Yesterday was a busy one for me. I didn’t have a chance to blog in the afternoon and by the time I made it home from work, all I wanted to do was watch House of Cards on the couch with Ryan.
Since the only workout that happened yesterday occurred when I demoed moves in a group exercise class, I arrived home feeling tired and restless at the same time. My body wanted to move a little bit, so I quickly threw together a fast ab workout that I could do in front of the TV!
Links to demos of some of the exercises:
It was a fast core workout that burned!
Once I was done, I’m pretty sure I didn’t move off the floor and watched the rest of House of Cards while stretched out on my back on the carpet, basking in my post-core workout glory. Sadie naturally came to sit on my stomach because a human on the floor is simply an open invitation for her.
Today is another busy day! I slept in, so my workout will come later today (hopefully in the form of a boot camp class) and I still have work and a Taste of Ocala meeting on the agenda.
Breakfast today was a freakishly green protein pancake.
Served with a mug of hot s’mores coffee with extra foam and a sprinkle of cinnamon!
Time to head out. Enjoy your Wednesday!
Questions of the Morning
- Do you ever stretch or complete a workout at home while watching your favorite TV show? What are your go-to workouts to do while watching TV?
I am more of a music girl than a TV-watching girl when it comes to entertaining myself during at home workouts, but I’ve found that I can watch TV and complete some easy-to-follow workouts at home if I stream them on my laptop and place my computer next to the TV. (Barre and Ballet Beautiful workouts are great for this!) I also love foam rolling in front of the TV at the end of a long day.
Typically if I’m watching TV, I’ll just do yoga stretching. Otherwise, I use the TV to watch videos for my night at-home workouts 🙂 My HDMI cord connected to my laptop is aaamazing. 🙂
Your green protein pancakes always look so good! Gotta get on that track to make them…
looks like a great workout! i love doing lunges and squats while watching tv!!
Mhmm hot s’mores coffee sounds fabulous!
Great workout as well! I love quick and effective ab workouts and was just telling my boyfriend that we should do more ab exercises. Thanks for the inspiration!
Just started House of Cards myself a few days ago… getting hooked! Have you looked into Game of Thrones yet :)?
We just got the first Game of Thrones DVD on Netflix, but we haven’t watched it yet because we are sucked into House of Cards!
I hear awesome things about House of Cards, so I need to check it out! I’ll stretch or foam roll while watching tv, but I have a really hard time motivating myself to do more when I’m that close to the couch!
I can watch TV when I run or lift, but typically listen to music when I run at home. I like catching up on the DVR when I’m doing circuits or things on the floor! This core workout looks great. I need to do one today so this will be happening!
I love to do my strength training in front of the TV, especially if Netflix is involved. My go-to at home workouts for those lazy nights are anything I have pinned from Pinterest that can be done with the weights I have at home 🙂
s’mores coffee?! Yes, please! I like to do the super 90’s video called 8-minute abs. It’s hilarious but really works your core. Sometimes I like to do it twice in a row for a really good abs workout. I’d like to give your posted workout a try too! Thanks:)
So House of Cards is good? I tried it a while back, and wasn’t into the first episode. But I also did that with Scandal, and now I LOVE Scandal!
Oh how I envy you! You have 2 entire seasons of House of Cards ahead of you 🙂 Granted, it does take a couple of episodes to get into – the sheer amount of characters and political jargon almost turned me off at first – but once you get past that, the show is AMAZING. Definitely in my top 3 favourite tv shows of all time. Stick with it, it’ll suck you in and soon enough you’ll be sorry you watched it so fast :p
I love to foam roll and stretch at night while watching shows. I need to get back into this routine because it is super easy and allows me to get in some good stretching.
I made the green protein pancake yesterday and it was delicious! But I wanted to ask what you put on top of yours? Do you just eat it plain? I didn’t want to load up on the syrup, so I smeared some almond butter, chia seeds and shredded coconut. I also felt it was a lot for one serving, but ended up coming back an hour later for the second half.
Love ab workouts!! They aren’t extreme, but are enough to make me very very tired haha. And yum!! I love foam on my coffee, it just always tastes so good!!
I love squeezing workouts in like that!
First off, love that green protein pancake. I mean, I wish I had eaten that sucker on St. Patty’s Day!
Secondly, yes to doing workouts while watching tv. I usually do my cardio at the gym or outside, but most of the circuits that I create only require one set of weights and your body weight. Thus, I can usually do them at home. Sometimes, I’ll do my workout after work and then run home to watch primetime TV while doing a circuit weights workout 🙂
I loved having a treadmill at my house so I could catch up on my shows while I got my run in.
Looks awesome – saving it for later! 🙂 I definitely want to get better about getting in some exercise while watching TV, even if I got in a great workout earlier that morning, I always feel like after sitting on my butt working all day, I need a little extra SOMETHING instead of just sitting on my butt watching TV. Stretching would be a good idea too… 😉
Read my guilty pleasure while doing an at home workout.
Just repinned this from your pinterest board! I haven’t really been focusing on my abs recently, but I love that you can squeeze this in at the end of the day while watching your fave show. I need to go grab some of that smores coffee, yum!
Love this workout! I really like that it incorporates some planks. They’re definitely my favorite ab workout by far!
