After spending a little more than a week away from the gym, it felt good to be back today! There’s something about the gym atmosphere that motivates me and I like my morning routine.
What I do not like is when Ryan sets the alarm for 4:45 a.m. without telling me. 5 a.m. is the time we agreed on. I can wrap my head around waking up at 5 a.m., but there is something horrific about waking up in the four o’clock hour.
Fortunately for Ryan, I didn’t realize that he set the alarm for 4:45 a.m. until we were walking out the door and I glanced at the clock. Some words were exchanged, I’ll just tell you that.
Once we arrived at the gym, I was tempted to hit the weights, but knew my muscles needed a break after yesterday’s living room workout, so I hopped on the elliptical and did my 50 minute elliptical interval workout instead. Sweaty!
We’re running very low on food right now but are trying to make it through Sunday without stopping by the grocery store, so today’s breakfast included the food we had on hand.
Eggs + Shredded cheese + Onion + Broccoli
And a banana on the side!
Question of the Morning
- What time do you wake up?
- How early is “horrifically early” for you in the morning?
I wake up at 5 a.m. most weekdays and trrry to sleep in on the weekends, though I am usually awake by 7:30 a.m. on Saturday and Sunday. Horrifically early for me is anytime before 5 a.m. on weekdays and anytime before 6 a.m. on weekends. Ick!
I set my alarm for 530am except for Tues/Thursday I’ve been trying to get up at 440am to go to the gym. It’s soooo hard but I always feel better if I work out in the morning. I have to leave for the train to downtown by 650am and I don’t get home until around 6pm so working out at night is tough. Once I get home I just want to relax and veg out! I really want to try waking up at 430am everyday to go to the gym but it’s really hard to get used to it!
In my senior year of college I used to go to the gym at 6 am because my internship was directly after class and I didn’t have any other time to go. So now, I’m a huge fan of working out early. I’m a little frustrated because the gym at our apartment was supposed to be open 24 hours a day, but due to some issues they’ve had it’s only open during office hours. They’re supposed to be fixing the issue, and I can’t wait. I miss my morning workouts-I’m more productive during the day if I get a workout in early!
You’re going to be horrified, but I wake up at 4:30. I’m definitely a morning person and I like that alone time before anyone else in my house wakes up.
I’m pretty sure 5 a.m. is horrific for me! That’s why, as much as I like working out in the morning, I just can’t during the school year.
For the marathon last Sat. my alarm was set for 3:45am!!! I wanted to die. haha! But I’m with you.. anything before the 5 o’clock hour is just brutal.
yayyyy for running a marathon! congrats!
I don’t usually wake up until 7:30 – 8:00 every day of the week (except for Mondays when I have to be up at 7 for an early class)…so…anything before 7 is too early for me, 5 (or 4:45) am is slightly horrific. 🙂
I’ve been waking up at 5:50 every morning. And then usually 6:30 on the weekends. I have heard that you shouldn’t deviate your weekend wake-up time by more than an hour.
I wake up around 9 to be honest, I love my sleep! BUT starting in a few weeks due to a job change I’ll be up around 5am..we’ll be in the same boat! I suppose once you get into a groove it’s not so bad right…riiiiiight? (i’m telling myself that to get prepared) 🙂
Anything before 5:30 is horrifically early, 5:30-6:00 is unpleasantly early, 6:00-7 is acceptable and anything later than 7 is purely wonderful. 🙂 Depending on my work schedule, my wakeup times usually range between unpleasantly early and acceptable. The purely wonderful is really only a weekend thing.
I really hate it when I wake up a few minutes before I’m supposed to. I usually wake up anywhere from 5-6 on weekdays… aaaaand the same on weekends. I guess that’s just the time my body likes, since I can’t even remember the last time the alarm clock actually went off…
My body naturally wakes up around 5 or 5:30 a.m., but I tend to lounge in bed until 6 a.m. “Sleeping in” for me is 7 a.m.! Ha.
I get up at 5.30am during the week and 7.30 or sometimes 7.00 at the weekends. During the week I set my alarm for 5.00 though and keeping pressing snooze until 5! 🙂
I am one of those insane people who wake up between 3:45 and 4am to get my workout in before work. As a single mom, it’s the most practical way to make everything fit into a day. My body is used to it now and I crave the early morning peace and quiet…just makes for an early bed time! 🙂
I work third shift at a hospital, so on work days my wake up time is 5:30pm (I go to bed around 9:30am). On my days off, I try to combine some form of third shift hours/’normal’ hours, so I usually sleep from about 1am – 10am. 😉
Over the summer, I worked as a camp counselor an got use to waking up are 5 AM to get the girls up and ready for the day so when I returned to college, after waking up that early, I would head out for a run. Now that my late study sessions have kicked in though, I’m more likely to get up at 6:30 or 7:30 depending on my classes for the day.
