Everything I Made with Our Apple Picking Haul
I’ve praised the Sally’s Baking Addiction food blog for years as a go-to for me whenever I want to bake something I know will turn out well. Sally’s recipes never fail me so I went right to her site when I was looking for an apple muffin recipe to make the day after our apple picking adventure. I followed her recipe for the muffins but swapped Greek yogurt for the apple sauce and omitted the nuts, as I knew our boys wouldn’t like them in the muffins. They turned out so well and were all gone within 48 hours.
I’ll avoid being redundant by listing this apple crisp recipe multiple times on the blog but this is the recipe we made a few times with our apple haul because it’s our very, very favorite. Desserts that involve something hot and sweet paired with ice cream have my heart forever and this apple crisp is the perfect complement to cold, creamy vanilla ice cream. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
Carrot Apple Slaw
I didn’t follow an exact recipe for this one but to make this slaw, I shredded apples, carrots, cilantro, parsley and green onions and tossed everything in a light dressing made with red wine vinegar, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and pepper. It was slightly sweet, light and crunchy and the perfect side dish with various lunches I had throughout the week. For the above meal, I topped it with leftover corn sliced off the cob and marinated chicken.
Arugula and Beet Salad with Apples
The day we got back from the apple orchard, we had friends over for a cookout and made this arugula and beet salad that incorporates apples into the recipe for a sweet crunch! I cannot count the number of times we’ve made that salad over the summer but it’s also a perfectly autumn salad, thanks to fall produce — the beets and apples — in the recipe!
You better believe I felt like one heck of a fancy chef the night I made this recipe on Wednesday night since the word “French” was in the recipe title. I haven’t made too many recipes that incorporate heavy cream into a savory dinner meal and clearly that must change because this recipe blew us away. It was rich and comforting and also felt a little special even though it was still an easy one to make on a busy weeknight!
Chicken Sausage Sweet Potato Bake with Apples and Onions
This chicken sausage sweet potato bake has been a favorite in our house for years. It’s warm and satisfying, sweet and savory and makes the whole house smell amazing as it bakes in the oven. I knew we had to make it with our haul of apples!
You can never, ever go wrong with a Pinch of Yum recipe and Rhett and I ended up whipping this one up together on a rainy afternoon when he said he wanted to make apple cake! Truth be told, he had been asking to make apple cake with our haul of apples since the day we picked them so we were overdue to honor his request. I found this POY recipe and the reviews had me convinced we were in for a treat! This apple cake was the perfect buttery-cinnamony-appley treat and something about it felt gift-worthy… like the kind of cake you’d bring to a neighbor or a new mom who had a baby or a teacher who deserves a little extra appreciation or encouragement. We loved it!
I stumbled upon this recipe when I was looking for ways to incorporate apples into a weekend breakfast. Truth be told this one wasn’t “sausage-y” enough for me. (The only change I made was to swap ground turkey for the ground chicken.) It was still good enough to eat but lacked the traditional spice of breakfast sausage. I topped mine with a fried egg and loved the way the drippy yolk added a little flavor to this recipe so I highly recommend going that route if you give this one a try.
We were 0 for 3 for babies/toddlers who liked applesauce in our house which kind of blew my mind. I thought all kids like applesauce!? I can still vividly remember the homemade applesauce my mom would make in our house every fall and nothing store-bought came close so I thought perhaps making our own applesauce might sway our kids and make them actually like applesauce for the first time. I opted for this recipe because it only called for three ingredients — apples, cinnamon sticks and water — and two of the three boys gave it a thumbs up. I’ll take it!
Question of the Day
Do you have any go-to recipes that incorporate apples that you absolutely love? Please share!
Do you like to go apple picking in the fall?
These look so yummy. I was sad to see this post wasn’t your typical Friday Favorites, as that is my favorite post to read on Friday’s. A couple of weeks ago you didn’t have a Friday Faves and I began to worry you were phasing it out. LOL Thanks for sharing!
Aw no no not phasing my normal Friday posts out at all!! I’m glad you continue to enjoy them!!
I made this Apple Pie Skillet Cake after a recent apple haul from N. Georgia. It was so good, warmed and topped with ice cream of course. We liked it with this Publix macadamia ice cream: https://www.publix.com/pd/publix-ice-cream-hula-hula-macadamia/RIO-PCI-555719!
oh yum!!! thank you for sharing!
Let’s not forget this recipe with apples in it!!! It is my FAVORITE!! And it lasts a long time.