Oh my beloved bagelwich, how I’ve missed you!
After feeling sick nearly the whole weekend, I’m a little apprehensive to eat anything too “out there” just yet, so a simple bagelwich sounded perfect when lunchtime rolled around. (Fish is seriously grossing me out right now, which, for a fish-lover like me, is quite odd. I hope my love of seafood returns fast!)
Along with my muenster cheese and raspberry jelly bagelwich, I ate some red pepper slices for some added nutrients. It was a rather small lunch for me (no Greek yogurt, nuts or anything on the side), but my morning snack was on the larger side, so I’m feeling quite satisfied.
I also drank a bottle of Cascade Ice pink grapefruit flavored sparkling water that I received from the company to try.
It was so, so good. I loved the fizz from the carbonation and the sweet but slightly tart flavor of pink grapefruit was spot-on. Delish!
First Big Girl Job
I have some exciting news on the family front! My sister accepted her first “big girl” job yesterday and will have a full-time job waiting for her two weeks after she graduates from the University of Florida.
Leslie was fortunate enough to be offered two full-time jobs within the past week… one in Tampa and one in Orlando. Initially (and selfishly) I was crossing my fingers for her to select the job in Orlando since I wanted her close to me, but eventually I realized that the job in Tampa truly is a better fit for her and can offer her the most professional growth in the long run.
I’m so excited for her! I can tell she feels a lot less stressed now that she has a job lined up. (Just in case you are feelin’ the heat on the job front, check out my post on how to find your first job.)
Leslie’s first “big girl” job made me start thinking about all of the jobs I’ve held throughout the years. When I started thinking about it, I’ve worked an awful lot!
In chronological order, here’s a list of my past (paid) jobs, beginning with my first job at the age of 15:
- Pool Attendant (I checked people in at our local community pool, cleaned the pool deck, etc.)
- Lifeguard + Swim instructor + Diving instructor
- Hostess at Applebee’s
- Marketing Intern for Raymond James Financial
- Marketing Intern for SeaWorld
- Tour Guide for UCF (This is where I had my awful run-in with a squirrel that scarred me for life)
- Public Relations Coordinator for UCF Student Government
- Public Relations Intern for FMPA
- Public Relations and Marketing Assistant for the Orlando Museum of Art (my first “big girl” job)
- Marketing Manager for ARAMARK
- Content Team Manager (Current job, Employer kept private for personal safety)
Questions of the Afternoon
- What is the most unusual job you’ve had?
- What has been your favorite job?
My most unusual job was probably working for SeaWorld because I had to drive around in a Shamu car (you can see a picture of my wheels here) and look like a total fool. My favorite job is my current job or when I worked as a lifeguard with all of my friends in high school. Nothing beats working with your best buds and enjoying the summer sun all day!
love Tampa 🙂 that is where I’m from!
My favorite job so far was working at an apple cider mill all through high school and into my first year of college. Most of the time I worked in the gift shop running a cash register and stocking shelves with all sorts of yummy stuff – apple butter, pumpkin butter, jam, preserves, snacks, spices, and tons of other goodies. In the summer we sold fresh peaches and blackberries…which I always sampled for quality control purposes. I also got to make our famous apple cider donuts and caramel apples. There is nothing better than a hot cider donut coated in cinnamon and sugar fresh out of the donut fryer. I could eat as many donuts as I wanted…and I did! They were also famous for their root beer, but I am not a root beer drinker. Every fall they have the Cider Festival and I always worked that. Thousands of people would come. It was crazy!
wow you’ve had so many different jobs! I’ve been at the same job since I graduated college in 2008 and feel like sometimes I am selling myself short – or condemning myself to a life in this single industry. How/when did you decide to move on??
