I’m pretty sure I was fast asleep by 9:30 p.m. last night. When Ryan tapped me at 4:50 a.m. this morning asking me if I wanted to skip the gym in favor of sleeping in, I was stoked.
We woke up at 7 a.m. That’s 9 and a half hours of sleep. And I feel so much better this morning! We both do. Sometimes a little rest is what the body needs to bounce back to normal.
A little rest and a good breakfast!
No signs of a sore throat this morning!
I made scrambled eggs by first sautéing chopped onion, red and orange pepper and zucchini in a bit of olive oil before adding a mixture of three eggs, a splash of milk and cream cheese.
The cream cheese was a last-minute addition since we’re all out of shredded cheese and scrambled eggs without a hint of cheesy flavor just don’t do it for me.
The cream cheese melted perfectly and added a nice punch of flavor to the fluffy eggs.
I also had a lightly buttered half of a toasted bagel with raspberry jelly.
And a cup of coffee to get my mental mojo goin’.
Now I feel ready to tackle the day!
First Car
Yesterday Monica tweeted a link to an animated video of her “first car story” that I thought was so adorable. All of the things she talked about in her first car story reminded me of my first car and made me smile.
I think most people look back on their first car with a sense of nostalgia, even if it was a piece of crap. It was your first car, after all!
My first car was a teal 1994 Toyota Corolla and it was the jam.
It lasted me years and years, surviving a few accidents and fender benders.
Some fun facts:
- It would shake if it ever got above 70 miles per hour
- It was easy to pop the locks and was broken into in college… and my laptop was stolen during finals week
- The dashboard would shake and make a clicking sound sometimes, but a swift smack would make it stop every time
- The hubcaps randomly flew off on more than one occasion
- One time when I was driving it in a residential neighborhood, my high school boyfriend secretly slipped it into neutral and I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t get it to go and started freaking out
- In college my friend Minda named it the “Teal Tortoise”
- My dad wouldn’t let me put any stickers or decals on it to “keep it looking nice”
I loved that car!
Questions of the Morning
- What was your first car?
- What is one “fun fact” that you find amusing about your first car?
I’m glad you are feeling better! 🙂
It’s fun to reminisce about your first car. My first car was a red 2003 Hyundai Accent GT. I loved that car! The only thing that sucked were no powder locks and no powder windows but it worked for me.
My first car was a 2004 Volkswagon Jetta, it was like a red/maroon kinda color and it lit up blue inside! It also survived a few fender benders and I miss it to this very day! Nothing like a first car 🙂
haha, my “first” and only car is lovingly called “the washing mashine”. if you go faster than 100km/h everything is shaking…
So glad that you are feeling better!
OMG, my BEST FRIEND had that same car and she was 2 years older then me, so obvs she was driving first. We have such similar stories about that car! Its a beast, it lasted foreverrrrrr! We did a lot of skipping school in that car 😉
My first car was a Mazda 626 that my dad bought for…wait for it…100 bucks. It ran for a month before dying on me, at which point I was back at square one.
This of course meant I had to spend most of my senior year of high school riding the buss to school. It was totally not “the jam”. 🙂
i can’t believe you got a car for $100! that is too funny!!!
I know!! It was totally a piece of junk. And my dad (who is notoriously cheap) thought it was such a good deal! Needless to say, none of us were surprised when it broke down on the freeway during rush hour.
My ‘first’ car (it my parents’ but I drove it) was a 92 Dodge caravan. It was blue and the paint peeled. My friends and I called it the Blue Cheese van. It made a horrific squealing noise when you first turned it on. I picked up a friend every morning down the street on the way to school and she would be waiting outside for me because she could hear me coming! It broke down so many times too. One time I was driving it and the fuel pump died. Made it far enough off the side of the road before it completely died. We always had AAA because all my parents’ cars were so old.
Awesome! I drove a 1997 Nissan Sentra. I loved mine as well!!
Hahaha, the part about your hubcaps really made me laugh. I can’t believe your laptop was stolen during finals week!!! Worst nightmare!!
I didn’t own it, but the first car I drove was a white 1997 Pontiac Bonneville. My dad eventually ended up giving it away to a friend who named it the Marshmallow, haha. Funny facts: the air conditioner was broken, the coolant leaked so I had to make sure to keep it filled before I drove it, the tires leaked so I had to fill them, too, and eventually the gas tank started leaking if you filled it up all the way, so I could only put about 3/4 tank of gas in at a time. But I loved it 🙂
1989 maroon Ford Tempo. I got it in 1993 right before I turned 17. It had the automatic seatbelts that moved back when you shut the door. So wierd to think about it now, they don’t even make that feature anymore. I scraped the front driver’s side fender on the wall of McDonald’s while in the drive-thru lane. My younger sister was in the car with me and TO THIS DAY will not let me forget it. 😉
2000 Chevy Cavalier, which I named “The Silver Bullet.”
Drove it from age 16 to age 27. A lot of miles. A lot of makeouts.