Horrifically early for me usually happens when I fly between Louisiana and Massachusetts for holidays. Those flights tend to be incredulous early in the morning or red eyes so I stick with the morning ones. My first flight down to Baton Rouge required me to get up at 1:30 am to make it to Boston for 4 am. Too, too early for me.
I have to wakeup at 4:45 am when I go to work from Joshs on Monday morning and it is brutal. Those extra 15 min make a big difference!
I always think of it like this: if you sleep in 2 extra hours on the weekend it’s still a huge difference wether or not you get up at 4 normally sleep until 6 or get up at 8 normally and sleep until 10!
Girl, you are incredible. I don’t know how you muster up the energy to get up SO early! I usually wake up around 7 during the week and around 8-9 on the weekends!
During the week I get up at 4:20ish so I can start working out by 4:30 (at home) to be done by 5:30. Then I have an hour to get myself and 1-year-old dressed and fed and out the door by 6:30. Weekends I like to be up no later than 7:00. Good think I’m a morning person.
Hi Julie:
I am up at 4:00 a.m. each morning. I have to leave my house by 5:25 a.m. to get to work by 6:30. I have 2 dogs Shiz-Maltese that I take care of before leaving for work. My male dog thinks that I should have to get up on weekends at 4:00 am. He will start barking at little after 4:00 a.m. if I am not up by that time. I swear he can tell time. Getting up at 4:00 a.m. on weekends is too early for me……:)
I totally agree, there is just something about waking up during the four o’clock hour that is just awful. And I totally laughed out loud at that saying because heaven help my husband if he wakes me up any earlier than my alarm!
When I was at my full-time job, I would wake up at 4:15am to workout so that I could get to work by 7am. It sounds crazy to me now. I still wake up at 5:30am but it’s a much more reasonable hour I believe. 😉
I usually wake up at 7a. Horrifically early for me is any time before 6! haha
Hey Julie! How much time do you typically spend at the gym? When I would go at night, I would work out for an hour or do , but now I go in the morning and only have about 45 minutes. So I try to maximize my time while there!
i am almost never at the gym for more than an hour! my workouts usually last right around 50 minutes or so. 🙂
Anytime before 6 is too early for me. 4 is crazy. I wake up at 7 normally and can do 6ish if needed but I don’t.
I do 4:45am, so that I can be out the door by 5am. I don’t like it, though!
Hahahahaha – you’re going to laugh because my horrifically early wake-up time is 3:45 AM. That’s right…not a typo there. Now, granted, lots of times the snooze button wins out for at least one round, which gets me out of bed by 3:55 AM.
So the “it’s way too early and someone is going to die” wake-up time for me would be anything earlier than 3:30 AM. That’s a no-can-do in my book. (That’s reasonable, right????) LOL
You would hate me. I’m the one that sets the alarm for 4:45 if we’re getting up at 5. But sadly….most days we’re up at 4 am. I guess I get to sleep in 4 years when both kids are in school full time and I won’t have to do the bulk of my work before they wake up at 7 in the morning.
I’ll never understand how anyone can wake up that early, much less go to the gym and push themselves for an hour. I mean, the birds aren’t even awake then and that should tell us something lol. Of course, I usually work out around 9pm so many consider that to be just as unnatural 🙂
my alarm starts at about 6:20am…i hit snooze until about 7:15 (terrible, i know)
horrifically early is anything before 6. hahaha.
On the days I go to CrossFit, it starts at 5:30 am. I set my alarm for 4:57 AM! I have tried 5 but it just isn’t long enough for me to get ready and get out the door so unfortunately I have to make it a few minutes before 5 so that I am not late. If you are late that means 30 BURPEES…shoot me now. I totally agree with you about the 4 o’clock hour being horrific but you gotta do what you gotta do.
I recently started early morning workouts! My weekly alarm goes off around 5:30am which is insane to this sleeper-inner =) But I will admit it’s nice to have my workout done early before my day begins! Puts me in a good mood, must be those endorphins =)
our alarm is set for 5:48 during the week and even though it wakes me up, I never get out of bed until around 6:20 to hop in the shower.. that’s usually around the time my hubby is on his way out to work.
I used to get up at 4:30 to run my 5-milers before work, but that was when I commuted 20 miles with traffic. Now that I live close to work, 5 am is the earliest I get up. I’m a teacher and teachers are usually at work pretty early, so nothing really phases me anymore. My husband even gets up for 3:30 am work shifts sometimes.
630 on the weekENDS. doh. I wish it was 630 on the weekdays. 🙂
My alarm is set for 430am on weekdays. The pooch usually starts wandering in around 630 on the weekdays. I’m up and out of bed by 7 – mainly because if he doesn’t eat on schedule he throws up.. totally not worth cleaning the carpet all the time for a little more sleep.
