Good morning!
After two days away from the gym and fueling my body with sweet potato casserole and homemade stuffing for the past four days, waking up early and sweating first thing in the morning felt great.
Today’s workout began with 20 minutes on the elliptical followed by an upper body workout that included the following exercises:
- Front shoulder raises
- Superset: Tricep dips, Mac raises
- Superset: Chest press, Upright rows
- Bicep curls
- Tricep pull-downs
- Overhead press
I finished a little bit before Ryan and spent some time looking at my gym’s group exercise class schedule.
Now that I don’t have a half marathon on the horizon, I am really excited to incorporate some new workouts into my workout regimen. It feels good not to feel like I have to run. Woohoo for exercise freedom!
Classes that caught my eye included yoga, Pilates and a morning strength class.
When we arrived home from my gym, my stomach felt a little funky. I don’t think I drank nearly enough water this weekend and felt a little off last night. The feeling came back after I showered this morning and I ended up curling up in bed in my robe for 15 minutes waiting for my stomach to feel better before we had to leave to go pick up my newly repaired car.
I started to feel a little better and made myself an “easy on the tummy” breakfast and ate a bagel and cream cheese.
Nothin’ fancy, but it was bland and easy to eat. I’m already feeling better and plan to drink lots of water today.
Cyber Monday Websites
Are any of you out there taking advantage of Cyber Monday deals?
Now that I live in Ocala and don’t have access to even a quarter of the stores that I did when we lived in Orlando, online shopping and I have developed quite a strong relationship… but only when shipping costs are reasonable and I find a good deal, of course.
In case you’re hoping to nab some great bargains today, here are some websites that list a bunch of Cyber Monday deals:
Feel free to share any awesome deals you find in the comments section.
Happy shopping!
Thanks for the websites! I will definitely be taking advantage of them! After a few days of ‘off’ eating, my stomach and whole body never feel exactly right… I’m looking forward to getting back into my workout this AM, too!
I’m sorry that you weren’t feeling good this morning. I hope you feel 100% very soon! I have been feeling the same way since this weekend. I’m definitely on the lookout for some good deals today. Happy Cyber Monday! 🙂
Yay for Cyber Monday! As an Amazon junkie, I ought to purchase at least one thing online today.
are you a prime member? my mom is and i LOOOOVE using her membership! 🙂
Nope, but I probably should be. I’ve heard such good things!
i am not a prime member but i DID get the Amazon Visa. the APR is NOT ideal but i pay it off every month. you get 1 pt per dollar on most stuff, 2 at drugstores, 3 on amazon….a point is basically a penny.
i’ve paid some big bills on it and have some hefty CVS spending with medical stuff and it does add up! i love getting used books for a penny….you pay $4 shipping (never free b/c they aren’t “from” amazon) but it worthwhile when the books can be so cheap!!
Sorry to hear about your stomach! I hate that, but I’m glad you’re feeling a little better.
I’ve never really gotten into Cyber Monday, but I might just need to check it out today!
Wah! I know the whole “easy on the stomach” thing — always easy on the protein and fat. Lots of carbs. Aka, magical.
Thanks for the links! Hydrate and feel better soon!
Sorry about the tummy…I am impressed that you were able to eat diary with an upset stomach. That is usually makes it worse for me!
I hope you continue to feel better!
Just outta curiosity, how long did your entire workout take this morning? I think I am going to follow it tomo- thanks for the idea 🙂
it took me about 55 min. (including the 20 min. on the elliptical)
I wonder if the AM strength class is similar to BodyPump?!
I’m definitely hoping to knock out a pretty big chunk of my Christmas shopping today!
Exercising this morning felt SO good! I LOVE how healthy eating/exercise feels like relief after a long indulgent holiday 🙂
I think someone else said this, but when your tummy is upset, carbs = magic. Plus when ISN’T a good time for a bagel? 😉
Oh man I feel so off today too. Definitely think its the lack of water I took in this weekend so plans to arm myself with a water bottle will be in full effect all day. Hope your feeling better.!
I love the feeling of having exercise freedom rather than being stuck following a race plan. (Not that I don’t love that structure, but sometimes it’s just nice to do whatever you feel like!) Have a great Cyber Monday Julie!
I love exercising in the a.m. too! Especially after heavier days of food. Hah.
Thanks for the options–I LOVE online shopping. No thank you to huge crowds! 😉
Did you hit Kohl’s on Black Friday? They have some great Cyber Monday deals and you can use the Kohl’s Cash you earned on Friday online starting today! 🙂 I just got the rest of our dish set with Kohl’s Cash!
Hope you continue to feel better!!!
Yay for Cyber Monday! I’m a compulsive online orderer so I LOVE this day!
