Today began with a 6:30 a.m. walk around the neighborhood with Sadie.
Or, judging by the above picture, a 6:30 a.m. strut. Sadie is such a little ham.
Sleepy smiles.
I have to ask my fellow dog owners out there… Does this ever happen to your dog?
It happens to Sadie all the time.
She shakes her wiggly little body and her frothy drool flicks up over her muzzle. Ryan and I say that she looks like she has rabies whenever this happens. Rabid dog!
Get that drool off!
I don’t usually wake up starving, but after a 30-minute walk, I was more than ready for breakfast.
I made a batch of scrambled eggs with three eggs, shredded cheese, turkey bacon and onion and served it alongside a toasted whole wheat English muffin.
Savory breakfast heaven!
Of Possible Interest
Definitely check out the first link below… Great way to start the day!!
- 21 Pictures that Will Restore Your Faith in Humanity (
- Fresh Salmon Salad Recipe (
- 10 Must-Do Exercises for Your Back (
- Full-Body Circuit Workout (
Can I ask you a question? What time do you and Ryan go to bed at night? You guys wake up so early and I didn’t know if you were the kind of people who could survive on little sleep or if you just went to bed fairly early. Just curious!
we try to be in bed by 9:30 p.m. and asleep by close to 10 p.m. most nights. it doesn’t always work, but that’s the goal!
Ahhh morning walks are the best! Have a great day 🙂
Hah, I have a golden retriever and he does that all the time. It DOES look like rabies! I saw one commenter said maybe it was from the humidity, but it is dry dry dry in Idaho!
Haha I have a newfoundland puppy, and he’s only 5 months old so the drooling isn’t TOO intense yet, but this has already happened once before 🙁 I think we are going to get him a bandana to wear around his neck to wipe off any excess drool when necessary.
Actually Sasha met a viszla last weekend and it was kind of hysterical – newfoundlands are notorious for being calm and lazy and viszlas are the opposite. That little dog was running in circles around Sasha.
i would’ve loved to see that!
Thanks for sharing the humanity link…I loved it!
Hahaha! Too funny..I don’t have a dog, but my good friend has 3 dogs and that always happens to them. 🙂
Omg that first link made my cry my eyes out at work haha. So sweet! I love hearning about the good things people do instead of the bad for a change. Btw, I tried a bagelwich with jelly this morning. Instant addiction!
woohoo! another convert! 🙂
You know it is true puppy love when you wipe the drool right off with your bare hand, lol!!!
that doesn’t happen to my Brownie, but she has cataracts and often runs into walls.
i am currently viewing the 21 pictures articles with tears streaming down my face like a big old goof.
thanks for passing that on.
My dogs never do that. Maybe it’s because they’re a small breed. I have a Jack Russell & terrier mix.
My terrier mix is so fat & old her belly swings when she waddles. It’s actually quite funny.
Love the Sweaty Band!
Omg that first article made me cry! It was so sweet and touching!!
This happened to my dog this morning. I was wondering what it was when I wiped it off. Case solved!
Lots of drool with our 2 dogs. And the worst is that they seem to get their respective drool and slobber on one another!
omg, I read this on my phone and missed the last bit of the post. I was looking at my stats and wondering why I had SO many from your blog today! Haha, thanks for the shout-out Julie!
All. The. Time.
I actually had no idea dobermans were so frothy prior to owning one. And many of my hiking photos have a line across the nose…just like Sadie.
Love your headband!
Oh yes! My dog has drool everywhere lately!!
I love those easy walk harnesses 😉
Wow – great healthy breakfast.
eggs, cheese, turkey bacon ,onion and whole wheat English muffin
What could be better.