Good morning, my friends!
I am feeling quite rested today because Ryan and I opted to sleep in. I had to work late and didn’t get home until close to 10 p.m. It’s always hard for me to unwind and fall right asleep when I get home from work at night, so Ryan and I hung out for a bit and changed the alarm to 6:45 a.m. instead of 5 a.m.
That extra sleep time made a big difference!
It also meant I missed my morning workout, but I’m planning to sneak one in late this morning before work again. I haven’t taken my favorite boot camp class in a while, so I’m thinking that may have to happen!
Breakfast this morning was quite festive.
As much as I love eggnog, I have a hard time drinking more than a small glass of it. I really enjoy the flavor, but too much of it makes me feel a little sick, so I prefer incorporating it into other dishes during the holiday season rather than guzzling it on its own.
If you’re the same way, here are a few eggnog dishes that I bookmarked to make at some point this year:
- Cinnamon Eggnog Rolls <— Oh my gosh, these look amazing. I think they may have to happen on Christmas morning!
- Eggnog Snickerdoodles
- Eggnog Breakfast Crumble Crunch Cake
- Peppermint Eggnog Milkshake
Something to Make You Smile
Need something to make you smile today? Check out this sweet video: 5 Year Old Girl Saves Her Dad’s Life… And Wants to Look Good Doing It
Question of the Morning
- Eggnog: Love it or hate it?
never been much of an eggnog fan… but i feel like itz a christmas thing and my fam is jewish so maybe that’s why? i never grew up with it! there is plenty of “jewish food” that i love that i’m sure most others wouldn’t/don’t ha!
love eggnog. i really want to try and make my own! thanks for the recipes!
I’ve actually never had eggnog before, but after seeing so many recipes centered around it lately on Pinterest and various blogs, I’m very curious!
I’ve never had eggnog before. The sound of it kind of turns me off but I’d be interested in trying it at least once in my life.
Not an Eggnog fan at all! I have tried it several times and each time I just can’t do it, but that’s okay! 🙂 There are so many other great holiday treats!
I JUST shared that video last night on FB! The cutest thing I have ever heard… “So far so good”. 🙂 Happy Wednesday, Julie!
It’s so nice to sleep every now and again. Sometimes our bodies just need it! You need to try So Delicious Dairy Free Coconut Milk Nogg. I am going to make overnight oats with it tonight. I swear it will change your life. 🙂
This eggnog monkey bread looks look great!
Have a great day!
Thanks so much for sharing the video – what a precious little girl!!
Love that video and just posted it on my FB this morning too
Definitely love it!
That peppermint eggnog milkshake sounds delicious!!!
Eggnog is good, but darn it, very high in fat and calories. I know what you mean, it is so festive you just want to love it, but it is so rich! We “thin it out” in our family with some brandy, lol
I LOVE eggnog but I can’t drink it bc I’m lactose intolerant 🙁 I used to drink it anyway and then just lie on the couch while my stomach hurt. Smart. I’m interested in trying the non dairy versions but I’m not sure how they are. I came close the other day and spent like 10 minutes staring at them all. Your breakfast sounds delicious!
My only experience with eggnog was in ice cream form… and I hated it. Perhaps I need to give it a second try- everyone else seems to love it!
Hate it!! But I’m kind of glad since it has so many calories, one less indulgence I have to worry about this time of year!
I could never get behind the whole eggnog craze. My father and brother fairly drank it by the carton, but the taste kind of repelled me. Your oats do look delicious, though!
I’m not a huge fan of eggnog. I’m like you, I like the flavor, but it’s just so rich! I usually add a splash in my coffee on Christmas morning. My family and my boyfriend both love it, though. I end up using it to make bread or rice pudding or French toast. I may have to try some of those other recipes to spice things up!
I’ve never had eggnog but the thought of it makes me gag a little lol!
I love eggnog but I’m definitely with you on I can’t drink a whole glass of it. We used to always put a splash in with a glass of milk so we got the flavor without all of the insane richness.
I like eggnog, but I also only like it in small doses. Eggnog with rum isn’t too bad though 🙂
I’m sad to report I’ve only ever had eggnog once in my life, I’m not sure why this is…maybe as my taste has developed I may actually like it again.
I love eggnog, either on its own, with or without alcohol, or added to a dessert. I’m planning to make the eggnog chocolate chip cookies and eggnog fudge from the Brown Eyed Baker ( this season.
Blech – not an eggnog fan! I think I’ve tried it almost every year, and I just can’t get used to the flavor.
