I’m pretty sure I was fast asleep by 9:30 p.m. last night. When Ryan tapped me at 4:50 a.m. this morning asking me if I wanted to skip the gym in favor of sleeping in, I was stoked.
We woke up at 7 a.m. That’s 9 and a half hours of sleep. And I feel so much better this morning! We both do. Sometimes a little rest is what the body needs to bounce back to normal.
A little rest and a good breakfast!
No signs of a sore throat this morning!
I made scrambled eggs by first sautéing chopped onion, red and orange pepper and zucchini in a bit of olive oil before adding a mixture of three eggs, a splash of milk and cream cheese.
The cream cheese was a last-minute addition since we’re all out of shredded cheese and scrambled eggs without a hint of cheesy flavor just don’t do it for me.
The cream cheese melted perfectly and added a nice punch of flavor to the fluffy eggs.
I also had a lightly buttered half of a toasted bagel with raspberry jelly.
And a cup of coffee to get my mental mojo goin’.
Now I feel ready to tackle the day!
First Car
Yesterday Monica tweeted a link to an animated video of her “first car story” that I thought was so adorable. All of the things she talked about in her first car story reminded me of my first car and made me smile.
I think most people look back on their first car with a sense of nostalgia, even if it was a piece of crap. It was your first car, after all!
My first car was a teal 1994 Toyota Corolla and it was the jam.
It lasted me years and years, surviving a few accidents and fender benders.
Some fun facts:
- It would shake if it ever got above 70 miles per hour
- It was easy to pop the locks and was broken into in college… and my laptop was stolen during finals week
- The dashboard would shake and make a clicking sound sometimes, but a swift smack would make it stop every time
- The hubcaps randomly flew off on more than one occasion
- One time when I was driving it in a residential neighborhood, my high school boyfriend secretly slipped it into neutral and I couldn’t figure out why I couldn’t get it to go and started freaking out
- In college my friend Minda named it the “Teal Tortoise”
- My dad wouldn’t let me put any stickers or decals on it to “keep it looking nice”
I loved that car!
Questions of the Morning
- What was your first car?
- What is one “fun fact” that you find amusing about your first car?
My first car was a 1998 Ford Explorer Sport. It was baby blue because I bought it from a guy on the football team for UNC! Go Tarheels?
I loved that thing, but it was totaled a few years later after a wreck with my little brother and sister in the car. Thankfully my car was a big SUV and no one was hurt! Man I loved that car!
At 29 years old, I’m still driving my first car! A 2000 Jetta my parents bought for me brand new. 🙂 I was/am very grateful for that. I’m hoping to get another year or two on it before buying myself my “first” car.
First cars are fun to think about. I wrecked my first one 3 days after I got my license. But, I ended up with a car I loved, it was an old, used Saab and I thought it was the coolest thing ever as a 16-year old!
I had the SAME exact car in that color and I loved it to bits!!!!! Even though I’ve had several much better cars since then, it still has a soft spot in my heart.
a 1994 burgundy ford taurus named “scarlet”. She had so much ass she’d rival a Kardashian. She had a tape deck-pretty sweet, very cold AC, and smooth, fabric interior.
I had a 99 Chevrolet Z24 Cavalier and loved it 🙂 I named it Sputnik 🙂 It went a lot of places with me and I kept it for 10 years!
My first car was a 1996 Plymouth Neon in a lovely shade of green. I bought it from a coworker in 2004 for $500! It had a sunroof and a cassette player and I loved it! (mainly because I didn’t have to take the bus to work anymore). My friends and I named it “Chief”. Fun fact: the speedometer and the radio stopped working but the car kept going. And it was a great winter car! I am now on my third car (2007 Honda Civic) but whenever I see a Neon, I have to smile. It was a great car!
My dad is a car guy, do my first car was actually a brand new black ford mustang. I loved it and it made me feel so cool. I wasn’t allowed to put bumper stickers on it either. 🙂
My first car was a 95 Ford Mustang – used, of course. I totalled that then got a used Corolla, which I loved – amazing gas mileage! Now I have a newer Mustang covertible and a practical Volvo for the winter. 🙂
So funny!!! My last car was a black 99 Mazda and I was always missing at least one hubcap!!!! hahaha
Wups….that was supposed to be for the comment below!
