Reading all of your favorite holiday movie quotes in the comments section of this morning’s blog post had me laughing out loud at my desk! So many classics!
I spent the morning writing and doing my best to make a serious dent in my freelance work so I can be done by Friday and take time to really enjoy the holiday weekend. Things are lookin’ good!
A little after 11 a.m., I took a lunchtime exercise break and headed out to the nearby trails to run five miles with Sadie.
It amazes me that a dog that can look so feeble in photos laughs in the face of long runs. Today’s five miler didn’t even phase her! After Saturday’s eight mile run, she didn’t sit down for hours at my in-law’s house and spent the afternoon outside chasing lizards in the backyard. Ain’t no thang.
Before our run today, pictures clearly weren’t a priority for Sadie…
She had air to sniff, after all.
It was nice and cool outside which made our run pleasant!
We saw a group of about four small wild boar, but they scampered off before we got too close. Between my thunderous running and Sadie’s less-than-stealthy sprint and stop pace, I think they heard us coming.
After a hot shower back at home, I got to work in the kitchen and made a big pot of my simple summer chili that I figured I could eat for lunch and dinner today. Efficiency!
Of Possible Interest
- Motivational Quotes to Help You Stick to Your Fitness Goals (
- 31 Healthy and Portable High Protein Snacks (
- Favorite Healthy Recipes of 2012 (
Of Possible Interest in the Blog World
- is hoping to reach 2,013 members before 2013! The site is a great resource if you’re looking to connect with other bloggers as they categorize healthy living blogs by location. Click here to learn more about becoming a member.
- My blogging buddy MizFit just released her first ebook! You can check it out here: How to Build Muscle and Lose Weight Without Losing Your Mind
More Ways to Help Newtown
Connecticut blog reader Allie emailed me the following two links that I wanted to share with you guys in case you are looking for ways to help those affected by Friday’s tragedy in Newtown:
- United Way of Western Connecticut: “United Way of Western Connecticut is committed to providing support and resources where and when they become identified and needed. As people from our area and beyond respond to this heartbreaking tragedy, they are turning to United Way looking for ways to help. In response, United Way of Western Connecticut in partnership with Newtown Savings Bank has created the ‘Sandy Hook School Support Fund’ that will be able to provide support services to the families and community that has been affected.”
- Sandy Hook School Memorial Scholarship Fund: “The Sandy Hook School Memorial Scholarship Fund at the University of Connecticut will cover college costs for any students who currently attend the elementary school, as well as siblings of those killed in the assault and dependents of teachers and other adults who also lost their lives, who are accepted to attend the University in the future. If any funds remain once the needs of the groups above have been met, they will be used to benefit any future student from Newtown who attends UConn.”
I am totally in love with Sadie. I just love seeing pictures of her. She reminds me of my pup Lily!
Thanks for posting the ways to help Newtown!
That chili looks amazingly delicious! Chili is soooo perfect for this time of year! 🙂 Oh, who am I kidding…I eat it year-round! 🙂
Thanks for sharing the link for healthy high-protein snacks. As a vegetarian, I am always trying to think of new protein-rich snacks to take with me on the go.
Thanks for posting the links to help for Newtown.
I agree–having a lunch & dinner as the same is the best….less cooking. BOOM
Hey i have a “Sadie” question! I have a one year old Boston Terrier who has energy like no other!! Now that the weather is getting cold, rainy, snowy in the midwest.. do you have any indoor activities that wear Sadie out?!
Sadie is too cute! My girls are eagerly awaiting us getting a dog next spring/summer. I hope ours likes to hike & run, too!
Oh awesome, I was looking for some ways I could help out with Newtown. The whole event still haunts my heart.
LOL gotta love running with dogs. My dog is quite the opposite – Bear can make it about 3 blocks and then will lie down in the middle of the trail/sidewalk/wherever. At this point, he must be carried home. And mind you, he’s a rottweiler/jack russell mix – which turned out as a shorter rottweiler. So that in itself turns running into an interesting dog-involved AMRAP crossfit kind of workout. Oy.