It was vandalized twice at college – once by a drunk kid who threw a rock threw my rear window and then proceeded to SPRAY THE INSIDE WITH A FIRE EXTINGUISHER?
And even though you didn’t have air conditioning throughout the last three years of your life, I MISS YOU, SILVER BULLET.
The very first car I drove around (technically my parents car) was our 1990 Toyota Camry station wagon. That is also the car that stopped in the middle of my driver’s exam…it just turned off! Even though I passed, I was so mad at my dad. Haha 🙂
I think I need to work on getting my license!
First Car: 1990 Taurus. I bought it from a boyfriend in college when he got a nice car. He beat it up big time and it had no bumpers, was rusted through, and was awful.
But I loved it the same. 🙂
no lie, when i was younger, i told my parents that my “dream car” was a taurus!
My first car – 1989 Dodge Spirit. We named it Ramon. It was a boat. Hotness!
LOL! hellooooo, ramon!
From the time I was 16 until senior year of college, I drove a 1991 “silver” 2-door Ford Escort, complete with a moon roof! That baby made trips all over Wisconsin and Michigan and never complained. At lunch in high school, I would pile my friends in the car and in this one parking lot that had major hills, I would purposely speed up and fly over them. Got air every time. And I’m sure I ruined my shocks in the process. 🙂 Good memories!
My first car was a geo storm! Remember those? I thought it was so cool, it was silver and had mirror tint (only in fl!)
We called it “the shark” why do girls always name their cars?
I remember well… Cause my first car was a ’91 bright yellow Storm, named Sunshine!
My first car was a ’93 mauve Toyota Corolla. My fiance and I still have it as a second car actually! Mine shakes above 70 mph too and the hub caps never stay on, but it gets us where we need to go!
This is making me nostalgic – after 6 years, Im about to get rid of my first car! I’m getting another in a few weeks. Fun fact – for the past few months, I have constantly had to have the heat on high so that some internal gasket doesnt explode…good times haha i’ll miss it!
My first car was a Ford Explorer that was used when my parents got it for my older brother, and then it was passed down to me. My friends all had nice cars and hated riding in it… haha but I loved it. Except when it got too cold outside and it would just drop out of gear whenever I stopped… And living in Kansas City, it got too cold a lot…
Haha great story!! My first car was a 2002 Honda Civic, and I only just got rid of it last year in favour of a 2011 Toyota Rav-4, which is my baby! My old car also survived a few fender benders, but most were self-inflicted. Once I was reversing into our garage (single car), and meant to hit the brake, but I sneezed and unfortunately my foot hit the gas instead. Since I was in reverse, I went straight back and the driver’s side mirror crunched right down. When I DID eventually manage to brake, it was just hanging there.. and then came the 4 letter words! Bah.. other than that, all good memories! 🙂
My first car was an 04 CRV…it got great gas mileage (esp driving back and forth to and from college) and I got in a really bad accident about a year and a half ago. I upgraded cars but was sad to see my first car go. There is always something about your first car! My hubby had an old marroon station wagon!
Nothing too exciting about my first car, but my dad’s was bright orange and his friends called it The pumpkin!
Glad you’re feeling better. Mine was a Kia Sportage, which I still have back in NC. I have always been curious if cream cheese would work in eggs. Glad to know that’s an option! I don’t like eggs without cheese either!
My first car was a chevy 2 door cavalier. My car sadly did not last very long. My senior year of high school I was in a car accident and my car was totaled. I upgraded to a much safer suv and could not be happier with my little jeep!
My first car was a 2002 Ford Mustang and I loved it! It was the best car and we lovingly named it ‘the stang!’ I only got into two accidents in it, both with my family members! Once in the drive way while backing out, I hit my dad’s truck! The second time I was following my brother back home and ran into the back of him at a stoplight. Totally embarrassing! We just kept driving home and every car around us just thought they had witnessed a hit-and-run! Lol hilarious to look back on now, since no one got hurt! 🙂
That’s so funny, my dad was the exact same way about stickers and keeping it nice! 🙂 A jeep was my first vehicle and I loved it but unfortunately the gas milage was horrible and when prices started to increase I needed something different!
My first car was a teal 93 Altima. I thought that car was the jam! I drove it from 98-01 when it was given to my brother as his first car and he subsequently blew the transmission within the first 2 weeks of driving it. I was so mad at him for “ruining” MY car.
I drove a two tone pick up truck from like …. ’86? I got my license in 2006. You do the math. I was a looker 😉 and I almost always add cream cheese to my eggs! A perfect addition!
I have an 1989 Toyota Camry, three years in my possession. Toyotas are fighters, I swear! It belonged to an elderly woman before I got it, and it only had about 70,000 miles on it. The car runs well but definitely shakes above 70 mph, too! It has red velvet interior and moving seat belts (which, at first, anyone who got in did not know how to react to). I absolutely love it; I even named it (him, I guess) Norm.
I had a really old mazda miata and it too shook when you were in 5th gear going over like 50… 🙂
1981 Chevy Impala….Tinted, speakers, rims, duel exhaust….
fun fact…it was tank, but NOT stronger than the pole I wrapped it around….
