It’s the final week of Best Body Boot Camp! Time to go out with a bang!
I warmed up with 10 minutes on the stair master before completing today’s power circuit workout. I think today’s workout is one of my favorite workouts from the whole program because it really keeps things moving with super-short 20 second bursts of cardio. The cardio bursts aren’t long enough to really kill me, but they get my heart rate up and leave me nice and sweaty, so I’m a fan!
When I arrived home from the gym, it was smoothie time!
Into the blender went:
- 1 scoop chocolate protein powder
- 1 tbsp. cocoa powder
- 1 frozen banana
- 1 cup frozen strawberries
- Big spoonful peanut butter
- 1 handful fresh spinach
- Enough almond milk to get everything moving
The smoothie was nice and thick and the consistency reminded me a lot of my “ice cream” smoothie. A winner! And speaking of winners…
Fab Giveaway Winner
Congratulations to…
- Ariana: “The black blazer is very cute and would be great to wear to my job at Department of Children and Families! We tend to dress business casual and this would go great with some of my colored tank tops.”
Please email me at with your mailing address and preferred size and I’ll get the black blazer to you right away!
Question of the Morning
- Are you currently following a workout program of some sort?
- Where do you get the inspiration for your workouts?
I am currently following BBBC, but I get a lot of my workout inspiration from Pinterest, magazines, other bloggers, NASM, Ryan and previous group exercise classes.
Yes! I’m currently on week 4 of Jamie Eason’s LiveFit program. I actually got the recommendation from YOU when you blogged about her awhile back. Love the variety in the work outs and the fact that the plan is F.R.E.E! I’ve seen a lot of results in just 4 weeks and dropped 1 pant size thus far. Just what I needed to spice up my gym routine, since I was hitting a plateau and just running on the treadmill an hour a couple times a week. Thanks for the recommendation!
i’m so glad you like it – and BIG congrats on your success! 🙂
That smoothie looks awesome!! The only workout plan I am doing is running to prep for my half marathon in April! I am currently recovering from a stress fracture in my foot so no running for the last 4.5 weeks… I am hoping to start at the end of this week though! Cross your fingers!!!
oh, i really hope you recover fast! good luck to you, jackie!
I can’t wait to jump on the BBBC wagon post pregnancy! It sounds like so much fun, and I love that I don’t have to put much thought into my workouts. Currently I’m still working out at a much lower intensity, but still trying to get in a few days of cardio, a day of yoga, and a couple days of strength training. I usually get my workouts from Pinterest, other bloggers, workout DVDs, or I make up my own.
I am doing BBBC as well and sad it is over this week. But looking forward to the next round
I am just starting week 4 of ChaLEAN Extreme and I am absolutely loving it. Change of pace from the HITT workouts that I normally do.
I just started the couch to 5k program again. I try every year but I always die out around week 4 because it’s quite a big leap. This year I’m going to take it a bit slower and repeat or just add additional weeks that are “in between” the difficulty of the next week. Cutting the distance, so to speak. I think less pressure to follow that exact plan will help me take my time and be more successful.
Now that spring is coming, there are a few races coming up that I want to prepare for. I use a few of the Nike products and I really like the Nike Training Club app. I’m following a program from the Nike Coach to get me in shape for race season.
Pinterest is also a good place to get inspiration. I find a lot of yoga workouts there and that is how I came across your blog.
I am not really following a plan right now except to keep moving and do whatever doesn’t make my IT Band hurt.
The Kidless Kronicles
I am not really following a plan except to keep moving and do whatever doesn’t make my IT Band hurt.
Currently, I am focusing my workouts on circuit training. I am getting married in October, so I am trying to get the most out every workout with a combination of weightraining and cardio. This combination inevitably gets me the results I am looking for.
I take MANY. Of my workouts from Pinterest and YouTube. There’s always something new! What are you planning on starting now since its over?
It seems like everyone loves the BBC program! I really hope to try it out next round, especially since I’ve been lacking creativity in the workout department! Although, I’ve been loving pilates lately.
