This morning’s breakfast reminded me of one of my favorite after school snacks as a kid.
Cheese toast! (Served with a cup of decaf coffee that made me feel oh so cozy inside.)
I placed two slices of sharp cheddar cheese on a leftover Kaiser roll from this weekend’s Easter cookout and put it in the toaster oven until the cheese melted. I then topped the cheese toast with avocado slices, salt and pepper. Grown up cheese toast for breakfast, baby!
My breakfast inspired me to reflect on some of my old favorite after school snacks as a kid and so many random foods started popping up in my mind!
Some of my old favorites:
- Bagel Bites (Anyone else remember the “Pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening pizza at supper time…” jingle!?)
- Chocolate Instant Breakfast
- Fruit (grapes, apples, bananas, oranges)
- Strawberries ‘n’ Cream Oatmeal (from the little instant oatmeal packets)
- Cheese Toast
- Yogurt (strawberry banana)
- Cereal (dry – I was never a big milk fan and I also rarely ate cereal for breakfast… It was always more of a “snack food” for me.)
Oh, after school snacks of the ‘90s… Memoriiiiies!
Question of the Morning
- Do you remember some of your favorite after school snacks from when you were growing up?
I also remember I loooved pouring myself a big glass of orange juice after school. Now that I look back on some of my favorite after school snacks, a lot of them seem very “breakfasty” – I guess breakfast foods have always been a personal favorite!
I liked ramen. I was a weird kid.
AH I immediately started singing that jingle once you mentioned it..”if pizza’s on a bagel you can eat pizza anytime!”
I used to have cheese toast every day for breakfast! I haven’t had it in such a long time! I also used to love making hot dogs every day after school and eating yogurt covered raisins.
I’m pretty sure Slim Jims and Pizza Bagels were a staple after school snack for me.
Bagel Bites are STILL delicious. And Totinos pizza rolls 😉 I always eat my cereal dry too!!!! The milk always made it soggy for me, and being a texture person I always had a hard time getting over that! Ha! I remember being younger and my mom would bring me Sixlets candy when she’d pick me up from school. Remember Sixlets?? Those little round chocolate candies?? So good and so random!
if pizza’s on a bagel you can eat pizza anytime! 🙂
I remember so many jingles from my childhood for no reason at all, even jingles that weren’t aimed at me. I remember being 12 and getting the “bumble ball” jingle stuck in my head.
Dunkaroo’s and Gushers were my jam!!!
I really liked Bagel Bites! I also loved anything Hostess or Drake – like yodels!
I always got Little Debbie’s and some sort of soda for an afterschool snack! It is a miracle we survived- haha!
Mmmm Dunkaroos!!! I rarely got them, but oh boy, when I did!? Delish! I replicate them now by dipping Teddy Grahams in cream cheese icing.
I was taken on a trip down memory lane yesterday when someone brought Fruit by the Foot into work yesterday. That was a snack staple for me. As were Kudos bars. My mom always got the ones with mini M&Ms on top.
This post succeeded in making me hungry.
Kudos 🙂
Oh my goodness, I had forgotten about that Bagel Bites jingle, but instantly remembered it when I read that! I am a former consumer of bagel bites!
My favorite snack foods were definitely not unprocessed…..give a shout for Fudge Rounds, Ding Dongs, Dunkaroos, Kudos bars, and Cheez Wiz + bread (yeah, I’m fancy like that). Oh, and let’s not forget Easy Mac!
I loved Goldfish crackers!! 🙂
That looks delicious! I lived by dunkaroos! So unhealthy but SO good!
Oh wow – I forgot about Kudos bars but I loved those! I also used to mix sour cream with salsa to make a dip to eat with Tostitos Scoops. My snacks have changed quite a bit since then although I could go for a Kudos. 🙂
I would have peanut butter on rice cakes or the always popular oatmeal cream pies….or orange slices if it was a soccer practice day 🙂
I loved dunkaroos and cosmic brownies, pop corn, those peanut butter/orange cheese crackers, animal crackers or churros!!
haha oh to be able to eat like that again with a youthful metabolism! 😉 thanks for making me crave all these 90’s foods again ha
I used to LOVE bagel bites! My sister and I made pizza rolls and taquitos quite a bit for an afternoon snack in high school. I miss my 16 year old self’s metabolism! 🙂
Toasted Pita Pocket with cheese – any kind of bread and cheese combo will get me everytime!
My husband sang “Pizza in the morning, pizza in the evening…” last night out of no where and I finished the jingle for him! 🙂
OMG! I swear I was singing that Bagel Bites jingle the other day!! We used to have pizza rolls as a snack after school or my mom would make us cream cheese and jelly toasted sandwiches and if we were REALLY lucky, we came home to some Publix fried chicken tenders. Mmmmm!!!
My mom and I had tea time every day after school for years after I read Gone with the Wind and Jane Eyre and got obsessed. We always did the proper tea pots and cups, with little sandwiches and pastries. One of my favorite memories as a kid!