Glad you caught up on your sleep! 🙂 Enjoy your bootcamp class today – bootcamp is one of my favorite group fitness classes, along with Body Pump of course.
I completely agree, eggnog is a little rich. But those cinnamon eggnog rolls sound really good!!
I agree with you on the eggnog. I enjoy it, but it is so rich that I really can only handle a sip or two. I never buy it because I can’t ever get through the whole container, even if I get the smallest one.
I have not had oats this year! Crazy! I know! Lots of smoothies, but no oats. I have to bring them back! I am not a big eggnog fan, but the Fresh Market has eggnog from a creamery that is to die for. It comes in a glass milk jug and is absolutely fabulous. I bought some over Thanksgiving to share with family after sampling it in store, and everyone LOVED it. Even the nog-haters. It is definitely a treat, but you must try it!
Dairy and I don’t get along, so eggnog is pretty much deadly during the holidays. I’ve seen a few non-dairy versions, which I’ll definitely have to try though, because darn that stuff is good.
Like you, I enjoy eggnog but prefer it added to recipes as opposed to on its own. I love the eggnog in oats idea, as well as the cinnamon roll and milkshake with eggnog!
I love eggnog! I can only drink a small glass of it too. It’s awfully filling!
That video was the perfect morning pick-me-up! So darling 🙂
I’m the same way with eggnog, I can only handle so much at a time. It tastes so good! I’ve been dealing with some digestive issues with dairy over the past few months so I’m worried to even try it this year 🙁
Sometimes you just have to sleep in. 🙂 I’m not sure if I like egg nog. I haven’t had it in so long but I think I will try it again and see how I like it. I love overnight oats with almond milk, fresh berries, and cinnamon.
I LOVE eggnog! I have a friend who says he loves eggnog but actually prefers boiled custard. I haven’t tried that, but I don’t know how it could surpass my eggnog. I usually only drink 1-2 full glasses during the holiday season because I only drink water anyway, and eggnog not too weight-loss friendly. This is such a fun way to get to enjoy it more often in smaller doses!
I hate finding errors in my writing! *Eggnog IS not too weight-loss friendly. 🙂
I say this every year, but I still haven’t tried eggnog! I tried eggnog frozen yogurt at Yogurtini in Kansas City and that was amazing, so I probably would!
Great ideas — I just can’t drink eggnog by itself, but maybe I’ll try baking something with it!
I bought some coconut eggnog and it is dangerously good. And that video is absolutely adorable! Too cute! “Stay calm, dad!” ahh.. melts your heart!
I love that story! It definitely did make me smile this morning. “so far, so good” lol
I’ve never tried eggnog! I’m basically lactose intolerant too, so I have to try almond/soy/coconut if I do. I’ve seen some amazing looking recipes for eggnog latte’s so I think this may be the year I lose my eggnog virginity 😉
I love eggnog but haven’t had any yet this year. Maybe I’ll have a big glass on Christmas Eve.
Egg nog made with coconut milk is a lighter, and dairy free, version and still tastes just as delicious.
I like it 🙂 But I find myself only being able to handle it in small doses as well. I never thought to add it to overnight oats so guess what?! I am going to do it tonight 🙂
This was my breakfast this morning too! I had just found the recipe on your site yesterday, and happened to have Bolthouse Holiday Nog in my fridge! 🙂 yummmmmyy
That video is so sweet!!
Drinking eggnog has the same effect on me… I have found if I add a little sprite,7up, or ginger ale. It is easier to drink… Worth a try!
I’m a boiled custard girl…with a little splash of bourbon. Total holiday treat!
I feel the same way about eggnog. I always buy the Bolthouse Farm brand but after one glass, I’ve had my fill for the season. I have no idea how people drink eggnog adult beverages at the holidays because the thought alone of eggnog + alcohol makes me queasy.
I like it, but I’m like you. I would prefer to make things out of it rather that drink it straight. My husband on the other hand is an eggnog maniac. He’s already gone through two half gallons!
Oh my god those eggnog cinnamon rolls….stop it!
I love egg nog, it’s always a Christmas eve tradition for us. But being from Australia when Christmas is right bang in the middle of summer we always make it from scratch and blend it with ice so it’s like a delicious frozen cocktail (with a boat load of dark rum!). Highly recommend!
I am all about the overnight oats right now and this will give me a great excuse to buy some eggnog. Thanks for sharing!
mmm those oats look good. I am the same way with Eggnog. If I am actually drinking it I have to have about half milk half eggnog!