Glad you aren’t feeling a sore throat today! My first car was 1996 honda accord :). I loved that thing. A fun fact about it was that the first 3 letters of my license plate were XEX and I totally got made fun of for it since it sounded and looked like something more adult 😉 hehe
My first car was an 1994 Oldsmobile Bravada and it went down in flames…literally. My brother put a space heater next to the tire which started a fire that burnt down our garage! Luckily the house stayed in tact…with a lot of smoke damage! 😉
I love your car story! I am currently (finally) in the process of looking into getting my first adult car and trading in my ’99 Honda. It’s got more dents in it than I can count, the hood is a little bent and sometimes if you’re going to fast it feels like it’s going to fly up, and constantly smells like wet dog from far too many trips to the dog park and a large golden retriever sleeping in the back seat!
What kind of raspberry jam do you get?? I have been trying to find a good one!
My first car was a 1996 for Taurus. I called her Tara and her favorite activity was having tire blowouts. Super special.
Haha, too funny! I still have my first car, but I’m only 23 and waited until junior year of college to save up for a down payment and buy a brand new 2008 Mazda 3. This meant many a time waiting for my dad to come pick me up from college 1.5 hours away and many a ride on the campus bus. So glad I did! I have not had any problems and she’s going on 4!
My first car was a black 1989 3/4 ton single cab chevrolet pick-up. That thing was a BEAST! My dad bought it brand new, and my brother drove it when he turned 16, then I drove it when I turned 16 in 2000. I got something a little more reliable to go to college in, so then my mom drove it for a while. It was a great truck, we didnt think it would ever die. Then we sold it to my younger cousin when she turned 16 and she wrecked it. That truck had been going strong for about 20 years when we finally said good bye to it.
just reading the comments on this is cracking me up..my first car was a 95′ Ford Windstar..a mint green minivan. everyone would always pile in that car..lol, it was awesome because you could fold down the back seats and open the trunk and we all used to just chill there…ahhh, i miss that thing 🙂
my first car was a ’95 honda civic with a manual transmission with no extra bells and whistles. i LOVED it! i’d probably still drive it to this day if it didn’t get so high in mileage and wasn’t so old. my dad made me wash it every week to make sure it “looked nice”. haha.
My first car was a 2002 Chevy Cavalier.. black. It was pretty tough.. ie.. when I got into an accident with my friend in the car (when I was only allowed to drive alone), it sustained absolutely NO damage… while totaling the other car.
It was also known to randomly shut off while driving.
My first car was a Mazda MX6…which I never even drove! I bought it when I was in college, but it was a stick shift and I didn’t know how to drive those. My mom said she’d teach me how, because it was a nice car for a good price that got really good gas mileage. So, until she taught me how, she told me I could drive her car, a 1998 Ford Contour. Somehow, she never ended up teaching me to drive it (I was in college at the time)….so, I guess the Contour was my first car! 🙂
Bahahaha, awww Jul, I miss good ol’ Teal Tortoise! Good memories 🙂
i miss YOU! and i have BIG NEWS for you. i’ll text you in a second. 🙂
Ahhh! Ok..now I am super excited. My phone is officially out on my desk!
Julie – congrats on your nomination for Best Healthy Eating Blog in Fitness magazine. I’m gonna vote for ya! 🙂
A 1991 bright yellow Geo Storm! I named it Sunshine, obviously. The stories of that car are legendary in my family.
My first car was a 1999 black camaro. I loved it, and I felt like a total badass in it! haha it was more of a guys car (it was my brothers first) but it was fast and people called it the bat mobile. Too funny
First time commenting but been reading for awhile now and really enjoy your blog =)
First car was an ’87 Mazda 626. Full out Zebra print-covered steering wheel, furry dice, leopard seat cover. Thought I was some kind of 17 year old playgirl pimpin my ride that my granda bought me! (died a few months later…..)
By the way, I live in Australia and its pretty frustrating because its so hard to get all of the ingredients and healthy items that you post. It can be really difficult and EXPENSIVE to eat healthy here….Is $11 a jar of Almond Butter normal?
Haha those are some funny quirks! Hubcaps flying off? Oh My!
My first car was a ’95 Red Honda Civic 2door Hatchback.
It was so cute!
One weird thing about it was that the windshield wiper lever was loose so whenever I went over a bump, the lever would drop and make the wipers start moving!
The first time it happened it scared me so much!!
My first car was a 1989 Chevrolet Blazer…it even had 4WD. It was just….old. But nice and shiny red! I read your post and wanted to comment because I literally JUST got a new car this past December – the first car I bought with my own money! I switched out the ol’ Blazer for a shiny white Volkswagen Jetta! 🙂
My first car was a 7 passenger conversion van! I took my driving test in that van. Needless to say I did not pass the parallel parking portion of the test. I was popular in high school because I could drive everyone and the lucky people got to sit on the back couch. The van had light-up running boards and everything.