Question for you…..I ran my first 5k on thanksgiving (wooohooo!!!) BUT I had to walk a lot because I had terrible side stiches almost the entire time. I was plenty hydrated, really stretched and warmed up? I can’t figure out why it happens? My time was 35 min (boo!) but I know it would have been way better if I didn’t have to keep walking? Any suggestions?
I think your icky feeling is from lack of water. I’m usually a huge water drinker (especially because of the altitude in Colorado), but since I’ve been visiting family in VA–my water intake hasn’t been as much. I definitely felt sick and dizzy on Saturday. After drinking some water and taking it easy, I felt a lot better.
Feel better!!
I don’t see any good deals, i also don’t really need anything…
Amazon is definitely great if you stalk those Lightning Deals! I have been looking for new ear buds and I found a great deal on Amazon this morning.
I felt all funky after my first real workout during the long weekend after lots of eating, too. I hope you feel better!
OMG! Love the dog 🙂 Btw I made your stuffing recipe for Thanksgiving and it was a hit! Thank you for posting it.
that makes me so happy!
Just to add to this, I made your carrot recipe and they were also a hit! I just omitted the bacon, since I don’t eat meat. They were delish 🙂
Great deal sites! Thanks. Hope you feel better 🙂
Feel better Julie 🙂
Not sure if you are a fan of Lucky but they have 30% off and free shipping! ! !
Just wondering why you signed up for 2 half marathons if you really don’t enjoy running? (it seems as if you don’t enjoy running – i obviouslly don’t know you, so I can’t say that with 100% certainty) – I love running, and I love the training that comes with running a half-marathon, but if I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t put myself through it.
i do like it! it’s just not EASY for me. i like the challege of completing a long distance race but dislike feeling like i have to run. i enjoy doing a few races a year, but a bunch in a row burn me out a bit.
I JUST mentioned in this morning’s post how weird my stomach is feeling after this week of unusual eating patterns and larger portions. I seriously don’t have an appetite! It’s a sad, sad story 🙁
i think that dog is Chuck from
With a 6 week old, I wasn’t able to participate in Black Friday as I have in the past. This year it was spent nursing my little girl in the middle of the night. So I am taking advantage of Cyber Monday.
im so tempted to shop cyber monday!! but mostly for myself….so i probably shouldn’t 🙂
Ann Taylor Loft 50% off EVERYTHING plus FREE SHIPPING!!!!
Why do your morning workout reviews always make me want to get up crazy early for a sweat sesh? I know that kind of schedule just doesnt work with my body, but it always sounds like the best ever start to the day.
I may or may not have bought a bunch of stuff for me at modcloth. It’s possible.
Thanks for sharing those links Julie! I already used one of them to buy my daughter a Flip video camera for $40! I’m going back shopping but I wanted to say thanks!
awesome!! hope she loves it!
I’m on the search today for a reasonably priced Keurig Machine, it’s on the top of my Wish List:D
Love cyber Monday!! I’m on the hunt for black boots for our trip to Paris. Finding boots that are stylish and good for walking seems to be impossible!
feeling off today too!! I think it’s a given after giant meals and a long weekend 😉 I want to find some boots today!
I always feel that way after a weekend of not drinking enough water. It’s crazy what being a little dehydrated will do to you?
Did you decide not to do the Vegas Half Marathon after the conference was cancelled? I’m still going for the race, but am bummed that I won’t to get to hear my favorite bloggers speak!
unfortunately, yes. 🙁 GOOD LUCK in the race!!
I hope your stomach feels better soon! Thanks for sharing the cyber monday links! I think I’m going to get a sonicare toothbrush for $15!
Zappos is great for shoes. Free shipping both ways in case you need to return. And last year when I ordered 2 pair of shoes they upgraded the shipping to overnight, and I had the shoes in less than 24 hours after I ordered them.
Hooray for exercise freedom! I’m actually the opposite… Not a runner, but starting training for a 5k. So I pretty much am entering that “I have to run” phase. We shall see how it goes!
Love cyber monday way better then black friday! It is just more relaxing!
Thanks for listing the websites! And that bagel looks sooooo good. I need to buy some Udi’s bagels, just so expensive!
I haven’t participated in any deals. I try to only spend my money on stuff I “need.” And I haven’t seen anything yet!
I thought you were running the Vegas half??? 🙁
not anymore. 🙁 when the conference was canceled, i had to bow out b/c i was counting on some financial assistance with travel. bummer, i know!
I keep wanting to take a class at my gym but I’m intimidated to go by myself. Also, I totally feel you on the funky feeling of not having enough water. I get physically as well as emotionally out of whack if I’m not hydrated properly.
Thank you so much for the Cyber Monday deals websites!!! Christmas shopping is done!!!!
Toothbrush! best deal ever!
I always miss cyber Monday – and we’re American…freedom is what we do! 😛