I loved reading about all of your fitness goals and accomplishments yesterday. I think exercise enthusiasm is contagious. When I talk with members at our gym, the people who seem most excited about their workouts are the people who are trying something new or working toward a goal. They also seem to be the ones who want to talk about their workouts and goals at length, which, in turn, makes me feel excited.
Yesterday I adopted a new goal for myself: Complete Jess’ Summer Shape Up Program!
I am planning to follow her workouts for the most part, though I may modify them from time to time to fit my schedule and workout desires. (For example, I am loving the Wednesday boot camp classes at my gym, so I’ll likely continue with those and shuffle her workouts around a bit to compensate for any changes.) The program is only four weeks, so it’s nice and short, but I already feel 10,000 times more excited about my workouts. Apparently the fact that I am a planner in my day-to-day life means I’m also a planner in my fitness life. I like a schedule!
This morning I woke up early for another morning shift at the gym. It’s my last morning shift of the week! Hooray! Unfortunately this means I am working in the evening this week as well, but a little variety never hurt anyone.
During my time at the gym, I took the time to update the whiteboard with a new functional workout and took a few people through it which was a lot of fun. Anytime I take people through a functional workout of some sort, I find myself feeling more and more excited about teaching a boot camp style group exercise class in the future. I’m hoping that will be my next endeavor at the gym when the group exercise schedule changes later this summer.
Breakfast this morning was a grab-n-go meal.
Yesterday I stirred together a cup of strawberry Stonyfield Greek yogurt together with some almonds and packed it up in some Tupperware so I could grab it and eat it on my way to work. I also mixed some cottage cheese in with the yogurt in the Tupperware as well, but did so after I snapped the picture. An apple was also enjoyed about 30 minutes into my shift.
As I am sure you assumed, pictures of my meals these days are usually snapped the day before when I assemble them since I feel weird taking pictures at work in the break room and the lighting there is horrific. Adaptation, my friends!
Question of the Morning
- What is your favorite grab-n-go breakfast?
I love packing Greek yogurt, a Larabar, and a banana when I’m on the road. It makes a delicious, filling snack or breakfast.
Glad to hear your new job is going so well!
Lisa, I haven’t heard of the Lara bar, where do you get them?
I find them at our local supermarkets, Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, or natural food stores. Target and Walmart often carry them too. They’re usually in the bars section, and are super natural with just a few whole foods ingredients.
My favorite grab n go breakfast is an apple and a Quest bar.. soo good!
I’ve heard people raving about Quest bars lately but I’ve never seen them anywhere! I must investigate!
The Cinnamon Roll Quest Bar is the best. Especially if you heat it up for a couple seconds. YUM!
I have recently discovered the quest bars and love them! I love warming them up on a plate for about 15 minutes heaven! They don’t have a lot of junk in them and they are really filling. Downside they only sell them online or at GNC.
YES FOR QUEST!! Online at the Quest website is the cheapest, I’ve found. GNC, they sell them for $2.93/each (in SoCal), but you can buy three, get the fourth free. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough is my absolute favorite!
I’ve started cooking my eggs in muffin tins (Pinterest of course) and then bagging a few up to take with me each morning so all I have to do is reach in the fridge and grab a bag. It’s super easy and I love some protein in the morning 🙂
I saw that idea on Pinterest too! How many do you make at a time?
I actually do a whole dozen at at time number 1 because that’s the muffin tin I have and number 2, I usually eat at least 3/day so it works out really well for my whole week. You should definitely try it 🙂
Glad you got your exercise mojo back!
I am really enjoying learning all of your functional workouts 🙂 Makes me feel so accomplished after only 10 minutes!
I like an english muffin with cream cheese and jelly to grab n go.
By the way, I wanted to thank you so much for sharing your dad’s 60th bday present with me. In just a week I pulled together the same present for my parents 40th anniversary. They just got it yesterday and were completely overwhelmed with the kind words from their friends and the thoughtfulness of the gift. Thank you thank you for sharing it! It meant the world to them.
Here’s the link if you want to see: http://sometimeshealthylivingblog.com/2013/06/10/40-years-and-theyre-still-dancing/
This makes me SO happy!! Congratulations to your parents!! 🙂
Overnight oats, Clif bar and a piece of fruit, or a big smoothie!
My favorite grab n go breakfast is either a smoothie or overnight oats and a piece of fruit.
Granola with blueberries or sprouted whole grain toast with almond butter!
I am a total planner too – I think having a schedule helps folks like us. 🙂 Glad you’re feeling inspired again. Love those sneakers too btw!
I love those shoes! What Reeboks are they? I’m in the market for a new pair 🙂
I need to know what Reeboks those are!! Love love!!
Love combining Greek yogurt and cottage cheese! Super filling and full of protein. I typically snap my photos the day before as well! I had a coworker say to me “you totally just took a picture of your food, didn’t you?” Ha, yes…yes I did. 🙂
I’m doing Jess’ shape up too! If I’m in a crazy hurry I just grab a granola bar but if I have a few minutes I’ll have a yogurt and some fruit.
You are always so positive. . . early morning or evening shifts, you just go with the flow! So nice to read about. . .smiles!
I love to grab me some OIAJ (oats in a jar). Kath’s blog got me hooked on them.
Will you please move to Seattle and teach at my gym?! You seem like the best kind of instructor: bubbly and enthusiastic! 🙂 My favorite grab n go is a Luna bar with an apple. Perfect!
Peanut butter spoon and a banana. I have a collection of spoons in my car.