My first car, which is still my car, (I’m only 20 and in 3rd year University) is a 2000 Mazda. That little black beauty is still raring to go, however like your first car the hubcaps fly off all the time! I got new ones that have stayed on but the first week I had the car I was driving with friends and saw a hubcap rolling on the road in my rearview mirror. I mentioned to my friends what a “ghetto” car it must have been that lost the hubcap, later to find out it was my car! The hubcap was never to be found again. So for awhile I was driving around with 3 hubcaps, now that’s ghetto!
So funny!!! My last car was a black 99 Mazda and I was always missing at least one hubcap!!!! haha
Mine was a 1988 Oldsmobile Royale named Duchess. She was maroon, and I had her completely decked out. I drove her from Winter my junior year of high school (2003) to the summer before my junior year of college (2006), when my grandfather borrowed it, removed ALL the stickers WITHOUT asking me (“I didn’t want to drive around in a GIRLIE car!”) and then SOLD it without asking me. I was planning to get a new car, anyway, because she was on her last legs, but HONESTLY! I sometimes miss that car until I remember the tape deck didn’t work, had no air conditioning, and the passenger side window didn’t work. But it was a nice car for awhile.
Haha my first car was also a Toyota Corolla! It was a white ’95 “DX” model (the “nicer” one LOL). It was my mom’s old car that she purposely saved for me to have and it had like 150,000 miles on it.
HOW IRONIC!!! My laptop was also stollen out of my car senior year during finals!! And 3 days before my 40 day research paper was due….which I hadn’t yet saved on my flash drive. How convenient, huh??
My first car was a silver 1987 Volvo! Seems trashy, but this thing had heated seats, a sun roof, power windows, locks, and AC. It was the luxury car of it’s time! It was retro looking as all get out….but that thing wasn’t so bad!
HAHAHA i love that the hubcaps would randomly fly off?!
My first car was a 96 jeep cherokee. and the weirdest thing about it is the AC would only work if you were going over 50 mphs. luckily i lived in Alaska and seldomly needed AC but it was the weirdest thing!
My first car was a 88 Toyota Camry; it had a starter problem and I was convinced that if I just pumped the breaks before starting the car it would somehow fix it. I have no idea where I got that logic from…The worst part was that the steering wheel was leather and dark and when I would get in the car after it sat in the sun all day I literally could not touch the wheel. OUCH!
I went to college at Ohio University in the hills of appalachia. We got maybe 2 radio stations and one of them was the university station so if there was a game there was no music. My awesome Buick Park Avenue (Bart was his name) only played cds when he felt like it. He would spit them out and the letters ERR would show up. We would bang on the dash a bit and he usually would allow for the cd to be played again but when he didn’t that was a long drive home! When I bought my car, I got a 6 disc cd player. The joys of not having ERR’s every time I went on a trip were worth the additional cost!
Sleep is the best medicine, I swear. I’m still driving around my first car…7 years later lol. Volkswagen Jetta! Such a girly high school car 😛
My brother and I shared “our” first car: a 1993 purple Honda Accord. We called it “Purple Haze,” and we loved it. I still miss it!
White 1986 Ford Tempo. It was my brother’s and then I started paying him for it when he was in college and I was a senior in high school. Never got a chance to give him much money, though; idiot took the thing off-roading when he came home for Thanksgiving and made the tire axle break on me WHILE I WAS DRIVING. Losing control of a car is never fun, especially when you’re on a major roadway.
Julie how an earth can you just eat half a bagel? What did you do with the other half? 😀
I have to admit I almost always eat the first half while making my meal lol
I was lucky enough to have my parents get me a new car when I was 16 — a 2002 Jetta! Nothing too interesting ever happened with it since it was in good shape & I only drove it for about 4 years! Sometimes I wish I would have kept it & I’d be living a car payment free existence right now!
My first was a 1992 Toyota Corolla and it was named Lola. We had many adventures together, and yes,it was a total piece of crap especially after I was done with it.