My foods were always so bad! Gushers, DUNKAROOS (!!!), and those cinnamon graham cracker sticks with applesauce to dip into it. I never liked them too much, but wanted them ALL.THE.TIME. I was a big fan of blueberry yogurt, too!
This post reminded me of this article! So many memories!
I don’t really remember what I used to eat a lot, but I remember when I was nine, I used to have a can of grape soda every day. I can’t stand grape soda anymore (I’m trying to cut pop out as much as I can). Grape soda and Diet Coke.
Thank goodness for playing sports and having a high kiddo metabolism because I was crazy for bagel bites and mini muffins!
YES I’m not the only one who only eats dry cereal! Haha that’s such a good snack.. And that toast looks amazing!
Kim .. GUESS WHOS BACK & get YOUR outfit featured!
I’m always a salty girl! Chips, popcorn, etc. At least now I’ll throw some healthy stuff in the mix. I love snacking on carrots, celery & cucumber with hummus, nuts & still love popcorn.
I love little kid snacks!! Apples and peanut butter was always a go-to and still eat this regularly 🙂 I really miss dunkaroos, those were the best and I can’t find them anywhere 🙁
My after-school snacks were sooo unhealthy. OREOS, E.L. Fudge cookies, Little Debbie snacks (especially zebra cakes and nutty bars)… Paired with TRL and some Carson Daly!
My favorite after school snack was two Ritz Crackers with peanut butter and a square of Hersey’s Chocolate between them. Add in a glass of Sunny D or malted milk…. Good memories.
After swim practice I would always eat cinnamon pop tarts. I hate them now, but really like them then haha. I also like chocolate chip granola bars or whatever snacks my mom would have made recently.
pb crackers!!! Loved em.
Bagel bites were definitely a thing when I was younger as a snack or lunch food!
I remember eating a lot of Nutri Grain bars, actually. And my mom’s homemade banana bread, mmmmm!
Bagel Bites were one of my favorites, too!! I also loved toast with cinnamon & sugar and Chewy Granola Bars. The Little Debbie snacks were another favorite (oatmeal creme pies and nutty bars were the best!). 😉
I thought I was the only one who didn’t really like milk. Friends always thought I was crazy for eating my cereal dry! Pizza rolls were my staple snack food along with any fruit in the house. My parents couldn’t believe how many apples/oranges/bananas we went through as kids!
I had a friend come over after school one time, and she was shocked that I’d have a snack. Apparently she didn’t do after school snacks and just waited until dinner to eat.
Wheat Thins and Hot Pockets!
Yes…totally loved Bagel Bites, Instant Breakfast, and Strawberries ‘n Cream Oatmeal! Too funny. This post brought me back! A couple other favorites were Pop Tarts, Hot Pockets, and Little Debbie snacks. Yikes – not the healthiest stuff out there, but I sure loved it! 😉
Dunkaroo’s and fruit by the foot while watching Full House!
OH my gosh, bagel bites! I could easily eat a whole box. My sister and I always craved those or ramen noodles after school! And, call us crazy, but Caesar salads. So funny!
I was a HUGE fan of goldfish, pretzels and cereal after school!
GREAT. Now I’m craving bagel bites!
Little Debbie’s, sliced cheese & ruffles, candy bars… anything unhealthy.
I loved pizza rolls or carrots with ranch! Or I would mix salsa and sour cream and eat that with chips. If I did that now, I’d be 10,000 lbs. 😉
Oh no! Now the Bagel Bites jingle will be stuck in my head allllll day! LOL.
I was definitely a breakfast for every meal type of kid. Looooved scrambled eggs, pancakes, and cereal but it had to sugar cereal. Lucky Charms, Captain Crunch, and my all-time favorite, Cookie Crisp.
Oh to have a fast metabolism again hahahahaha. 🙂
I used to get fast food after school almost every day. True story. But hey, I turned out okay. 🙂
Does anyone remember “ants on a log?” I.e., the celery filled peanut butter with raisins or chocolate chips on top? Such a disgusting concept but sooooo delicious!
aaaaand now I have that bagel bites jingle in my head 🙂 After-school snack time was the BEST! I can’t remember what I usually had… I do remember becoming obsessed with plain pasta at some point in my childhood and I made that ALL THE TIME… slightly undercooked with just salt on top. So good.
I still occasionally crave Bagel Bites! My grandma’s go to was a saltine cracker topped with cheddar cheese and a marshmallow toasted in the oven. Sounds so strange but surprisingly good!
Mmm Bagel bites…. One of my favorite snacks would be Dunkaroos! Anyone remember those??
I would ALWAYS have Chips Ahoy cookies with a big glass of milk when I got home from school. SUCH a comfort food!
I have to agree with the Instant Breakfasts, they were a huge favourite when I was a kid.