I’m pretty sure I was fast asleep by 9:30 p.m. last night. When Ryan tapped me at 4:50 a.m. this morning asking me if I wanted to skip the gym in favor of sleeping in, I was stoked.
We woke up at 7 a.m. That’s 9 and a half hours of sleep. And I feel so much better this morning! We both do. Sometimes a little rest is what the body needs to bounce back to normal.
A little rest and a good breakfast!
No signs of a sore throat this morning!
I made scrambled eggs by first sautéing chopped onion, red and orange pepper and zucchini in a bit of olive oil before adding a mixture of three eggs, a splash of milk and cream cheese.
The cream cheese was a last-minute addition since we’re all out of shredded cheese and scrambled eggs without a hint of cheesy flavor just don’t do it for me.
The cream cheese melted perfectly and added a nice punch of flavor to the fluffy eggs.
I also had a lightly buttered half of a toasted bagel with raspberry jelly.
And a cup of coffee to get my mental mojo goin’.
Now I feel ready to tackle the day!
First Car
Yesterday Monica tweeted a link to an animated video of her “first car story” that I thought was so adorable. All of the things she talked about in her first car story reminded me of my first car and made me smile.
I think most people look back on their first car with a sense of nostalgia, even if it was a piece of crap. It was your first car, after all!
My first car was a teal 1994 Toyota Corolla and it was the jam.
It lasted me years and years, surviving a few accidents and fender benders.
Some fun facts:
- It would shake if it ever got above 70 miles per hour
- It was easy to pop the locks and was broken into in college… and my laptop was stolen during finals week
- The dashboard would shake and make a clicking sound sometimes, but a swift smack would make it stop every time
- The hubcaps randomly flew off on more than one occasion
- One time when I was driving it in a residential neighborhood, my high school boyfriend secretly slipped it into neutral and I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t get it to go and started freaking out
- In college my friend Minda named it the “Teal Tortoise”
- My dad wouldn’t let me put any stickers or decals on it to “keep it looking nice”
I loved that car!
Questions of the Morning
- What was your first car?
- What is one “fun fact” that you find amusing about your first car?
glad you’re better! a good nights sleep can cure so much! my first car was a grand cherokee laredo – it was my dream car at the time and i absolutely adored it!!
1990 Hyundai Excel GL. It was a “mess” but I paid for it myself and I loved the freedom it gave me. Horrible fact: It was in “my car” that I first smoked a cigarette in front of my mother. She knew I smoked but I had never smoked in front of her. I was a Senior in HS at the time. 🙁
My first car was a ’91 Red Chevy Blazer! I loved that car. Fun fact: The air conditioner was awful, which made for a lot of fun in Texas summers 🙂
My first car was a Ford Escort-I don’t even remember what year it was?! FUN Fact: Apparently the previous owner was about to give it a new paint job because it was this matte, “gray” color…LOL! I was proud though!
My first car was a 1981 Chrysler Cordoba and it was a boat! I could fit at least 8 friends in that car. The fun fact is that it is the car that Ricardo Montalban (of Fantasy Island) starred in the commercials for. In the commercials he talked of the “rich Corinthian leather.” Everyone who got into the car would say the same thing, “oooo rich corinthian leather!” So funny!
your breakfast looks delicious!
My first car was a Toyota Camry. I once ran into a pole in a parking lot with it (trying to turn around). Apparently I have awful spatial awareness, haha.
I still have my first car =D 1999 chevy silverado! Fun fact – It hasn’t had AC for two years…I live in Texas! No fun. But it’s my truck haha <3
This story totally made me smile My first car was a red 1993 ford tempo, in fact my fiance is still driving said Ford Tempo. It was a fabulous little car and has lasted through a lot of cold starts in Manitoba.
My first car was a mustang ghia (1975). Don’t laugh – because it was new when I got it. (So yea, I’m old). But it was a really cool car. Wasn’t a convertible like I wanted, but most kids didn’t have cars when I went to school. So I was really happy with it.
My first car was a 1996 Toyota Camry. “Yota” was great car up until around 2004 when the passenger side window stopped staying up. I’d be driving and the window would slowly start sliding down. I had to put chunks of cardboard in the seams to hold it up. Always gave me a tickle
My first car was a 1989 VW Cabrio named Fuego. We called her Fuego because she was red and fuego means fire in spanish. I loved it so much I bought another one in ’99 to replace her – Fuego 2.
I can’t remember the year exactly…it was an early 90’s blue Ford Tempo – think the colour of a Smurf, therefore it was nicknamed, the smurfmobile:)
I loved that car! my friends and I had several, amazing road trips in that car:)
My first and only car is a 2006 Chrysler PT Cruiser Convertible. I was SOOOO excited when I got it because I was 16 years old and it was brand new. I was so excited to have a convertible. NOW, 6 years later I am looking into getting a new set of wheels because I have had so many issues with my car! 🙁
My first car was a black Hyundai Accent and even though I loved it, it was totally unlucky! I got in three accidents (none my fault) within the first year of driving it.
It was also vandalized outside my college dorm by someone sticking a crowbar in the door and BENDING THE ENTIRE DOOR BACK. Thanks, but simply breaking the window would have sufficed!
