On my way home from work last night, I had one thought on my mind: Ravioli. Something about the cheesy pasta called to me, so I popped into the grocery store on a mission to grab some to cook for dinner.
I prepped the ravioli and served it over a bed of spinach that I quickly wilted by using my favorite little trick…
Pour hot pasta water over fresh spinach and there ya go! It’s a great way to quickly wilt spinach to use in any pasta dish and takes no time at all.
I topped a bed of wilted spinach with ravioli, marinara sauce and parmesan cheese before digging in.
It was a quick and tasty dinner that totally hit the spot. Perfect for a chilly evening!
And speaking of chilly weather… It’s 14 degrees in Charlotte right now. Brrr!! It’s definitely cold enough to snow and even though there’s no sign of snow in the forecast, I’m holding out hope over here!
Ryan and I are both feeling a little anxious for our first snow in our new house, mainly because Sadie has never seen snow before. We’re convinced her reaction will either be totally ridiculous or completely indifferent. Indifference would be a huge letdown, so I’m crossing my fingers that Ridiculous Sadie surfaces in full force when we get our first snowfall.
A cold morning warrants a hot breakfast, so I prepared a bowl of my egg white oatmeal, but this time I stirred in some peanut butter and Hershey’s dark chocolate cocoa powder at the end.
It was chocolate peanut butter bliss… Even if it does look pretty horrific.
Now it’s time for me to change and head out the door to teach today’s indoor cycling class and work at the gym. I’ll see ya after lunch with the detailed post I promised you all about my experience with Girls On The Run!
Have a great Thursday!
I would be thrilled with 14*! Can’t wait for a warm up.
haha! for this former florida girl, 14 degrees is COLD!! 🙂 hope you warm up soon!!
Such a simple idea, but I never would have thought of it! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Your dinner looks amazing! I am a HUGE pasta lover (and ravioli is the BF’s fav!) It’s 42 here today and I’ve busted out the scarf and boots! Loving it!! Though a Cinnamon Dolce Cappuccino would totally hit the spot right now…. looks like lunch will have a Starbucks run!!
that does sound fabulous right now… 🙂
I love the wilted spinach tip! I use spinach on a daily basis. I will be trying this. BTW…. It’s a chilly 5* this morning in Nashville. BRRRRR!!!
eek!! hope you can stay bundled up!!
It’s 3 degrees in Asheville this morning! I can’t believe it! I thought things were going to get warmer around here and we’d be able to explore during our time in North Carolina. Hopefully it warms up a bit, at least!
dinner looks fantastic! They have a similar dish at Panera with a little bit of spice to it that I like to get when I’m craving a hot dish instead of a salad or sandwich. Hope it snows soon for Sadie too 🙂
It’s really cold in Austin too. We have threats of snow this weekend as well. Great way to wilt spinach – I use that trick often myself. Have a good class!
I love how everyone in Austin freaks out when it ices here 🙂 i can’t wait to see all the facebook posts haha
Oh wow chocolate and peanut butter oatmeal?! Sounds like heaven. When I lived in Arkansas we got a ton of snow and my dog LOVED it.. I didn’t since it kept me outside hahaha but I’m sure your dog will love it too!
http://trendkeeper.me .,, im talking Google analytics!
It was 12 degrees in Williamsburg this morning when I got ready for work! I hate snow, but my 13-year old pup loves it. She runs around like crazy and does sprints in it. It’s pretty adorable considering she’s super lazy most of the time. I’m sure Sadie will love snow!
It was 20* here today! Last week we were in the single digits/-negative degrees! Brrr is right! Hard to get the motivation to run when it’s that chilly! Stay warm!
I make something similar with kale/swiss chard…it’s a tiny bit more work, but not much. I just wilt the greens in a saucepan, add a little bit of water and cook for a few minutes, then add olive oil and garlic and cook for a few more minutes. Dump in sauce, stir. Ta-da! It is even good by itself (with cheese on top, of course!)
It is days like today that I am SO thankful to work from home…10 degrees here in Atlanta when I woke up :/
I can’t wait to read about Sadie’s reaction!!