My favorite job was working as a live-in nanny! I still keep in touch with that little boy. It was so amazing to watch him grow up, teach him and watch him learn….incredible 🙂
YAY for your sister!! My younger sister just went through the same thing and when she called me about her job offer I was SO excited 🙂 Big Sister Love 🙂
PS I love that you’re in marketing since I am as well 🙂 I’m sure we’d have interesting stories to swap 😉
Most unusual job – I was a lab rat for the Stanford University Medical School during grad school! They paid big bucks to run different kinds of tests like MRIs, pain tests, psychological stuff – it was fun making friends with all the nurses and med students and the pay beat any other gig on campus 🙂
Today I have been very distractible…so I am relating to the “Dream theme” of today’s face book posting! I am distractible by any SCENTS that happen to appear my way. I am trying to train my senses to recognize more things (i.e. scents, my food, chewing each bit as slowly as possible). I saw that bottle of pink grapefruit…and I have to ask…does it smell like grapefruit? Did you know grapefruit scents make people appear younger to others? Just a tidbit from my random internet findings at work today. Have a fab night, Julie!
Congrats to your sister!
I’ve only ever worked one job and it was as a part-time assistant at my dad’s company last summer. I did lots of filing and got people coffee for two months. It was really, really boring!
My favorite job has to have been working at a family owned high-end furniture/home goods retail store on the northshore of Boston. It was an amazing environment and I was the youngest working for the entire company by TWENTY years!!! I met a lot of great people and learned a lot of amazing things. I wouldn’t trade it for the world, and would go back to working for them in a heartbeat!
ps. you’ve totally won me, and all of my other roommates, over on the bagel thin department. I tried them for the first time last week when I decided to give in and buy them at the grocery store. Now all of my roomies want me to buy more this week! I’m not complaining they are perfect!
Oh jobs. I’ve had like 30 and I’m only 24.
My most unusual job was as a marketing writer at a balloon company, as in latex and foil balloons. Anytime I told anyone where I worked they’d say, “So you work in a balloon factory? You’re a clown?”
My favorite professional job was as a news writer at a university because it was good pay, friendly people and very laid back. But my favorite ‘little girl’ job was as a soda jerk at a movie theatre. I made all the sundaes and shakes! As in, “a little for you a little for me.”
:D. fun post.
Big congrats to Leslie! That’s great news!
My first big girl job was writing manuals for car navigation systems (when they were still really new). It was fun, but frustrating because of all the formatting I had to do!
My favorite job is hard to pin down. I have really liked a lot of aspects of the different jobs I’ve had over the years (the freedom of sales, the people I’ve taught with, etc.). I’m hoping my favorite job is yet to come! 😉
I haven’t had many jobs, but I was a hostess at a diner for a few years in high school. The people could be really rude, but I think that working in a restaurant is a really good experience!!
I went to UCF my freshman year, but then transferred to where I’m at now. Those squirrels are seriously crazy. I feared for my life when eating on campus because they would start coming out of bushes and stuff!
I’m very sorry about your traumatizing squirrel experience, but thank you for sharing. That post you linked too made me laugh so hard my stomach started to hurt. LOL. I could totally picture you screaming and the dad saying “wow you weren’t kidding” 😉
My most unusual job would probably be when I was a “technician” at an eye doctor’s office, simply because that was not something I was remotely interested in and because I was administering the preliminary exams despite the fact that I was still in high school. But hey, it was a paycheck
My worst job is my current job working at a department store that shall remain nameless. Retail usually isn’t a particularly fun job but this store in particular is horribly managed.
Thankfully, in addition to my paying job, I’m an intern for a congressman and I absolutely love it. It’s definitely my favorite job and it makes going to my other job more bearable. This summer i’ll be spending two months in DC working for the same congressman in his DC office. I can’t wait!
oops, *wasn’t remotely interested in
I worked at a take and bake pizza place where my sis also worked, I was even a supervisor woohooo! My favorite job is my job now… I’m a vball coach I never feel like I’m working cause I love it so much. I mean I go to work in Nikes, a tshirt and shorts… life can’t get much betta!
