I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. I have the neediest dog in all the land.
Note me. Note my computer. Note my dog.
She always has to be in the middle of the action!
I usually work out of my home office, but for the past few days I’ve felt like changing it up a bit and working from my laptop. This puts me at the mercy of Sadie and her extreme desire for attention.
For example, in the above picture, Sadie was only sweet and docile because I was petting her and talking sweetly to her until I snapped the photo. The minute I started typing up this blog post, Sadie got all huffy and did what we call the “face-to-face” maneuver in our house. It’s pretty self explanatory. Her face has to be on our face. Yes, our faces must be physically touching.
Sadie is not licking us during face-to-face time. She’s just lingering creepily (or sweetly?) as her face rests against our face… following our face with hers, no matter which way we turn.
Sadie absolutely loves to be face-to-face with me, Ryan, our families and a handful of our friends that she knows quite well, but for the longest time I couldn’t figure out why she seemed especially keen on face-to-facing with my sister. Sadie has always been obsessed with Leslie’s face.
A few weeks ago, I put Aquaphor Lip Repair on my lips because they were dry and Sadie’s normal face-to-face tendencies went haywire. She couldn’t get enough of me. She licked my face and when I would turn away, she would turn right along with me. This went on and on.
My sister wears Aquaphor all the time on her lips to keep them soft. Sadie is ridiculously in love with Aquaphor.
Pet owners, please tell me your pet has an odd affinity toward some kind of lip gloss or lotion that you wear. I fear that Sadie is some kind of a looney. An Aquaphor freak looney.
Back to your regularly scheduled programming…
After I was done typing up my morning blog post during my brief break at the gym, I completed a 30 minute workout on the treadmill before it was time to do Day Two of Jess’ Summer Shape Up Program. I completed four rounds of today’s circuit before I had to train a client.
Once my training was done for the day, I ate a quick lunch of tuna salad with a sliced pita, an apple and some almonds at the gym.
I had about 30 minutes to digest my lunch before it was time for me to teach water fitness. It was hot and sweaty and awesome!
At one point, a bee flew into my ponytail and decided to hang on which completely freaked me out. I shooed it away, but then it came back and wouldn’t let go! I ran over to the lifeguard who helped me get the bee out of my hair as everyone in and around the pool cracked up. It was a sight to see! The bees around our pool are awfully aggressive.
Once I got back home, I took a much-needed shower and fired up the computer to blog and get some work done. And here we are!
Question of the Afternoon
- Pet owners: Is your pet oddly obsessed with a lotion, chapstick or other product that you occasionally wear?
One of our cats will lick my husband’s fingers for hours if he’ll let him after putting Carmex on his lips. He’s got to have the softest cat tongue around. 🙂
oh my gosh my cat, Tucker, loves that stuff too!! Drives my boyfriend nuts. He also loves face masks so if you put one on you almost have to walk outside or he will try to climb you to lick it off.
Oh MY! I thought it was just our dog! Our newest puppy, Shiner, loves, loves, LOVES lotion! Every single time I put it on, she immediatly licks it off my legs… she will follow me around licking it off… kinda funny, but kind gross, I cant imagine that can taste very good, but she loves it! I always have to re-apply when I get out of the house! Silly puppies!! 🙂
Shiner is a pretty name…!
Every time I read your stories about Sadie I can’t help but laugh. Seriously, they are hilarious!
My dog Cookie used to love licking lotion off me and my mom’s legs whenever we put it on. It could get annoying sometimes but it got really embarrassing when we had company over for dinner once and all of a sudden she was licking all the women’s legs under the table! Everyone could not stop laughing!
Anytime I put on lotion (any kind) or chapstick my dog Brady (he’s a min pin) just wants to lick it all off! You are not alone! He also is constantly trying to get in my lap when I’m on my computer haha, he’s such a snuggler (luckily he’s only 15lbs).
YES! My dog is obsessed with any lotion I use and she’ll even try to lick my armpits after I put on deodorant. The deodorant obsession is a bit creepy.
Same here with the deodorant
My cat does that, needs to be on top of you no matter where you are. If I am typing its a hop onto the table and plop down on my arms. Her other thing is my cell phone. If she sees it laying out ANYWHERE she will lay down on it. So I am always losing my cell phone at home!
Face to face is a Vizsla thing and I love it hahahha ours does the same thing alllll of the time!
My shepherd absolutely LOVES sunscreen. The minute I rub/spray any on he starts trying to lick it all off. Apparently he’s also a fan of aloe lotion, although not as much as the Coppertone.
