Now we can all sip out of our dirty tumblers and coffee mugs knowing we’re not alone in our tendency to use a quick rinse as our cleaning method of choice.
Drink up, buttercup!
First lunch then fashion!
This afternoon I enjoyed a toasted sweet wheat Alternative Bagel topped with vegetable cream cheese and a reheated egg white that I fried up this morning.
For those of you who think bagel thins are for babies but don’t want to eat bagels the size of your face, definitely check out Alternative Bagels. They’re thick, substantial and very… um… bagely?
I really loaded the cream cheese on this bagelwich. My massive spreading of the cheese even prompted a woman who was standing near me in the break room to say, “Wow. That’s a lot of cream cheese.”
I really wanted to go all Chris Farley on her (“Lay off, I’m starving!”), but I smiled, took a bite of my bagelwich and creepily let the cream cheese dribble down my chin. Fine, I’m just kidding. But I did smile. 😉
Alongside the heavy-on-the-cream-cheese bagelwich, a sliced orange pepper was served. Oh how I wish red, orange and yellow peppers were on sale more often!
Today’s look:
- Cream short-sleeved turtleneck: Limited
- Razmatazz high-waisted skirt: Old Navy
- Infinity scarf: Express
- Watch: Michele (My wedding day present from Ryan)
- Maroon suede pumps: Nine West
- Pale, pasty and slightly-hairy legs: Julie Fagan
Off to snag an apple from the mini restaurant in our building before it’s back to work!
I hate when people feel the need to comment on your food…so what if you like a lot of cream cheese???
You have a mini restaurant in your building? Nice! Love the color of your skirt! 🙂
kind of… i don’t really know what to call it. a snack bar? they sell made-to-order sandwiches, soups, etc. and they have a ton of sodas, pastries and fruit.
That last line made me chuckle! I was skimming through and did a double take, like, “wait what? Is that some sort of stocking? oooooh.” ha 😛
Hi Julie! Love the new fashion features. You dress so cute. Do you plan the night before what you will wear or do you just throw it on in the morning?
Please offer another bootcamp workout for us Orlando girls (and maybe guys..?). The first one filled up so fast before I had a chance to sign up.
i really hope to do another one if people seem to enjoy the first one! as for planning my outfits, i don’t. i decide that morning (i often brainstorm when i’m in the shower). i used to plan outfits, but i was never in the mood to wear what i picked out that day.
Get this, one day a coworkers says to me “you eat a lot” while I ate veggies and hummus as a midmorning snack. I’m guessing she meant “you eat very often”. But this was coming from the woman complaining about how much weight she had gained recently . Urgh!
Love your outfit!
i LOVE ME my cream cheese!! and you look adorable and sTUNNING as always!!.. wanna trade faces?
Way to rock the pointy toed shoes!
Love the outfit again Julie! And the bagels sound amazing – I wonder if I can get them in Canada…… fingers crossed, gonna check it out!
they sell them at my local grocery store. i hope they have them near you, too!
Oh, these outfits of yours are the cutest! Two thumbs up for the new fashion feature (:
LOL I love that you said ‘slightly hairy legs’… guys don’t shave everyday all the time, sometimes girls don’t either and it is O-K! lol.
LOVE your outfit! the shoes are my favorite =)
and I so would have gone all Chris Farley in the breakroom!!! too funny!
I never understand why so many women feel the need to eat artificial, chemical laden “bagel thins” and “alternative bagels.” They don’t taste nearly as amazing as the real thing. What’s wrong with a regular, delicious, fresh baked bagel without all of the preservatives and crap in the processed store bought fakes? You only have one life..
you’re hilarious! just curious, do people at your work know about your blog?
a bunch of the girls do, and now a handful of the guys do b/c the girlfriend of one of the guys who i work with saw that we were friends on facebook and was like “i read her blog!” 🙂 so now i’d say about a quarter of the people do. i don’t flaunt it or bring it up too much.
Maroon and hot pink do not go together. Wolf ticket.
i beg to differ. pink goes with everything.
Negative. Cute separately, but not together.
i have a feeling you’re gonna hate all of my fashion posts. pink dominates my closet. you’ve been warned!
What on earth is a wolf ticket? I’m picturing the Big Bad Wolf ticketing people based on his perception of what does and does not match 🙂
Love the outfit, Julie! Nice and layered w/o being too matchy-matchy.
OMG. Pink is awesome. Maroon is awesome. Together, they look a little off. Like you’re trying to match but they aren’t really matching. I’m not trying to dog Julie, but I’m just pointing out that perhaps next time a nude pump would be a better choice. Just throwing it out there.
no worries. i appreciate your opinion. 🙂 we may agree to disagree on this! no big deal.
whaaaaat? these people are delusional. Maroon and pink are perfect together. Pink is the best color ever. You go girlfriend.. get yo’ fashion sense on!!
Whenever people say something like that I always do the Chris Farley line! It’s my favorite!
I ADORE cream cheese as well 🙂 The thicker the better I say! P.s. I love your outfit today- you have great looks!
Alternative Bagels are BOGO at Publix this week. 🙂
i stocked up!
Julie, I just want to say that I love your style and your new fashion section! Please keep it up! (I may or may not be running off to buy some new “inspired” wardrone essentials this weekend!)
Okay 1. I JUST asked my sister if she thought it would work if I reheated a fried egg. Thank you for answering that, I will try it for breakfast tmw! 2. I almost spit out the water I was drinking when I read the part about ” creepily let the cream cheese dribble down my chin,” thanks for the laugh and the answer!
no prob!!! i was hoping you’d notice. 🙂
I was drinking coffee and actually did spit it out! Thanks for the laughs Julie! Especially when I’m about to go to a microbiology lab..nothing is funny about that 😉
Love that Chris Farley line! Also like the reference to the new last name, Julie Fagan… 😉
haha… i’m still practicing my new signature. it’s pretty funky looking at the moment.