That oatmeal sounds good. I hate when things taste delicious but just don’t photograph pretty!
just sayinnn, I CRAVED ravioli and stuffed shells when I was in my first trimester of pregnancy 😉
I live in Tennessee and it’s 11 today!!
The first time my Yorkie stepped foot in snow she jumped onto my feet. Front paws on one shoe and back paws on the other. It was hysterical. You should record Sadie’s reaction!
That looks so. good. I am craving something WARM right about now, it’s so cold here!
Yum your dinner looks so good! I am excited to see Sadie’s reaction to snow too!
Hmmm….you may have inspired my dinner for this evening!!
🙂 enjoy!!
Wow that is cold! I am over here complaiming about the 30s! Haha. Gotta love California winters 🙂
whoa I would have never thought of wilting the spinach like that- LOVE it!
Love the pasta over spinach idea. I haven’t had ravioli in forever!
Oooh, I can’t wait for the Sadie reaction!!! Charolette is sounding like Chicago! Day 2 of school closed!
I used to use that trick for my spinach, except if you have a HUGE helping, it doesn’t quite cover it all. hehehe Happy Thursday!
oatmeal is perfect for that weather!
Isn’t it amazing how easy it is to wilt up some spinach! It’s like magic 🙂
I love ravioli and wilted spinach! I need to bring that back into the regular dinner rotation!
What a quick way to wilt spinach! I don’t think I have looked into wilting it that much bc I get weird about my greens not being crisp and fresh. They feel weird to me when they are wilted or creamed or soggy, but I may have to branch out and start trying other ways to eat it. Now I am hungry for ravioli!
Here’s hoping you all get the snow this year and we don’t get any further up North 🙂
Th only time our dogs played nice together was when it snowed. Hope Sadie loves the snow as much as they did!
I have a video of my cat walking in snow. She sprinted outside with an IM FREE IM FREE attitude only to turn around and walk back SO fast, but SO calmly as if she is pretending to play it cool. Cracks me up every time I watch it because I’m insane like that.
OK – how simple is that and WHY have I never thought of it?! Embarrassing! But I really do try to sneak spinach in as many dishes as I can!
I don’t care if your breakfast doesn’t photograph too well. It sounds amazing! Who doesn’t want chocolate and peanut butter for breakfast!?
I live in Utah and it has been unseasonably warm this year and I am loving it!! We are normally in the negatives, so anything above is nice to me 🙂
I sometimes think the most horrific looking breakfasts are the most delicious 🙂 Oats arent always the prettiest ha.
I love that spinach trick. Definitely going to be using it
The first time my pup saw snow was hilarious. She was terrified to go outside, we had to pick her up and put her on the snow. She refused to go potty so we had to dig an area for her. Then within minutes she was running around like a maniac. She was digging and jumping around it was awesome! We live in St Pete so she doesn’t see snow unless we travel to my parents place but when she does she gets all kinds of excited!
I want to eat both of your meals! Great tip for the spinach, thanks!
I think you posted that trick a while back (or I saw it somewhere!), and I’ve used it many times over the past year or so. Great little kitchen hack!
That ravioli looks DELISH! I know what I’m making for dinner tonight 🙂
i love ravioli and now am totally craving some, haha! and sometimes the best foods are the least tasty looking 😉
It was -30* (with windchill, hovered around 2* real temp) in Chicago today! Hoping this is the end of this foolishness, WAY too cold for me, my eyelashes froze on my way to the gym!
Spinach is one of my most favorite vegetables. I love it blended in smoothies, tossed in salad, sauteed with other veggies, and wilted. I’ve eaten a pound of more of spinach before, by myself, in one sitting. Usually when I wilt spinach for pasta I just dump it in the boiling water for a minute or two, but it gets too wilty too fast. This idea is great! I’m filing it away for next time 🙂
Thank you, your blog is always full of inspiration! And now I know what we’ll have for dinner 🙂
I can’t believe I have never thought to wilt spinach like that before. Totally stealing that little tip! 🙂
that is a brilliant trick!