Sadie is too funny! My dog needs to be touching someone at all times (like on the couch she must be on or up against someone) and I thought that was needy!
Elmo ADORES my mother’s makeup and gives her kisses CONSTANTLY because of her lip stick. It’s hilarious. And my dog has separation anxiety when I leave the house becuase of how NEEDY he is… I feel so bad. Lol. And Elmo always has to be inbetween my legs or on my lap… especially when I’m working out. There’s no time for that in this house on his watch! 😉
My dog LOVES lotion. I was honestly so relieved to read that Sadie does this too. I thought my pup was nuts too!
Occasionally, I will use Bengay if I’m super sore after a workout. My cat goes NUTS for it. Follows me around, rubs against me, will even nibble. Crazy!
Yes! My dog loves coconut oil and deodorant. He’s always trying to look lick my feet.
My chihuahua get in my face when I have Chapstick, or noxema on my face or if I’m eating salsa or hot sauce. It’s so funny how they need to be the center of our attention.
Yes! Everytime I put lotion on my legs it’s like a bee to honey. It kiiinda grosses me out, so I either put it on really fast and run away so it dries, or don’t put any on at all.
Awww…Sadie’s so cute!
Oh I hate bees! I had a bee fly into my hair once and I went screaming and swatting at my head. So embarrassing, but necessary if I wanted the bee out, right!?! Totally freaked me out!
Me too. Anything w/bees is a no-no in my household. Ick. Dangerous.
Every single time I put lotion on my legs, my dog thinks she just has to lick them. And every time she licks the lotion, she sneezes : )
I use a special perfume from Ava Anderson Non Toxic and it’s a blend of organic essential oils. My cat is obsessed with it!!! She always gets me at night when I’m sleeping and wakes me up!! Silly girl…
One of our cats LOVES Vicks vor rub and Bengay; something about te menthol….he will like it! So crazy…. Believe me, Sadie is NOT alone!!
My dog loves deodorant…for example, if I’m wearing a tank top and bend down to tie my shoes, he’s right there trying to lick my arm pits. I can’t believe I just typed that. It always creeps me out and I quickly have to get him to sit and stay away from my under arms!
I thought my dog was a little strange with the lotion obsession,but there seems to be alot of animals just like him! But the deoderant thing is just too funny!!!!
I keep my Burt’s Bees on my nightstand and put it on every night before bed. My dog would come to my night stand every night and sniff where my Chapstick was (eventually I started holding it out for her to sniff). I had to put her down a little less than a month ago due to cancer so now I have her picture on my nightstand and I still let her smell it every night. I’ll miss her for the rest of my life, until I get to see her again. Take as much video (I know you take lots of pictures) of Sadie as you can. It helps to remember all of those precious moments.
Oh goodness I love Sadie. She’s such a silly dog.
Julie- I know this post isn’t about your fab granola recipes but I love making them for quick snacks during the week. Sometimes I alter them with mixins. This time around I added blueberries and honey that had been heated up and mashed together. The granola isn’t as crunchy as I’d like it. So My questions are: is your granola chewy or crunchy and am I possibly adding too much liquid to it to keep it from being crunchy?
I love when you post about Sadie! You’re the reason why I want a viszla.
And by that I mean your blog
yayyyy! they’re the best dogs. 🙂 please send me a pic if you ever get one. 😀
It wasn’t something that I wore, but our cat was obsessed with anything corn related. Corn tortillas, chips, and especially corn on the cob. He would start yeowling and crying when we ate it. Finally one night we put him in one of the dining room chairs and held a corn on the cob in front of him and he went nuts and ate it!
During summer or anytime …. our poochies will eat every-single kernel of corn on the cob …. without butter!! It’s the cutest thing to watch. Thankfully they are not allergic. Yeah April, they also LOVE any (including blues!) corn chips. I usually buy without salt.
this is hilarious!!!!
my old German Shepherd(God Love him, may he rest in peace)used to *exclusively* lick NARS products off of my face—not just lip products, but colour products, too. I know it’s an animal-friendly brand, but I used to think it was a little too encouraging towards pets, LOL.
Vasoline….ALL my dogs are obsessed with vasoline (I have 2 poms, 2 yorkies, 2 labs, and a german shepard/doberman mix) and each and every single one of them are OBSESSED with licking it, particularly off your toes. I used to use it as a moisturizer for my feet at night (sorry if thats TMI), but before I could put socks on, it was like dog tounge attack mode on my feet! I don’t know what it is in that stuff, but apparently, its delicious.
Whoa …. you are verrrry busy Brittany! How do you do it all?
