Eat your heart out, ladies. (I probably could’ve thought of a better expression for vegetarians, huh?)
Anyway, for me, JTT reached his peak in the movie Man of the House. I’m not gonna lie, I still love that movie. Chevy Chase + JTT + Farrah Fawcett = Win.
My favorite scene in the movie occurs when JTT, Chevy Chase and the other members of the Indian Guides do a rain dance to C&C Music Factory’s “Gonna Make You Sweat.”
“Everybody dance now!”
Not only is that song absolutely fantastic on its own, but it always reminds me of Man of the House and my long lost love for JTT. Basically, I love it.
When that song came on during the biceps track of the BodyPump class I took at the gym today, it took everything I had not to drop my weights and do my own rain dance in the middle of the room.
You should probably listen to it right now. Your Monday will be a little brighter, I promise.
Breakfast this morning was the old stand by.
A chocolate peanut butter cup smoothie! Nice and portable because I’m taking this baby to go.
I’m off to the Social Security office. Any guesses what I’m doing? I’ll give you a clue: It’s something I should’ve done months ago.
Weekend Catch Up
Playing catch up from the weekend? Here’s a brief summary:
yayy! finally getting your last name changed I presume!! good luck!! and I loved JTT as well!! he showed up on smallville a few years ago .. all grown up! haha
Ohhhhhhhhhhh name change time!
Have a great day, Julie! I could be wrong, but are you going to change your last name?
I love JTT too! Although Ryder Strong, Shawn from Boy Meets World, was the one who really made my heart go pitter pat!
I’m guessing you are changing your name. 🙂 I still have some things to change, even though we’ve been married since August!
“ryder strong” is sufficient identification. 🙂 “the lips” you mean? 😉
Yes, by Ryder Strong…I do mean “the lips.” 😉
OMG YES! That is one of the best BMW episodes. “Lips”, “Hair” and “Brains” haha (Rivaled only to the Reunion/ Plays- With-Squirrels episode)
haha, I was so the same about JTT and LOVED Man of the House! I watched it over and over, and that was also my fave scene!!!! I always used to have my own dance party 🙂
Of course I knew he was a vegetarian…I totally wrote him a letter and said that I was also a vegetarian (even though I was not), just so he might like me. I also made sure I was interested in all of his other interests as well (like fly fishing…) haha. So silly.
JTT totally wallpapered my bedroom walls and locker door too! And the C+C Music Factory had me dancin’ in my desk chair on this otherwise dreary Monday morning.
Julie – I CANNOT believe you posted that this morning! Home Improvement was my favorite show growing up, and just this morning I caught an episode at the gym – I even tweeted about it!
There is just something about Tim Allen that I love! Buzz Lightyear over Woody ANY day!
Oh, and yes – JTT was pretty cute too! I was more of a Devon Sawa girl growing up – remember him?! 😉
Name change! Ah, I hope it’s an easy process, because I’ll have to do that in a few months too!
Lol I never saw that movie, but I know what’s it’s like to hear a song you LOVE at Body Pump. So motivational!
Good luck at the Social Security office! Hope it’s nothing like the DMV 😉
I listen to this song all the time, especially on long runs and I often contemplate stopping my run to bust out in dance!
I’m totally still in the process of changing my name and its been a year, lol! I have spent several months with different last names on different documents haha
ahhhh fun 🙂 ohmygosh and i seriously started cracking up watching Man of the House. One of my favorite movies of course and always loved the dance scene (which yes I’m currently listening to as we speak) “EVERYBODY DANNNNCE NOW!” xo
I loved JTT too! I was a fan of Wild America and Home Improvement, but I was let down when some episodes of H.I. didn’t feature him hardly at all. What a waste of my time! haha
Glad you had a good weekend. 🙂
Ahh throwbacks!! I used to be more of a Zachary Ty Bryan kind of gal but JTT wasn’t bad either!
ah yes. brad. poor mark. :/
That smoothie looks especially delicious to me today! Gimme a slurp!
that movie was just on TV this weekend! love that one.
too funny! every time i hear that song i ALWAYS think of the rain dance scene! haha, i remember going to the theater to see man of the house…they had a double feature that day, huckleberry finn followed by man of the house. i was all about JTT!
OOOOH JTT! I totally his him plastered on my wall in middle school. Not to mention that Home Improvement was one of my ALL TIME favorite sitcoms! Loved Tim the Tool Man Taylor (and his son!)