For my first car, my parents actually leased one for me…but it was a Honda Accord 5-speed stick shift! I was 16 and not only learning to drive, but on a stick. There were a lot of tears, but once I got the hang of it, I loved driving it! Now I miss having a manual car.
My first car with a 2002 Pontiac Sunfire. I was lucky that my parents bought me a brand new first car. I kept the car for seven years. I got rid of it when it started to do some crazy things…pressing on the break would cause the car to accelerate…not good!
Haha, I love the part where you say “a swift smack on the dashboard,” that is too funny. My first car was a 2001 bug, and I had a little pink flower on my dashboard. I have soo many amazing memories in that car!
This was & is my first car too! I’ve named her Tequila as she’s a lime green color and she’s still kicking (although I just had to put $1,000 into her). I’ve had my bug since 2006 and every time we think about getting rid of her, we decide she can make it “one more year”.
Aww! I had a 2001 lime green bug too. Her name’s Sheila. Whatta fox. 😉 Tequilla’s such a cute name! My poor baby bug couldn’t handle my new commute (2+ hours per day) so we had to find her a new home. I still miss that car. 🙁
I actually have a fear of loose hubcaps!! When I see a car driving by with a rapidly spinning loose hubcap I’ve always imagined that it’ll come off and decapitate me! So I usually put my hand up to my head for protection. (Like that would work if it ever did happen!!) 🙂 I have a wild imagination.
No way!! I had a 93 Toyota Corolla!! I got it when I was 16, I am now 26 and my brother inherited it when he turned 16 and it is still going strong! He has it with him in college now, which is the same college I went to, so whenever he comes home, I always talk to the car, named Antoinette, and make sure she is enjoying being around the old stomping grounds. That doesn’t make me weird at all….. does it!? 🙂
Glad you’re feeling better!
My first car was a navy blue 1980 Buick Regal. My friends called it “The Regal Beagle.” The funny thing is that my husband’s first car was also a navy blue 1980 Buick Regal!
I love this! My first car was a 1996 green Toyota Camry. It’s still in our family and one of my younger brothers now drives it. I still miss that car! It drove so well and never had any issues.. So reliable! Funny story, one time my mom “bumped” into my Camry in the driveway, but never told me about it! The paint on the front bumper started to peel badly and I couldn’t ever figure out why! It wasn’t until I complained to my younger siblings that they told me that “Mom did it and told us not to tell”! It’s funny now but I was so mad! Oh, mother.
I love this post! My very first car (for six months) was also teal, an ’89 Honda Accord. You could “throw” the wheel to turn and it would just keep going, like a wheel on a ship. We called it The Little Honda That Could because I drove up a small hill to get to school and it would barely make it!
Breakfast looks yummy… 🙂
My first car was a 94 Pontiac Grad AM (I started driving in 2006)
A “funny” story about it is that it broke down on my high school graduation day while I was driving into the parking deck of location for graduation, and it was a spiraling ramp, I had no breaks and the steering went out and rolled back down the ramp and had to have some guys help me push the car off to the side so other people to get by…great way to start off graduation.
My first car was a white 1993 Toyota Previa. My friends and I lovingly called it “the bubble” and it lasted a couple years before the transmission stopped working in the middle of a busy 4 lane road with my two little sisters strapped in their carseats in the back!
Oh my gosh, my first car was a 1979 Dodge Aspen, with a trailor hitch! It was classic. 🙂
My first car was also the Toyota Corolla, but mine was a ’93. I laughed at your facts because all of yours were true for mine, except mine was named the Jet Ski by friends, because it would randomly decide to bounce for short periods of time while I was driving it.
My first car was a silver used 2004 BMW X5….My God I loved it! A gift from my parents 🙂
Im glad to hear youre feeling better. Sleep can do wonders. I also love cream cheese mixed with eggs, it tastes so good. My first car is still my current car, im 21 and can’t wait to get a job and hopefully a much better car after graduation! ;p
My dad was the same way about stickers. I put one on once and he scrapped it off!
haha! that’s funny~I find it so cute that it’s all the DADs who panic over the sticker stuff 😛
Haha-fun facts about your car. Love that the hubcaps just ‘randomly’ flew off. HAH.