I love that skirt! It looks great with those killer heels! I’ll be glad when my ankle is FULLY recovered from my ankle sprain (4 months ago…sadI know) so that I can wear my favorite black pumps again!
I cracked up over the Chris Farley comment! You so should’ve said that! Haha!
I have been on the lookout for Alternative Bagels, but haven’t found them at any of my local grocery stores 🙁 I’m hoping Whole Paycheck has them, because you have me cravin’ some bagels!
That’s SO funny that you mentioned Chris Farley… I’ve been SO hungry lately and Hubbs has been following me around quoting that- haha!
hey julie, what grocery store do you get the bagels at?
CUTE SHOES. Nine West completes my life, but only at their nearby outlet! haha
I’m happy that I am not the only one who has eggs for more than one meal a day. I have been going through about 16 eggs a week. (I know, its a problem.)
I love Alternative Bagels! Unfortunately, now that I’m gluten intolerant, I can’t eat em’ anymore 🙁
I don’t understand why people have to comment on the food/meals of others. It’s almost as if it’s an insecurity thing — and also just curiosity as you’re a fit girl and they are looking to become that (if they’re not.) Just my thoughts.
Love the skirt — I need to hit up ON!
i found it on clearance for $7!
Where are thos bagels located at in publix? I asked the mgr at mine and he had no clue what I was talking about!
they’re in the bakery section – not w/ the normal bagels. i found them by the fresh rolls/buns/publix bagels.
Here is a link to Thomas’ version of the alternative bagel…
(I live in Michigan, where we have no Publix, but I have found these to be pretty good and found at my local Meijer store)
Cute outfit!!
Can you find those bagels at normal grocery stores or do you order them online?
i buy them at publix (chain grocery store in the southeast US).
haha the cream cheese story cracked me up…ain’t nothin’ wrong with a little cream cheese lovin’!
Hahahhaha! I ALWAYS use *Lay Off I’m STARVING!*
Love the fashion shows. 🙂
I am totally guilty of not cleaning things with soap and water… If my good knife is dirty I’ll just scrub it with my fingers and use it, um no soap. Love the outfit today, i love high waisted skirts!
Love that skirt… Infinity scarves are my new favorite staple item.
I finally found the cinnamon raisin bagel thins… I feel like they don’t have much flavor. I’ve been putting goat cheese on them though – Maybe I should try cream cheese or the egg/cheese…or both 🙂
i actually think they’re kind of “blah” by themselves, too. definitely spice ’em up with gooey cheese. it makes a world of difference.
I use tons of cream cheese on my bagels. I always thought it was a “normal” amount of cream cheese. One time, someone said the same thing to me and she was spreading less than a tbsp cream cheese on the whole bagel.
At least mine is incredibly yummy. lol.
Great now I’m stalking Express online. I had no idea those scarves had a name (infinity). Learn something new every day! 😉
Your outfit looks so cute today! Love the turtleneck.
PS who doesn’t like massive spreads of cream cheese?!
I love the scarf! It’s also cool to see what other people are wearing. I’ve never been much for keeping up with fashion, but I am trying to make a bit more of an effort.
I get comments like that all the time about peanut butter, not cream cheese. 🙂 By the way, I love your outfit!
best comment i got about peanut butter: “you’re not even gonna use a knife?” um, no.
Haha…you were using a spoon, I assume? 🙂
Wow, that lady needs to mind her own beeeeeswax! LOVE that skirt…did you buy it recently? It’s so great that you can wear jeans and fancy clothes to work!
i bought it at the beginning of the month in the clearance section.
I’m dying about the hairy and pasty legs. LOL! I wouldn’t even attempt a skirt right now. There might be leg hair poking through even if I wear tights. TMI!
Too funny that you talked about bagel thins in this post. I logged on to your site to exclusively tell you (despite what the topic was) that I am going to be buying bagel thins from the store for the first time this week because they’re on sale!!!!! And you defintely played a major role on influencing me to purchase this new item. I love me some carbohydrates! (and my appetite has SKYROCKETED since I’ve started my marathon training… i’ve gone through 3 boxes of cereal in a week! shessh almighty…)
PS. I wish I lived where it was warmer. I want to dress in cute skirts in Jan!!!
ah when i was training for the chicago RNR half, all i wanted to do was eat all day long! and i did… 🙂
Oh yes, I am definitely going to fuel my body with whaaaatever it wants. And I am. It’s gonna be an expensive few months grocery-budget wise. But so worth it! Cant wait to cross that finish line 🙂
I am loving this new fashion segment. You look so cute today. I love your watch, Ryan did a great job!
Haha to the last comment. Loving the outfit too!
Ok, so this might sound a little dumb, but do you think maybe you could do a lesson on how to tie a scraf?? – you tied it SO cute & I always try to make mine look cute, but they just don’t turn out the way I want them to.
Lovin’ the shoes too 😉
haha don’t be fooled! this one was actually an infinity scarf. it’s essentially one big loop of a scarf that i just looped around twice. there is no end to it. does that make sense?
Ohhhh ya, I have seen those, yours is really cute, love the pattern! Oops, guess I should of finishing reading your whole comment about your outfit. 🙂
Do you like those? I have been trying to decide if I should get one or not. Do you leave it on all day or take it off once @ work?
i leave it on. it’s really light. 🙂
Love the outfit!!!
From one pasty, hairy-legged girl to another….love the sense of humor!!
I love me some cream cheese!
Random, but I saw this article online today and I thought of your dog!
Sandwich looks good!
I LOVE your skirt! =D Is it creepy to say that?