This workout looks great! I’ve been searching for a good ab-burner. I’m ready for it! 🙂
I kinda wish I had a stationary bike in the living room in front of the TV so I could work out while I watched my “stories” as Austin calls them. But then, how would I get my blogging done….
I love quick workouts that can be done in front of the tv. I like to do exercises during each commercial break and by the end of an hour show, I’ve gotten in a good workout. 🙂
As soon as my pup sees I’m on the floor doing abs or plank she’s all over me! Obviously play time!
Awesome! I think you should develop a fullblown Couch Potato to Couch Carrot regimen for TV watchers. 🙂
Haha! I like that idea!!
I’m more likely to stretch while watching TV, but sometimes I’ll go run the stairs or do some exercise during commercial breaks if I’m feeling restless.
I actually squeezed in an ab workout before bed last night lol! I found an online (youtube) video from Caroline Jordan (a lulu ambassador) but next time, I’m using yours 🙂 Thanks!
Oooh, I’ll check out that video!
I love watching tv while working out. It doesn’t work for weight machines, but it definitely distracts me from the cardio. I also find myself going faster during the exciting parts without realizing it, which is a bonus.
I don’t know if you’ve heard, but Netflix has a new marketing campaign to get people moving while watching their shows. There has been some criticism from doctors and health professionals about the effects of watching TV while exercising. Such as – it’s not good to strain the neck looking down at a TV while on the treadmill, and/or people may not focus on their body as they should if they are too engrossed in a show.
And, they even have 22-minute workout designed with no equipment to be done in front of the TV, with all front-facing moves. Check it out:
Nonetheless, your ab workout sounds like a safe bet.
I like to do some minor stretching in front of the TV. Especially when I am watching Bravo, because clearly, I need to do something good for my body so I don’t feel so bad about the quality of TV I choose at times.
Happy Wednesday to you all the way from San Francisco.
Maintaining good form is always so important. Thank you for sharing this!
I need to jump on this House of Cards bandwagon!! Love the ab workout– I’ve been needing a new one!
I really love planks. That probably sounds weird but they work!
Looks like a fun core workout! I love hovers (plank on elbows) of any kind!!
I don’t watch tv really….no time and we don’t have it. When I do watch a show on hulu or something though, I just watch it. I do enough activity other times of the day, so I like that veg time. 😉
I always do my toning and strength while watching tv. Part of the reason I don’t like weights is because I get bored. So I try to have some noise (tv or music) to distract me.
how did you get all that foam using a keurig????!?
I am totally trying that AB workout this weekend! Thanks for sharing 🙂
Ive been slackin on abs so badly this week, I need to do this one!
I woke up this morning and decided to cuddle with my sick dog instead of working out, and thought, “I will do a quick ab workout tonight after work instead.” Imagine my surprise when I saw this post! Thanks for planning my workout for me! 🙂
Just pinned the ab workout! I often use shows in the morning during a workout, but at night I just want to crash on the couch. I’m impressed you got up and moved!
I’m pretty sure my husband thinks I’m either crazy or just out of my mind because I randomly break out into little 5-15 minute routines all the time. I am terrible at just sitting still and watching TV — and I have to justify the cookie I’m going to eat before bed somehow, right? So nothing like a quick little test of wills with a 5 minute plank during House Hunters 😉
ooooh this looks like a great workout! i don;t have time for a great workout tonight, but i think ill do this one while i’m waiting for supper to cook and watching teen mom 2! haha . im just wondering, by crunches to the left/right, do you basically mean half a bicycle crunch? thanks!
when i have to run the dreadmill in the gym after work i usually wait until i’ve driven home to do post workout stretching and foam rolling. i have a yoga mat that pretty much lives in the living room so i can stretch and watch a rerun of big bang theory before eating.
You are killing me with this S’mores coffee. I have got to get some!!
I can never watch TV while working out! I always find myself stopping what I’m doing and staring at the TV instead haha.
I definitely do this! Oftentimes I’ll wait for commercials, though, and then see how many crunches, jumping jacks, etc. I can get in before the show comes back on. Fun for me, but not necessarily for other watchers in the room 🙂
In gymnastics they always taught us “do your splits while you’re watching tv”, so this is the approach I took to stretching forever since I can’t get myself to do it at the gym. Then I got two puppies. Needless to say there is not sitting, laying, and especially no stretching on my floor these days with out being at the bottom of a puppy pile.
SO glad you posted this today! Totally keeping this in my back pocket for this week when I’ll be traveling with no access to a gym (and it’s going to be freezing out — I’m going to Chicago!).
At night I’m a total slug!!! But on days that I’m home during the day, I’m at my standing desk and I walk or jog in place (exactly what I’m doing now) so I don’t feel bad finally sitting down after dinner!!!
Love the ab workout!
No way, Jose. If I’ve made it too the couch, it’s over. lol. I’ll hit it hard tomorrow.
Something I can do while watching TV? I’m in ;)!
That green pancake is crazy funny looking! Should’ve ate it for St. Patricks day! ha ha!!
If I’m running on the treadmill and not doing a speed workout, I HAVE to watch tv to keep me entertained…and always end up watching the tail end of my shows while stretching 🙂
I’m always on the lookout for a new ab workout. Thanks for sharing!