Congrats to your sister!!! That’s awesome. I’ve had many jobs but I’ve stayed with the same company for 7 years now and it’s led me to my dream position today.
i’ve been really fortunate to have all great jobs. in HS i babysat alot, then in the summers during college i worked as a camp counselor. when i graduated, i interned for 2 yrs with campus crusade for christ at a university & working with college students was so fun!! now i’m in grad school & have my first part time job ever working in an office in the library (i’m in library school) and i loooove it!
it’s so worth it to have a job you love, even if it’s at a pay cut.
congrats to your sis!
My first job was at a local seafood restaurant in NH. I had to take lobsters from the giant pool they were kept in and then stick them in the pot (show no mercy! lol). I also had to bag and weigh steamers, muscles, and clams. I was 13 and I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to have a 13 year old cooking, but it was fun. I also got to serve lobster to Donald Sutherland and shake his hand ( unfortunately for him my hands were covered in melted butter)
One summer during college I helped people get their junk mail…seriously, I hated that job. I love my job now-I’m a teacher.
I worked as a santa claus village elf/helper, my job was to supervise children going in the Carousel… I lasted 2 days, I believe this was the most boring job I ever had… and it just was so not… well me. I left it to others!! I also had a job where I was doing promotional work… one time I went to a swinger club to give some energy drink sample, I think I’ve never work in such a weird and incorfortable place, I was RELIEVED when it was over! lol Yeah I must say that those two are pretty much opposite! haha I very much like my corporate behind desk full time job now! 😉
Yeah for Leslie! I know several interns who are sweatin’ it big time and I really feel for them.
I HAD to comment though because some of our overlaps make me laugh.
–My oddest job was as a sample girl at the Mall at Millenia when it first opened. I was contracted through a company that made me wear a bowtie and sent me to high-end stores during the holidays to hand out samples and demo products (like the animal-shaped waffle iron at William-Sonoma lol).
–My favorite job was Sea World! I work there as a Luau and Dinner with Shamu show waitress for three years while going to Valencia and UCF (where I was also robbed and frisked by a squirrel but I think that’s everyone who walked the boardwalk path or around the student union since UCF squirrels are a special breed of hellbeasts).
Congrats to Leslie!!! that is SOOO exciting, and to be offered two full time jobs?! What a great feeling that must have been!
My favorite job is probably the job I have currently (as a health educator at the YMCA) … But, I also loved the year-long stint I did serving in the AmeriCorps the year after I graduated college. I gave medical treatment to patients living with HIV/AIDS … it was an amazing, humbling and heartbreaking experience, all in one.
I was also an Applebees hostess!! shout out!! it was for the summer of 2004, back home from college for the break
haha Julie! You have gotten me addicted to muenster cheese and jam! except i use whole wheat english muffins 😀
soooo so good.:)
congrats to your sister! It took me 6 monhts to find my first real job! And that’s a pretty impressive resume for yourself too! seems like you always had a feeling of what you wanted to do – my jobs are so random and all over the place! lol
OMG my oddest job i only worked for a day. I found it on craigslist and was a telemarketing job that paid pretty well. I interviewed over the phone and got the job! When i got there, i realized i would be calling people off a list and asking them if they wanted GUN LICENSES. i worked 4 hours, made 1 appointment (ha) and left. Good thing they paid you in cash every day! (also shady LOL)
Wow, you have worked a lot! All I’ve done is work in fast food, as a temporary receptionist, as a CSR (WORST job ever, be nice to customer service, they get yelled at all day!) and my current job working in the child care at my church.
i was a pool attendant (we called it a concessionaire) and hostess at applebee’s, too! working at the pool was absolutely my favorite…so laid back, fun co-workers, hardly any responsibility, great hours…oh how i miss it!
I love your part about being a hostess at Applebee’s, that is what I am! And there are some things that everyone needs to learn and that only restaurants can teach you… haha.
My most unusual job was spray-gunning fake tattoos onto people at a car show (????)
My favourite job was when I did freelance writing and editing a couple of years ago – I worked from home and LOVED it!