Good morning!
I arrived back in Ocala yesterday and worked the early shift this morning. My normal schedule resumes! Though more travel awaits at the end of this week, it felt good to sleep in my own bed last night and spend time with Ryan and Sadie. I missed them!
Even though it’s great to be home, traveling and spending time with some of my best girlfriends over the weekend was so wonderful. I cannot help but feel a little sad whenever our time together is over.
I wish we lived closer to each other! My girlfriends mean so much to me and short weekends together remind me just how much fun we have together, even when we’re doing nothing but lounging around! When I was talking to my friend Leah this weekend, we agreed that there’s something special about spending time with friends you’ve had forever. It’s effortless and fun and they embrace every single part of you. They understand every facet of your personality and know all about your past and your family. They care about your future and only wish the best for you. I wonder if I can convince my friends to move to Florida?
After a 4:20 a.m. wake up, I headed to the gym to work through the morning. I took a break about an hour into my shift to eat the breakfast I prepared last night.
I made myself a batch of scrambled eggs with spinach, mozzarella cheese and chicken sausage. After microwaving the eggs to bring them back to life this morning, I dug in!
My shift at the gym passed quickly and I enjoyed seeing some of my clients after a few days away. I am training another client in half an hour and teaching water fitness class this afternoon.
See ya after class!
Of Possible Interest
- 10 Minute Ab Workout (
- No Fuss Three Ingredient Sides (Featuring my fruit dip -
- How To Make Burgers Healthier (My love for avocado makes a debut –
Questions of the Morning
- Do your best friends live close to you? If not, how often do you see each other?
- Do you remain close to your friends from high school or college?
My best friends from high school and college live all over the country (Chicago, Detroit, Denver, New York City), though three of my best friends from college live about two hours from me in Florida. I’m envious of people whose best friends from high school and college live close by!
My bestest friend moved to Florida back when we were 15. Even without internet and cell phones, we remained as close as ever and still are today! I have my group of close friends nearby as well as my two of my best down in Florida. Hoping to head down and see them shortly!
I lost touch with so many of mine having left school early when I was in the depths of my eating disorder. My best friend lives close by though! Fair play to you getting up so early this morning and being organised with breakfast!! Can’t have been easy!
Not too shabby in comparison to our friends, who resides thousands of miles away from us. Boo 😀
Totally understand! I actually just moved to be a bit closer to some of my best friends, although a couple still live cross country which stinks. Old friends are the greatest and you can be completely weird around them and they get it- you don’t have to explain quirks. 🙂
My best friend and I see each other every now and then, but the minute we’re with each other it’s like we’ve seen each other every day. I love the feeling of seeing old friends especially during hard times because you just feel like YOU again. It’s amazing how much your personality can come out when you’re with people from your childhood/early years!
I was thinking this morning that the people I treasure most are the people who I make an effort to see despite the fact that it’s not easy. I don’t know if that makes sense, but friends that live in another state, or even in the same city that I don’t live or work next to, etc.
I’ve moved quite a few times so I know how hard it is to leave your friends. Seems like you had an amazing time though!
I totally understand how you feel. My best friends in the world are still back in Omaha and from high school (one moved to Arizona). The more my life picks up, the harder and harder it is to get out to see them, and they can’t come to me easily because they’re mommies 🙂
I’m very excited because we’re all getting together in Omaha for my 30th bday next month. Will be so great to see everyone.
Recently, one of them flew to NYC for work and she took 3 hours worth of train rides back and forth just to see me for a couple hours in my new home. It meant so much to me!
My best friends live in Serbia, where I grew up and did my bachelor, and I miss them so much every single day. I was there for 2 weeks now and I really gave my best to spend every single moment with them. One of them will become a mom soon, and I am so bummed that I can’t be with her on that special day
I love my college friends but there is something different about friends you grew up with….efforltess is the perfect word! Mine are like family to me 🙂
It is so difficult having friends who live far away! All of my high school friends are scattered (we live in the Hudson Valley, and they’re everywhere from Syracuse to Philadelphia to Queens – I was the only one who stayed in our hometown!). Most of my college friends live on Long Island, and even my closest friend from work lives 45 minutes in the opposite direction. Even my husband’s friends are on average an hour away in the town he grew up in. Good thing we like spending time with each other!