I wish it was warm enough here to enjoy a smoothie first thing in the morning;)
I just started crossfit in January and I really like it because it’s a new workout everyday! The short but difficult workouts leave me feeling sore and that’s a good feeling!
I’m not following any programs right now, just incorporating short runs, Jillian Michaels workout videos and a few classes at my gym, including Zumba! I’m glad to hear you’re like BBC this round, I might sign up next time!
I’m following Hal Higdon’s Intermediate Half-Marathon Training Plan right now, but for individual strength workouts, I either take a class or make my own. I used to do a lot of intervals, but since I get plenty of cardio now, I concentrate on getting a good 20-30 minute strength training session in. It’s kind of nice having a plan laid out for you!
I try to go the gym at least 4 times a week but my commute has been throwing me all off. I’m hoping I can make it to Body Pump tonight though. Are you going to look into to teaching Body Pump now that you’re certified?
After my May marathon I want to start doing Insanity again. I need a plan in order to actually do any muscle toning exercises. Right now I run and occasionally do an arm curl or something.
Today’s BBB workout is probably one of my favorites too! I also love Workout B for this week. I’ll be on the lookout for a new workout program to follow after this final week of BBB (Any recommendations that are similar to BBB?). I get my inspiration from bloggers like you, YouTube, and Pinterest has a ton of workouts!
Would you recommend BBBC? I am seriously considering registering for the next round. How many works does Tina provide a week? Are all they strength or also a mix of cardio? Thanks so much, Julie! Love your blog!
I am always doing a plan of some sort, but it’s usually just one of my own that I follow for about 4-6 weeks. Congrats on finishing up the boot camp… or at least almost finishing. You’re nearly there!
Music is huge for me. It inspires me to workout and to KEEP MOVING when I am in the middle of a workout and I am tried and want to give up. I especially need it when I am running!
Most of my workout inspiration comes from bloggers, Pinterest, or workout DVDs. I love following some sort of program for strength training, and then doing my own thing for cardio. I get bored easily and love mixing things up!
I don’t follow a specific plan, but I do a lot of the Tone It Up workouts and get inspiration and motivation from various health and fitness blogs, including yours 🙂 and pinterest.
I am currently searching for a workout. I just began working out again a few months ago, and now my body is back in the routine, I am searching for something to push myself a litle harder.
I always follow a plan, it helps me stay on track and not fall off the bandwagon if I have it all planned out on what to do everyday. I am really into at-home DVD’s.. currently I am doing Les Mills Pump. I am 7 weeks into it and have lost 12 pounds so far and went down 2 pant sizes! My wedding is in May so I need to get moving.. only 5 more pounds til I reach my goal weight of 118!
Yes Yes I signed up to do an Ironman Triathalon over the course of 3 weeks! I’m very excited 🙂 can you believe some people do the whole thing in one day?! Innconcievable.
I like to incorporate exercises I learn in various group exercise classes and create my own circuit workouts. I also get inspiration from pinterest, and websites like yours! 🙂
I am in love with Tina’s BBB! I make up my own workouts, though, look at Pinterest, magazines, etc!
I need to get on some sort of workout program right now. Ever since my husband returned from a 9 month deployment right before chirstmas, I have been struggling to get 2 workouts a week in. Although its really commmon pre and post deployment to let pretty much everything besides family time go to the wayside. At least I have continued on with eating really healthy so at least my health hasnt gone to crud altogether :). Its time to get my butt moving again before bikni season 🙂
I’m sad that this is the last week of BBC. I’m on the hunt for a new workout plan!
Can you offer beginner walk/jog treadmill programs for a beginner to progress from A to Z? The only treadmill I have is a basic, cheap one with one of those weird, not great tracks. NO INCLINE on the treadmill which obviously sucks…do I still have a chance? I can’t get outside for a very very long time, so this is it . any way I can still “get in shape” ? I hope so. Would have to be realistic for a beginner, but also be something that I can finish and feel “accomplished”. Thanks. (oh and how many times a week, etc). I feel very discouraged at my situation and like I can’t do anything effective or good like all you gals.
