On Saturday, our gang made our way into the city for our first Charlotte FC game! Charlotte FC is Charlotte’s major league soccer team (FC stands for “football club”) and it’s the team’s second season playing in Charlotte. For being such a new team, there was still a lot of energy and excitement surrounding the game against Atlanta United and as we got closer to the stadium, we saw blue and black everywhere as everyone came out sporting the team’s colors.
Since Ryan and the boys are all soccer-obsessed, when I saw Charlotte FC had only one noon game on their schedule for the season, I knew this was the game for us! (All other games for the season begin after 7 p.m. which is tough with a 2-year-old in the mix.) I think a lot of families had the same idea and it was so fun to see so many young fans out and about. We ran into a handful of friends which made the game even more fun!
The boys all got into the cheers and it was impossible not to get wrapped up in the energy of the game.
Truthfully, Ryan and I were not sure how the kids would do at the game despite their love of soccer. We figured we could always walk around the stadium and call it a day a little early if they weren’t into it but we didn’t need to worry a bit because they loved it!
Ryder and Chase were the most invested in the game because they obviously understood more about what was happening than Rhett but Rhetty Roo shocked all of us by really enjoying it! He cheered and clapped along with everyone else and seemed to love having Mom trapped in a seat all to himself. Haha!
The weather for the game was perfect — mid-50s and sunny — but inside the stadium it felt shockingly warm! I wore a parka and a beanie to the game but about halfway through I ended up in a tank top! I guess direct sun and not a ton of wind will heat things up a bit.
Unfortunately Charlotte FC didn’t score a single goal the entire game and lost 0-3. That bummed us out a bit but the boys all said they had a great time despite the loss so I’m sure we’ll be back next season (likely at another afternoon game — haha)!
Ice cream at Golden Cow Creamery after the game helped lift spirits after the loss as well!
By the time we made it home, we didn’t have too much of the day left and spent the rest of our Saturday hanging out around the house outside and then made our way in for movie night. The big kids cracked up at the movie Turbo (we streamed it from Netflix) and we all agreed it was a great choice for our weekly family movie night.
Sunday the time changed which made the whole day feel a little funky. Around 8 a.m. (aka 7 a.m.) I went into the big kids’ room to see what they were up to since they hadn’t ventured out of their room yet. I found them playing away and when I asked what they wanted to do on Sunday (we brainstormed a bunch of ideas with them on Saturday), Chase said, “JAMMIE DAY!” Ryder quickly jumped on board. When I told them that a “jammie day” means an “at home day” they were all about it since it was a wet and rainy day. Fine by us!
The only time we left the house on Sunday was to pick up groceries for the week ahead and we filled the rest of our Sunday with around-the-house fun and to-dos. I did some meal planning, sorted through some clothes I still had in boxes and organized some of the toys we still had boxed up from our move. I don’t have any pictures to show for our Sunday but it was the kind of day I think our whole crew needed to feel rested and prepared for the week ahead.
I hope you all had a great weekend and I hope to see ya back here again this week!
I got all caught up with Daisy Jones and the Six this weekend. Have you watched that yet? I like it a lot, although hearing the tunes to the songs are weird bc its sondifferent i imagined them. The did a great job with Honeycomb!
My son is 13 now, but he LOVED Turbo when he was young!
I’m not a huge fan of animated shows and I thought it was really good too. We still have lots of Turbo paraphernalia kicking around.