My first car was an ’89 Ford Probe. It had great features: cruise control and a tape deck…but they didn’t work. When my parents finally traded it in, we got $100 for it. They used it for parts.
my first car was a ’99 corolla and i had some of the same issues you had- the shaking over 70mph, the shaking dashboard, and the easy to remove hubcaps. the guys i went to high school with would “steal” my hubcaps for days at a time, only to return them later.
i loved my car, but sadly, i totaled it the week before spring break my senior year in high school… all my hubcaps were returned the next day for the last time.
i had an awesome mercury capri (counterpart to the ford mustang back in the day) gifted to me by my dad. my mechanic called it the Mercury Crappy . . . a beloved name by which we still refer to it though it is long gone <3
My first car was inherited from my mom. So, it was already like, 11 years old when I got it. Now you have a really OLD car pictured, right?
Ok…it was a 1982 Chevrolette Chevette.
My mom put a bumper sticker on it that said, “If this car were a horse, I’d have to shoot it.”
My first car was a silver 1996 Jeep Cheeroke. I got it from my mom – who got it used. But I was always the DD and it was perfect for piling all my friends in for beach parties in high school and off campus during college. It’s still in the family – I passed it on to my aunt when I moved into the city.
My dad has a knack for picking out the ugliest cars – I learned to drive at just the right time!
I’ve had my first car since I was 16! I still have it. Granted, I was lucky to get a new car then. 🙂
I’m 21 and still drive my first car. It is a “candy apple red” 2005 honda civic (with a “sporty” spoiler on the back which I think makes me look like a BAMF but it’s probably just me…it is a CIVIC after all) and I must say I am still as in love with her as I was when I first got her on my 16th birthday in ’06. The only interesting fact I can think of is that me and all of my friends always refer to her as Roxy and she is in a “relationship” with my best friends car Tyrone (what can I say? he likes her curves :P)
Haha too cute! It looks a bit like a teal tortoise. 🙂 That must have been so terrible, getting your laptop stolen during finals week!
ha ha, my first car was a ’93 corolla. the only issue i had with it was that the battery kept dying because I wouldn’t drive it, lol. And the airbag light was illuminated, so we sold it before its inspection date. I was probably better off with non working airbags since I’m so short anyway.
The first car I had wasn’t mine, it was a loan car from my dad’s work that was dying – a 1997 Ford Falcon with a blown head gasket. When that went I was car-less for a while then bought MY OWN first car – a white 1999 Mitsubishi Magna, which I am currently driving 🙂 Even though it’s a bit dinged up, and it’s long so can’t fit in small car spaces, I love it obviously 🙂 I too think it is a right of passage to have an old car as your first car 😛 All my friends from school had cars bought for them, but I’m proud that I bought and pay for my own car 🙂
My first car was a 1979 ford courier complete with bullet holes.
My first car was a 1996 Dodge Neon. It had manual locks, and once I locked my keys in the car, and when the lock was jimmied, it broke. So I had to use y key to open the passenger side door, then reach across to open the driver’s side door. At around 25,000 miles, the speedometer/odometer stopped working. I had no idea how fast or far I was going. I sold it to my friend’s brother, and,. despite having a good job that paid well, he drove that car till just a coupe years ago.
My first car was a Buick Lesabre. It was a clunker/loser car but I never let that bother me much ~ It had low insurance rates, good mileage, and nobody wanted to steal it!
I had a 1970 Toyota Land Cruiser… the gas gauge didn’t work and the speedometer shook so much that you knew you were going +/- 7-10 mph of your goal speed. The AAA people actually know my family by name because that car broke down so many times. One time, during a torrential downpour, the passenger side windshield wiper flew off its pivot and I had to stop on the hwy to go pick it up and slam it back into place! My youngest brother actually chose to KEEP the car and still drives it (when it is running). 🙂
Oh, and you could insert anything into the ignition and get it to run… sticks, bobby pins, loose change; helped when I couldn’t find the keys!
I have a funny story about THAT Toyota! Les was driving me home from school and the hubcaps flew off on 22nd ave and 9th st and my mom made me go back there and get them out of the middle of the street for Leslie!
I had a camry for my first car! Loved it and its still around (even though I have a new car)… I had to comment because mine was broken into during finals week as well and two days later my apt was broken into and my laptop stolen (between finals) awesome.
No teal tortoise, mine was a purple-ish grey and we called it the Kim-Cam.
I just got my first car!! It’s a camry!! And I LOVE it!!! It feels so nice to now have the freedom to drive wherever I like to go! Now, I have to decide if I want to bring it to college with me, or if I want to invest in a bicycle! I’m thinking an adorable bicycle ride through campus will bring lots of fresh air and exercise!
HAHA, i had a 1998 corolla. mine shook too, i think when i went over 65. i lost hubcabs so many times! my mom always asked if it was from going over curbs, but i really didn’t think i ever did that! mystery solved.
9 years later I’m STILL driving my first car! Chevy Cavalier baby!
Thanks for some other great article. The place else could anyone get that type of info in such an ideal means of writing? I have a presentation next week, and I’m on the search for such information.
This post just made me laugh! I had a ’92 teal Corolla – what a gem. Definitely had the hubcap issue too… only difference was I put ski racks on mine… stylin!