She is both original and beautiful and her posts often help me catch up on celebrity gossip I’ve missed, which is all-around awesome.
I can’t wait to meet her in person in December in Las Vegas at the Urban Running: Blogger Summit. It’s gonna be a blast!
I hope you enjoy her guest post and I’ll see ya from Atlanta!
Guest Post: SkinnyRunner
It’s summer which means vacation time… for some people. Didja know that we use less vacation days than many other industrialized countries? Last year the average American took only 14 vacation days while workers in France used 35!
So when you take a vacation, you want to enjoy it to the fullest without worrying about whether you’re “staying on track”. Some tips for doing just that:
- If you’re gonna work out, do it first thing in the morning
When you’re trying to get out of bed and your brain is trying equally hard to convince you to “Do it later; you can totally run after spending all afternoon at the swim up pool bar”,do not listen to it. It is lying to you.
If you’re determined to exercise while on vacation, get your workout in first thing and then have the rest of the day to relax without having that workout hanging over your head. Or have the rest of the day to carry your way-too-heavy for this, nephew.
- If you choose not to workout while on vacay, do something else active that’s fun.
Multiple trips through the buffet line don’t actually count as mile repeats. Weird, I know.
Instead of a run, go for a walk on the beach. Instead of your weekly spin class, take a beach cruiser and cruise into town. Try snorkeling, bike riding, golfing, swimming with sharks like crazy people, ahem, Julie, try to drown your spouse in the pool, just do something that you enjoy and that you move a little while doing it.
- If you want to indulge, eat what you really want
If you scream (bloody murder) for ice cream, have it everyday while on your trip… if that’s what you really dig. But don’t go for the store bought cookies, stale brownies, old fries and over cooked burger just because they’re there and I’m on vacation! Indulge in the things that are worth indulging in.
My family went to Hawaii this past February. Since we rented a house, we’d go to Costco to get groceries, and we picked up this tropical fruit cake with coconut in it. As I was eating it, I remember thinking, “This isn’t even that good” as I finished the slice. And I ate another slice later!
A week later we went to the Tommy Bahama’s café in Maui and between the four of us, we shared a big slice of their pina colada cake, a favorite of mine and my husbands. I got exactly what I wanted and didn’t need to eat 2 slices of cake that I didn’t even really like.
- If you’re packing light or heavy, leave the guilt at home.
Maybe it’s just me, but it can be easy to feel guilty while on vacation for not living a perfectly healthy lifestyle… I’m not working out as hard as I do at home, I’m eating all these these decadent meals, etc. What a way to turn a vacation into a big time mental trip!
A vacation shouldn’t be your same old daily routine in another zip code so don’t feel bad about rest days or ice cream Sundays. Do things different while on vacation – it’s a break from real life! Enjoy it guilt-free.
- If none of this works, there’s always a touristy shop that sells some lovely muumuus…
This guy knows what’s up:
Hahaha! Love the outfit. Great post!
Loved this post! =D
Love these tips! I think that I have even more motivation to exercise when I’m on vacation! Especially since I’m in a new environment, my runs aren’t the same old same old, so it’s exciting to run around.
But food guilt? Yea that completely goes out the window. I’m on vacation, dammit!
Ha! I love SR. Great post!
Loved this! SR- did you belly flop onto that broom in the water!?
Haha I love this!
Oh this is fabulous. Those are some great tips 🙂
I definitely try to squeeze in the ‘workout’ before the day begins, OR I try to be pretty active that day. But, some days are better than others, and that is OKAY on vacay! But I agree with eating the stuff you really WANT. YAH 🙂
“vacations are a break from real life”…A to the MEN! Love these tips especially indulging wisely ie eating foods that are ‘worth it’
you know what? These are alll super great tips!! I particularly like the one about fun activity and working out first thing in the morning! I think that would save a lot of burden for others who are with us, if it’s a burden at all 😀 AND we make sure to not cheat ourselves. I know~~the U.S. needs to stop and smell the roses!! as a nation I mean
Aw, what a great post! I love SkinnyRunner 🙂 And these tips were super helpful (especially love the ‘carrying the nephew on your back” one, haha!)
SO true about indulging in what you actually WANT. For me I’ll take a fancy calorie loaded alcoholic drink over a piece of cake any day.
Loved the guest post!!! 😀
Ha love the muumuu. I’ll try to fit fitness in some other way.
Great tips! I discover this SR blog, and I understand why you like it, it’s quite great about jogging
Have a blast in Hotlanta!!!! I loved the guest posts. Those are some awesome tips!
This post reminded me that I don’t eat enough pina colada cake or wear enough muumuus on my vacations.
That was the point, right?
All very good advice, thanks for sharing!
I went to France last summer and everyone was shocked when my husband told them he gets two weeks of vacation a year – they all had 4-7 and they were just starting out in their careers!
I typically don’t exercise on vacation, but I am usually active all day! On our trip to Europe I actually lost 3-4 lbs from all the walking!!!
Hahaha loveeeee SR! I was actually really good about exercising on my current vacation. I ran a few times, took a BodyPump class and did stuff on my own!
Loved this guest post! My blog is more of a travel blog so it was right up my alley! I just got back from a cruise and I ate the same chocolate lava cake 3 times…when you find something that good you gotta just go for it!
thanks for having me! ive got to go find my muumuu now…
Great tips, as always! Especially the one about leaving the guilty at home. And also about indulging in good stuff, Sometimes I fall into that trip of just eating a lot because I’m on vacay not even noticing some of the stuff I’m eating isn’t very good!
Really great post! But as soon as I saw who the guest post was by I knew it would be… 🙂
such a great post and so so truee!
Ahh! Two of my favorite bloggers on the same blog! Weeee!
I don’t know who the man is in the muumuu, but I like him and he seems like my kind of people! 🙂
loved this post! 🙂
What a great post. We all need to learn how to enjoy life in general more 🙂
I love this post! When I’m on vacation, I always try to pick the one thing I have to have, and then try to keep the rest moderately healthy. I also agree that trying to choose activities that will get you moving is a good way to keep things healthy.
I love to run on vacation. It changes up my scenery and I get to explore the city and it not take all day, like it would if I were walking. It also helps because then I don’t feel guilty about stuffing my face:)
I love this. So true.. However, wondering what the rake is doing in the pool hahah