I am officially on east coast time… I woke up at 4 a.m.!
I made myself go back to sleep and eventually told myself it was okay to get out of bed at 5:45 a.m. I laid in my comfy hotel bed reading my book for an hour or so before changing into my gym clothes to hit the fitness center.
I use the term “fitness center” loosely. 😉
The hotel gym has three ellipticals (circa 1970), one treadmill (circa 1901) and a weight machine that allows you to do leg extensions, chest presses and lat pull-downs.
I initially wanted to get in a total-body weights workout, but since there were no free weights to be found, I opted for cardio instead.
I plugged all of my settings into an elliptical and just as I started to get into my workout, it stopped working! I reset the elliptical and it happened again. I then switched over to another elliptical for 30 minutes of light cardio while reading magazines and catching up on my celebrity gossip.
After the elliptical, I ran on the treadmill for 10 minutes before completing one round of Jessica’s At Home Cardio Blast workout.I felt like my time on the ellitpical was more of a warm up and not really a great workout, but my run on the treadmill and one round of a plyometric circuit got me sweatin’!
I just took a quick shower, and am headed downstairs to scope out the breakfast buffet and get some grub in mah belly!
See ya after lunch and the POM factory tour!
Of Possible Interest
- How Much Do You Know About Your Metabolism? (FitSugar.com)
- 30 Tricks to Boost Your Metabolism (Health.com)
- Recipe for a Tasty Pumpkin Spice Latte You Can Make at Home (PeasandThankYou.com)
Send a Free Pomegranate to Someone Wonderful
Maybe it’s because I was a marketing minor in college, but I love creative marketing ideas that are innovative and actually offer something tangible to consumers.
In the POM Wonderful swag bag I received yesterday, there was information about sending someone wonderful a free pomegranate POM-a-Gram!
If you would like to send someone fantastic a free pomegranate Pom-a-Gram with a nice little message, click here! There are less than 4,300 free pomegranates available!
Have fun today girl! We are going away this weekend and that workout is going to come in handy. 🙂
Love your iPod cover, so cute!
No matter what time zone I’m in, I can always sleep in!! 🙂
I love your iPod cover, adorable! When I went to Arizona last year, I had the hardest time adjusting to the time change. I never got it.
Also, sending a pomegranate is such a cool concept! I just sent one! Thanks for the link. 🙂
LOVE this marketing idea! I just sent one! Thanks for the heads up 🙂
I just sent a pomegranate! HOW AWESOME!
Thanks for the linkage!
And I have that same Vera Bradley makeup bag 🙂
You certainly love your vera bradley …did you see the new swirly birds in pink that they have….very you 🙂
Hope that wasn’t that creepy lol
he he he… the hotel fitness center sounds about the same as my apartment’s gym. “Gym” is also a term I use loosely to describe it… 😉
This same thing happened to me on the treadmill at our dinky little complex gym. I go for about 2 min and it just shuts off. I think its something with the belts, or it’s just old as dirt!
LoL, don’t you hate when a nice hotel doesn’t compensate with a nice gym. It seems like the ones with the nice gyms make you pay to use them.
Thanks for the link! I sent my sister a pomegrante! Have fun! 🙂
I love Vera Bradley! Such super cute swag! My coin purse and cooler are among my favorite accessories! Have a good POM day!
Time Zones don’t seem to affect me. I can sleep in anywhere. The trick is to stay on whatever time zone you’re on….don’t take a nap….just go to bed at the normal time in your time zone. I find that works for me. 🙂
Have fun with the Pomegranates!
I did that cardio blast a few days ago — it totally got my heart rate up, wow!
That’s dedication at it’s finest! Good job! I love that your ipod cover and your cute little clutch match! You are so stylish pbfingers!
Hahaha I love your description of the elliptical 😉 Oh well, you’re on vaca – no need to go balls to the walls with your workout, enjoy the rest 😉 I love the at-home workout though, I need to write that down!
that pomegranate mailing thing is great!
Um, I think we should be besties. Just sayin’. We are about the same age, we’re both writers and editors, and we share similar food and health philosophies!!! So exciting to find your blog : )
wow! you woke up early girl!
i love your ipod cover, its so cute!
i can’t wait to see what your up to later with the POM tour!
I grew up (near) Fresno– have fun on the POM tour, lots to learn! PS– Sorry about the Subway… I wish I could have given you a restaurant rec!
Sounds like your trip is off to a fun start 🙂
Thanks for telling us about the POM-a-Gram! I just sent one to my sister, and it let me send another to my sig. other. Awesome!
Hotel gyms can be so disappointing sometimes. Way to make it work!!
What a great marketing idea! too bad all the great ones like this are never available to us up here in Canada!
the POM mailing is great! thanks!!
O.M.Gee! Just sent a pomegranate to my cousin in NC, in the message I told her it was pom-o-great haha. Love it lol
OMGoosssshhh My mom was just saying how sad she was there are no longer pomegranates at the grocery store (they live in upstate NY) so I super happy I can send her one, Thanks!
I think it is a rule that “fitness centers” have machines from before time. 😉
You really are the ever ready bunny. Love your posing face. Thanks for the answers to ALL of my Q’s yesterday.
Have fun today – you are probably up already working out.