I just moved back from California so that I could be closer to my best friend in the entire world. There were a lot of other reasons too, but her 3 year old is my godson and I felt like I was missing out. I am so happy to be home!
I am not as close with my friends from college, but I definitely wish some of them lived a bit closer!
Most my friends live in the same state–but some farther than others. Usually my elementary/high school friends and I reunite when we are all home for Christmas. We have an epic ugly sweater party each year. My college friends and I try to get together as much as we can but it’s getting harder as we get older and busier!
One of my best friends lives in Hong Kong right now, after 2 years in London! It’s crazy because I talk (well email, text, skype) multiple times a week. I have seen her more in the last year than friends that live a lot closer! I think I have seen her 5 times since last year, including a full 9 day trip to HK
Most of my closest friends live far away from me–it’s so so sad! But we def cherish the time we do have together when we’re all together!
My wedding was June 1, 2013. My bridesmaids were my best friends from childhood, my cousin, my big from my sorority, and new sisters-in-law (bro-in-law’s wife and brother’s gf; she might as well be family). It’s so true that you can just cut loose and they accept, know, and predict every part of you and vice versa. Since we’ve been friends with each other forever, we know everyone inside and out so it’s perfect. During my bachelorette party, I had 4 girls fly in from 4 different states, one drove 4 hours. And they’re all over! Florida, California, Boston, Ohio…crazy! Wish we all lived together again…it would be the best!
I can totally relate! I got to be with 2 of my best girlfriends this weekend for a bachelorette party and it was so great. One lives in Boston, another in LA and I live in Michigan but one of the things we get to share when we’re far away is our love of your blog!
The best friends I have now are those that I’ve had since Kindergarten. I feel so incredibly lucky. Their friendships are probably the most important thing in my life. I am also very lucky that we all live in the same town. I feel like an oddball that I haven’t maintained those friends from college (only a handful) but we all moved to different places after we graduated and it’s hard to keep in touch.
Most of my friends live pretty close to me, but even the ones that do, I don’t see very often.
I know exactly how you feel! My best friend from growing up lives in denver and my other best friends from College live in Charleston, SC and I’m here in Chicago! It’s so hard sometimes, especially days like today – I just got home from my sorority “twin”‘s wedding in SC and I miss them all so much!
How well do your eggs reheat??
I live in Ohio & one of my high school best friends lives in the same town as me. Our other two best friends live in Nebraska & North Carolina. It’s sad that we only see each other about once per year!
I love the way I can go months without talking much to one of my best friends from grade school, and it’s as if we’re right back in Jr. High and pick up exactly where we left off. As I’ve gotten older, I realize I’ve been bad about reaching out to create new friendships. It’s something I’m trying to work on…trust is hard.
On a lighter note, please come make breakfast for me…yours always look so delish! And go girl on having your dip in Self! Huge accomplishment in my book!
I am still super close to my friends from high school, even though we went to different colleges. We still text almost daily! I’m sure we’ll still be in touch 10 years from now!
My best friend lives on the other side of the world (me=Australia, her=NJ), and I miss her terribly, although we do “talk” almost every day (email, AIM (yes I’m old school), and facebook).
How cool that you (and several other bloggers) were featured by SELF!! 🙂 Congrats! As far as my friends, some live close and some live farther away. Even though we all don’t get together nearly as much as we would like it is always just like old times when we reconnect!!
My closest friends are those I have had since middle school. I agree, the joy of spending time with those people is effortless and endlessly rewarding. Unfortunately, we too are scattered all over the globe (San Francisco, Chicago, LA, Grand Rapids, Baton Rouge, NYC, Boston, DC and London). I see most of them at least once a year but we make an effort to do a vacation together about every 2 years. Our most exciting gatherings (besides the endless weddings) are to ring in the new year together in a new city. It is a great way for us to reflect on our pasts together and also look forward to the future together (not to mention a great excuse for a vacation).
I’m now a senior in college and I still have a group of about 8 girls from high school and we are still all incredibly close. I know exactly how you feel on how your closest friends know every facet of your personality and family life, etc. I’m not sure if you’ve ever seen the twitter accounts that tweet “odd facts,” but recently someone retweeted one that I thought was really interesting. It said something about if you have been friends with someone for at least 7 years you will be friends for the rest of your life. So even though it’s so hard being so far away from your friends, no matter what I think you will stay close with them forever!