My first car was a 98′ blue explorer and I LOVED it. I felt liked the coolest lady around in HS. It had a few stickers (LAX for lacrosse and a field hockey sticker as well). I shared it with my sis and we had more than a few fights about it…but we did pretty good.
So glad that you are feeling better- 9.5 hours of sleep sounds amazing and like something I hope to have this weekend! Omigosh, I can’t believe your laptop got stolen during finals… how horrible!! I actually still have my first car- a Ford Mustang and it’s been good to me! I just had my first problem with it, but it recovered well! My parents were that way too about the stickers but when I was in college I added my sorority sticker AND an Obama sticker- my conservative Dad didn’t like that, but I loved showing my support!
ahhh yyayyy! No more sore throat! I agree, rest is probably the best medicine for that kind of illness. And your breakfast looks delicious! Like you were at IHOP but healthier. 🙂
I have never thought about putting cream cheese in my eggs but cream cheese is one of my favorite foods so i may have to try it!
Oh, my first car…”The Volv”. 1991 Gold Volvo 240, a pure tank! I was so sad to stop driving it but once I had kids I didn’t want to be driving around in a 20 year old car. I still miss it every time I see one on the road!
That’s so cute!!! My first car was a black some piece of crap car that I cant remember the name of. Yet when I first got that car, it was the BEST THING EVER.
My first card was a Hyundai Accent that my parents got my sister and me to share. It was a little tiny thing!
I LOVE that your high school boyfriend slipped your car into neutral while you were in a neighborhood because that is the exact same thing my boyfriend used to do! We started dating when I was 16 and hadn’t been driving for too long so it freaked me out. Although admittedly, he must have done it on five different occasions throughout the years and I still panicked every time!
This is hilarious. I STILL drive my first car. Yes, at the age of 23. It’s a 1999 Chevy Cavalier and it runs great, has a working radio, four wheels that go round-and-round and AC/heater still works. Why not keep it?!
Okay, it looks awful (that damn missing hubcap), but it works and I’d rather spend my money on other things (like student loans, paying for a wedding someday, etc.). Gotta love old beat up cars!
My first car was a bright yellow Ford escape. I mean BRIGHT yellow. Yes, I selected the color on purpose. Everyone knew where I was alll the time haha. I finally traded it in after ten years – this was just last May! It was a great car – her name was Lolita.
Mine was a ’92 Jetta, teal. Oh how I hated & loved that car. It didn’t have heat or air the last 2 years of it’s life, and it had a leak, so it started smelling like mildew especially in the winter. Now that I have a new car, I appreciate it’s “little” luxuries (like air conditioning!) so much. I think it’s a rite of passage to have your first car be a beater.
My first car was a 1999 Volkswagon Jetta. I had always wanted a Jetta and on my 16th birthday my parents suprised me with it. The only accident I ever got in was a minor fender bender when I was practicing parallel parking between my parent’s cars, in my driveway BEFORE I GOT MY LICENSE. HAHA. There was a cop driving across the street and I refused to get out of my car for about 10 minutes because I thought he was going to come to my house.
My dad traded that car in about 9 months later for a newer Jetta. Only problem was it was standard… and I didn’t know how to drive it. I learned real fast 🙂
My first car was a 1999 Dodge Neon. Forest green, two door, manual EVERYTHING. When John Mayer’s song “Neon” came out the next year I officially dubbed that my car’s theme song. So many memories in that car!
I think it would have lasted forever, but unfortunately I was the middle car in a three car accident in 2006 and the whole under carriage crumpled like an accordion. 🙁 Even though it had a leaky gasket, perpetually squeaky brakes, one working speaker, and a CD player that would skip if you went over a speed bump, the insurance company gave me full blue-book value on it! And then I bought my Saturn VUE power EVERYTHING and love it!
I “inherited” a car after my mom got a new one when I was 18. It was a total piece of junk and I actually feel no nostalgia about it. Actually for any of my cars. They’ve all been giant pains with one problem after another. I think I’d feel more fond memories if they even worked most of the time! lol