRAI last week (bike ride across Iowa), we took dried mangos, bags of peanuts and raisins, and Honey Stinger energy chews.
Girl, you gotta get the un-sulfured dried mango!! They have it at Trader Joe’s. Much healthier – it’s just dried mango. I eat it everyday. 🙂
Sheesh – food for long runs? I could talk about this all day 🙂 My go-to when racing are Honey Stinger organic energy chews. Also a fan of Honey Stinger’s organic gels that just came out this spring. Oh, and PickyBars.
There’s lots of crap (ie, processed, HFCS, etc) on the market these days geared for endurance athletes – which is ironic since the majority of endurance athletes I’ve met seem to also be health conscious!
I love the strawberry gu chomps too but sometimes they feel like they’re going to choke me. LOL.
I read in a runners world magazine about how its good to start training your body to run long without any extra fuel and so far, its worked. The past couple weeks I’ve ran 10 and 10.5 miles early in the morning without any extra fuel and ate half a banana before the run. i think this method will help in upcoming half marathons so I won’t have to stop at the water/food stops as much. cheerios though are good with me if I need fuel. Easily digestable and carbs. I’ll use gu if I need it. The mango slices sounds like a good idea though…hmm
My favorite refuel is either a cherry coke zero 😉 or yogurt with fruit and peanut butter with chia seeds!
I just drink water. And lots of it. Does my body good! Also, before I like to eat a Luna bar or a piece of peanut butter toast. Or perhaps, a PB finger? 🙂
I trained for and ran a marathon a few years ago and we fueled with peanut butter crackers and fig newtons. I got really tired of Gu 🙂
I love medjool dates–I remove the pits before running, and cut them into halves or quarters so that they are easier to chew.
I’ll have to give dried fruit a try! During a long run, Clif Shot Bloks have worked well for me, but I like the idea of something a little more natural. After a workout, a light protein smoothie or some apples and peanut butter do the trick!
I love the idea of dried fruit! One of my running buddies told me that swedish fish while running works great too.. but it is candy after all!
I found dried fruit as the perfect fuel for me during my long runs & marathon. Other products with the added caffeine was just too much for my stomach to handle. I might have also fueled with sour worms for a couple of runs 🙂