I wake up at 4:20 for CrossFit 4x during the week and 6am for the Saturday CrossFit class. It was hard at first but now it’s not thaaat big of deal (still hard on some days! like today…)
During the week it’s 4:15 and off to the gym! Weekends, Saturday is my sleep in day and I get up somewhere between 7:30 and 8. On Sunday’s, it’s a group run day so I am up by 5:15.
I wish I had someone to motivate me to wake up early!! Do you think you would still workout in the am if it weren’t for Ryan?
I wake up at 4:00am everyday to beat the traffic! I live on Oahu (North Shore) and work downtown in Honolulu. The thought of the traffic gets me out of bed no problem… it is that bad!
Your breakfast looks so yummy!
I hear you on the 4 o clock ugly hour– that is an hour I never want to see. I’m not morning person, so (if I was able to) I would never get up before 9.
How do you ever get enough sleep waking up that early! Um anything before 7 is scary for me! It’s too dark and early to be awake I tell ya- this girl likes her sleep.
I’m a law student too! I used to wake up at 6am for work but when I started school I got used to waking up around 8:30am. Of course, it feels much earlier now, but only because I have so much work to do that I have to stay up until 3am most nights.
Just so you don’t think everyone who reads your blog wakes up early: I wake up between 8:30 to 9:30 on most days, sometimes earlier, sometimes later. I am a law student so I have the luxury of sleeping in pretty late. Of course, when I am working I will be up between 6 and 6:30…I HATE waking up before 6 and really even before 7 but anything before the sun rises is completely out of the question for me. 🙂
“Horrifically early” is 4am, which is when I get up to go to work three days a week. All of the other days, if I’m woken up before 6, they’ll get an earful.
I wish I was much more of an early-morning person. Sometimes rest just feels so nice, though.
Anytime before 10am is early for me. 🙂 I work a lot of night shifts, so my rising time is always varied. If I’m on a ‘normal’ schedule, anytime before 5 am is ‘early’ to me. Prior to aquiring my night-time job, I worked as a barista and had to be up by 5:30, so I’m used to burning both ends of the candle.
I’m usually up on workdays @ 4:30am, it is a bit harsh sounding I agree when you’re in that 4am window, for some reason 30 more minutes sounds like an entirely different world. On days that I don’t have to work I’m up around 5 or 5:30am. I like getting up early to get everything done, that way I can laze around for the rest of the day. I literally do my grocery shopping starting @ 6am, kinda sad LOL.
oh my goodness, I don’t know how you do 5 a.m. on a regular basis! I’m usually 7:15 a.m. I’d love love love to start a pre-work habit, though!
Weekends it’s usually 8 a.m. or 8:30 if I’m lucky. Sleeping in is so hard these days! Plus, I have fomo symdrome. I’s bad.
I’m definitely an early riser. On weekdays my alarm goes off at 4:30 and I’m running with the dogs by 5am. Weekends I can sleep in until 7am usually, but it’s not unusual for me to be up before then. “Horrifically early” is anything before 4:30!
I would like to be motivated enough to wake up and workout at 5am, but usually 6:15-6:25 depending on how much I hit the snooze button. Weekends are the same because my son doesn’t have a weekends alarm clock!!!
I wake up at 4:55…I used to wake up at 4:30 but we moved closer to where I work. I start work at 6:30 and I have to be on the train at 5;45. I wish i could workout in the morning but I would have to get up at like 3:45!!!!!!! NO WAY!!!
I’m in college and my sleep schedule is all over the place!
When I have 8am classes (which are the earliest classes offered) I set my alarm for 6:45.
When I have later classes (11am or 2 pm) I usually wake up at 8:45 and watch the Kelly & Michael show! haha I know that’s not going to happen once I have a “big girl” job & kids! Oh my goodness! I couldn’t believe some of the wake – up times ya’ll posted!
I imagine that I will just have to get used to waking up at the crack of dawn after college, but I’m more of a night owl, so I’m gonna guess that 6am will be the earliest I can comfortably get up and not be running to Starbucks all day to just stay awake 🙂
My fiance stays up late too, and he will go to sleep around 11pm or midnight and be able to get up at 7am for an 8am class – but he takes a nap in the afternoon for about an hour.
I’m somebody that gets sick if I don’t get regular sleep… so I’m kinda worried about having to give up sleep one day when I’m a mom!
Oh! and on the weekends I usually sleep in until 10:30 – 11 am.
Over the summer I took summer school and drove home every weekend to see my fiance. I woke up at 4:30am to drive back to school on Mondays and that was HORRIBLE.