Saturday morning looked a lot like all of our Saturday mornings from the past few weeks. With nowhere to go and no big plans for the weekend, we took our time easing into the day and played with the boys until everyone was feeling restless and ready for some time outside. Though it rained most of Easter, Saturday was filled with sun all day long and we made the most of the beautiful spring weather.
We leashed Sadie up and walked to some of the short hiking trails near our house that lead out to a little sand bar surrounded on either side by the lake. The sandbar disappears when the water in Lake Norman is high so it’s not something we can access all the time but the boys and Sadie love this little area so much! We spent a solid two hours out there while the boys played in the sand and Sadie ran around sniffing everything.
Once we made it home, we were all more than ready for lunch! After we were done eating, I settled Ryder down for his nap and Chase went into his room for an hour of quiet time while Ryan ran to the grocery store. Ryan then took over watching the monitor while I headed out on a solo walk around our neighborhood with Sadie and chatted with my mom on the phone.
I swear that walk was one of the best things I did for my sanity all week! As I’m sure you’re all experiencing, some days are easier than others right now and I had a couple of days last week where I just felt really rundown. Thank goodness for fresh air, sunshine and Sadie!
When I arrived home, I was quite surprised to walk in and find three sleeping boys on the couch.
I’m not sure what is going on with Ryder lately but he’s been putting us through the ringer at nap time. He’s only sleeping for an hour before he’ll wake up extremely fussy and then he just wants to be held. It’s so odd and while it’s adorable to have him sleep on our chests, it’s also difficult when he clearly needs a solid 2+ hour nap in the middle of the day to seem more like his happy little self.
Apparently Chase heard Ryder crying and Ryan told him he could be done with his quiet time in his room if he “rested” on the couch, too, and this is what happened. It was such a sweet sight even if it didn’t last very long!
Once everyone was up, the boys wanted to go on a Jeep ride and we followed along with Sadie and made our way to a little marina where they ran around in the grass and Ryan and I lounged on Adirondack chairs in the sun when we weren’t chasing them, helping them with handstands and joining in their mayhem.
The above picture made me laugh out loud because the look on Ryder’s face when he got to take over and pretend to drive the Jeep when it was parked was sheer joy despite the fact that his little legs are still too tiny to reach the pedals. He’s clearly ready to be behind the wheel!
Once we made it home, we had pizza for dinner before wrangling the boys into bed by 7:30 so Ryan and I could tackle Easter morning prep and fill some Easter eggs for the boys. I may or may not have downed my bodyweight in Starburst jellybeans in the process. Those things are the BEST. (Reds and pinks for lifeee.)
Easter began bright and early! The bunny came to visit the boys and filled their baskets with some goodies and some “needs” like new socks and rain boots.
Eventually we made our way into the backyard for the main event: The egg hunt!!
Both boys were really into the hunt and made quick work of some of Ryan’s trickier spots!
Of course emptying the eggs was a highlight as well and they unloaded eggs filled with candy, fruit snacks, temporary tattoos and stickers.
After streaming church online, we intentionally spent as much of Easter morning outside as possible because of the rain in the forecast and stuck close to home as the boys played around on their trikes, bikes and scooters.
Ryder’s nap time came and went (another not-so-good-one) and we spent the rest of the evening at home diving into a few more Easter activities.
Up first: Decorating our bunny cake!
The boys and I made the cake together on Saturday (nothing fancy — just a box mix of Annie’s funfetti cake!) and they had a blast putting sprinkles all over the bunny after I coated it in a thick layer of homemade buttercream on Sunday.
Ryder also made it his mission to jam some peanut butter M&Ms as far down into the bunny cake’s soul as possible. Cake decorating with a 1.5 year old is pure (messy) comedy.
Egg dying followed and then we rounded out our Easter with spaghetti, bath time and bed! And now I’m off to get this Monday started. I hope you guys have a good day and appreciate you stopping by PBF today so much!
Annie’s has funfetti?! This is big news. 🙂 Is it as good as other boxed funfetti?
Yes!!! The sprinkles aren’t as vibrant but the flavor is great!!
My son did the exact same thing that Ryder is going through when it comes to naps. Thankfully, because he’s my first, it just meant I got in a solid hour of reading time as he napped on my shoulder/in my lap (all good other than the times I forgot to have water handy or needed a bathroom break!). He grew out of it around 22 months – best of luck!!
“Ryder also made it his mission to jam some peanut butter M&Ms as far down into the bunny cake’s soul as possible.” This sentence made me laugh out loud! I have two boys too, an almost 1 yr old and an almost 4 yr old. 🙂
My little guy went through a phase recently where about an hour into his usual 2-3 hour nap he would wake up crying (unusual for him as he usually wakes up happy). I would run in and pick him up and he’d almost immediately fall asleep on me. I found that I could get him to fall back asleep in his crib by comforting him without picking him up (leaning over the crib singing to him rubbing his back talking softly etc and then sneaking back out of the room after he settled). He would then sleep another hour or two. I think he has not fully awake to begin with and was maybe having a bad dream. Thought I’d share in case you are going through the same phase!
“Ryder also made it his mission to jam some peanut butter M&Ms as far down into the bunny cake’s soul as possible.” I am crying laughing so hard at this
I have a 21 month old and he is doing the same thing. He takes quick naps and then also wakes up all.night.long. I am hoping it’s a phase that ends quickly. The comment about cake decorating made me laugh out loud. You couldn’t have worded that any more perfectly. We decorated cupcakes and my son used a butter knife to continuously stab frosting into the cupcake. He then smushed it into his face.