You dont need special equipment to get in shape, your dedication , committment, and drive can get you there…. Make sure your diet is healthy, and then start at the beginning..pending what your fitness level is- anywhere from a 10 min walk to a 30 min one will get you there. Start slow so you don’t get injured. Good luck!
Well, after all this time, my favorite workout is still the 10-to-6 I keep finding ways to make the exercises harder (jumping lunges, one legged pushups, add pushups to the burpees, etc).
I’ve been following the Fitnessista’s ( Winter Shape Up program. It’s a free 4 week fitness program, complete with healthy recipes, workout calendar, and a new circuit strength workout, cardio workout, and ab burner each week. It was great! She makes the fun graphics of her workouts like you do – you both are awesome!
Haha does my rowing team count?! That smoothie looks great btw!
I was following a marathon training plan but I got sidetracked with a stress fracture. Now I’m doing strength training, core, and yoga. A LOT. As much as I love running, I feel really great. Super sore:-)
I am currently using the New Rules of Lifting for Women, weight lifting program. It actually has workouts for 6 months which is great!
I used to be big into workout DVDs, but I had to give that a break for a while. I usually make up my own workout plans, put the workouts for the month on a calendar, and just check them off as I go. This month, I did strength training 3x a week, running 3x a week, some abs circuits, and yoga one day a week. I like to mix it up 🙂
I usually check out Jaime Eason’t LiveFit Trainer for inspiration, but then come up with my own workouts. Oxygen magazine is also a great resource for inspiration!
I’m a big fan of the Nike Training Club workouts. The Get Strong and Get Toned advanced level kick my booty! I’ve been intrigued by the Superman workout and might add that to the end of my workouts.
Bloggers like you are pretty inspirational! Every workout I do is to help become a better, faster runner. I’ve been doing all sorts of cardio workouts and strength endurance workouts, all of which I love, but ultimately for me, it’s about being a better runner.
I remember when you got your Vitamaz…I was so envious!! Do you still love it? Was it worth the money? I’m thinking about investing in one!
I normally make my own workout routines or do cardio intervals on the stepmill and elliptical, sometimes treadmill but I’m pregnant so I’m trying to be a bit more careful with jogging. 🙂 So currently I’m really really liking ballet style workouts+cardio intervals. I like doing Leah Sarago’s Ballet Body DVDs and they.are.killer! Dare I say that they challenge me more and make my muscles ache more than traditional weights?! I don’t know how, but for sure Leah knows what she’s doing. 😀
I’m not following any sort of plan at the moment… I should probably commit to one for consistency because right now things are just random. 🙂
All my workouts right now come from my teaching fitness classes–there are so many right now! I love it though, so it’s kinda nice 🙂
From blogs and pinterest but I LOVE the ZWOW workouts! You should give them a shot!
I just started a Hal Higdon training plan. I’ve run many races with a general mileage “amp up” each week but this is the first one that incorporates cross training and speed work. Hello new PR:)
I get the impression you’re really phoning it in here lately. Either you’re not really into blogging anymore but are still trying to keep up the page views or you don’t have anything to discuss anymore. Perhaps you should commit to the blog or let it go a little bit. We’ll understand.
Hi Julie,
your blog used to be one of my favorites but the quality recently seems to be saddening 🙁 hopefully everything is alright. For this to be your job, i expect more from you.
I love smoothies after my workout, they taste like a treat. I find a lot of my inspiration through group exercise classes, blogs, and magazines. I love trying new treadmill workouts because the same ones can get pretty boring.
Smoothies after a workout make me want to finish the workout faster! Hahaha! I love a good smoothie! I follow the ZWOW workouts on youtube. I’m actually doing #57 today. And they’re perfect for the gym and at home. I usually do them at home. But beware, you’re butt will be kicked and your face will be dripping sweat every time. No joke. And I also get a lot of my workouts from pinterest, your blog,, and my brother.