Ahahaha – LOVED Man of the House. Actually, I could probably still watch it now and be perfectly entertained as well 😉
I had that exact poster (along with about 15 others!) on my wall growing up. I was a Home Improvement addict thanks to JTT’s awesome hair and precious, raspy voice…
oh to revisit my first love… sigh… <3
hahaha I loved JTT, too! Awww now I miss Home Improvement – it really was the cutest show, right?!
Oh my gosh!! I’m so glad someone else remembers that song + dance and + movie! I recently put it on my workout mix and all I get are crazy looks from my fiance when I try to reenact the dance scene.
OMG JTT! I had such a huge crush on him when I was little! Good luck with the name thing it takes months to sort everything out!
Hahaha. That music video cracked me up, love the 90s.
Name change? I think I put that off for a little bit too, it’s like going to the DMV, not really a fun errand, but it’s cool when it’s official to share the name of your husband (or hyphenated, whatever you will end up doing)
omg “man of the house” is such a great movie!! i saw it again for the first time since I was in elementary school last year and loved it just as much. and the “gonna make you sweat” dance scene is so my favorite too! that song doesn’t get old. thanks for the flashback! hilarious.
How could I forget about Man of the House- such a great film! I definitely watched that movie over and over again!
I”m guessing name change?
Yikes-I just added something to my to do list!
I LOVE Man Of The House! Especially that scene.. so good!! It’s one of my favorite movies 🙂 I made a playlist recently of all 90’s “skating rink” music, which has all of those awesome songs. So fun!
I definitely just downloaded this song! Adding it to my running playlist right now, just gonna have to keep myself from dancing too much on my runs now! 😉 Talk about a throwback! Loved JTT!
I think I will have a smoothie this morning -as always. Thanks for the inspiration!
Changing your last name?? Love that movie! I used to watch it all the time- I may have to do that soon :).
I had a major crush on JTT too! Definitely had a poster of him on my wall.
I can’t believe you’re just now getting your name changed! I actually work for Social Security so I had my manager do mine as soon as I had my marriage certificate. 🙂
Brides-to-be, don’t worry, it’s not difficult! Just remember to change your name with Social Security before you go to the DMV. All you should need to bring in is your license in your old name, an original copy of your marriage certificate, and (for some states) the application for your marriage certificate.
Good luck with your name change 🙂
I hope the wait isn’t too bad!
& I LOVE that movie too! How funny- thought I was the only one that still liked it! I also love the movie Jungle 2 Jungle with Chevy Chase…so cute.
jungle 2 jungle is awesome!
I totally forgot about that movie and JTT until now =) All my friends and I loved him =D hehe
I recently just found a picture of JTT that I had hanging in my room back in the 90s…
Yay for getting your name changed! 🙂 I used to love JTT! I think he was every girl’s dream guy back in the day! Haha!
Have fun changing your name sweet girl…that’s an act of love in and of itself (going and spending time in the SS office can be a beating!)
Once I read the title of your post, I immediately started dancing the running man in my head! Don’t ask… hehe =] Getting your name changed??!! Nice, I still haven’t done that, and it’s been over a year! oops =]
Yes!! I had that same picture hanging on my wall from Teen Bop magazine! Man I loved him. He was replaced by Justin Timberlake and his crazy afro after he feel off the face of the planet but I will always have a soft spot for JTT. Have at Social Security! I sat in the Denver office for so long to get my name changed on my social. I hope that your office is not as busy as ours.
omg JTT was my favorite too! I had a whole wall of my bedroom covered in magazine pictures of him. And I was obsessed with Man of the House! so funny. 🙂
Oh good luck with the SS office. I have to say changing my last name was a big ol’ pain in the arse! Seriously! I tried and tried to get my hubby to blend our last names: McCord + Owens = McOwens.
How fabulous is that?
I used to have the biggest crush on JTT! And then my dad was working on a movie with him, so me and my best friend got to meet him! Can you say nervous??
omg I LOVE man of the house! I always make references to “squatting dog” and “numb nuts” hehe
If it is changing your last name, do you find it difficult? Not sure I want to change my last name. How did things go w/ Lululemon?
Changing your last name? I’m about to do this in a few months and I have no idea where to start! Sounds like a complicated process that I’ll probably put off, too 🙂
Ahhh I thought it was about time to make an honest pillow case out of those embroidered pillow pockets!
After you’re done, you should celebrate with an impromptu rain dance of your own (they love that in stodgy SS offices!)
I LOVE Home Improvement! Such a great show. Thanks for linking that song, it totally just brightened my day! 🙂
Name Change!!! I can only hope you are changing it to your true name…. Princess Consuela Banana Hammock. 😉
Getting your name changed!! Good luck- those offices are always such a pain!
Haha oh gosh I used to (still) love JTT! I was definitely in his fan club 🙂