Our dog, Buster loves any kind of lip gloss and we use coconut oil as lotion and he goes CRAZY for that! Sadie is not a looney at all!
I had no idea my dog and I weren’t alone! Emma jumps on my lap when I’m sitting at my laptop, too, and tries to lick my face, see what I’m eating or drinking, sniff the keyboard, etc. Clearly not enough attention is being paid to her. She also loves to lick lotion or sunblock wherever it may be. Your stories about Sadie remind me of my Emma!
As with other commenters, our dogs love lotion, but our male Lab absolutely loves sunscreen. I think that he likes the smell and taste, but he also connects the scent with the possibility of getting to go for a run as we always put on sunscreen before heading outdoors. Strangely, our female Lab gets really excited when I file my nails. It’s not the polish remover or polish, but the nail file. She’s a goofball!
This post made me laugh so hard because my two boxers love any kind of lotion!! They will lick my hands over and over no matter what smell or brand of lotion I use..love Sadie pics!
My dogs are obsessed and I mean obsessed with my lipgloss! Dog hair and sticky lips do not go hand and hand lol 🙂 love + shine Courtstar
My yellow lab, Cali, adores the Brazil nut Body Shop body butter I use after I shower each day. During the spring and summer (when my legs are exposed) she becomes a particularly *affectionate* kisser. I think she must detect the taste of the aroma and taste of the nut oil, which makes sense because she loves peanut butter!
Your stories about sadie just crack me up! Every dog I have had LOVES johnsans baby lotion!
Haha, YES. My dog loves my apple chapstick! And, all of my scented lotions and balms! I mean, who wouldn’t? I’m not going to lie I am usually tempted to eat i myself… smells too good!
My Westie Holly is the exact same way, except with lotion! I put lotion on my legs everyday to keep my skin soft, except 99% of the time it ends up getting licked off anyway. She literally cannot help herself!
My dog Tucker adores my coco butter body lotion. She tries to lick it off as soon as I apply it. At times, I need move away from her, because I can’t apply fast enough.
Crazy mutts!
My dog LOVES face-to-face. All. The. Time. It’s cute for about a minute, then it’s just too much! But it makes him so happy, we can’t turn him away. 🙂
I have to lock my hound girl Georgia out of the room when I apply lotion… she has tripped me many times trying to lick all of the lotion off of my legs! She listens so, so well most of the time but when it comes to lotion, she literally cannot help herself. Silly pups!
Julie, that story about Sadie’s lip gloss obsession just made my day haha thank you.
Sadie’s love for Aquaphor totally cracks me up. I had a chocolate lab growing up and he was especially keen on chewing up kid’s books, but only ones from the library (much to the chagrin of my mom).
Sadie is so cute! Our dog Brody loves the face-to-face move, too. He sidles up to me if I’m sitting on the couch and casually presses his cheek against mine and will leave it there until I get up. I can’t figure out of it’s cute or creepy, either. Weird dogs!
My chug Jerry licks lotion off of my legs when I put it on… It’s really hard to stop him. This is his latest quirk: when I drive alone, he usually sits in the passenger seat, I like to put my hand on the gear shifter in the center console. He takes his head and shoves it under my hand, removing it from the gear shifter, on to his head/neck so that I will pet him! So needy. I’ve had to start driving with both hands on the wheel because of this!! Probably more safe that way haha.
My Boxer, Crawford, is very needy and your posts about Sadie often reminds me of him. He’s a giant lap dog that loves to cuddle. I recently started using Simple brand face moisturizer and every time I put it on, I get intense licks to my entire face and hands. I don’t know what it is about the cream but he LOVES to lick it. It can’t taste good and it’s probably not good to ingest but it’s too funny!
I have one particular hand lotion – the fragrance is pink powder – and my cat thinks he needs to lick it all off every time I put it on. Sadie sounds perfectly normal to me.
My pup LOVES my lotion! I use a cocoa butter lotion (I don’t remember the brand). She licks my legs whenever I put it on. So gross, but so funny!
My dog licks lotion off my legs… I thought it was so weird. Guess he’s not the only one!
When my dog was still here =( he wasn’t into anything that we’d wear, but he loved crayons. Something about the smell, and occasionally the taste, made him go haywire. It was really funny actually to see various colors come out the other end (TMI!)
Hahaha aww this makes me laugh. One of my cats is obsessed with my hair. He bats at it when I pet him, and he likes to sit behind me on a chair so he can poke my head. When it’s wet, he’ll actually lick it. I think it’s my leave-in conditioner!