Last night I met up with some girlfriends for dinner to say a sad farewell to our friend Merri who is moving to New York on Monday.
I’m going to miss her smiling face and bubbly personality so much. A trip to New York must happen soon!
We met up for happy hour at Shari, a sushi restaurant in downtown Orlando before walking to Dexter’s in Thornton Park for dinner.
I ordered a spinach salad, served with gorgonzola cheese, walnuts, red onion, apple and grapes. It was fresh and crisp and I ate every last bite!
Though Ryan and I planned to hit the gym right away this morning, we both awoke feeling less than motivated and decided to take it easy and workout later today.
I made us fruity, creamy smoothies for breakfast to sip while lazily hanging out on the couch.
In the mix (for one smoothie):
- 1 1/4 c. milk
- 3/4 c. frozen strawberries
- 1/2 c. frozen pineapple
- 1 c. strawberry banana Greek yogurt
- 2 tbsp. strawberry cream cheese
- 1/2 c. cottage cheese
I was feeling a little adventurous with my smoothie making this morning, so I threw cottage cheese and strawberry cream cheese into the mix and hoped for the best! Fortunately the end result was an almost cheesecake-like flavor!
With cold smoothies in our bellies, Ryan and I leashed up Sadie for a walk around the lake near our apartment. Even though it wasn’t quite 9 a.m. yet, the heat in the air was intense! It’s supposed to be in the 90s in Orlando today. Phew! I’m hoping to get in an hour or so of pool time to beat the heat.
Lots of stuff on the to-do list for today! First up: Crafting!
That smoothie looks pretty awesome! Cheesecake, eh? Good thinkin.
Enjoy your crafting!
I ran a 15k race in Clearwater this morning and the heat was unbelievable! Stay cool!!!!
Mmm, a cheesecake smoothie sounds really good! A chocolate PB one, maybe?
And I felt the same way. I was planning on waking up at 6:30 for a run, but I woke up feeling pretty out of it so I had to have a bowl of cereal before I went out. I wish it was in the 90s here!
Have fun crafting 🙂
That salad looks delish! And what an awesome idea to give your smoothie cheesecake flavor! I love cheesecake, so this is a must-try!
aww what a wonderful farewell dinner! 🙂
I’m definitely feeling the same way re a workout. Supposed to happen this am buttt it’ll find it’s way into my afternoon schedule 😛
Looking foward to seeing what you craft! 🙂
I bet it was super creamy with the cottage cheese and cream cheese — good call!
aHHH what a fun night! you are all ARE STUNNING! wow!
YES love da smoothie!
That smoothie looks delicious. My day looks a lot like yours! Gettin’ a workout in and then workin’ on my tan. It’s getting pretty hot in NC today also! Mid to high 80s. Not quiteeee Florida hot 🙂 Have a great day!
Cream cheese in a smoothie- genius!! I bet dipping graham cookies in it would take the Smoothie to another level!
Oooh I love that idea!
Awwwww! Im sure you will miss her so much! But so great you can take a trip sometime to NYC and see her! NYC is awesome!
Have a great day girl!
It’s always so sad when a close friend moves, but you should definitely visit. Then you have something to look forward to so it’s not so sad, plus a perfect tour guide/companion who knows all the ropes! My best friend left for Paris this week, but knowing I can visit her makes it too exciting!
I’m so glad you had such a nice celebration with your friend! It will of course be sad to see her go, but visiting shall be great 🙂
Yummy smoothie, a perfect combination for a warm Saturday morning!
please do a fashion bit on all of you and your friends’ clothes! i love that blue necklace and the scarf and, well, all the rest of it!
I’m going to second that, Heather. Please can you tell us all how to look that freaking cute! Good-byes always suck but it looks like you all sent her off well and if she’s moving to NY that’s an even better excuse to go visit! 🙂
Woo! Crafting! I can’t wait to see what you’re up to. Stay cool today – can’t believe it’s gonna be in the 90s in FL!
You girls all look great! And I love seeing all your smoothie concoctions – it makes me yearn even more for summer to come to the Pacific Northwest.
The girl with all of the turquoise necklaces has such cute hair! 🙂
What a gorgeous group of friends you have!
Oh my, 90s :-O !
Hope you accomplish lots today!
Loving the addition of the strawberry creamcheese..sound pretty awesome!
If you come to NY, let me know! It is where I live and we can have a blogger meet up 🙂
Oh your salad for dinner looks amazing! I love cheese, apples, and nuts in a salad. YUMM 🙂
i know you enjoy Friends from reading some of your posts, so when I was watching it today this scene immediately made me think of you! 🙂 maybe you’ve even seen it already!
Awwwww goodbyes are always so hard. =(
Oh man. It’s in the 40s here so I’ve been wishing for warmer weather but really I think 90 might be a bit too much!!! Geez
I seriously love cottage cheese! It kills me that so many people don’t like the texture! I am sad though… i think i’m inheriting my dads lactose intolerance. He developed it in his 20s… and i feel like dairy just doesn’t sit as well with me these days. I still eat it though. It just makes me feel bleh afterwards…
Get in some extra pool time for those of us trapped indoors due to rain! I was planning on lots of long walks with my pup outside this weekend, but that’s just not happening today.
if you ever make a trip to NYC (which you should), we should have a blogger meet-up! 🙂