Hahaha I love that, Sadie had air to sniff! Reminds me of my brother’s dog and her intent on smelling everything!
I can’t believe some of the wild animals you & Sadie see on your runs! Do you enjoy trail running or run-of-the-mill road running?
I just love Sadie pictures. She is too darn adorable.
Darn you Sadie you cute thang!
I wish I could laugh in the face of 5 miles!!
My silly Dad CHASED after a wild hog with her babies to get them away from his house recently…ahh! Wild boars can be dangerous!
That chili looks delish, but I never like to eat the same thing for lunch and dinner for some reason. And my Louie is just like Sadie…I CAN NOT get a focused picture of him. I posted the funniest video of his insanity while chasing the leaves.
Thank you for your “of possible interest” section. I find it so helpful 🙂
Double-duty meals are always wonderful!
Haha. “Air to sniff” – I love dog priorities. The other one that cracks me up is when dogs seem to need to sniff the *ahem* hind parts of any other dog they pass. Once, when my dog was making his usual rounds, a neighbour walked past me and said “Ahhh. So many bums, so little time.” Too true!
I can;t even imagine Sammy running with me. His little legs have a hard time walking fast, let alone running. I guess thats what you get with 10 pound pup though. 🙂
You convinced me to make some chili tonight! Like Florida, I’m quite spoiled weather-wise living in California, but we’ve had a few days in the 50s (gasp!) so now I’m craving something HOT for dinner.
Sadie cracks me up! She looks SO much like my Vizsla!! They both get that feeble look that absolutely kills me.. too cute!
Thanks for sharing! Glad you had a productive freelance day!
Thank you for the different links! They seem pretty interesting and will definitely check ’em out. And your chili looks awwweeesome~
I need to make that chili! It always looks so tasty.
Hey Julie! I was at the Breast Cancer Site today and under the stories of hope section I saw your mom! I always go there and click on the button to give free mammograms and today it was really heart warming to see a ‘familiar’ story of hope. I will pass along her inspiring words :). Happy holidays to your family!
I LOVE chili! My dad made some last weekend for my mom to bring over to my grandparents while her and her siblings decorated their tree. My dad let me sneak a few scoops before he added the meat so I could have my own veggie chili. I had the last bit of leftovers on top of a sweet potato last night – SO GOOD!
I hope many see this post about the UConn fund in honor of Sandy Hook! I attend UConn, and am on my way to becoming a teacher! I love UConn, and I think it’s a great thing for my school to pay college costs for any students who attend the elementary school or any siblings who lost a loved one. GREAT idea! Thanks for sharing on your blog, Julie!
VERY cute Sadie pics! I’d love to run with my dog, but we have leash laws and he’s a stop-and-go type of companion. Thanks for posting those links to help Newton, btw. I was wanting to help in some way.
Hey Julie! If you have a moment, I really recommend you listening to the song “Worth it” by Francesca Battistelli. I think you would love it, I can’t stop listening to it lol.
I actually meant to say the song “don’t miss it”!
I love how involved the Newtown community is getting with raising money for these children. It is great that they are trying to help out so quickly after this happened
Hi everyone, I’m Tom from the UK, I really enjoyed reading all the post about the energetic “Sadie ” Up to a few years ago I had Lucy my Border Collie, we did everything together since she was a pup – best 13 years of my life so far – ran every day without a lead and stopped when crossing road just to check there was no traffic – brilliant ! hope she ok up in Doggy heaven
You’re blog is one of my absolute favorites! I hope my blog will do as well as yours one day! Thank you for always sharing such great posts!
That chili looks so amazing. Its making my stomach growl. I’ll definitely be copying that recipe! 🙂
Such a cute dog!! Thx for the links! Looks like some great reads & more! Happy New year!