Grab and go is normally fruit and granola or a AMRAP bar. I will also make egg bakes (I suppose you could call quiche but I only use eggs and veggies / meat) and those are great for quick meals to bring to work and heat up when I have time to eat.
Overnight oats – you taught me that one!
You hit the nail on the head about changing up a workout routine. Whenever I’m up a few pounds or a little out of shape, I’m always more motivated to hit the gym. Right now, I”m really into workout classes. You’d make a great group class instructor for sure!
I JUST purchased those shoes on clearance! Love them! It think I need to put in the orange laces! 🙂
I’m a bar and bananas girl when it comes to grab-n-go 🙂 My mom always told me not to have bananas in the morning (on an empty stomach), so I always try to have a bite of a bar first 🙂
I’ve never heard that before! If you don’t mind me asking, what was her reasoning for that? It’s interesting!
Overnight oats are definitely a lifesaver or smoothies are easy to throw together and transport
I am also a planner in my fitness life! I feel much more motivated if I have everything planned out! My favorite grab and go breakfast is a smoothie. I can mix it all up and then grab it when I leave. I actually did that this morning.
I agree with some commenters above. You are a very positive, upbeat person that seems to “go with the flow”. I admire that, and suffer in the opposite direction. Oopsie.
I think that’s why I feel so flustered and scattered myself – no fitness “structure”. But I’m like negative beginner with so many physical issues that everything seems so advanced to me. Yet I long for a “plan’ that makes me feel good about me. Its tricky.
My favorite breakfast is pretty fast, but not quite grab-n-go… I just make oatmeal! 3/4 c oatmeal, 1/2 c water, 1/2 c milk; microwave for 5 mins on 50% power. I can put on makeup and get ready while it cooks! Then add honey and cinnamon and put it into a travel container (I use an old glass jar that used to have jam in it). Viola! Breakfast to go 🙂
I do the same thing with my photos! I feel weird taking pictures of my food in front of my co-workers, so I snap them at home the day before when I make the meals!
I’m amazed at the # of people commenting who only eat like 100-200 calorie breakfasts.
Breakfast is my favorite meal and by the time I’m done working out I need food ASAP- my quickest is usually a whole grain toasted waffle with nut butter and walnuts + a hard boiled egg + a banana.
My favorite grab-n-go breakfast (if you can call it that) is cereal! I bring it to work with me all the time and even eat it in the car on my way to places (without the milk, of course!)
Baked oats with a squeezy pack of nut butter and some fresh fruit, in a tub and go! Chia seed pudding is a good one too. Always nut butter and fruit or my breakfast doesn’t feel complete! At least you’ll get in some morning workouts with Ryan this week!
A banana and a “Simply Bar” .. 16g of protein and only 4g of sugar! I am reviewing it on http://www.thelittlehoneybee.com tomorrow 🙂
I think just talking about workouts and food is a great way to stay motivated and also motivate others! I find myself talking about the topics any chance I get. It keeps me going!
Love those shoes! My favourite grab and go breakfast is a smoothie or Ohsheglows’ baked oatmeal squares with some nut butter and fruit!!
A bowl of berries, banana and yogurt is my fave ‘needed to be out the door 10 mins ago’ breakfast 🙂
I’m all about “nanner sandwishes” (what my niece/nephew call them) – taking a banana, cutting it in half (or therebouts), slathering a bit of peanut butter on it, and then rolling on out the door! It’s filling, it’s yummy, and it takes approximately .54 seconds to put together!
I totally agree that it’s so helpful to be working towards a goal. Having that motivation really is energizing! As for my favourite to-go breakfast, I’d have to say an easy, transport-friendly fruit like apples or bananas, Greek yogurt and lara bars!
Hardboiled eggs are the best!!!!
I love having a fitness goal/schedule to follow too. I’m always so much more motivated that way! I have been thinking of following Ginas summer shape up program. But I’m moving soon and switching gyms, so I also want to make the most of the classes that they offer. I went to bootcamp yesterday and holy moly was it a good workout! My glutes are in pain today! haha
I have those same shoes, but in mint/pink. Love them! My favorite easy breakfast is either a smoothie, or if I really have no time, trail mix and a pear.
I love packing my mixes in the Tupperware, the only problem is that I am too lazy to bring it back from work (since I commute by train). Somehow, they all end up being in the lab, and there is no single dish to pack things at home
Overnight oats or a banana and a granola bar are my two favorite grab-n-go breakfasts! I’m loving Banana Split Overnight Oats right now. You can find the recipe at http://www.hungrygatorgal.com/2013/06/banana-split-overnight-oats.html 🙂
Thanks! You’ve inspired me to complete Jess’ shape up program.
I’m travelling for another 6 weeks (arriving in the US tomorrow!) and always try to fit in workouts when I can. Sometimes it can be a challenge so I think having a program already set out will help keep me on track.
First of all, your tennis shoes are super cute! I always feel better exercising when I like what I’m wearing! haha! I am definitely a planner. I don’t get anything done if I don’t plan it out! And I function much better when I have a plan of attack.
Also, I’d love to read a post on functional training. I’m really intrigued by it.
I usually make a batch of healthy banana bread and keep it in the freezer so I can grab a piece for breakfast quickly in the mornings if I’m short on time 🙂
Chobani greek yogurt with Golean Crunch cereal sprinkled in. Love greek yogurt!
I usually pack cereal with almond milk. Most of the time it’s one of the Chex cereals with maybe Kashi Go Lean Vanilla Graham. It’s SO good 🙂
When I’m travelling I always grab hardboiled eggs and a banana for my breakfast. Quick, easy, and packed with protein, fat, and carbs!